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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. It was 43 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high for today is 82. That's almost 40 degrees difference, and makes clothing selection for riding a bit difficult.

    One of my coworkers in the maintenance department quit yesterday. That's the third one in less than a month. Guess I'm not the only one who can't stand this place......LOL.

    Have a great day, all!

  2. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 45 degrees when I got up this morning. Forecast high is 77.

    I drove to work this morning, so I could drive my self to this morning's appointment with my primary care doctor. It was time for my 4,000 mile (six month) checkup.

    Yes, Katie, we're having some beautiful days right now. Sorry your week didn't get off to a great start. Some people are bound to disappoint, no matter what we do.

    A sock hop sounds fun, Ann. Hope you get a good turnout. Sounds like a very nice trip, Stephanie. Good luck with the scans, KW Judy! Late Happy Birthday, Becky!

    Have a great day, all!

  3. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 49 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 74.

    Good to hear from you, KW Judy. Glad you enjoyed the reunion. Not much going on here, it's just another day in the dungeon.

    Have a great day, all!

  4. Good afternoon, everyone!

    Both mornings this weekend were in the low 50's, and they're saying it will be 45 degrees in the morning. I need to go find my cool weather riding clothes. It's just 66 degrees outside right now, and plainly isn't going to make the 70's like the weatherman said.

    I did a 49 mile ride from home yesterday morning, then tinkered with my jig molds in the afternoon. This morning, I got up and went crappie fishing. As so often seems to happen in the fall, I didn't catch nearly as many as I usually do in the spring and summer, but most of what I did catch was bigger than usual. I just kept 8 fish, but 7 of those were 12" or longer, very nice size for crappie.

    MI Judy, bicycle mileage is relative. I had friends who raced in The Texas Time Trials last weekend and rode 500 miles in just a little over 30 hours. One actually did it in less than 30 hours. Compared to that, my 723 miles for the whole month doesn't seem like that much. Hope you're enjoying Art Prize.

    Wow, Donny, I didn't realize you needed oxygen all the time. You'd think they'd put a buzzer on that concentrator to let you know if it lost power. That's got to be pretty scary when you're depending on it.

    Great job of pressing the point about the lung cancer funding shortfall, Eric. It sounds like you have more people making that point now, and that has to help.

    Have a great day, all!

  5. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 59 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 83.

    It's October! I ended up with 723 miles on the bike in September, not a big mileage month, but it keeps me on a pace to make my mileage goal for the year.

    The website and online store for my fishing tackle is up and running now. Stop by and let me know what you think. It's at: http://www.spinnerbaker.com/

    Wow, it's quiet in here! Have a great day, all!

  6. I agree about the signature. I started out with "former cigar smoker" in mine, but edited it out. We know that both smokers and non-smokers get lung cancer and we don't care which you are. As Katie likes to say, we are cause agnostic.

    Good luck with your chemo and radiation.

  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 55 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 86.

    Yesterday's ride home from work came up 3 1/2 miles short. I had a blowout on the rear tire that was not repairable, and called Rose to come get me.

    I knew these tires needed replaced, and had ordered new ones. I had close to 4,000 miles on them, most of that the heavy duty use that my commuting is. That's great wear for road bicycle tires. I usually carry a spare tire, but had neglected to put it back in the bag the last time I emptied it, obviously the wrong time to do that.

    It's been just short of a year since I started commuting by bike, 151 rides to work, and this was the first time I had to call for a rescue, so I'm thinking that's not too bad. Of course, when I got home, the new tires had arrived. What's that old saying, a day late and a dollar short?

    Mike, no scans for me next week, just a six month checkup with my regular doctor. I'm on yearly scans now. And six month checkups with my regular doctor and yearly scans sounds just fine with me. I hope that's all the doctor visits I have to make for a long time.

    KW Judy, those gps's are great when they work, but they do mess up sometimes. It had been 20 years since I'd been to my friend's house near Shawnee that I visited last week, so I used my gps, and it was trying to send me in a completely wrong direction. Thankfully, I had looked at google maps before I left for Oklahoma, and was able to find my way with no wrong turns, in spite of the gps.

    MI Judy, glad you're feeling better. Consusssions are definitely something not to be taken lightly.

    Have a great day, all!

  8. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 55 degrees as I rode to work today. Forecast high is 84. No rain in the forecast for at least a week.

    Good luck with chemo and scans next week, KW Judy. I have my six month checkup with my regular doctor next week. That's been my only visits with him for a while. It sure is great to hear, "See you in six months" at the end of a visit. I could get used to that.

    Have a great day, all!

  9. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 50 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 83.

    Donny, I won't be able to listen to the music until I get home.

    I researched the Camp Lejeune water pollution a bit more last night. It seems the TCE contamination likely goes back further than the PCE, and they were in different wells, providing water to different on-base housing. I don't know which housing we lived in.

    It's pretty much academic, anyway. Since I'm not disabled, I would be unlikely to ever get anything out of it. Still, it makes me curious. I spent so much of my childhood with bronchitis and had pneumonia at 15 and 21 years old, before finally not having lung issues for many years. My parents were smokers, but it makes me wonder if some of my issues might have come from this.

    Have a great day, all!

  10. It was 52 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 75. It was the first time since this spring that I wore long sleeves on my ride to work.

    I had a good visit with my sister in Oklahoma City and my friend near Shawnee. My sister had some interesting information for me about the Camp Lejeune water pollution story. The government says the contaminated drinking water happened between 1957 and 1987, but it turns out that the dry cleaner who was dumping PCE in the water started operations in 1954, and the fuel farm which leaked benzene into the ground was built in 1941.

    This matters to my sister and I because in 1954, my father was in the Marines and stationed at Camp Lejuene. My mother, sister, and I lived with him in the on base housing, and bathed with and drank that water. Both PCE and benzene are carcinogens, and another of the pollutants in the water there, TCE, is known to cause a laundry list of ailments. The last thing on the list I looked at was.............. you guessed it, lung cancer. I may need to research more.

    Have a great day, all!

  11. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 69 degrees at dark-thirty this morning as I rolled out of my driveway. I had intentions of riding 50 miles, but the rain that's been hovering just north and west of us moved in too early for that. I cut off the route and arrived home after 30 miles, soaked to the gills.

    Donny, I meant to respond to your post where you said you worry too much when you can't breathe. I'm thinking that there's no such thing as worrying too much when you can't breathe. I hope the doctors can get a better handle on it.

    LOL, Ann, that's a great quote: "NORMAL is just another setting on my washer and dryer." I may use that. But, the Sunday night premiere that I'm most interested in is the new season of Dexter......LOL.

    Eric, that sounds like a great conference and a grand adventure, and it sounds like you fit in events like that much better than I ever would. Keep advocating for us!

    Rose is coming home early from work today, and we're driving to Oklahoma City to visit my sister. Then, tomorrow morning, we'll leave and drive to near Shawnee to visit Ronnie and Pam. Ronnie was my best friend for years back when I lived in Oklahoma, and the only time I've seen him in recent years was early last year, visiting his twin brother, four days before he died of melanoma. It will be nice to visit under better circumstances.

    Have a great weekend, all!

  12. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 75 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 89. There's a large line of storms just to our west, but they hardly seem to be moving now, so I don't know if they'll get here or not.

    KW Judy, Pixie hurt her hind leg 8 days ago, and still won't walk on it. Neither we nor the vet found anything broken, but whatever it is, it's obviously taking a while to heal. Glad you're feeling better.

    Sorry to hear that you're on antibiotics again, Stephanie. I really don't like those. Ann, I hated the politics when I was an officer in a bass club. It's the same with any social organization, I guess.

    Have a great day, all!

  13. Good morning, everyone! It was 71 degrees as I rode to work today. Forecast high is 89.

    Cute photos, MI Judy! Pixie has finally gotten back to her playful self, though she's still hobbling.

    KW Judy, I forgot to answer when you asked about my website. The basic look is done, but I'm still working on details, and the business isn't quite ready to go, so the website still isn't online.

    Have a great day, all!

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