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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 40 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 63. As I rode to work wearing all my winter clothes, it was hard to believe that the forecast high for Sunday is 94 degrees.

    I won't reach the around the world distance until June or July. Annette was right with the first guess. If I ride to work tomorrow, March will become the first calendar month that I've ridden to work every single work day of the month.

    I'm finding myself checking for updates on Ned first thing when I get on the computer this week. I hope he's better today. Have a great day, all!

  2. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 52 degrees with a light mist as I rode to work today. Forecast high is 59. There's a steady drizzle now, and they're calling for a higher chance of rain this afternoon.

    I rode anyway, though. If I ride to work the next two days, that would give me an accomplishment that I haven't done before on the bike. Can anyone guess what it is?

    I really should have gone to group last night, but just as I wheeled my bike into the garage after getting home from work, my cell phone rang, and it was Pat, the local crappie expert on Lake Benbrook, asking if I wanted to join him on the lake.

    So I gathered up rods and tackle and headed for Benbrook. His fish weren't hitting nearly as well as they had for him the day before, but I still got a good lesson on Benbrook.

    Eric, good to see you back. KW Judy, I hope you're feeling better by now. Annette, I seem to be in slow motion myself, today. I couldn't get my heart rate above 130 on the ride to work. Sunshine and 80 degrees sounds nice, Lillian. It seems to be staying cooler here this week.

    Have a great day, all!

  3. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 48 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 66.

    I only caught a couple of crappie at Benbrook Saturday afternoon, but Rose and I went to Lake Aquilla yesterday and brought home 20 fish.

    MI Judy, you are right to be concerned about a cold that won't go away. If there's anyone around who knows to watch out for that, it's us. I hope it's nothing and clears up soon.

    Stephanie, I'll end up with just a small garden. If we had ended up with a large yard when we downsized, I probably would have tackled a large retirement garden, but this half-duplex has a small yard, the dogs need part of it, plus the privacy fence makes some of it not have great sunlight, so the garden will be small.

    There will be okra for sure. I love okra, and it does so well in the heat of summer here that you have to harvest it every day, else the pods will get too big, and tough.

    And there will be tomatoes because, well, home grown tomatoes are just so much better than anything I find in a store. Beyond those two, we'll see what I end up with.

    Have a great day, all!

  4. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 68 degrees when I got up this morning. Forecast high is 87.

    I'm going to hop on the bike in a few minutes and do 40 miles or so, then I'm thinking I'll take a short run over to Lake Benbrook and see if there are any spawning crappie to be found.

    Benbrook is less than 10 miles from home, but it's a tough old lake that I haven't had much luck fishing at, the few times I've been. With Granbury likely lost for the year to golden algae though, I'd like to find another close to home lake, so I'm going to keep trying to learn Benbrook.

    Good luck with the diet, Becky. Have a great day, all!

  5. Welcome, Debbi, but sorry you need to be here. This is the scariest part, waiting to find out the details and treatment plan. You'll feel better about it all once there's a plan in place. Annette is right, asking lots of questions and getting all the information you can is best. Keep us posted.

  6. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 63 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 87. Our south wind is back, but not howling like it did Monday and Tuesday, at least not yet.

    Eric, it seems to be a tough time for workers here, too, as the Wisconsin state employee thing reminds us. I would really like to hear Libby's take on the whole thing, but she seems to have disappeared on us. Maybe she'll show up again after April 15?

    Lillian, that police helicopter with the spotlight reminded me of my ride to work yesterday morning. I passed a neighborhood with one over it, and police cars going in and out. I never did hear what it was about.

    Big surprise, I'm planning a little fishing and a little bike riding for the weekend. Annette, I've heard people refer to their spouses as "the old ball and chain", but never their nephew.....LOL.

    Congrats, Grandpa Bruce! Have a great day, all!

  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 49 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 80 and sunny. And that's the day after a cold front, so I won't complain, considering how tough the weather is for some of us right now.

    What do you have in your vegetable garden, Stephanie? I kept one many years ago but can't seem to find the time to do it now. It's one of the things I want to get back to when I retire. How'd your cook-out go, KW Judy?

    Not much happening here, just another day of slaving at work. Have a great day, all!

  8. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 62 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 85.

    I posted right after Lillian yesterday. I never did make it back later. If I had, I would have seen that my post wasn't there.

    Katie's "little windy" yesterday was gusts close to 40 mph at times by afternoon. It took me an hour and 15 minutes to ride the 12 miles home, a 10.2 mph on the bike average. That's the longest it's taken me to pedal home since I started riding to work a year and half ago, although Monday was almost as bad. I love the spring here, but sure get my fill of that wind some days.

    Stephanie, I know exactly what you mean about that incredible chemo fatigue. You have to experience it to really know what it's like, and I had my days with it. I called those my zombie days.

    One such day was Saturday, April 5th, 2008. That was my 57th birthday. My rbent friends were riding in Fort Worth, then having a picnic. I had already conceded that I wasn't going to be able to ride with them, but was planning on joining them for the picnic.

    Rose was taking off work early to drive me there, so I wouldn't have to drive. Unknown to me, she was going to pick up a birthday cake on the way home, and turn the picnic into a birthday party for me.

    But it never happened. I was never able to stay up for more than a half hour the entire day, so just stayed home. Nothing else I've ever done has made me feel even close to that kind of exhaustion. I hope you feel better today.

    I hope your ice has melted by now, MI Judy. Have a great day, all!

  9. I'm so sorry to read this. Ellen was obviously very bright, and certainly never shy about taking her own view on things and going her own way. I miss her and miss her perspectives on things here, as she posted them. RIP, Ellen.

  10. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 64 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 82. It's mostly cloudy, but not supposed to rain.

    Rose, along with her sister and Marie, headed to west Texas Saturday morning to visit her parents. She's supposed to be back some time today.

    I went fishing Saturday and brought home 12 Lake Aquilla crappie. Yesterday, I did a 65 mile bike ride from home. That gave me a total of 186 miles for last week, a good mileage week.

    With spring arriving, I need to start getting in lots of weeks with that kind of mileage. It will help me shed these winter extra pounds I'm still carrying.

    Have a great day, all!

  11. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 66 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 85. I rode to work all five days again this week.

    I have two pairs of sandals that I wear when riding to work. They're cycling sandals; I clip my feet to the pedals. One pair is a size too big. I wear them when it's cold, with thin socks under wool socks under Gore-Tex socks.

    The other pair is a size smaller. I still wear thin socks with them when it's not hot outside. Yesterday, when I left work for home, it was 84 degrees. So, for the first time this year, I wore my sandals as sandals are intended to be worn, with no socks. With the fierce south wind that was blowing, there was definitely a breeze between my toes........LOL.

    Have a great day, all!

  12. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 66 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 86. The south wind is really blowing again, so it will be a long ride home.

    Eric, I'm reminded, just like I'm sure you have been many times, that there is only much that you can do to help someone. Beyond that, they have to be willing to help themselves.

    I was reading Dr West's GRACE posting and was struck by how much one of his patients sounded like me: doing well, but now wanting to retire, but not really ready. I guess this stuff hits a lot of us the same.

    I have to admit to being down today after KW Judy's news. Bad news from friends here just never gets any easier to take.

    It may be a bit harder to do today, but everyone do your best to have a great day!

  13. Welcome, Karen. The responses you've received are right. Many people do much better than the odds they are given, so don't let any doctor put an expiration date on you.

    Here's hoping your treatments are very successful and that you're posting here a very long time.

  14. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 52 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 73.

    Marie was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. The diagnosis: alcohol poisoning and alcohol withdrawal. As so often seems to happen, none of us in the family realized how bad her drinking had gotten. We're hoping she'll do AA and take it seriously.

    Not much else happening here. Here's hoping for great results from your scan, KW Judy! Have a great day, all!

  15. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 34 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 71.

    Marie is doing better this morning, but is still in ICU. We're still not certain what's wrong. Rose came home and slept three hours yesterday evening. The rest of the time, she's been at the hospital.

    Time for me to get back to the grind. Have a great day, all!

  16. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 48 degrees with a big north wind as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 65.

    I made my first trip to Aquilla Lake on Saturday, and managed to find some spawning crappie. I brought home 10 nice ones. On Sunday, Rose and I spent the day replacing our bedroom suite.

    Daughter Marie is in the hospital this morning. She wasn't responding to anyone's phone calls, so last night after I went to bed, Rose and daughter Linda decided to go to her house and check on her. They found her on the floor and incoherent. Doctors don't think it was an alcohol or drug overdose, but they still don't seem to know what it is. Rose is still at the hospital.

    Donna, I've been taking vitamin D since before my surgery. The studies seem to go back and forth on how much good it does with lung cancer, and it's plain that no one understands all the implications yet, but vitamin D has so many other benefits that it seems worth taking to me, even if it turns out not to be the magic pill for lung cancer.

    Welcome back, KW Judy! Have a great day, all!

  17. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 45 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 77. The south wind is supposed to really come up this afternoon, so it will be a tough ride home to finish the week. I rode to work all five days this week.

    Rose's last class is this evening. I'm thinking I may get the boat out tomorrow. I haven't decided yet where I want to go.

    Let's hope we have no disappearing posts today. My weekend starts in a little less than six and a half hours. Have a great Friday, all!

  18. Good morning, everyone! It was 40 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 70.

    Rose has always liked being around the elderly (which is a good thing, since I'm getting there myself). For years, she had two adopted grandmothers in a nursing home that she visited all the time.

    But nursing home work is more than she wants. This nursing home work is just part of her school. Afterward, she'll be working in home health care, but will hopefully later find better work in one of the many hospitals, doctor's offices, or labs around here.

    Great story, Becky! Congrats on your scan results, Libby! Time for me to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  19. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 48 degrees with a stiff north wind as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 68.

    It's Rose's last week of CNA school, and she spent yesterday working in a real nursing home. It was alarming and frustrating to her how tough it was to get anything out of some of the nurses. Some duties, only real nurses are allowed to perform, and a couple of them weren't nearly dedicated enough to suit Rose.

    She did get a kick out of one old man, who they were trying to get to take a shower. A male aide was going to help him shower, and he was having none of it. He was telling them that he wanted one of the female aides to help him shower, and just wasn't going to shower with a male aide helping him. If I ever end up in a nursing home, I'm going to try that trick.......LOL.

    I hope you're feeling better today, MI Judy. Have a great day, all!

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