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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 73 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 98. The forecast for the next 10 days is, hot, hot, and more hot.

    The weekend is almost here. Rose and I are supposed to go out tomorrow night, so I'm thinking I'll settle for a shorter bike ride tomorrow, and maybe some close to home fishing on Sunday afternoon, if the wind allows.

    It will be cool to see what the Evening Times publishes, Eric. Let us know.

    Sorry you've had such a tough several days, Annette. I hope it gets better soon.

    How did Gilda's go, MI Judy? Enjoy your fish, KW Judy! Back to work for me. Have a great day, all!

  2. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 71 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 99. It looks like the rain is gone. I wish we'd gotten more at home.

    KW Judy, I have no onc appointment scheduled. I'll probably just have to call and try to pry it out of them next week. I hope your allergies are better soon.

    How's your book, Eric? Have your storms eased up today, MI Judy? Is your water out of the faucet not good, Lillian? I remember when they first started selling bottled water. I just shook my head and thought, "Who would ever buy that?" Now they sell over 30 million gallons of it a year just in the US.........LOL.

    Have a great day, all!

  3. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 69 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 95. There were huge areas of rain all around us last night, but we got almost nothing at home.

    KW Judy, I hope they get your appointment and insurance details handled without a problem.

    I'll be leaving work early today, at 11:30 am, and won't even get to eat lunch first. My annual CT scan is this afternoon. I usually drive to work whenever I have this kind of appointment, since I'd have to leave work earlier on the bike, to ride all the way home and shower before the appointment. Going to get a scan to see if your lung cancer is still gone does have a tendency to adjust your perspectives though, and I decided to ride my bike today, that 5 1/2 hours was enough work time for me today.......LOL.

    Have a great day, all!

  4. I forgot to respond to your heat exhaustion post, Paulette. Glad you're ok now. I work in the heat, fish in the heat, and ride in the heat, so I tolerate the heat very well. But, I've noticed that the years where it turns hot very suddenly, I can have problems with the heat.

    I think the most important thing is to become gradually acclimated to the heat before you spend too much time in it, or especially before you expend much energy in it.

    But the burning question of the hour is: Did you spend more on the ER than you saved by doing the liner yourself? It reminds me of a couples bass tournament circuit state championship tournament that Rose and I fished one year. Rose was fishing with a Rattletrap when she set the hook on what she thought was a fish, and the lure came flying out of the water and hit her in the face, embedding two prongs of a treble hook deeply into her cheek.

    It ended up being that year's reminder of how awful our health care system is. We spent the rest of the morning and all afternoon sitting in an ER. When the tournament weigh-in time came, I left and drove back to the lake to get the fish weighed in, then went back to the hospital. By that time, they had finally removed the hooks from Rose's face.

    It turned out there were at least two nurses in the tournament who were well set up for removing hooks, if we had known that, and been willing to wait until weigh-in. Of course, it ended up taking so long at the ER that we waited until weigh-in time anyway.

    Even with all the lost fishing time, we finished in the top 15 of the 180 couples in the tournament, and won a few hundred dollars. It took quite a while to sort out the ER charges, but near as I can tell, our tournament winnings pretty much exactly covered the ER bill.

  5. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 71 degrees with light showers as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 94, with a chance of afternoon storms. We got very little rain at home; I hope it does rain this afternoon. But it would be nice to get home first.

    Lillian, I think it's actually the riding that gives me energy. Plus, it makes me really sleep soundly at night. It's funny how many benefits the right kind of physical stress can have on us, while most of the effects of mental stress are bad for us.

    Sara, glad you checked in. We always worry about any of us who are in the middle of chemo. I bought some ginger capsules when I was doing chemo, and they must have helped. I just never had any nausea at all. Rose discovered last night that her Pandora internet radio account could be played through the Roku box, and she was jamming to tunes from the TV when I went to bed last night.

    Eric, my boat has two depth finders, fore and aft. KW Judy, yes, depth finder and fish finder are the same thing. They're often called depth sounders, too. They've become really nice. And even the inexpensive ones (like I have) show water temperature too, these days. One of mine is also a gps.

    Time for me to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  6. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 77 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 100. For the fourth day in a row, we have wind gusts close to 40 mph.

    I got up Saturday morning and rode 20 miles from home, then joined a club ride that started in Crowley. There was heat and wind and hills, everything you love in a bike ride. I ended up with 83 miles.

    Yesterday morning, I took the boat over to Lake Benbrook. I had installed a new depth finder transducer, and wanted to test it out. That's about all I got done. Gusts near 40 mph are a bit much for fishing. I only boated one crappie.

    Fortunately, I still have lots of fish in the freezer, and we had our daughters over for a fish dinner for Father's Day.

    Lillian, I'm very glad to hear that your car is running. That has to be a load off your mind.

    Good luck today, Annette! Have a great day, all!

  7. I'm thinking your adapter should look like this one (perhaps without the round ground pin)
    Eric - Bud's picture is great but I wanted to point out that the round one below the two straight ones is not necessary.

    That's why I said "perhaps without the round ground pin". That round pin is indeed optional, Eric. An adapter with only the two flat pins will work. Those type plugs are for 110-120V AC devices.

  8. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 78 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 103. If it reaches that this afternoon, I will have ridden home in 100+ degree heat every afternoon this week.

    The wind is really kicking up again here. I think I'm still going to do a club bike ride tomorrow, but may scrap my Sunday fishing plans unless the wind eases a bit.

    I bought a electrical plug convertor from the UKs 3 pin type to your 2 pin type,hope its the right one? This one has two flat pins kinda sloping towards each other at approx 60 degrees,does that sound right to you?

    Eric, that doesn't sound right to me. The flat pins on our plugs don't slope towards each other. Wall plug outlets here look like this:


    I'm thinking your adapter should look like this one (perhaps without the round ground pin):


    Bruce, you came from the city, bought your farm, then bought animals from locals? That sounds like Eddie Albert on Green Acres.......LOL. Did you ever watch that? Is there a Mr. Haney there?

    Time for me to get back to work. There's just a bit over 6 1/2 hours left on my countdown to the weekend. Have a great day, all!

  9. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 78 degrees as I rode to work this morning. forecast high is 101. I could just copy and paste that from any day's post this week, huh?

    Annette, if you're into TV series with no commercials, Netflix should be right down your alley. For $8 a month, with a high speed internet connection and some kind of streaming device (like a Roku box), you could watch lots of series. I think we'll do the $10 a month plan, which includes a couple of movie DVD's, since we won't have any other source of newer movies then.

    KW Judy, yes, I am definitely ready for retirement, mentally, if not financially. There never seems to be enough hours in the day, and I'd really like to stop spending so much time in a nasty machine shop, and spend more with my dogs, taking it easy at home, watching stupid TV, etc.

    Glad you got a good rain, Ann. I hope we get some around here soon. Have a great day, all!

  10. LaDonna, so sorry you've ended up in such a tough situation. I have been very lucky so far and have a hard time imagining what you're going through. I wanted to welcome you here, though.

    I don't remember if I met you at the DFW walk (they say there are three sure signs of old age; one is loss of memory and I forget what the other two are), but I was one of the survivor speakers there.

  11. Going to be watching a lot of movies with that box?

    Actually, it will be a lot more TV series than movies. The streaming movies that Netflix offers are old and only a tiny subset of what they offer on DVD.

    But you can get pretty much any TV series streamed from Netflix. In the past, they were available the next day after being shown elsewhere. That's changing, as premium networks realize that Netflix is taking cable customers. Starz just added a 90 day delay for Netflix to receive Starz series (Camelot was the first series with the delay), and it seems likely that HBO and the rest will soon follow suit.

    But, I'm thinking I can wait an extra 90 days until I watch True Blood, Spartacus, and other premium channel series, when it means I'll be paying Netflix $8 a month rather than paying AT&T $100+ a month.

  12. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 77 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 101. It would be the third day in a row that its' gotten over 100 degrees in the afternoon. Our normal high for mid-June is 90, so we've definitely been hotter than usual lately.

    Sara, sorry you're still fighting nausea. I second the ginger. It worked well for me and for my wife, Rose. Sometimes the natural treatments work better. The prochlorperazine they gave me to fight nausea from morphine after my lung surgery made me sicker than the morphine would have. It did the same thing when they gave it to me with my chemo, until I figured out what was making me sick and stopped taking it.

    Starting July 1st, I'll start making the maximum 401k contribution from my salary that's allowed by law. With the thought in mind that it's time to start cutting my expenses, I ordered a Roku box last night. Y'all do know what a Roku box is, right?

    KW Judy, let me see if I understand this correctly. You need to clean your house so it will be clean when your cleaning lady arrives to clean? What am I missing here?

    Have a great day, all!

  13. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 78 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 101.

    Good luck with your chemo today, Sara. I had never heard of a taco terrier. I had to google to find out that they are half Chihuahua, half Toy Fox Terrier. When I found photos of some, I was struck with how much they look like my Chihuahua, Pixie. She's not registered; maybe there's some Terrier somewhere in her past. I'd love to see a photo of your puppy.

    Good to hear from you, Ann. I never ate tomato sandwiches, but when we visited our rural aunt and uncle who had a large garden, we always carried a salt shaker and just ate fresh tomatoes with salt on them.

    I've eaten walleye, but it was a long time ago. Lakes in my part of Texas get too warm for them, so we don't have them here. They are a very good eating fish, the other fish besides crappie that many people argue are the best tasting fresh water fish.

    Sorry to hear about your step-brother, MI Judy. It's a reminder that COPD is much more common than lung cancer, and is in fact projected to be the fourth largest cause of death by 2030.

    Time for me to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  14. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 77 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 103. It's always fun pedaling home in that.

    Eric, sounds like you had a nice trip. KW Judy, I hope you get to do some fishing. Catching some fish always seems to be good for whatever ails me.

    Stephanie, what kind of tomatoes are you growing? It's our first year with tomatoes so we don't know yet which ones will do best here.

    Time for me to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  15. Good afternoon, everyone!

    It's 98 degrees outside, and was about the same yesterday afternoon.

    I finished up yesterday's ride about 1:15, so didn't spend too many hours riding in the heat of the day. I did indeed go fishing today. I scouted the upper end of Lake Whitney and didn't do very well.

    It looks like, with Lake Granbury dead, I just don't have any close to home bridges that will produce crappie in the summer. I really appreciate a shady bridge the day after I've spent all day in the sun riding. I may have to do more short, early in the day crappie trips this summer, to escape the heat.

    I don't watch hardly any sports on tv, but the Mavs are playing for the NBA championship tonight, so I think I'll sit down and watch.

    Have a great day, all!

  16. I'm down to just annual scans with no disease and no treatment, and I'm really not very good at support, so I end up posting more in Off Topics than anywhere else.

    Lung cancer is bound to come up in our conversations there, but it's really nice to not feel like I have to discuss it there. But having it in common does make us kindred spirits there, and I truly enjoy our daily banter.

    Between working 45 hours a week and averaging 140 miles a week on the bicycle, I really don't find as much time to spend here as I'd like. But truth be known, even when I'm working fewer hours (which I hope to be doing before long), I'll still probably be better at testing my own limits than helping anyone else out.

  17. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 77 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 97.

    Rose, along with her sister and our daughters, is headed to west Texas to visit her parents over the weekend, so it will just be the dogs and I at home.

    I'm going to join some friends and ride my Crowley Cricket Crunch route tomorrow. That will be 100 miles to go along with the 122 miles I got riding to work, so it will be a good mileage week. We're taking off at 6:00 am so we won't be riding too many hours in the heat of the day.

    How's your pool adventure coming along, Paulette? I hope it all goes well.

    Annette, I probably eat either fish, chicken, or a meatless meal more often than red meat these days. And I've found some new fish recipes I like a lot, including a casserole and a fish cakes recipe that's really good. Breaded and fried fish is still my favorite, though. But, we do use a healthier oil for the frying these days, rice bran oil.

    I also have a shoulder hurting. It's hurt for a long time, but gotten a lot worse in recent months. My primary care doctor thinks it's bursitis, and is setting up an appointment for physical therapy for me. I hope that helps.

    Time for me to get back to work. Have a great Friday, all!

  18. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 77 degrees as I rode to work this morning. We're having a regular cool spell; the forecast high is just 97. The south wind is back, though. It will take some serious pedaling this afternoon to get me home.

    We get a free weekly newspaper tossed onto our driveway every Tuesday, called the Burleson-Crowley Connection. I picked it up on Tuesday, but laid it on the edge of the boat, still rolled up. My friend called to go fishing, so I never carried it in the house on Tuesday, then I forgot about it yesterday.

    Wouldn't you know it, the week I don't even open the paper, my photo is on the front page. It was taken just before the Burleson Honey Tour bike ride the week before. There's no article, just a caption, and I found nothing online. I'll scan and post it when I get home.

    MI Judy, do they give M&M's to the M&M of ceremonies? Have a great day, all!

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