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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Thank you all SO much for your well wishes! I am headed over for my Neupogen shot, a quick(?????) stop at Wal-Mart and then we are ON OUR WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

    Hope to be there in time for dinner, lol!

    Have a wonderful week end and I wil "see" you all late Sunday night!

    God Bless you and watch over you all,


  2. Thank you Ray. I am sure this is something your son will always remember as being a special time with Dad. Prayers can and do work miracles and as my signature states "Prayer is the best medicine money CAN'T buy"!

    God Bless you,


  3. If you did a traditional chemo regime would you be eligible? I think thats the way I would go if possible. The chemo may work or at least keep things stable until the trial opened up more???

    Prayers of wisdom and healing being sent your way!

    God Bless,


  4. Jean passed away just a few minutes ago with family and friends surrounding her. Thank you all for helping to make her transition a loving one. She is at rest now in God's house and I will see her when it is my time.

    Thank you and God Bless you all,


  5. Prayers and good thoughts are headed that way. Tell her we are all rooting for her and want to see her smart aleck comments back here SOON!! I am afraid they may come steal some of the company TP to get her with!!!!!

    God Bless,


  6. In my company, as long as you have had continous coverage prior to coming on the plan, they will cover you. I am sure each company is different but I would ask the HR dept to go over every thing before making the move. You may be able to go on his policy now and make a move at a later time? I hate the thought of being wothout insurance! Scares me worse than cancer did!!!

    Prayers and best wishes being sent your way!

    God Bless,


  7. Cathy,

    I was so sorry to hear that the current chemo is not doing what was expected. I am glad that there are still options open however and maybe this one will do the trick. Prayers and good wishes headed your way!

    God Bless,


  8. Prayers of healing being sent her way along with the hope that she gets to have some fishing time REAL soon! Nothing better than sitting on the dock with your toes in the water, taking in nature and maybe even catching a fish now and then!!

    God Bless,


  9. Thank you all so very much for your prayers. Jean made it through the night and her son (who is in prison) was brought down to be able to say good bye to her. I have no doubt that you all played a part in that and I do thank you!

    God Bless each of you!


  10. Wonderful news! I am so glad she was able to make the trip and will be getting her training. I am sure the folks she will be working with will come to love her as we do! Lucie has been an inspiration to so many of us!

    God Bless,


  11. Friends,

    I am asking for prayers for a workmate / friend of mine. She had surgery on Thursday to correct a heart problem, had some veins removed from her legs to do it and it appears they SCREWED UP and she is not expected to live the night. She has not resumed any blood flow to her legs so they had talked about amputation but it even appears it is to late for that. Right now they have her on oxygen. Her kidneys have stopped production and it does not look good. Thank you all and I am sure her family would thank you also.

    God Bless,


  12. OKDeb, You can stop by Missouri and pick me up on your way to MI. We have cases of TP here at work and I am SURE they wouldn't miss one or two 8) !! I have also noticed that I have a lot of black, gray and navy in my wardrobe and am making great strides to change that for spring :D ! I just got a refund check from my DOCTOR and I am going to spend it on a new, spring outfit!!

    God Bless,


  13. I am taking a very short trip to Hot Springs, AR next Friday with my family and wondered if there is anyone in that area I could stop and say hello to? We are going down to see 2 of my brothers and their families for the week end and going to see a race at the horse track! I will bet $1 for lchelp and see how we do!!

    Off line from Friday - late Sunday.

    God Bless,


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