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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 39 degrees with a 20 mph northwest wind as I rode to work this morning, a bit chilly. It's 35 degrees now, but it's supposed to get up to 52.

    Sorry to hear you're having such bad weather, Eric. I hope we don't get much of that here this year. When you first mentioned the snow, I thought you were going to tell us about how you walked miles in the snow to work, uphill both ways. That's the way my father did it back in his school days, according to the stories he tells.

    Bruce, most of the year I mainly use the jigs I make to crappie fish, but in winter, I often buy minnows, or throw a castnet for shad. It's a tougher bite in the winter, and live bait seems to do a lot better on some days.

    MI Judy, I can't recommend working for pay so much. If I'm going to keep on doing it, I've got to find something easier.

    Enjoy your down time, KW Judy. You've definitely earned it. Have a great day, all!

  2. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 63 degrees with rain when I got up this morning. A check of the weather radar showed that the shower would soon be gone, so I went ahead and got ready and rode to work. By the time I left home, the streets were still wet, but the rain had stopped. Forecast high here for today is 71, getting windy this afternoon as a front comes in.

    Saturday, I made a trip to my winter fishing spot on the Brazos River above Lake Whitney. It's as scenic as ever, but it was a double disappointment. Not only are my crappie not there yet, but looking at the pecan trees, it's plain that they don't have anywhere near as many pecans as last year. I'd heard a couple of people say it wasn't going to be a good pecan year, and looking at those trees seems to bear that out.

    I only caught a couple of crappie Sunday at Granbury. I'm glad the freezer is well stocked; it looks like I may not be bringing much fish home for a few weeks.

    Dawn, great to hear from you. How are you doing? I hope they put a copy of your video online, Eric. I'm sure we'd all love to see it. I'm glad you enjoy Christmas shopping, Libby. Do mine for me, please......LOL. Glad you're still spasm free, MI Judy. That sounds pretty life changing.

    Have a great day, all!

  3. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 29 degrees when I got up yesterday morning. It got up to 51 degrees in the afternoon, with a brisk north wind all day. I stayed around the house most of the day, getting out and riding 43 miles in the afternoon after it warmed up.

    It's 25 degrees outside now. Forecast high is 64. I'm thinking I'll go fishing today, but I'm going to wait a couple of hours for it to warm up before I go.

    Bruce, enjoy your son's ceremony today. I'm sure he's excited. Have a great day, all!

  4. Hello and welcome. Yes, being informed and advocating for yourself is very important.

    All of us survivors know the feeling of thinking the cancer has returned every time we get a pain. It's gotten less so for me in the three years since my surgery, but I suspect it never goes away completely.

    Connecting with others who are going through the same things seems to help a lot sometimes, so keep us updated, and don't hesitate to ask anything or let us know what's on your mind.

  5. Good morning, everyone!

    We're not having our Thanksgiving feast until early this afternoon, so I wanted to get in a few miles on the bike this morning before the cold front and rain arrived. It was 70 degrees when I let the dogs out at 6:00 am. weather.com showed the front getting here at 8:00 and the rain around 10:00, so I figured I'd just leave at 7:00 and ride north until I met the front, then ride back with it.

    Of course, the front came in shortly after 6:00, and by the time I opened the garage door to leave at 7:00, it was 48 degrees. The temperature had fallen 22 degrees in one hour. By the time I had ridden 6 miles, a steady light rain was falling. I settled for 26 miles. By the time I got back home, just before 10:00, it was 41 degrees. So much for the shorts and short sleeves I wore to ride all week.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

  6. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 71 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 83. This will probably be the last day of shorts and short sleeves as a cold front is supposed to roll in tomorrow morning and drop the temperature to near freezing by tomorrow night. The south wind was already strong as I rode to work, and it's supposed to be blowing even harder this afternoon. With gusts over 30 mph, I may not be too happy with my decision to ride today, when it comes time to ride home.

    We're having our Thanksgiving gathering at our house. Our daughters, Rose's sister and her daughter, as well as boyfriends, are coming over. We don't have a formal dining area in our new smaller place like our old house did, so one of our dining tables is long gone. One of our daughters brought over a card table for a second table.

    I hope your cow makes it back home today, Bruce, and that things settle down on the farm.

    Today is this week's version of Friday for me, so the countdown to my weekend is under 6 1/2 hours now. Have a great day all! And, in case I don't make it in tomorrow morning, have a great Thanksgiving!

  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 64 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high it 82.

    Bruce, I've heard of fighting like cats and dogs, but not like cows and llamas. Eric, you do realize that you can just go back and modify a post, don't you? That's what I do when I see that I've made a typo. If you catch it pretty quickly, you can edit, and hardly anyone's the wiser.

    Not much happening here, today. Have a great day, all!

  8. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 68 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Today was my 150th ride to work this year. Forecast high is 78. The fierce south wind was a great tailwind this morning, but it will be tough to ride against this afternoon.

    Here it is the end of November, and I rode in today wearing shorts and short sleeves. I was in short sleeves all day on the lake yesterday, too. And that's two days after using my handlebar mitts because it was in the 30's. We get a lot of weather changes here this time of year. And just in time for the holidays, our first freeze is supposed to be Thursday night.

    You didn't miss the avatar, Judy. I hadn't changed it yet when I made that post. I had a few minutes before dinner last night, so I resized and made a quick change here and on facebook. I'm on stage, wearing my LUNGevity t-shirt. That's probably a better avatar for here than my funny looking bike.

    I hope the rash doesn't get any worse, Judy. Have a great day, all!

  9. Good afternoon, everyone!

    It was 52 degrees when I took off on my bike this morning. It looks like the high will be 71. There's been a strong south wind all day, and the humidity is high enough that I wheezed more than usual on my ride today.

    I took off to explore and find a good route from home to the main east-west multi use path through Fort Worth, the Trinity Trail. I had laid out a route on bikely, but you never know for sure about google maps streets and paths until you try them.

    The first part of my route was my commute route, then at around eleven and a half miles, I hit the Foster Park path, and followed that to Trinity Trail. I then rode southwest to Benbrook, and back. I ended up with just over 51 miles.

    As is usual with multi use paths around here, there were too many trail zombies (cyclist name for path pedestrians who walk slowly, seemingly aimlessly, in all directions) for me to make this a regular route, but it was fun, different from what I usually ride, and showed me how to reach the Trinity.

    Bruce, I hope your doctor visit went well. I can testify to the fact that back pain is no fun at all. Big surprise, I think I'm going fishing tomorrow. Have a great weekend, all!

  10. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 38 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 69.

    Bruce, it's ATV handlebar mitts that I have on my bike. I shortened them a bit to make them work well on the very short handlebar on my bike. If this afternoon is really 69 degrees, I'll take off the mitts before I head home. This is the time of year when I can end up hauling a lot of the morning's clothes back in the afternoon.

    It's 6 1/2 more hours until my weekend starts. Have a great day, all!

  11. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 39 degrees with a stiff north wind as I rode to work this morning, chilly enough that I put the handlebar mitts on the bike for the first time this fall. Forecast high is 62.

    Hi, Ginny. It's nice to see you on the Air. My commute to work is just over 24 miles, round trip.

    Heidi and MI Judy, nice to see y'all here again, too. It's funny. When I work, I have designated breaks, so I sit and read the forum and post on the Air. But, when I'm not working, I'm just as busy, and never take time for that break, so often don't post. So I understand about getting too busy. But it's great to hear from everyone when you find the time.

    I'm counting down to Friday afternoon with Ann. Have a great day, all.

  12. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 52 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 70. I guess taking yesterday off the bike worked out pretty well. I would have faced a serious headwind both ways, as a front had brought a howling north wind during the night, but by afternoon it was a strong south wind. Today is just the opposite, as I had that strong south wind behind me on the ride in, but the next front is supposed to be here early this afternoon, so it will be a strong north tailwind as I ride home. The wind changes seem to come fast and furious this time of year.

    Yes, I survived the great IRS inspection. Stephanie, the tackle business hasn't amounted to much, yet. It would be nice if it's making a little more when I retire.

    I was going to start a second Wednesday's Air just to give Judy a hard time, but thought better of it. Have a great day, all!

  13. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 45 degrees with a howling north wind when I got up this morning. Forecast high is 65, but I don't think it's going to get that warm. The forecasters have been pretty consistent lately about calling for a temperature 5 to 10 degrees warmer than it actually gets.

    I drove to work. I have to take off early to meet the IRS at my house. They want to inspect the manufacturing facilities of any new business that will be paying fishing tackle excise tax. I'll show them my desk. It should be fun.

    Have a great day, all!

  14. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 40 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 65.

    Frost on the truck's windshield was a pretty good hint that it was going to be a cool morning at the lake yesterday. The fish didn't bite very well until later in the day, too. So I guess I should have just showed up at the lake at the crack of noon.

    Judy, it sounds like Stan had a great day fishing. I do believe the little crappie I was catching are a little easier on an old body though.....LOL.

    Eric, I hope your trip across the USA works out for you. It would be great to have a visit with you. Bruce and Libby, stay warm!

    Have a great day, all!

  15. Good evening, everyone!

    It was 45 degrees with a howling north wind when I got up this morning. It didn't get a lot warmer, although the wind did eventually settle down somewhat.

    It was a great turnout at the walk. I'll have to wait to hear the final fund raising total from Katie, but it was a lot more this year. Not too surprisingly, KLUV was the top fund raising team.

    I rode 14 miles on the River Legacy Park path before the walk and before it got crowded this morning, then did another 20 miles near DFW Airport afterward.

    It's supposed to get down to 36 degrees tonight, so it will be a chilly start to my visit with the crappie in the morning.

    Have a great weekend, all!

  16. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 63 degrees when I got up this morning, with light rain. Forecast is for a high of 74, with more rain, then a cold front coming in this evening.

    I've ridden to work the other four days this week and just decided to drive today. I'm going to try and get in a few miles on my bike tomorrow, before and after the walk, since they're calling for rain again Sunday.

    LOL, it's a lively crew this morning. Y'all have fun sorting it all out. The countdown until my weekend starts is at 6 1/2 hours. Have a great day, all!

  17. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 63 degrees with fog and mist as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 76.

    I did the radio interview this morning and didn't stutter too badly. It was fun. I was expecting to have to tell them all about myself before going on the air, but they had done their research and knew my story. It's exciting to see the walk get some media coverage this year.

    I had forgotten about it being Veterans Day. I should be in the parade downtown rather than here working, don't you think?

    Have a great day, all!

  18. Good luck, Sandi. I can identify with the blood taking sentiments. When they plug in that thing and just keep changing containers and taking more blood, I always fight the temptation to tell them to leave me a little. Let us know how it goes.

  19. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 56 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 79.

    Judy, glad you're feeling better. Yes, it doesn't seem possible that Thanksgiving is so close, but I'm sure looking forward to a four day weekend.

    I'm on Facebook, but I only use it to check on friends and family, and skip the other stuff.

    Ned, welcome to the mainland. That looks like some great scenery in Tennessee, although I guess you're used to even better scenery.

    Eric, if you travel across the USA, you should do it on a bicycle. I'll ride the Texas part of it with you.

    If I was alarmed about how much weight my big crappie lost on Sunday, it lost even more weight yesterday. It went from being 1 lb 13 oz in my post to being just 1 lb 3 oz by the time it showed up in Bruce's post. It must have have been an upstream swim, huh? LOL.

    Have a great day, all!

  20. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 54 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 76, and it's a big south wind again today, so it will be a tough ride home, just like yesterday.

    Judy, as much trouble as you have losing posts, have you thought about using a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad to write your posts, then just copy and paste them here? I've always done that with my longer ride report posts on the cycling forums. I just keep a throwaway file for holding today's post, save the file every paragraph or two while I'm typing it, then if things go wrong when you copy and paste to the forum, it only takes a second to do it again. I hope you feel better today and get to enjoy group tonight.

    I forgot to mention that on Saturday, we received the title to Rose's car in the mail. She had sent the last payment last month. I'm only a few months from paying my truck off, too. Then, we'll have two paid for vehicles and a paid for house. I was trying to remember the last time that was true for me. Can you say NEVER?

    Bruce, the fish have moved here since the weather started getting cooler. I'm not catching anywhere near as many as I did all summer, but the ones I catch have been really big. I had two on Sunday that I was certain were over two pounds, which is really big for a crappie, but when I dug out my scale and weighed one, it just went 1 lb 13 oz, so I guess my eyeballs have gotten out of calibration. I only brought home seven fish on Sunday, but they fed the four of us, plus lunch for me Monday, plus left some for the freezer. That's big crappie.

    My KLUV Radio interview is scheduled for Thursday morning at 7:00 am. Have a great day, all!

  21. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 50 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 75.

    I brought home a mess of crappie yesterday, and daughter Marie and granddaughter Chloe came over and joined us for a fish dinner.

    Judy, sorry you're still having tough side effects from the Tarceva. I hope it's better soon. So what kind of music is Ann listening to when she cranks it up?

    Eric, I had to laugh when I read your post about having been diagnosed with lung cancer and doing what you please now. I'm guilty of that attitude sometimes, too. It's like: I've had a doctor tell me I have lung cancer. What worse can happen to me? We better watch that attitude before we get into trouble, though.......LOL.

    Have a great day, all!

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