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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Karen and all

    I guess I meant a place where if people needed to discuss something that might have a chance of being disagreeable they could do so. A recent thread comes to mind about who should or should not be highlighted in media-it did cause some disagreement. Maybe somebody was not happy with that, though mainly it stayed above the personal level. Stuff like that.

    Karen you have a heavy burden as we know, and no one expects that everyone wants to or can do more than they already are doing. Your support is appreciated by many!

    Cheryl, you and Jack are a part of my family as are Becky and Curtis--even if I am one of their black sheep :shock:. I love you all (1400 plus) for the uniquness you have brought to my life and for the lessons I have learned from each of you whose words and voice I have been priveledged to have read and heard.

    I miss those who have left us--no matter how they have left us. I hope we can do them proud.


  2. Cheryl,

    I think you said what you said beutifully. I lost my mother at barely age 9 and had a brother 6 and one 3. One thing that I think people need to know is this: the death of a parent causes a great deal of insecurity to children. I don't know exactly about kids Katie's age. But at my age, I feared beyond belief that something would happen to my Dad. My younger brothers became very attached to our housekeeper and when my Dad remarried (someone we didn't hardly even know) they both were deeply hurt by the housekeeper's sudden departure. Luckily for us, my Dad didn't parade a bunch of women around to us. But on the other, hand he made a most unwise choice of mates, which even he would agree were he here to tell you for himself.

    It may seem like Katie understands death, but I don't think she does, really. She does know enough to be confused as witnessed by some things you have said she has said. And she is certainly old enough to be hurt.

    No one wants you to be unhappy, Curtis, you know I don't, I hope. I don't think there is a right way or a wrong way. I truly don't think in those terms. I, like, Cheryl am just urging caution.

    Also, when we lost our mom, it was also almost like we lost our Dad too. So in some ways, maybe if he had been able to be happy or find some happiness after she passed, maybe it wouldn't have seemed like we lost him too. So I don't know, really what the bottom line is..

    Back in the day when I lost my mom, little was even considered about the grief kids experience. I think they thought we didn't grieve. A lot more is known now, and I would suggest grief counseling. I wish they would have had that for my brothers and I back then. For my Dad, too.

    Count me in as just another person who loves you....


  3. I was thinking about this myself, today. You said many things, beautifully, Fay. There is bound to be disagreement, especially when it come to discussing the very things that WILL get this organization involved BEYOND support--IF that is the direction others want to take it.

    Like Fay, I fear for my children and not just MY children but many hundrends of thousands of children and people yet to be DXed. My lot is set. I got LC. So whatever I can do now is of uptmost importance to me--for the future "mes."

    I have been blessed with several months of being relatively able to use my mind and the few God-given skills I have. Maybe I have seemed "intense" to some--. I am not asking forgiveness for that.

    Time is of the essence for me. I am proud to be intense about whatever it is I CHOOSE to do. If I at times have seemed impatient. Believe me, I AM.

    I had hoped to do things WITH this group, but have decided not to wait because groups take a long time. But I also know that groups are more effective, so I hope and pray the group can do some things that Fay suggested.

    But first, the plans need to be concrete--not generalized. That is where disagreements are bound to happen. Unlike what seems like a common opinion, I think DISAGREEMENTS, when handled in an adult way, are extremely healthy and lead to action. If people are afraid of disagreements, things stay stagnant. These are my opinion. Let the bullets fly.

    I too made an error or two as for my own advice about being adultlike.

    And I have done my best to make ammends.

    The bottom line is what can we do to show a strong face AND get the kinds of discussions going that can lead to ACTION?

    Is there a way to have one section of the board be private, so that only people who wish to be involved are able to be involved?

    I am NOT talking about a place where ANY ONE OF US CAN COME AND BASH ANOTHER. I mean a place where postition papers can be drawn up and action plans put together.

    For example, a couple of us want to put together something about the trend toward using placebos in clinical trials. I suppose we can do that in a chat, but how does one keep a record of the conversation in a chat???

    Well just my thoughts, which are about worth what you paid for them.


  4. Ginny

    YECH! I didn't know ants got that big!!!

    Sorry it was a tough week, but I am sure better ones are ahead.

    Ok my good news is: Andrea thought I did a pretty good job of explaining libel laws!!! :D:D:D


  5. I have a friend on the board who has been in the hospital off and on for the past week or two. She is currently undergoing tests to find the source of some recent symptoms. Please keep her in your thoughts. She is only 47 year old and her primary caregivers are her very young daughters. Please pray for them, too, as this is a heavy load on their hearts.

    I am not using their names as I haven't their permission. But like Peggy said, your God will know who you are praying for.

  6. Denise

    Oh, I am so saddened to hear this. I wish for you strength to help your mom at this most difficult of times and for you both to find comfort and peace.

    love and fortitude


  7. Fran

    John and Frank are going to have to buy a calculator to keep track of all us women's joke points!!!!!!!

    We need the kind that has the tape, cos I don't trust them and I certainly don't trust them to add them up in their heads!

    Or better yet, they should be required to submit a spreadsheet at the end of each month!!!! That way we can keep a close eye and refer back to the board.

    Are you listening Board of Directors????? :):):):)

  8. Unlike Frank and John who often OVER ESTIMATE the point value of a joke, I am going to UNDERESTIMATE this one at about 1,000. Right, Debi? Right, Ry? Right, Nina? :!::!::!::!::!::D:D:D:D


  9. Char

    I wish there were words right enough... I just want you and Rich to know I am loading up on good thoughts to send your way. I hope the rad is able to stop the pain and that it will allow other treatments to follow.

    love and fortitude


  10. I promised Bruce a Dolly Pardon Joke and this is the best I could do: :shock::D

    I'm almost certain Bruce said he worked at Toys R Us, didn't he???? :D

    Reasons For Being Fired From Toys 'R' Us

    15. A little too much joie de vivre while demonstrating the erector set, if you know what I mean.

    14. Every time you're passed over for a promotion, you stick your head in an Easy Bake Oven and threaten to "end it all."

    13. You got caught adding a garage to your house using embezzled Lego bricks.

    12. Numerous parental complaints about your "Tickle Me Bruce The Stock boy" display.

    11. You went overboard with your GI Joe Militia display by adding the Tonka truck full of fertilizer.

    10. Cross-dressing the Ken and Barbie dolls and telling kids they're the new "Jerry Springer" edition.

    9. The "My Little Taxidermy Kit" (with starter squirrel) is not selling.

    8. Impromptu demonstrations of why Malibu Ken is not anatomically correct.

    7. Got caught doing your Dolly Parton impression with basketballs again.

    6. Source of reefer smoke finally traced to "nostrils" of Geoffrey the Giraffe.

    5. Jaws of life needed to pull your knees out of your chest after you jackknifed a Big Wheel.

    4. Caught hocking phlegm into tykes' hands and telling them it was "homemade Gack."

    3. Your sales display, "Barbie's Struggle for Survival in Post-Nuclear Holocaust Malibu" was not exactly an overwhelming success.

    2. Too many reports from people who swear they saw Geoffrey the Giraffe in a leather bar.

    1. Regardless of the question, you answer, "Bite me, kid -- I'm on break."


  11. Cat,

    Everyone on the board is human (as far as I know!) so I am sure everyone does some judging and it's hard not to. Not to say it's right or anything, but just to let you know what you probably already know: you're not alone. I wish we didn't do it and I find when I do do it, that I am really judging something in myself. Frued just may have been right about projection. :shock: Though he certainly got women wrong!


  12. Curtis,

    I know you have to know what an emotional issue this is to so many of us. We have our intellect and we have our emotions and those two don't always match up.

    As the likely "Becky" in the scenario, I know I would want you to do as you are doing and would be so pleased to see you doing it thoughtfully. But there is an emotional pang, too, caused by the fact that I would so much rather be going on in this world that it hurts sometimes.

    I hope that makes sense.

    It can't be easy--this passage from one love to whatever the future holds for you. As for me, I hope it holds a load of happiness, peace and love.


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