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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. The shooting death rate per 100,000 people in Scotland = .6

    The shooting death rage per 100,000 people in the USA = 15.2

    25 times more people per 100,000 shot to death in this country than yours, Eric. It's no wonder that you and most other people in other countries don't understand the USA's love affair with guns. I have no explanation for it, myself, but it's deep rooted and unlikely to change any time soon.

  2. It was 21 degrees again as I rode to work this morning, brisk for sure, and it definitely woke me up, Libby. Forecast high is 44. It sounds like it's cold everywhere this morning. Mike will have major shrinkage again.

    guddle: to grope for fish under stones, along a riverbank, etc.

    We call it noodling here, Eric. I used to know a couple of guys who did it regularly, to catch large catfish. I believe I'll stick to my crappie jigs.

    I track my weight at bikejournal.com, where I log my riding mileage. I'll have to make another adjustment this week; I've added another pound. I guess that happens to all of us in the winter. But I'm still just 5 pounds over my target weight, much better than last year, so if I can just stop this winter buildup now, I should be ok.

    Have a great day, all!

  3. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 21 degrees as I rode to work this morning, a tad nipply to be sure, but at least the big wind and most of the icy spots on the roads are gone. Forecast high is 37.

    Rose spends time with the facebook games, but I never started playing them at all. I already seem to not have enough hours in the day....LOL.

    Lots of walking doesn't agree with my back either, Annette. Sometimes, the walking I do in the shop at work is too much. That's why my chosen exercise is riding. I remember you saying you had balance issues. Have you considered a recumbent trike? Lots of people in my rbent group really love them.

    Stephanie, I remember that my cisplatin and gemcitabine sessions took 6 hours. 4 hours is way too long for chemo, too. It makes it worse to keep seeing people show up, get their chemo, then leave, while you're still sitting there.

    Note to self: Never discuss politics with MI Judy. Stay warm, everyone, and have a great day!

  4. Welcome, Cathyanne! Sorry you need to be here, though. This beginning time is the scariest.

    Best wishes for your father. Keep us updated on how he's doing. I'm a lot younger and had surgery, so I may not be much help when you're asking questions for him later, but there are always people here who've been through something similar who will be glad to help any way they can.

  5. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 23 degrees with a 20 mph north wind when I got up this morning. I decided that was a bit much for bike riding and drove to work. Forecast high is 38. My riding mileage this week isn't going to be good.

    There are many Texan expressions that people find funny, even in other parts of this country. One is that we're never about to do something, we're fixing to do it.

    Eric, my crappie jigs are at: http://www.spinnerbaker.com/ . Have a great day, all!

  6. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 29 degrees when I got up this morning. The roads at home were clear, but there was scattered freezing drizzle in the area, so I drove to work. Forecast high is 34 degrees, but the freezing precipitation is supposed to end this morning. It snowed hard for a while at home yesterday, but nothing stayed on the ground. In the northeast part of the DFW metroplex, though, they got 5 inches of snow.

    Yes, it was indeed Gerry Rafferty and Stealers Wheel who sang Stuck in the Middle with You, another great song of his. Eric, I make and sell crappie jigs, so when I say pouring jigs, I'm talking about melting the bismuth alloy and pouring it into a mold to make the jigs.

    Here's the scarecrows. Have a great day, all!


  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It's 38 degrees and pouring rain here. It's only supposed to get colder as the day goes, and the snow is only a few miles north of here. We're expecting snow on the ground by this evening. Then, in case the streets clear, there's supposed to be freezing drizzle during the night.

    It sounds like a good day for the great indoors. I think I'm going to pour some jigs, then settle in front of the tv.

    Have a great day, all!

  8. Good evening, everyone!

    It was 34 degrees when I got up this morning, so I didn't get in any hurry to get on the water. It only got up to 53 this afternoon, but was sunny with a mild wind, so felt warmer.

    The minnows worked fine, but it was another day when the crappie bit jigs better. I had a blast and brought home a mess of crappie.

    They're calling for rain in the morning, changing to snow in the afternoon. I'm thinking I'll just be a tv zombie tomorrow.

    KW Judy, yes, Right Down the Line was a great song, too. It sounds like Rafferty was a tortured soul, never comfortable with being a star, and an alcoholic for many years.

    MI Judy, around here, nooner has a different meaning........LOL. But, I'm glad you got a good night's sleep to recover. I didn't realize your husband did a radio show. That's way cool.

    Bruce, your place really is beautiful this time of year. But, I'm thinking I just want to see it on a postcard, not live.......LOL. Annette, you need to show us your new do after you color.

    Have a great weekend, all!

  9. I used to love to fly, but got tired of it when my last job had me doing quite a bit of it. I haven't flown since I changed jobs 8 years ago.

    KW Judy, I haven't listened to any music today, but I've had the song, Baker Street, stuck in my head ever since I read yesterday that Gerry Rafferty died.

  10. Sure, Ned, use it if you want to.

    The train wreck was an icon from another forum. I found a lung image, clipped off the upper lobe, and used Microsoft's free Gif Animator and Paint Shop Pro to screen capture the individual images and build the new image.

    It was my very early days here, and I wasn't sure how ready people here were for my sense of humor........LOL. I might have had the guts to post it if it had been at a time when there wasn't so much bad going on. I pretty much forgot about it until I was looking around for a sample image for this thread.

    As I recall, I did use it in a cycling forum, along with a post that read something like, "Here's my latest CT scan. I'm thinking it looks pretty good. Don't you agree?" I don't think it even drew a response at all. Sometimes my sense of humor is just mine.......LOL.

  11. What a neat little graphic, Bud!

    I put that together a long time ago, planning for a funny post about my newest CT scan. But the day I was going to post it, there was just too much bad stuff going on here, and I couldn't bring myself to post a humorous train wreck lung scan. So here it is now.......LOL.

  12. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 40 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 68. Yes, Annette, I rode to work every day this week. I've been wanting to drive a day, to bring in a new tool box I bought last week, but with next week's dire forecasts, figured I'd better ride while I can.

    I often buy a dozen minnows when I go crappie fishing. I use jigs more, but on a tough day, minnows are hard to beat. I don't buy more than a dozen if I'm alone, and pretty much always use them all.

    But last Sunday at Benbrook was a slow day, plus they gave me a lot more than the dozen minnows I paid for, and when I was done fishing, I still had 13 minnows left.

    My garage is pretty cool this time of year, and I figured I'd be going fishing again this Saturday, so I filled up my boat's livewell, dumped the minnows in it, and took them home.

    After I got home, I got to thinking that it was probably bad karma, bringing minnows home and assuming I'd be able to use them the next weekend, that it would probably bring a blizzard. But they were all still alive this morning, and tomorrow's forecast looks bearable, so I think I'll take my domesticated minnows and go fishing.

    It's a little over six hours until my weekend begins. Have a great day, all!

  13. Bruce, even your mild days are colder than I ever want to ride a bike in.

    Annette has it exactly right with the "lifestyle" versus "diet" thing. We consider diets temporary, so too often put weight back on after the diet's over. But, if we say something like, "From now on, I'm going to sweeten my tea with stevia rather than sugar", then we're aiming for a permanent change, a lifestyle change if you will. There's still no guarantee that we'll stick with the change from now on, but our attitude will be more directed toward that. I've had good success with just making a lot of small eating "lifestyle changes", one at a time.

    They're talking about mixed snow and rain here on Monday. Brrrrrrrrr....

  14. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 34 degrees with a stiff north wind as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 64, as we get a shot warmup before this weekend's rain and next week's cold.

    I seem to be meeting myself coming and going at work today, but there's not much else going on here to report on, so I guess I'll drag myself out of this chair and get back to work.

    Have a great day, all!

  15. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 39 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 60.

    KW Judy, best wishes for your sister. I hope all lymph nodes will look good.

    MI Judy, you have good cause to be paranoid. I think that any of we survivors who have anything going on that doesn't clear up quickly should be getting things checked out. Sorry you lost your onc. I hope the new one works out well, and everything's clear.

    The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is reporting that it will be cold here the entire week next week, with temperatures staying near or below freezing the entire week. Weather.com isn't giving that dire a forecast yet, but they'll probably follow suit soon. Scope me out a place next door nearer the equator while you're there, Annette.

    Have a great day, all!

  16. Wow, some great posts on the Air today!

    My father died of a heart attack at 54, his father died of a heart attack at 48, so I always assumed I would have no old age, and never gave retirement a thought in my younger years. Now, I'm kind of figuring it out as I go. A go-round with lung cancer does seem to affect retirement thoughts, too.

    I think we probably all have had stressful lifestyles. I have come to believe that stress has a lot to do with causing cancer, especially lung cancer, more than most people realize. So it figures that we would all mention stress in our lives.

    A stressful lifestyle while you're earning enough to make you financially independent seems worthwhile, but I managed to have a stressful lifestyle while remaining poor. That seems unforgivable.......LOL.

    The key to a good long retirement is getting enough physical stress to keep your body healthy, but cutting down mental stress enough to keep your body healthy. Of course, as has been mentioned, our minds need to stay active, too.

    There are just so many things that I'd love to try with my time that keeping busy when I retire should never be a problem. But I do have some things that will limit me. One is a limited income. And I also don't much like to travel any more.

    There's lots of computer things I'd like to do. And I might like putting in more time riding my bike, when I'm not wearing myself out working 45 hours a week in a machine shop.

    Speaking of exercise, Eric, do you have any designated bike paths in your area? You could always get a rack for your car, and carry your bike somewhere to ride.

    We had the same problem when we lived in Arlington, too much traffic. I worked out a route to ride myself away from the neighborhood, but Rose never was comfortable trying to ride those roads. She would drive five miles away to Joe Pool Lake, and ride there. One nice thing about Crowley is that we have great riding roads right from our house.

    Of course, bike riding in the kind of weather you're having right now doesn't work too well. I do have friends that ride in the good weather, then change to the gym or spinning classes in the winter. With some people, an occasional change in routine helps them stay with their exercise plan better, anyway.

    There's no way I would have had time to post this on my short morning break tomorrow, so I thought I'd make a second Air visit today. Have a good evening, all.

  17. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 37 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 59, as we get a Pacific front in this afternoon.

    My tire adventures weren't over after I got to work yesterday, it turns out. The tire stayed up all day, but as soon as I started riding home, it got a slow leak again, and I had to stop three times and pump it up. I had missed a small sliver of glass in the tire, it turned out. I usually get to work about 15 to 20 minutes before starting time, Annette, so there's not much time to waste if I get a flat.

    I had forgotten about the UK tyre spelling. I'd seen that before, shopping for tires at an online UK bike shop. It's hard to believe it, but I found tires there that were cheaper than anywhere else, in spite of the fact they had to be shipped from England.

    Have a great day, all!

  18. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 34 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 61. I didn't start my work year off very well. Five miles from home, I hit something that flatted my back tire. You can't stand my commuter bike upside down to remove a wheel, so it's always tough getting that back wheel off and on, and it's no fun fixing a flat in the dark, anyway. I arrived at work two minutes before starting time.

    This is without a doubt my least favorite time of year. It's forever until the next holiday day off work, it's the coldest time of year, yes, there are taxes, etc, etc. But, we muddle on.

    I hope your stomach issues are better soon, KW Judy. Have a great day, all!

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