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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. They just found my liver mets yesterday so I have just started to deal with it BUT I am a fighter and WILL win this battle also. Tell your Mom I would be happy to go through this with her!

    Prayers and good wishes sent her way!

    God Bless,


  2. Thank you all so very much for your concern and prayers. You all have made this journey SO much easier to deal with !!!

    Yesterdays CT scan showed 4 spots on my liver which is what they decide to biopsy since a liver biopsy is easier than a lymph node in the neck. The results will be back on Monday but we are still planning chemo starting Tuesday. Good news is that with the drugs they gave me yesterday I actually got a good night sleep last night!!

    God Bless each of you!


  3. Thank you all for the replies. I really don't mind not having someone special to share things with. I did have 23 years of marriage to a good man and because of that I have 2 wonderful kids and the most perfect Grandson every created (yeah, yeah I know YOURS are perfect too).

    God has blessed me in many ways and this disease is just a speed bump on the journey of life.

    God Bless you all,


  4. Last week I was ALL excited that I didn't have to go back to the Dr. for 8 weeks! Well, that turned in to 7 days real fast! Last night as I was taking a shower I noticed a "lump" on the right side of my neck. I went in to the Dr. today and he feels it is a lymph node that has gone NUTS. I go in first thing in the morning for a CT and a biopsy but he has already got me set to start chemo on Tuesday. He will be using Topotecan this time.

    I would appreciate any and all prayers you might have. I ain't ready to give up just yet!!!

    If all goes well I am STILL going to Omaha on Tuesday!!!

    God Bless you all,


  5. Boy, it was just the first of January that we hit 800 users and today, with the addition on Dollfan19 we hit 900!

    This is such an amazing place for folks to come. Thanks again Rick, Katie and Estera for providing it.

    God Bless,


  6. We MAY see the 60's here for the next couple of days. All I need is some SUNSHINE and and hour outside (above 50) and I will make it till April!!

    I will be happy to share anything we get!

    God Bless,


  7. I have to get this out in the open because I am suffering from a HUGE case of envy. Envy for all the wonderful couples here, Don and Lucie, Rick and Katie, David and Gay...............all those who have a loving partner to help them through. I hope you all know how DAMN lucky you are to be able to "share" this disease with someone who loves you. I thought when I got my diagnosis that I was glad I didn't have to deal with someone elses feelings. I could do what I needed to for me and be done with it. The down side of that is I HAD to deal with what I needed to do because I had no one to share it with. I am not looking for pity really. I am just trying in my own inept way of telling you that you should make the MOST of the time you have together because being alone and dealing with this SUC**!

    God Bless You all,


  8. Don,

    Sounds like it all came together to provide a very special week end for you and Lucie. I am so happy that you have been able to spend such a wonderful time with your family.

    Best wishes for many, many more special memories.

    God Bless,


  9. I am just now getting back to eating since treatment. I have found that "Comfort Foods" are what I want the most of. Meatloaf, pork chops, turkey..............all the things my Mom made when I was a child. I have been eating a lot of soup and "soft" things also.

    Good Luck.

    God Bless,


  10. I was given Ethyol when I received radiation to try and diminish the effect on my esophogus. It made me so SICK I couldn't stop throwing up all day. We tried it once more to see if that what caused it (or if I had a touch of the flu) and it was the ethyol.

    Some folks that were using it at the same time swear by it so I think it is one of those that effects everyone differently.

    Good Luck and best wishes.

    God Bless,


  11. I am sorry you are in such a situation. You have to do what will be best for you and your health and that is something only you can decide.

    Prayers for God's guidance.

    God Bless,


  12. My family and I lived in Las Vegas, NV for 10 years and one winter we got about 2 1/2 inches of snow. I took the kids outside and we made a snow man with every snowflake in our yard and 2 of the neighbors yards. We went in the house for lunch and a truck with 3 or 4 people in it came by and the people STOLE our snowman!!!!! How do you report THAT to the police???

    God Bless,


  13. (((((Karen))))).

    Thank you for the site and also for the "Ufda", lol. My Grandmother was full Norwegian, moved to MN when she was a young girl and ALWAYS said Ufda! It's funny how a little word like that can bring back years of memories.

    God Bless,


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