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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, everyone!

    It's 73 degrees here this morning, with the wind howling like it has been every day lately. Forecast high is 96. We've hit 100 degrees before in April, and won't be far from it today.

    I went to Lake Fork yesterday. I caught a few bass, but bed fishing wasn't great because it was so dark and windy, not what was forecast at all.

    Yes, we missed the last storms, they passed just north of us. But it was the cold front behind them that blew down my fence on Friday. They're saying there were over 260 tornadoes across the country from that system. That's more than the entire country usually gets in April.

    And the next system is headed our way tonight. We have a chance of storms, but it sounds like the worst will be north and east of us again.

    I may just stay home and rest today. Rose and I are supposed to go crappie fishing at Cedar Creek Lake tomorrow, then have dinner with friends in that area.

    I hope your chemo effects wear off soon, KW Judy. Hang in there, Annette. Have a great day, all!

  2. Good afternoon, everyone!

    It was 51 degrees as I rode to........................oh wait, I didn't ride anywhere this morning. It's 84 degrees now with a south wind gusting to 30 mph. This has been some kind of windy spring.

    Here are my "having a great time, wish you were here" vacation photos.

    Here I am in front of the fence I built. I put the fence posts up yesterday and attached the fence sections this morning.


    Here's the composter I assembled and installed yesterday.


    And here's the garden Rose and I put in this morning. I'm thinking I need to go back to work to get some rest.


  3. Good morning, everyone! It's 37 degrees outside this morning. Forecast high is 77.

    Glad you're feeling better, KW Judy. I hope the Taxotere doesn't get you down too much. And glad to hear your cold is gone, MI Judy.

    Yesterday was supposed to be windy here, but not as windy as it got. It was gusting to 50 mph as I rode home from work, to surpass Katie's "little windy" day and become the windiest day I've bike commuted on. Fortunately, it was blowing from the west northwest, a quartering tailwind that let me keep the bike upright, although there were interesting moments here and there.

    The worst part was the blowing dust. I haven't seen it get that dusty here in a long time. My lung leftovers really don't like that kind of dust in the air, especially while I'm huffing and puffing on a bike.

    And the wind changed my vacation plans. Instead of spending today on Lake Fork, casting lures to bedding bass, I get to spend the day rebuilding my fence that the wind blew down. It's a six foot wooden privacy fence, and I'll be replacing the broken wood fence posts with steel ones, so it shouldn't come down again.

    Have a great day, all!

  4. Wow, KW Judy, over 8 pounds of fluid! I hope getting it drained makes you feel a whole lot better, and I'm thinking it will.

    Bud, I'm thinking you'll be doing some gardening this weekend with that vermiculite? What are you planting?

    That's exactly right. We're going to do the Square Foot Gardening thing, and it calls for 1/3 vermiculite in the raised box.

    And vermiculite is getting harder to find because of its connection to, of all things, lung cancer. Does anyone remember the Libby vermiculite mine fiasco?

    The vermiculite from that mine had asbestos in it. I don't think vermiculite from anywhere else has had asbestos, but it scared all the big chain stores like Lowe's and Home Depot, and they don't carry it any more.

    But the feed store right here in Crowley had it, so I didn't have to go far to get some. We're still deciding what we'll plant, MI Judy.

  5. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 66 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 86. We're supposed to be in for storms this evening, just ahead of a cold front.

    This week is dragging for me. A sure way to make a work week drag is to have vacation days off scheduled for the following week.

    My scavenger hunt assignment for today after work is to find some vermiculite. What would I be doing with that?

    I hope things are going fine at the hospital, KW Judy. Give us an update when you can. Have a great day, all!

  6. Good morning, everyone! It was 53 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 83.

    I had sat down at my desk a little before break time this morning, got started reading about raised gardening, and break time was gone before it dawned on me that I hadn't made it here yet. So, I'm posting on my lunch break today.

    KW Judy, I always reduce any photos I post here, so they'll be small enough to fit on anyone's screen, no matter what resolution they're using, and take up less space on photobucket, but in this case it was just too good a photo of you two; I couldn't bring myself to reduce it.

    I sounds like Wendy is doing a great job of looking out for you. Just don't make us wait too long for an update. When I had my surgery, the VA hospital where I stayed had a locker that I was able to put my laptop in while I was unable to look out for it. Rose hung onto the locker key until I was recovered enough to want the laptop in front of me again.

    Best wishes for a short and successful hospital stay, KW Judy! Have a great day, all!

  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 42 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 81. It's the first day we've had with the wind not howling in a while.

    Pass some of that retirement around when you get it, Eric. I could sure use a little.

    Back to work for me. Have a great day, all!

  8. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 64 degrees as I rode to work this morning. We had storms during the night, and even a tornado warning just west of me, but the storms cleared out just before time for me to ride to work, so I watched the lightning off in the east as I rode in. Forecast high is 79, a lot cooler than the 90's of the last few days.

    I went crappie fishing at Lake Aquilla on Saturday, and caught lots of shallow crappie on a jig and bobber rig. I caught more than a 25 fish limit, but just kept 16 of the better ones.

    Yesterday, I spent the day doing my taxes. It was the earliest I've done them in quite a few years, a result of the deadline being on a Friday this year. Daughter Marie and granddaughter Chloe came over for a fish dinner.

    KW Judy, there are induction furnaces at the plant where I work. Does Stan ever get to Fort Worth?

    Time for me to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  9. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 71 degrees as I rode to work this morning. It felt like a summer morning as I rode. Forecast high is 92. It's supposed to be windy, but not as windy as tomorrow and Sunday.

    Don't click links in email, Eric. Most viruses will come from infected friends computers. I have a friend who's computer sends me a virus or two every week, but I've never opened it.

    The anti virus software is almost as bad, interferring with everything. I don't run it, either. I've surfed the internet way too much for 17 years now without it, and only gotten two viruses in that time, because I'm careful what I click. If you send me a link to a greeting card (like some did for my birthday), I'll never see it because I don't click that stuff.

    Beware of fishing email, too. It often looks like something official, from your bank or whatever, but if you hold your mouse cursor over the link, it won't be a bank link. Don't click it. If all the kids who spend their time hacking, spamming, and other malicious computer stuff would just spend their time on positive stuff instead, they'd probably solve all the world's problems.

    It's less than six and a half hours until my weekend begins. I'm not sure what my weekend plans are, but I'm thinking I might ought to get started on my taxes.

    Have a great day, all!

  10. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 64 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 88. It's partly cloudy and the wind is still howling, but it's supposed to ease up a bit by this afternoon.

    MI Judy, there's nothing about me that especially likes getting up early. It's just that I've worked in manufacturing for 40 years, and the latest starting work time I've had is 7:00 am. The starting time where I work now is 6:00 am. So I'm used to getting up early. I do like the earlier traffic better. If I had to ride to work in 8:00 am traffic, I'm not sure I'd be riding to work at all.

    Ron, I'm reminded of my uncle who had hearing aids. Once, my aunt and I were teasing him about something, and he said, "I don't have to take this abuse!", and yanked out the hearing aids. I laughed and laughed at that.

    Have a great day, all!

  11. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 53 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 83. It will be a strong south wind to ride against on the way home this afternoon.

    When I got home yesterday, I hopped on the bike and rode 25 miles, since I hadn't ridden to work. Rose made carrot cake, my favorite, for my birthday. Don't tell anyone, but I had carrot cake for breakfast this morning, rather than my usual oatmeal. I had lost one pound each of the last two weeks, but I don't think that's happening this week.......LOL.

    Sounds pretty chilly where you are, KW Judy. The forecast here is calling for highs in the 80's every day for the next 10 days. Works for me.

    Annette, on the mornings I ride to work, I get up at 3:55 am. If I drive, I get to sleep in until 4:40 am.

    Have a great day, all!

  12. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 35 degrees when I got up this morning. Forecast high is 75. After driving to work yesterday, I forgot to reset the alarm clock to get up earlier today, so even though the big winds are gone now, had to drive to work again. My riding mileage this week isn't looking too good. :roll:

    Sorry you're having gout issues, Lillian. I agree, getting old isn't for wimps. And I have to call myself old now. You can say middle age or whatever while you're in your 50's, but I'm thinking that 60 is officially old........LOL.

    I'm with Judy, Annette, and Judy, Eric. It sounds bad, but losing her job might have helped Sally in the long run. My father was another alcoholic who was able to hang onto a job in spite of it, and never hit bottom bad enough to quit the drinking.

    I hope you have a better day on the road today, KW Judy. Another busy day at work for me, I better get back at it. When can I retire? Have a great day, all!

  13. It was 60 degrees and storming when I got up this morning, so I drove to work. That proved to be a better choice than riding since I ran into hail and 60 mph winds on the way to work. Forecast high is 70, but it's fallen all the way down to 53 degrees right now from the front that followed the storms, to I don't know if we'll make 70.

    I got out and did a little fishing at Benbrook this weekend. I didn't catch a lot, but did more exploring of the lake.

    Welcome to the Air, Ronnie! Have a great day, all!

  14. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 49 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 87.

    I was too busy last night to log my final miles for March, so I don't know exactly how many I ended up with, but I think it was a little over 600. It did become the first month that I've ridden to work every single work day. As much as I don't like riding in the rain, that's a testament to what kind of drought we're having.

    Yes, Friday is finally here. I'm thinking I'll go fishing tomorrow, and Rose and I are supposed to go out tomorrow night, an early birthday celebration for me. I'm not sure what I'll be doing Sunday.

    The Amazon books are on gardening.

    I hope you're feeling better and enjoy your trip, KW Judy. I'm keeping positive thoughts for Ned. Welcome to the Air, nikkala. Have a great day, all!

  15. After facing challenging treatments as long as you have, doubt and worry are understandable, Judy. And I can't pretend to have good decision making advice for you. But I think you've done a great job of facing up to your doubts and worries, and handling every challenge that's come your way up to this point. I expect you'll make the decisions that are best for you now, too.

    All I can do is offer my support. I wish that was enough to help more. We all lean on you for support. We're here when you need it, too.

  16. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 38 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 75.

    I did something last night that I never do. I ordered two books from Amazon. Can anyone guess what they're about? Here's a hint: it's all Stephanie's fault.

    What did you have at TGI Fridays, MI Judy? I hope you had a great anniversary dinner, Diane. Congrats! Have a great day, all!

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