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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 65 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 81. The south wind has been tough this week, a reminder that the stretch from February to April is the windiest time of year here.

    It didn't help that I seem to have developed shin splints on my right leg. I'm going to soft pedal home this afternoon and take the weekend off the bike.

    I was thinking about going to Lake Granbury tomorrow. It would probably be more fishing that catching. I don't really have February spots there, plus there's a golden alga fish kill going on. But the boat hasn't been run in a couple of weeks, and I want to be on the lake earlier this year, to learn the pre-spawn movements of the crappie there, so I may go anyway.

    It's less than 6 1/2 hours until my weekend begins. Have a great Friday, all!

  2. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 64 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 78. The south wind has really been tough this week, a reminder that the stretch from February to April is the windiest time of year here.

    Annette, so much for our optimism about your nephew. I hope he recovers ok.

    Morning break is just about over. I need to find a place to hide. Maybe I'll just play possum. Have a great day, all!

  3. Welcome, Helen. Glad you found us.

    This first time is the scariest. You'll feel better when you have a treatment plan in place. Ask lots of questions when you see the doctor, and let us know what you find out. This is probably all stuff you already know, since you're already a cancer survivor.

    No matter how early or late stage it turns out to be, you'll find others here with a similar diagnosis. Let us know how we can help.

  4. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 62 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 77.

    Last night, we settled for dinner at Los Tapatios, a hole in the wall Mexican restaurant and meat market in Burleson that has very good food, for our anniversary. Then, we just settled in for a quiet evening at home.

    I hope everyone is getting better from their colds and flu. Have a great day, all!

  5. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 59 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 75. It's hard to believe that I'll be riding home in short sleeves and shorts on a 75 degree afternoon, when it was 18 degrees for my ride to work last Friday morning.

    I hope both Judy's and Eric feel better soon. MI Judy, your card story reminded me of the time on our anniversary when Rose and I got each other the same card. Stores with giant card selections everywhere and we picked out the same card! Are we talking like minds or what?

    Glad the court outcome was good, Annette. Maybe your nephew is turning the corner.

    Time to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  6. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 49 degrees as I rode to work today. Forecast high is 72. It's supposed to be good weather all week.

    Rose was diagnosed with the flu on Saturday. She is really sick, and has 10 days of antibiotics to take. Needless to say, our plans for this week have been scaled back, although she is still planning on going to school. Daughter Marie cooked several meals for us and brought them over yesterday. I thought that was sweet of her.

    I rode a 100k populaire that the local randonneuring club held yesterday. And I rode to the start of the ride in west Arlington and back home afterward, so I ended up with 107 miles for the day.

    Good luck in court, Annette. Maybe this and your mother's health issues will finally make him realize how close to detention he is.

    MI Judy, wow, a company closing? That sounds scary. It sounds like y'all are well prepared. I hope your husband finds something he likes.

    Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Have a great day, all!

  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 28 degrees when I got up this morning. Forecast high is 63. It's supposed to be over 70 degrees in the afternoons for the next week or so.

    Rose went to work this morning, but her cold is bad enough it's a safe bet we'll be staying home tonight. I'm just going to tinker around the house all day and take it easy.

    Have a great Saturday, all!

  8. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 18 degress as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 49. NOAA has been calling for a warmer February than normal here. I'm thinking if that's the case, it better get started soon.

    I forgot to mention one other major thing that's going on here. Rose will start school Monday afternoon, on her way to becoming a certified nurse's aide. She already has a job waiting, but it's contract work, doing home health care, probably not what she wants long term, but it will get her started.

    Rose seems to be coming down with a cold, so we may end up staying closer to home than planned this weekend.

    Annette, I hope it isn't anything too serious with your mother. I'm sending positive thoughts.

    Have a great Friday, all!

  9. I thought I'd pop in at lunch time since I had to bail so quickly this morning.

    Judy, with lung cancer, many doctors don't seem to follow CEA as closely as they do with many other cancers, but if it's found to be high at the time of diagnosis, they'll track it. You can read a study on it here. That's probably more than you wanted to know, but there's some good information in the DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION sections. You're probably going to have to talk to your onc to see how big a factor they consider it in your case.

    Libby, I got to ride to work Monday and Tuesday this week, and I think I'll be able to ride tomorrow, so that's much better than last week. If I could get in a weekend ride, it wouldn't be too bad a riding week, but lots of things are happening here in the next few days, so I don't know how many weekend miles I'll get.

    Sunday is Pixie's birthday. She'll be one year old. Monday is Valentine's Day, and Tuesday is my and Rose's 25th wedding anniversary. I think that we're going out Saturday since that's in the middle of the week.

    Lillian, when was your birthday? I missed it. Late Happy Birthday! MI Judy, I hope you're feeling better now. Annette, here's hoping your mom is ok. Enjoy your rain, Ann.

  10. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 14 degrees with a stiff north wind when I got up this morning. There are also still patches of ice around, so I drove to work.

    I spent my entire morning break figuring out how to merge the two Thursday Airs, so now I need to go back to work.......LOL.

    Have a great day, all!

  11. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 18 degrees with a 35 mph north wind and heavy sleet as I drove to work this morning. We were fortunate that the rain ended here before it dropped below freezing, so the roads were still ok when I drove to work.

    Eric, when I was diagnosed, there was a study going on with vitamin D. Preliminary results suggested that vitamin D might help prevent a lung cancer recurrence, and I started taking it just before my surgery.

    When the study was completed though, the results ended up a lot different than the researchers thought. It turns out that the level of vitamin D in your system at time of surgery has a lot more to do with survival than anything you do with vitamin D afterwards. People who had surgery in the summer, and therefore had a higher level of vitamin D in their bodies, had improved chances of long term survival over those who had surgery in winter (I, of course, had my surgery on December 20th). Here and here are articles that mention it.

    Studies have suggested plenty of other benefits from vitamin D, so I've continued to take it anyway, although I don't take the mega doses of it that have become so popular the last year or two.

    Stay warm, everyone! Have a great day, all!

  12. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 32 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 56. The ice storm is supposed to hit tomorrow morning, although some forecasters are starting to call for just plain snow.

    Nice avatar, KW Judy. I like the hat.

    Thanks for the recipe, Stephanie. Rose loves to cook and bake this time of year, so I printed her that recipe. I was printing some recipes for her new breadmaker when my printer ran out of ink. It sounds like I'll have to drive to work tomorrow anyway; maybe I'll stop on the way home and get an ink cartridge, if the roads are ok by then.

    Have a great day, all!

  13. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 37 degrees as I rode to work this morning, my first ride in a week. Forecast high is 43. They've already issued a winter storm watch for Wednesday here. We're supposed to be back in the deep freeze, and get iced down again with freezing rain.

    Welcome back, Becky! We have indeed been a chatty bunch in the Air lately.

    MI Judy, it is tempting to think that the stress before your scans caused the spasms. Let's hope that's all it is.

    Stephanie, do you have a written recipe for that granola? I'd like to see it if you do.

    I better get back to work. I hope you're feeling better today, KW Judy. Have a great day, all!

  14. Good morning, everyone!

    It's 39 degrees here this morning. It got up to 60 yesterday, 18 degrees warmer than the 42 they forecast, and melted off most of the snow and ice. The forecast for today is, of course, snow in a couple of hours.

    Libby, I'm around 50 miles from downtown Dallas. Of course, the Superbowl isn't being played there. It's in Arlington, 30 miles from me.

    I don't watch any network TV at all. We watch a few movies, and whatever the current series is on HBO, SHOWTIME, or STARZ.

    Not much going on here. I think I'm going to just be lazy around the house. Have a great day, all!

  15. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 19 degrees as I drove to work this morning. Forecast high is 29. There's still plenty of ice around, and now we have 5 inches of fresh snow on top of it, and it's still snowing outside. Schools were closed for the 4th straight day. I've never seen that happen here before. We're known for ice storms, but then it warms right back up the next day and melts everything. Not this time.

    Oops, yes Annette, I did intend to say drove rather than rode yesterday. Bikes in general don't do well on ice, and especially recumbent bikes, so I haven't ridden since Monday. And with the new snow, the weekend doesn't look promising for a ride, either.

    Right now, the Super Bowl day forecasts here vary from 42 to 49 degrees, but they keep revising everything down, and this much snow on the ground is bound to keep things cooler.

    I had already decided to take a break from fishing this weekend, even before the weather got so bad. My winter spot tends to drop off in February, as well as getting more crowded, and it's too early for my other spots, so it's a good time for a break.

    If the roads are passable tomorrow, I'm planning on helping a friend work on a bicycle project, but may just stay close to home the rest of the weekend. Have a great day, all!

  16. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 15 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 26. There's still plenty of ice around, and all the schools here are closed for a third straight day.

    We need to get exercise shirts and biking shorts with the logo on it. Then we need to get a group picture. Only from the neck up though because if we are not really doing the excercises we do not need full body pictures.

    LOL, Ginny. That is too funny.

    Wow, Bruce, I would have never thought it would ever be colder here than there. But yesterday, it was. Bruce, the personals ad I always saw was:

    WANTED: Beautiful woman with bass boat. Please send a photo of the boat.

    Eric, how long before you know if your early retirement was approved? That's very cool about your former student. It's a good reminder that you've been doing important work.

    Stay warm, everyone! Have a great day!

  17. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 12 degrees as I drove to work this morning. Forecast high is 18. Somehow, that doesn't sound like a North Texas forecast. It's the coldest weather we've had in 15 years. We've only had flurries since yesterday afternoon, and there isn't quite as much ice on the road today, but it's still pretty treacherous. All of the schools here are closed again today.

    Rose, her sister, and both of our daughters stayed home from work yesterday. It's probably just as well that most people stayed home. My biggest challenge getting around is always just trying to pass all the people driving 5 mph......LOL. I'm not sure how anyone thinks they're going to get up even a small hill if they're driving 5 mph at the beginning of it.

    I ended up with 479 miles on my bike in January. That's not too bad, in the dead of winter, I'm thinking. February isn't starting out too well, though. It's starting to look like I won't be able to ride the rest of this week.

    I hope you're feeling ok today, Stephanie. Stay warm, everyone. Happy Birthday, KW Judy!

    Have a great day, all!

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