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Everything posted by deb10653

  1. I am so sorry to hear of your situation, hope you can find more assistance, sounds like you are taking on an awful lot at this stage. My prayers are with you and your family! Deb
  2. So sorry to hear this and thankful that he got his treatment and arrived home okay. Dave had a bad experience with a male nurse while in the hospital a month back or so, my husband who tolerates everything usually, was upset enough he brought it up to the head nurse! They need to know about things that happen or nothing will change, as someone that was in management I know that if you don't hear about it, well it doesn't get corrected! I sure hope Tom gets to feeling better! Deb
  3. Great news Shannon and enjoy being a first time mom! Deb
  4. We were told to immediately contact Cancer Center if temp was over 100.5 at any time after the chemo within a week of having it, my husband ended up in the hospital with a 100.6 temp and it was E.Coli...lucky we called. Better to be safe than sorry, I would call and report the temp, the Tylenol is really keeping you from having a true reading of your temp. Hope it goes well. Deb
  5. Welcome and I'm sorry I can't answer your question but hopefully you will find out all the answers when you meet with your doctor, the waiting is the worst part of all of this it seems. Family...it is an interesting subject for all of us I think, but if ever my six brothers and sisters decided to plan my life or my mother's without including me...well those are fighting words I'm afraid! Be honest with them and just have them make no plans until you know what is going on, hard but the best plan for all I think. There are really great people here to listen, answer or just be here! Deb
  6. What an interesting can of worms were opened, I can agree with almost all of the posts...we all handle this differently just as the cancer handles each "victim" differently. As couples especially we adjust to what is known about each other and what may seem inproper to others may not be to those doing it. How wonderful to have a place to vent and say what you need to say.... Deb
  7. Gail I am so happy to hear that and I hope the recovery is swift now that he is home and you can get back to the scheduled treatments! Having them home is just so much nicer if they are well or on the mend! Deb
  8. Hi Gail, I am hoping that Hank's mood has improved and that the two of you are in a better mental place now. I envy you that the two of you can "talk" about this situation, so far Dave seems to not want to and I know him well enough to not push too hard. The ups and downs are very hard to take but all we can do is the best we can and hold on to the hope. When in the hospital and those first few days home Dave's attitude was the worst it has been, he was so weak and really felt defeated I think...slowly I would make a big deal out of little improvements and his mood improved, now the week after chemo he is very grouchy and difficult but still fighting! You hang in there and keep making him laugh... Deb
  9. deb10653

    She's leaving us

    I am so sorry to read this, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. This damn disease! Deb
  10. I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this all alone, I know it is tough since I also am dealing with this as the only caregiver. Just try to do the best you can and try to find some little pieces of time for yourself also, worrying about the "what ifs" is natural I think and I try to push them aside but they are there. Keep trying to get some other family members to learn about what is happening and to understand that you can not always be there, I pray one of them will understand and join you in your caregiving. Please keep us informed on how you are doing... this is a great place to share your feelings and situation, I am rather new but from what I can see nothing is really "new" to the great people here and their support is invaluable! Deb
  11. Larry it sounds like your father has been diagnosed with the same cancer as my husband and the bone mets and pain that accompany them are really a quality of life issue. My husband just had his third round of Carboplatin/Taxol/Avastin and Zometa with his 2nd chemo...so far inconclusive results so I am anticiapating other treatment also. The Grace site that Ned mentioned addresses 2nd line treatment fairly well and at least familiarizes you with the names and the differences. Good Luck and I will watch for your updates, I totally understand wanting to do anything to prolong this journey for our loved ones as long as they have good quality of life! Deb
  12. What a terrible experience, am glad you are doing fine now. Look around and be inspired by all the good news here, it is a great place to just Vent at the injustice of this disease! Deb
  13. As they say don't believe everything you read! The people on this site are really great and letting you see the true "survivor" story so read and always hang on to that hope! Deb
  14. Good Luck with this Denise, I have no experience with brain mets but know several people that have had radiation and there was a "dry run" but in my mom's case with breast cancer they did the real run the same day...everyone is differnt. Deb
  15. Hi Gail, am so sorry to hear that the SOB has gotten so much worse, that Sunday trip just sounded so good for the two of you. The hospital is a good place for him right now and I pray they find a solution but you take care of you now while he is getting such great care. Do not give up, you need those positive thoughts for yourself and for Hank. My prayers and thoughts are with you and I will look for your update... Deb
  16. How great, I hope they find a solution to the eye problem but meanwhile celebrate this good news!! With this disease any good news is more than reason to celebrate! Deb
  17. deb10653

    She's leaving us

    So sorry Gracie but continue to hope and I hope you sister continues to fight anyway she can. Doctors/medicine can do amazing things to try to not give up, my thoughts are with you and your entire family. Deb
  18. Today we had the appointement with the oncologist to hear the report on the CT Scan taken last week after two rounds of Carbo/Taxol/Avastin and one Zometa. Well reading the report, all bone mets have increased and there are more in his ribs but doctor had a different take on it. He showed us Dave's large tumor on his right shoulder (scapula) and the "before" scan and "new" scan, the original tumor is round and dark in color, the new scan shows it as figure eight shaped and all but edges are gray in color. His feeling is that perhaps the chemo is working internally and that the change in appearance may be due to that so to keep up two more rounds of the same chemo and then a new scan before we change treatment. He feels unless the pain has changed drastically and increased in intensity that the scan may not show the true picture of bone mets. I trust him at this point but am so scared that we are wasting these six to nine weeks as we do the same chemo, if all but the original lung tumor and the lymph glands are increased, doesn't that mean it didn't work? I have not shared these thoughts with Dave obviously but am so scared and my gut is just not totally comfortable with this report. Any thoughts or experiences with this chemo working after four and not after two rounds??? Sorry I know this is really an individual disease, just thinking out loud I guess and need to voice my fears somewhere I guess. Deb
  19. Thank God not in that situation but know it must be very overwhelming, especially with parents and you being the main caregiver. Please try to take care of yourself also and my thoughts and prayers are with you! Deb
  20. Denise, all of us understand days like you are having. They are necessary so don't feel bad and get it all out! Deb
  21. That is really great Gail, I wish you would have won! Deb
  22. I am so sorry for your loss, I lost my dad at 66 to staph infection and 19 years later I miss him every day but I know that he is with me every day also. I hope you find some comfort in the good memories of his time shared with you as you grew up and as an adult. My prayers are with you. Deb
  23. Lynn, I am so glad you found this place and you voiced many things that are very similar to my thoughts at times and I have hardly started this journey! My husband has had to give up driving due to large bone met in right shoulder, first he refused to believe it but he has slowly realized it is for the best, I hope Larry does also. Stubborn as Ned says...must be in the male gene! Hang on to that rope and know that many are with you! Deb
  24. Gracie, take a deep breath and think positive... I know easy to say but you don't have the whole story yet so wait until you know. They are trying to make her comfortable and that is important, will be thinking of you and hoping for the best. I have three sisters and already lost another so know how you must be feeling, hang in there! Deb
  25. Welcome and it sound like Larry also is a strong one, to go through what he has and still be fighting is an amazing feat and I 'm sure your strength has helped. I agree that having this place to share thoughts and know that someone else has kind of been in your shoes is very valuable! Welcome and vent, inquire, question...whatever you need to do, someone here will answer. Deb
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