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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 22 degrees with a 35 mph north wind and sleeting hard when I got up this morning. There was over an inch of sleet already on the ground. As I drove to work, it changed to snow. We rarely get anything that could be defined as a blizzard here, but this morning had to be pretty close.

    The forecast high for today is........... even colder than it is now.....LOL. The howling north wind is supposed to have wind chills below zero tonight, so I probably won't ride to work tomorrow, either.

    KW Judy, I know exactly what you mean about storage, organization, and finding things in a small place. We downsized a lot when we moved to this place in Crowley, and I'm also finding that I keep rearranging things to make the things I use most often easy to get to.

    Stay warm, everyone! Have a great day!

  2. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 43 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 60, but then the weather is supposed to go downhill fast, with thunderstorms in the middle of the night, heavy rain in the wee hours of the morning, turning to ice by 8:00 am, all with a 30 mph north wind. Tomorrow night is supposed to be in the teens, and with the north wind still howling, wind chill will be below zero.

    I went fishing on Saturday. It was a really beautiful day, but fishing was much tougher than it had been the last few weeks. Sunday, a couple came over and joined Rose and I for a bike ride. It was the woman's first ride since surgery, so we just did an easy 21 miles, then went out to eat.

    It's good that I got lots of miles on the bike last week, because this week isn't looking too promising. We're be going from almost 80 degrees Saturday afternoon to a below 0 wind chill tomorrow night.

    Have a great day, all!

  3. I do not live in fear of the disease returning. If it does, we'll deal with it, like any tough stuff that life throws at us. I don't want to waste days or hours or even minutes thinking about that possibility, and feeling fearful of it.

    That's been my attitude all along. I just don't get worked up about it. If it's bad news, I'll deal with it then. Until then, I consider myself cancer free.

    Of course, I'm also the one who wasn't worried when they called me in for a CT scan before my lung cancer diagnosis...

  4. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 44 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 74. But in case I'm thinking that spring has arrived, some forecasters are starting to predict an ice storm here for Tuesday.

    I rode my bike to work all five days again this week. It's starting to look like that won't happen next week.

    Glad you made it back, KW Judy. I have the same problems from time to time. I get logged off and the forum won't accept my password to log me back on, or even email me a new password. I always end up having to get Katie to rescue me.

    Annette, I had a feeling that more pains would show up from that fall. It always seems to work that way. Glad to hear that it doesn't sound too serious, though.

    Have a great day, all!

  5. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 30 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 65.

    Bud, 27 in the am and 61 in the afternoon! No, no weather issues except pretty extreme swings in temps lol.

    Judy, yes we have some big temperature swings here, but what I meant by the no weather issues remark was that it was dry, no snow or ice like so many people are having right now.

    Annette, I hope no bruises show up later. Have a great day, all!

  6. Good morning, everyone! It was 27 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 61. No weather issues here. It's supposed to be nice the next couple of days, and actually get up to 70 on Friday.

    Not much going on in my neck of the woods, just another day at the salt mine.

    Have a great day, all!

  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 36 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 50. We're expecting some scattered rain and snow in the next couple of hours, but it's supposed to clear up after that.

    Lily, so sorry you're going through this right now.

    Katie, sorry the hospital is doing this. I'd head up a group here in Crowley, but as far out as this is, I'd probably be the only one there every time.

    MI Judy, thanks for telling us about sun dogs. I have never heard of such a thing. That's pretty cool. The things you can learn here!

    Great photos, Ann! That looked like a great birthday party.

    Yes, Eric, the secret Saturday was my bait. I was using a 1/12 oz tube jig. That's an oddball size (and one that I created, because I always thought it would be a good bait), halfway between the common 1/16 oz and 1/8 oz jigs. It was just the right size to use a very slow retrieve, yet keep the jig 10 feet deep while it was moving. That combination of speed and depth was the only thing that worked Saturday, a reminder of how finicky crappie can be, and what a fine line it sometimes is between catching a great stringer of fish or catching nothing.

    Have a great day, all!

  8. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 22 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 57.

    I had a great day fishing Saturday. That was the heaviest limit of crappie I've caught since May at Cedar Creek Lake, but I only kept 7 and released the rest. The fish were finicky, but with just the right bait cast and retrieved at just the right speed, I was reeling in a large crappie on almost every cast.

    There were 10 boats around me, and no one else was catching very many. They got closer and closer to me, cast on top of where I was casting, crossed and hung my line, but I remained the only one catching so many large crappie. Sunday, I stayed at home and zombied out in front of the TV.

    Judy, I had an especially bad cold at the beginning of November, but haven't been sick since. I hope that is my only cold of the winter. I didn't do antibiotics, so hope my immune system built itself up strong.

    I hope everyone feels better soon. Have a great day, all!

  9. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 18 degrees as I rode to work this morning, my coldest ride to work yet. Forecast high is 47. I rode to work all five days this week.

    Annette, your weather today sounds like yesterday here. The high temperature was early morning, and it just got colder as the day went. Fortunately, the moisture was gone by the time it dropped below freezing here.

    It's a little over 6 1/2 hours until my weekend begins. Big surprise, I think I'm going fishing tomorrow. I have some new winter fishing shoes to try out, and tomorrow sounds cool enough to give them a good test.

    Have a great day, all!

  10. Good morning, everyone! It was 50 degrees with drizzle as I rode to work this morning. That will be the high temperature of the day as a cold front came blasting in when I was about halfway to work.

    The temperature is already down to 33 degrees, and we'll be having light sleet and snow any time now. It's not supposed to last long, and warm back to the mid 30's by this afternoon, so hopefully, the roads will be ok when I head home. The 30+ mph north winds will be a good tailwind.

    I'm surprised that no one here is doing the Zumba classes. It seems to be the latest exercise craze, and is what Rose has been doing lately.

    I hope you're feeling better soon, KW Judy. Have a great day, all!

  11. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 31 degrees as I rode to work this morning. The heavy frost on the grass and parked vehicles was a good reminder that it's January. Forecast high is 59.

    I used up my entire break just reading everyone else's posts....LOL. Back to the salt mine I go.

    Have a great day, all!

  12. Good morning, everyone!

    I was 47 degrees with heavy fog again as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is only 7 degrees warmer, 54, as we have a front that came in.

    The forecast here has been all over the place this week. As late as yesterday morning, they were calling for three 60 degree days in a row, but it didn't get that high yesterday and now they're saying it won't get out of the 40's tomorrow, and then there's a chance of snow on Thursday.

    Judy is right, Libby. There's no point in beating yourself up about missed exercise days. Just keep working harder to fit it in the schedule, going forward.

    I really get tired of the winter, too, even though it's not nearly as cold here. It's a bit more tolerable now that I finally have a good winter fishing spot, but I don't like doing longer bike rides when it's cold, and miss those this time of year.

    Back to the grind here. Happy Anniversary, KW Judy! Have a great day, all!

  13. 250px-White_Bass.jpg

    KW Judy, white bass are a lot like crappie. They run in large schools, are very prolific spawners, but fairly short lived, so don't get really big and aren't really adversely affected by fishing pressure, so have the same liberal catch limit as crappie here, 10 inch minimum size with a 25 fish daily limit.

    They are stronger fighters than crappie, so are really a blast to catch on light tackle. They're very aggressive, not the finicky feeders that crappie are. Lots of people do like to eat white bass, but they just aren't nearly as good to eat as crappie. I release all the white bass I catch.

  14. I was already going through a lot of changes, starting to think about retirement and reducing my world down to the things I really like and want to do. I guess my diagnosis did tend to speed things along, in that vein.

    I was already very fit and trying to live healthier and lessen the unhealthy and stressful stuff, and I keep trying to improve there, too.

    I don't think there's any way you can hear that diagnosis without having some perspective adjustments happen. It can sure change what seems important, and improve appreciation of what's near and dear to us.

  15. Welcome, Chrissy. Randy is right, this beginning part is the scariest. Once you get a treatment plan started, you'll feel better.

    I was stage 2, so had surgery, but there are plenty of others here who had a similar diagnosis to your mom's. Best wishes for you and her. Keep us updated.

  16. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 45 degrees with a thick fog as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 62.

    MI Judy, I think yours is the right attitude about scans. I always expect everything to be fine, and just don't do much of the scanxiety. The only time I got worked up was when they were going to make me wait three weeks for my results. I went and picked up a CD copy of my results, and told everyone there exactly what I thought about making someone wait three weeks, including dropping a letter in the hospital director's box.

    I hope your trip is going well, Annette. Have a great day, all!

  17. Good morning, everyone!

    It's 44 degrees outside. Forecast high is 47. They also forecast a seventy percent chance of rain this morning, so of course it's dry.

    Yesterday morning, it was 39 degrees when I got to the river, and stayed 39 degrees for quite a few hours. There was a thirty percent chance of rain, and it thirty percented on me pretty much non-stop all morning.

    But the fishing was fun. Sometime after last weekend, and before yesterday, the white bass reached my crappie spot. They migrate up the river during the winter for a spawn in the river's headwaters sometime late in February or early in March. They stop at the deeper holes like my crappie spot on the way.

    There will likely be schools of them passing through my spot the next three weeks or so. They draw a lot more fishermen than my finicky crappie do. While they're there, the biggest challenge to catch crappie is getting through the white bass. I probably caught over 100 white bass yesterday, but still brought home a nice mess of crappie. Even in what you could only call miserable weather conditions, I had a blast.

    Good luck with your trip, Annette. Maybe spring will break out in Minnesota by the time you get there.

    KW Judy, if you move your mouse pointer to Spinks Airport, just south of Fort Worth on that weather map, that's the NOAA station I always check. It's just four miles east of me.

    Eric, I'm sure we'll enjoy all your musings and planning about your trip. It's always fun to hear what's occupying everyone's mind in our group on a given day.

    Glad you got your car going, Lily. Have a great Sunday, all!

  18. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 37 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 48. The south wind is giving us a slow warmup.

    Ann, your dog toy story reminds me of a dog I used to have that was deathly afraid of rubber snake toys. My daughters would chase him with one for fun. This was not a small dog, and to escape them he would run at full speed and jump into my lap, hitting me so hard he would almost tip over me, chair, and all.

    Eric, if you're in the US at the end of August, you should stop by Wichita Falls for the Hotter 'N Hell Hundred.

    It's a little over six hours until my weekend starts. It's supposed to warm up a little more tomorrow, so if the rain holds off long enough, I may go fishing.

    Have a great Friday, all!

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