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  1. Rachel


    Just returned from having Stereotactic & some fun in the sun. My parents flew my brother & sister to Florida also. What a surprise!! The MRI prior to the Stereo showed no tumors !! The stereo was still done. I am feeling OK except I do have bouts with slight nausea and the fatigue is still hanging there. When I left OHSU I was told there were no signs of cancer & my next check would be in 2-3 months. Exciting news but the reality of the disease continues to loom in the back of my mind. I feel chest pain occaisionally, just a nagging ache. Can't help but think the beast is back. After so much radiation to my chest could this be the result of scare tissue? I honor all your opinions and would like some feedback. It's always so comforting to have you all to turn to. Thank you so much for being here. Rachel
  2. Jen, I was preparing to do PCI when the MRI showed 2 mets so I had full head radiation for 18 treatments. 2 wks after treatment I returned to Oregon for Stereotactic & found no brain mets but my Doc still did the stereo. My chest Ct was also clean so they are calling me in Remission!! I had a tough time making the decision to have PCI. Then I didn't end up doing it. Good luck with your Mum's decision. Rachel
  3. Sharkats, I also had the same treatment as Joanie. My Doc mentioned that any more chemo they have found to be more toxic than benificial. Good luck to you. Rachel
  4. Soccermom, I have to agree with Sandy. When radiation was added while I was still doing chemo it kicked my butt also & I went into this 48 yrs young & strong. Of course I did radiation twice a day. I think you should trust your Doc. Good luck to you all and know there is positive energy coming your way. Rachel
  5. Hi Mo, Good to hear the side effects aren't to bad. Mine weren't either except for the low counts & man could I tell when they went down!!! There is nothing like the feeling you get from gassing up on a couple units!!! Good luck. All my best & positive energy coming your way. Rachel
  6. Cindy, I had an echo cardiagram to check on a spot that showed up on a CT. The Doc also said I had fluid around the heart but didn't seem concerened & it did go away. I'll be sending those positive thoughts your way. Rachel
  7. Thanks Mo for that information. I will see my internist on Tues and have him check the inside of my ears. Hop your doing ok with the Topotecan. I'm ready for the dizzines to go away. There is gardening to be done uo here & the season is short enough. Take care...Rachel
  8. Well, the fatigue seems to be getting better, but, I am now experiencing nausea & some dizziness from the full head radiation I had. My last treatment was on Feb 26. It's odd to me because I only just started having these side effects maybe a week ago & the dizziness seems to be worse each day. Has anyone else that had full head radiation for mets or PCI had the same experience? If so do you remember how long they lasted? Thank you for any insight. Rachel
  9. Dani, great news about your sister. I also had good results with my chemo. Cisplatin/Etopiside. Think positive joyous thoughts and I'll be doing the same for her. Rachel
  10. Berisa, Today is thursday & I will be thinking all the best & praying for your father as he undergoes his surgery. Nothing but good thought & positive energy headed your way. Rachel
  11. In Jan I was going to head back to Or. for PCI but MRI showed 2 brain mets. So back to Or. for treatment. My Doc did full head radiation for 18 days and I will return in 2 weeks for Stereotactic radio surgery. The side effects aren't too bad. A bit of fatigue, very itchy & peeling forehead & scalp. Could be worse. My memory seems to be working so far! I am concerened about side effects from the stereotactic. Any comments would be greatly welcomed. 2 days after the surgery I will be flying to Florida to visit my parents & want to be feeling well for the flight. My best wishes, positive thoughts & prayers to all of you on this message board. This board truly helps me to keep my attitude up there. Rachel
  12. Good Luck Mo. I also had Topotecan when they found a second tumor on my r lung. Turned out to be scar tissue! I had very few side effects except low blood counts. Hope you can experience the same. My very best wishes & positive energy coming your way.
  13. Rachel

    Bad MRI

    Well, the results are in. My Jan 15 MRI showed 2 brain mets. Not quite what I wanted to hear but I'm sure you all understand that! So instead of going south to Oregon today for PCI I will have radiation for the mets & I don't mean the ball team!! My appointments aren't till next week except for a PET scan Friday so we will leave after the scan and drive and camp in urts along the Oregon coast. A bit of a break before the work begins. Rachel
  14. WEll, I had what is called a good chest CT on the 13th. One thing does concern me though. What was first thought to be cancer was then diagnosed as scar tissue from radiation but on the CT I just had it appears to have shrunk!!! Is this possible for the scar tissue to shrink? Or am I actually stuck with more of the beast? Has this happened to anyone else? I will be headind to Portland, Or on Wed for PET scan & PCI so I will also talk to my Doc's down there. Another month of being away from home. Thank God my in-laws are in Or. They provide so much comfort to us. I want to thank you all for being here. I don't often post but reading all the posts give me comfort. Thank You. Rachel
  15. I did not know Sam as I am new to this board, but , I hope his family & friends find comfort in all these heartfelt messages that have been sent to them. My deepest sympathy to you all. I'm sure Sam's warmth will shine down on you all. Rachel
  16. My first set of Chemo was in the big city of Portland,Or so there was no way I would drive down there to begin with. My husband took me to chemo & then to Rad twice a day when that started. I did become quite ill between the 2 after a while so I couldn't have driven then. Second set O Chemo was done here in Alaska. I drove myself each day but did not feel very ill from the treatments. Hope all goes well for your Mum. Best Regards, Rachel
  17. Rachel

    PCI question

    Paula, I was dx'd May 24 2003 limited sclc to mediastinum & r lung. Did chemo for 4 rounds cisplatin & etopiside then 15 days of radiation twice a day. I will have CT scan & Brain MRI this Friday. If all is clean I will proceed to PCI. I also have been very confused & apprehensive about this procedure but have decieded to do whatever to be well again. I also turned to this forum board for advice & the comments I received along with other research have helped me to make up my mind. I will be praying for you Mum. Rachel
  18. It was comforting to read all your notes regarding PCI. I will start PCI in mid Jan 2004 & have been very nervous about the whole thing & trying to research as much about it as possible. Especially side effects. After hearing about the "Hair Pain" I will probably shave my head like I did before the chemo had a chance to cause it to fall out. Hopefully that will take care of that pain problem. It's great having this board available.
  19. Greetings from Ketchikan, Alaska. I am Rachel & 48 years young. Diagnosed May 2003 with limited SCLC. I have completed 4 rounds cisplatin & etoposide plus 3 weeks radiation to mediastinum twice a day. Another spot on CT had me doing chemo again. 4 rounds Topotecan. The spot ended up to be scar tissue from radiation. Now I await Jan 15 for followup CT. If all clear it is recommended to undergo PCI treatment. I'd love to soak in any & all info anyone out there may have for me. I did read about the head hurting when the hair falls out but would like to hear more about side effects such as memory loss etc. Thank you in advance for any info provided.
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