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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 41 degrees as I rode to work this morning. That's the coldest temperature I ever remember seeing in May here. Forecast high is 71. Yesterday's high was 53 degrees, a record coolest high temperature for that date by 4 degrees. Forecast high for next Monday is 95 degrees......LOL.

    Sorry you're having insurance issues, KW Judy. I hope you get it worked out soon. I hate playing phone tag with insurance people.

    I have not been able to get the GRACE website to work for a couple of days now. Anyone else having trouble?

    Have a great day, all!

  2. MI Judy, we've all learned that the body can't replace lung tissue that's lost, but yes, aerobic exercise can definitely make the healthy lung tissue that's left work better.

    I think being proactive in trying to improve lung function is a good idea. On another site, a woman who's lung surgery was still quite a few weeks away said her surgeon told her to train like she was training for a marathon from then until the day before surgery. I think that's the best advice a surgeon could give.

    There are also breathing techniques that claim to be able to let you make better use of your lungs. And if you're someone who thinks supplements might help, here's one to google: beet root.

    This week's scoreboard:

    Obama - 1

    Osama - 0

  3. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 44 degrees when I got up this morning. That ties the lowest temperature ever recorded here on this date. Forecast high is 53. It stormed all night and is pouring rain still, so I left my bike in the garage and drove to work.

    MI Judy, I add weight every winter and spend every spring taking it back off. I'm not within a pound of my optimum weight, or even my target weight, I'm within a pound of where I was on this same date last year.

    Annette, you are right. I did get in better mileage early this year than early last year, so in spite of having such a low mileage month in April, I'm only 30 miles behind last year, overall.

    Yesterday was no help. I spent the entire day being a zombie in front of the television. Maybe I can get in a ride after work today.

    Have a great day, all!

  4. Good morning, everyone!

    It's 59 degrees outside with light rain and a howling northwest wind. Forecast high is 69. A storm just passed through, and it looks like another one coming. I was hoping to get in a ride today, but it looks like storms all day.

    I rode less than 500 miles in April. Looking at last year's log, that's over 200 miles less than I rode in April last year. I'm probably lucky that I'm only one pound further away from my summer weight than I was at this time last year. I need to bear down and get more miles this month.

    Rose passed the last part of the state test yesterday, so is now a CNA. I'm excited to see how she likes the work.

    I spent yesterday on Lake Whitney. I guess I'll call it an exploratory trip since I did more exploring than catching......LOL.

    Have a great day, all!

  5. Dangit, not what we wanted to hear, Judy, but at least it's small, slow growing and you're on top of it. That gives you a good shot at getting back to NED, and I'll root for that for your.

  6. Welcome, Alan. So glad you're doing well!

    And there's never a need to apologize for babbling on here. That's what this place is for. You'll always find people here who get it, and there's always other readers who will want to read every detail you post.

  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 55 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 86. I rode to work all five days this week, in spite of having to dodge some storms.

    MI Judy, I know what you mean about shrinking in height. I was about 5' 11" for many years. With my spine now shaped like a mountain road, I'm closer to 5' 9" these days.

    Eric, here's what happened with the Spartacus series. Just before they were scheduled to start shooting the second season, the star, Andy Whitfield, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. So, while he was getting chemo treatments, they delayed the regular season 2, and made the six episode prequel, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, which was set 5 years before season 1.

    Just after they started work on season 2 again, Whitfield's cancer recurred. So, they delayed again, and they're going to replace him this time. It seems unbelievable that someone in the kind of shape he is could be diagnosed with cancer, then recurrent cancer, but as we here all know too well, it happens.

    Let us know the good news about your scan as soon as you get it, MI Judy. Have a great day, all!

  8. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 42 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 79.

    Becky, I think that blog makes some good points. Breast cancer treatment may have improved a lot, but some of the chemo drugs used are still just awful. It's certainly not yet time to claim that the job is done.

    And it all too often seems that organizations that manage to turn themselves into fund raising juggernauts no longer do such a great job of using their funds. I was less than thrilled to read that the Deputy CEO of ACS makes $1,027,306 a year.

    What a bad tornado spring this has turned into, in spite of there not being many storms before April. I hope this is the last rash of really bad storms.

    Best wishes for great results from your scan, MI Judy. Have a great day, all!

  9. Good points, y'all. I had planned on being one of those who moves on and never thinks about cancer again, but it's harder to do after you sit with other cancer patients in waiting rooms and chemo rooms, lose online friends to this disease, and realize how much more lung cancer survivor advocates are needed.

  10. Congrats, MJB, great attitude and great information in your post!

    You are so right about keeping track of what has been done. The lack of communication between medical institutions and medical professionals is one of the biggest flaws in our health care system, I think. I learned it all too well during my wife's breast cancer treatment.

    My lung cancer treatment came from the VA, and that isn't a problem with them. Every single medical visit, right down to notes from the medical professional it was with, are kept on their computer system, and every medical professional you visit has instant access to it.

    I remember a CT scan I was having in June, 2008. I had had a preliminary hospitalization in November, 2007, lobectomy in December, and chemo from February to April, including a stay in the emergency room after a bad reaction to Taxotere.

    As I walked down the hall toward the scan room with the CT tech, he turned and said to me, "You've been through a LOT these last few months!" It occurred to me that it's a good thing when the medical professional you're seeing knows that, as well as knowing what all of it was for.

  11. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 59 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 73. There were tornado warnings all over the place again yesterday evening, but it was all south and east of here, nothing close. It's sunny and cooler now, so maybe the storms are over for a bit.

    Yes, KW Judy and Bruce, my hand isn't keeping me from riding. It is keeping me from doing my twice a week core muscle exercises and my dumbbell work, though. I hope I can resume those before long. One of the nicest things about cycling is that it's low impact enough that you can still do it through lots of maladies.

    Becky, I'm glad to hear the mri results were good. KW Judy, I hope you feel better today. Have a great day, all!

  12. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 57 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 83.

    Yesterday's ride home looked a little iffy when they started issuing tornado warnings for Glen Rose, which is 35 miles southwest of Crowley, about an hour before quitting time. But the storm passed just south of Crowley as I was riding toward Crowley from the north, and I never even felt a drop of rain.

    I'm still hopelessly behind here at work. I better get back after it. Have a great day, all!

  13. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 71 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Back to the grind. Forecast high is 88. The last of last night's storms had just moved through when I left home this morning. The streets were still pretty wet. They're calling for storms again this evening. Hopefully, I'll make it home before they hit.

    My employer had always gotten pretty lucky when I was on vacation in the past, with not many machines breaking down while I was gone, but their luck ran out this time. The factory service people they brought in for three machines still haven't managed to get any of them running, and our own maintenance people scattered a machine that really didn't need to be scattered to be fixed. It's a preview of coming attractions for the company, a reminder of what will happen when I retire. Meanwhile, I better get back to work.

    Have a great day, all!

  14. Good morning, everyone!

    It's 68 degrees here right now. Forecast high is 86. We got 60 mph winds during last night's storm, and have a chance for more storms today.

    I made another short fishing trip to Benbrook yesterday. The wind was blowing so hard that I figured I'd just stay close to home. I caught 7 keeping size crappie, but I've already kept enough crappie this week that I just released them.

    I managed to injure my left hand when I jammed it on the counter top yesterday. It's swollen to the point that a couple of knuckles have disappeared. I was going to do a club ride this morning, but just decided to stay home and rest today.

    Glad you're starting to feel better, KW Judy. Happy Easter, everyone!

  15. Good afternoon, everyone! It was 69 degrees when I got up this morning. It's 90 degrees now, still a full two months away from the first day of summer......LOL.

    Rose and I caught a nice mess of crappie at Cedar Creek Wednesday. When I found out the wind wouldn't be bad yesterday, I made a close to home fishing trip to Lake Benbrook. I brought home 5 nice crappie from there.

    This morning, I got up, hopped on my bike, and rode. I just finished up my ride, ending up with 92 miles. I've done so few longer rides lately that I'm feeling pretty wiped out from today's ride. Of course, the 30 mph wind didn't make the ride any easier.

    I hope you're feeling better by now, KW Judy. I think I'm going to take a shower, then vegetate in front of the TV for a while.

    Have a great day, all!

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