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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Ok, below is a link to Annette's image. Only it wasn't an image, it was a web page. Only it wasn't a web page, it was a web page imbedded in email, complete with an animated gif. Only it wasn't an animated gif, it was an embedded animated image that Outlook Express wouldn't even save. The moral of the story? Be careful what you volunteer for....

    Missing Lipstick

  2. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 59 degrees with a light mist as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 81. It rained some during the night here, and I had forgotten about a road construction spot until I hit the mud in it this morning. I managed to stay upright, but really got the bike muddy. I'm glad I have fenders on it, or I'd be a muddy mess, too.

    I usually stop in here on my morning break, but this morning, I was a bit late getting to my office at break time, and when I did make it, there sat my computer locked up. By the time I rebooted and logged back in on the network, it was too late to post anything. So here I am, posting on my lunch break.

    Ann, great to hear from you, but sorry about the mortgage. There are so many people in that situation right now because of the falling house values everywhere. I was actually able to take advantage of that situation.

    My old house in Arlington lost value, but only a modest amount, nothing even close to the ones in my new neighborhood, which were all built in 2005-2006, the last years they were giving a mortgage to anyone who could fog a mirror. The massive amount of foreclosures in this neighborhood knocked the values down so much that I was able to sell my old house and use that equity plus a small amount of savings to buy this house outright. It's crazy, what's been happening in real estate lately.

    Libby, my riding mileage is down, like it always is in the winter, but I'm ahead of last year, so things aren't looking too bad, mileage-wise. Of course, with my mileage down, my weight is up. I am dragging around an extra 7 pounds right now. I need to not put on any more and get my miles up soon so I can get rid of that.

    Annette, I'm pm'ing you my email address. I can post your image, but won't be able to do it until I get home.

    Good luck with scans, Annette and Libby! Have a great day, all!

  3. Good morning, everyone!

    I was 46 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 69.

    I ended up planting myself in front of the tv yesterday, and spending the day there. The dogs loved it. We hadn't watched tv all week, so the dogs hadn't gotten any lap time all week.

    Pixie will spend a little time on my lap when I'm in my computer chair, and she'll also spend time sitting on my shoulder (should have named her Polly, I think), especially when Rose is in the kitchen and she can watch her from my shoulder, but they really enjoy lap time a lot more when Rose and I are laid back more in front of the tv.

    Time to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  4. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 39 degrees with a north wind gusting to 35 mph when I got up this morning. There was also a large area of rain, including the area around Lake Aquilla, where I was going fishing, so I just decided to stay home instead. Forecast high is 59, but it better get started if it's going to make that.

    I seem to have no pain in my shin at all now, except after I've been on my feet all day, so maybe a couple more easy days will mean the end of that. We're having dinner with daughter Linda this evening. It's her boyfriend's birthday. Maybe I'll go fishing tomorrow.

    Libby, good to hear from you, but sorry you're having a stressful time right now. I didn't realize you did taxes at home. I guess anyone who does that it pretty busy right now. I hope the job situation is still good after the dust settles with the state thing.

    Good luck at the doctor next week, MI Judy. Annette, I hope you're catching up on your rest this weekend.

    Have a great day, all!

  5. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 60 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 77. I rode my bike to work all five days this week. My shin feels much better now, but I'm probably going to ice it for a few more days.

    I'm thinking about trying a new crappie spot, Lake Aquilla, tomorrow. But, they're calling for 35 mph north winds, so it may not be the best day for fishing.

    Ginny, it sounds like you're pretty excited about your gold membership. Is it warm enough yet there to golf?

    MI Judy, the Laugh Fest sounds fun. But, I better quit smiling and get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  6. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 48 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 77.

    The typewriter talk reminded me of the old portable typewriter my dad left me. It was my standard for letter writing or anything that needed to be typed until computers came along. I still had it until we made this last move. We were downsizing so much that I just couldn't see keeping a typewriter that I hadn't used in many years, so it got left on the curb with a For Steal sign on it.

    Not much happening here other than another work day. Have a great day, all!

  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 45 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 75.

    MI Judy, I hope you're having a better day today. Annette is right. There's nothing wrong with sharing with friends that you're having a tough day. Too many of us tend to just not post when things aren't going well. None of us can be sunny all the time; we all have ups and downs, and I would rather hear about the downs than hear nothing.

    Eric, I hope you get the date of your separation worked out. It's amazing how some bosses will go out of their way to make things hard.

    Great story about the three alarm spaghetti, Becky. Rose has set off our smoke detector a few times cooking, but there was always really smoke.

    Katie, all the new LUNGevity stuff looks great. I think it's great that LUNGevity is partnering with Dr. West to do more webinars and such. I know he was struggling to fund that kind of thing on his own.

    Time for me to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  8. Congrats, Helen. It's great to hear that it's only limited. And you'll be started on treatment in less than a week. It will no doubt be challenging, but having a plan that's moving along always feels better than waiting and wondering. Keep us posted.

  9. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 32 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 72, 40 degrees higher. That makes it a bit tough picking out which cycling clothes to wear.

    I ended up with 420 miles on the bike in February. That's not a very good mileage month for me, but considering the bad weather early in the month, and my shin splints late in the month, I guess it's not that bad.

    I should have made the long drive to lung cancer group after work yesterday, but I didn't. I did the same thing I've done every evening lately, soaked my left foot in warm water and epsom salts while elevating my right leg with an ice pack on my shin. I've gotten where I can read my email and surf the internet with no problem in that odd sitting position....LOL.

    Congrats on the severance approval, Eric. Very nicely done on the blog article.

    I'll look forward to all the new LUNGevity stuff, Katie. Have a great day, all!

  10. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 56 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 66.

    Other than a bit of bicycle maintenance yesterday morning, I pretty much zombied out at home the entire weekend, trying to see if some time off my feet would help my shin splints.

    Bud,thanks for the comment "Eric stop playing with the bots" for the life of me I really dont have a clue what you mean?could you shine some light please?

    Eric, I was just making a joke. You had replied to a forum spam post made by a spambot in the My Story forum. It was a post about quitting smoking, and did look a lot like a real post, but any time someone's first post here is full of advertising links, that's a pretty good indication that it's not a real post. I hope it's good news on your retirement today.

    Stephanie, we have a couple of meat free dinners every week these days. More would suit me fine. I hope KW Judy is having a blast on her cruise. Have a great day, all!

  11. Good morning, everyone! It was 36 degrees when I got up this morning. Forecast high is 57. I decided to give my shin a break from riding today, and drove to work.

    It was a tough ride home yesterday. We didn't get much rain. The line of storms formed just east of us. But, we did get a west wind gusting to 40 mph from the cold front behind the storms. Any bike is tough to ride in a 40 mph wind, but especially a bike with a front fairing. I was doing some serious leaning as I rode home.

    If I had just left a couple of hours later, it would have been a north wind, which would have acted as a great tail wind, rather than the cross wind trying to blow me into traffic. What's that old saying..........if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, every day would be Christmas?

    Happy Birthday, Stan! Have a great day, all!

  12. I deleted it Bud - I thought about it this morning with the advertisement links at the bottom - I just didn't want to delete someone truly looking for help - but it's done now.


    Yeah, it's tough when the spam touches close to what we're about here. But all those advertising links was the clue that it wasn't real. Those spammers keep getting slicker.

  13. Bud, there are gremlins in the site. I distinctly remember starting to type and then clicking "Thursday's Air" when it popped up. Oh well, you fixed it I guess cause it's here now and not there lol.

    Judy, no, I didn't need to fix anything. I was just in the middle of composing my Thursday's Air post when yours got posted. So I just went back and copied what I had written in mine, and pasted it as a reply to your post, instead.

    The only gremlin I've seen today is the quit-smoking spam bot in the My Story forum. A moderator needs to delete that.

  14. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 64 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 79, with some storms in the area.

    Dangit, Annette, sorry to hear about your nephew. All of our failed attempts to help family members serves to remind us that you can't help anyone who won't help themselves. We always keep trying, hoping that the time has finally arrived when they're ready to help themselves, but there's just no way of knowing when that day will happen. Hopefully, they'll come up with an in-facility setup that will be able to help him.

    KW Judy, I was actually composing a post to start today's Air, but when I opened a second tab to re-read everything from yesterday, there was your new post.

    Eric, stop playing with the bots. Time for me to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  15. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 56 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 76. This is a lot closer to the February Texas weather I had in mind.

    KW Judy, I should have mentioned in my post yesterday that I had merged your and Annette's posts. Then you would have gone back and seen hers. When are you leaving on your cruise?

    Donna, how much snow did you get where you are? It sounds like things are better in your area, MI Judy, if you're out and about. Your part of the country handles those snow storms a lot better than mine.

    Compared to dressing out deer, cleaning crappie seems pretty easy. I think I'll stick to fishing and skip the hunting, even if I do have to find a new crappie spot.

    As was mentioned before, healthy food tends to be on the expensive side, but even so, I'm thinking that using it as fuel to get myself to work is still a lot cheaper than using $3 and something gasoline in my truck to get to work.

    Have a great day, all!

  16. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 38 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 70.

    MI Judy, better pace yourself with that housework. That sounds like one major snow storm. I hope you're weathering it ok.

    Yes, we men are bad about being too casual while in the restroom doing our business. The men's bathroom here at work, which doesn't get cleaned nearly often enough, is a testament to that.

    I'm usually pretty careful, especially at home, but the other day while standing in front of the toilet, I sneezed unexpectedly and, well, let's just say that it wasn't pretty.

    Have a great day, all!

  17. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 64 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 74. The south wind this morning will become a north wind in a couple of hours as we have a front come in. That means I'll have a tail wind for my ride in both directions today. That's appreciated, since I'm trying to ride easy to not aggravate my shin.

    MI Judy, Rose is better, although she still has a cough and congestion. Buying healthier food is definitely more expensive. Rose says she spends more on groceries for the two of us than she did for the entire family when the kids were at home.

    Some of it seems crazy, too. Whole grain flour, which is processed less than enriched flour, costs more than the enriched. It's just because that's the way flour has been processed for a very long time, so that's how the big companies are set up to do it.

    And the subsidized corn crops that make the not so health corn fed beef so much cheaper than anything else is maddening, too. We only eat beef a couple of times a week these days, but pay more for better beef.

    KW Judy, the fish kill was caused by golden algae, an ongoing problem for lakes and rivers in the northwest half of Texas.

    Time for me to get back to work. Have a great day, all!

  18. I'll be spending plenty of time today doing the stupid tv thing.

    Keep in mind this thing is very small, and there are lots of possibilities for things this small, plus scans aren't very dependable when it comes to identifying anything so small.

    So, it's very possible this doesn't amount to anything. Let's hold that thought for a while.

  19. Good morning, everyone!

    It's 62 degrees outside right now. Forecast high is 74.

    I did more running up and down the lake than fishing yesterday. The fish kill looks worse than I thought. There were no bait fish to be found anywhere on my depth finder, and lots of floating dead and dying game fish. I may have to find a new crappie spot for a while.

    Bud - Leg cramps? My diagnosis is lack of potassium. I'm prescribing a banana split to get rid of that problem, in fact, I'll even take your medicine for you... :roll:

    Becky, I have shin splints, not leg cramps. I can't remember the last time I had leg cramps. I get plenty of potassium. I eat a banana every morning. For table salt, we use Morton Lite Salt, which has potassium. I also take Emergen-C, which contains potassium.

    I suspect my shin splints was caused by muscle overuse, doing a 107 mile bike ride last Saturday on a bike that I'd never ridden over 21 miles. It puts me in a slightly different seating position than any other bike I have, used some muscles more than they're used to, and that was likely the cause of my shin splints.

    As I type this, I'm sitting with my left foot in a pan of warm water with epsom salts (ingrown toenail), and my right leg elevated on the table with an ice pack on my shin (the shin splints). I'm a real cutie right now.........LOL.

    I think Rose and I are going this morning to check out the new Sprouts Farmers Market that opened near us. They're a chain that has healthy food, supposedly at lower prices than health food stores or places like Whole Foods (Whole Paycheck, I call it). We may become regular customers there. Then, I'll probably just stay off my feet for the rest of the day.

    Have a great day, all!

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