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Everything posted by Flyman35

  1. Flyman35


    Congratulations Lilly!! That is good news!! Denise
  2. Good Morning All. Well we had a little company meeting and there will be no more layoffs. YEAH!! We will go to a 4 day work week. YEAH!!!! We will work 4 8 hour days not 4 10 hour days. BOO!!!! Damned economy!! I am still waiting for the doc to call me to set up my MRI. Viv went this morning for another colposcopy as that is the best they can do until after the baby is born. Tom is sitting at home waiting for more O2 tank's and nebulizer medicineto be delivered. It is currently 51 here in Itasca. It's a great day!! Denise
  3. Thanks ladies. Now I have a funny picture in my mind of all of you twisted up like pretzel's for me. What a site!! Denise
  4. I would ten to think pleural effusion as well. I hope they can get it fixed fast ans that he is on the mend soon. Prayers and positive though coming your's and pop-pop's way. Denise
  5. So there are no warm tropical waters or white sand beaches on my island. I was in ultrasound for a good 45 minutes. The tech went out to get a senior tech to take a look and they they were doing a lot of pointing at the screen. Then they both left and said the doc was going to take a look at everything and the first tech said she would be right back. When she returned she said they are recommending I have an MRI. So now I sit and wait for them to put the order and referral together for the MRI and then central scheduling is supposed to call me to set up the appt. We will find out Tom's results on Monday. Keeping it crossed y'all. Denise
  6. Okay, so get this. I have an island in my boob. What??!! I stopped by the hospital to get copies of the reports before I go for the ultrasound tomorrow. I wanted to know what it had to say so we are on the same page. "Benign Finding" The breast tissue is heterogeneuosly dense which can limit the sensitivity of mammography. The focal discomfort in the right upper outer quadrant was marked. There is an island of benign-appearing asymetric breast tissue in the right upper outer quadrant which is stable since 2005. Assessment: BI-RADS 2-Benign Clinical correlation is recommended regarding right sided breast discomfort. Consider targeted right breast ultrasound for further assessment if clinically indicated. So tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. I will have the ultrasound. What has me a bit confused is that I have been having yearly mams since I was 35 and I am now 45. The report says "stable since 2005". That's only 4 years and I only skipped last year. What about the other years? Did this suddenly appear and nobody said anything because it "appeared" benign? Now granted I have had no problems or pain up until about 5 months ago but I will need to have that question answered tomorrow. I am going with Tom for his CT at 6:30 a.m. then we will go for breakfast across from the hospital and then I will go for my ultrasound and go off to work all by 10 a.m. or so I hope. Denise
  7. After leaving a message on Friday I just now heard back from the hospital regarding my mammogram results. We went ahead and kept the appt for tomorrow just in case. Well now it is just in case time. They will not be doing a diagnostic mammogram just the ultrasound part. So maybe now we are getting somewhere. PLease keep your fingers crossed everybody. Denise
  8. I would by 100 tickets for the Mega Millions jackpot which is up to $212 million. Upon winning I would take the lump sum and donate 1 million dollars to LUNGevity. Then I would fly all my LCSC friends to a warm tropical place for a reunion for a week of get to know you face to face. Now is that to much to ask? Denise
  9. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RY!! Enjoy your special day!!! Denise
  10. Back home and feeling good. That's what we like to hear!! Denise
  11. Prayers for your pop-pop that he is feeling better soon and can resume treatment. Denise
  12. Coming back from Florida about 7 years ago I had a connecting flight in Atlanta. That night they had a snow storm (5 inches or so). Shut the airport down it did. They put me up at the Westin free of charge. It was a beautiful room but I was alone with no luggage. Not even a toothbrush. Tom was driving back home with the girls and he had my luggage so I wouldn't have to check it. When I called him that afternoon to say my flight was further delayed he was coming through Atlanta. I hopped in the car and we drove home. Never did get on the plane. Ahhh!!! Memories. Denise
  13. (((((Sue))))) May the day pass gently for you. Denise
  14. ((((Randy)))) Many prayers and positive thoughts going up for Tamara and her dad. Denise
  15. Cheesburgers and french fries. The greasier the better. YUM!!
  16. Geez Lynn, you sure do have a tale of your own as well. This is totally unacceptable. Denise
  17. Judy - I absolutely hate, hate, hate my new do. I kept trying to work with it leaving it curly or making it straight and it just never looks right. Then I finally realized that it was because one side is about an inch longer than the other. I went to one of those ala carte places. When I left there I was a frizzy mess because they don't actually style your hair for you so I did not notice it at the time. So now I have to go get it fixed and when I get it right I will post a new pic. Denise
  18. OH MY GOD, WHAT A FREAKIN NIGHTMARE!!! So I went for the squoosh and I was all checked in, gown on and in the room. The nurse is going over my history and any problems I was experiencing. I tell her abou the pain on the right side and it is in one spot most of the time and that the doc said it felt fibrous. She say that I should be having a diagnostic mam instead of a screening. she goes out to confer with the reading radiologist and they concur. Nurse calls the gyn's office and gets a new order faxed over and they reschedule me to March 4th because they don't do diagnostic imaging in the afternoon. The new order comes over the fax while I was still there but the new referral was not with it. I tell nurse that I will go upstairs and get it and bring it with me on the 4th. I talk with the nurse upstairs who talks to the gyn and the gyn says that he want's me to have the screening first and then if anything shows up we will do a diagnostic and I walk away with no new referral. Now why would they fax a new order but not give me a new referral to go with it? I go back downstairs and tell them and the nurse disappears for about 10 minutes and comes back and says they will do the scan now. So I had the squoosh afterall but the reading radiologist had left for the day already and I will have to wait til tomorrow for him to look at them and they will call if they need more views. I was very frustrated so of course I had to stop for the ice cream that Becky and Patti said I should have and then I came home and made steak for dinner with a nice green salad, baby sweet peas and cheesy garlic bread. YUMMMM!!!! I feel better now but my lord could things get any more complicated? Denise
  19. On this same issue of women's health. Viv just had her follow up pap for the HPV and it came back still bad and they say she needs further testing. Seeing as how she is 7+ months pregnant there is not much they can do with the cervix. They can't do biopsies until after the baby is born but they want to do another colposcopy which is the scraping of the cells. I'm not sure how that one works while being pregnant. Denise
  20. The gyn asked me about the caffeine. I only drink about 3-4 cups of coffee a week NOT A DAY. Caffeine is not a big issue for me.I have been having annual squishies since I was 35 although I skipped last year. I put myself on the side burner and just dealt with Tom. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer about 4 years ago and had a lumpectomy with radiation. No chemo. I also stayed with her and emptied and measured the drain outputs. She had a new cluster of cells that they are watching. Denise
  21. Well I went to the gynie yesterday and during the breast exam on the right side he said I felt "fibrous". Not to be confused with fabulous. Now I have felt some intermittent pain on that side for some time but brushed it off as nothing as I am want to do. He is sending me for a mammogram today at 2:30 p.m. Now have any of you members that have had breast issues or cancer ever had anything "fibrous" turn out to be anything other than fibrous? I am wondering if the steroids in the advair and inhalers can have any effect on tissue and glands. On another note Tom saw his primary doc yesterday and had a good follow up. He just keeps plugging along. Denise
  22. WOO HOOOO!!! That is fabulous news Becky!!! Congrats Denise
  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MOOOOOMMM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! And many, many more. I'm looking forward to you celebrating that big 80!!! YOU ROCK!! Enjoy your special day. Denise
  24. Thanks ladies. i had a rather enjoyable few days. I decided to treat myself to a haircut on Saturday afternoon. I went to a place I have never been before wher everything is basically ala carte. All I am going to say about it is. It's hair and it will grow back. Saturday night we went to dinner at Chili's with friends and had a great time. Sunday morning Viv and I met those same friends for breakfast and then went to Walmart and Target and got Viv all registered for her baby shower on March 28th. Martha got her a crib and its all set up already. Viv just couldn't wait. Only 9 more weeks to go. I'm getting more excited as the days go by. Sunday afternoon Tom and I went for a long drive and found a far away place to go eat dinner. It was some nice alone time even though most of the time was spent driving. Then today Tom and I went to the opthamologist and when we got back Viv and I went out to do more shopping and looking. We got invites for the shower and have them all ready to mail out. It may not sound very restful and it wasn't but I did enjoy myself. Back to the grind in the morning so I suppose I should get some shut eye. Denise
  25. (((((Linda))))) I just don't know what to say. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you peace and comfort in the days ahead. I am so glad you went on that cruise. Denise
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