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Posts posted by Elaine


    You never know when one of these may be of use....

    Twenty ways to tell someone their fly is open . . .

    20) The cucumber has left the salad.

    19) I can see the gun of Navarone.

    18) Someone tore down the wall, and Pink Floyd is hanging out.

    17) You've got Windows on your laptop.

    16) Sailor Ned's trying to take a little shore leave.

    15) Your soldier ain't so unknown now.

    14) Quasimodo needs to return to the tower and tend his bells.

    13) You need to bring your tray table to the upright and locked position.

    12) Paging Mr. Johnson...Paging Mr. Johnson...

    11) Your pod bay door is open, Ted.

    10) Elvis Junior has LEFT the building!

    9) Mini Me is making a break for the escape pod.

    8) Ensign Hanes reports a hull breach on the lower deck, Sir!

    7) The Buick is not all the way in the garage.

    6) Dr. Kimble has escaped!

    5) You've got your fly set for "Monica" instead of "Hillary".

    4) Our next guest is someone who needs no introduction.

    3) You've got a security breach at Los Pantalones.

    2) I'm talking about Shaft, can you dig it?


    Just wanted to share some insider merger information -- have this from very

    reliable sources -- may want to keep an eye out on the following merger


    Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and

    W.R. Grace Company merge to become Hale Mary Fuller Grace.

    Polygram Records, Warner Brothers, and Keebler Crackers

    merge to become Polly-Warner-Cracker.

    3M and Goodyear merge to become MMM-Good.

    John Deere and Abitibi-Price merge to become Deere Abi.

    Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota

    Mining merge to become Zip Audi Do Da.

    Honeywell, Imasco, and Home Oil merge to become Honey I'm Home.

    Denison Mines, and Alliance and Metal Mining merge to

    become Mine All Mine.

    Federal Express and UPS merge to become FED UP.

    Xerox and Wurlitzer will merge and begin manufacturing

    reproductive organs.

    Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will merge

    and become Fairwell Honeychild.

    Grey Poupon & Dockers Pants will merge and become Poupon Pants.

  3. The more I think of it, maybe my friend got the settlement because her ex husband was behind in court ordered child support and thus her claim was that her children were actually creditors. That probably is more likely the case than that she was able to overturn the will on any other grounds unless she claimed undue influence.

    Anyway, it sounds like this is more a bothersome needle in your side than something that will come to any fruitition.


  4. Her ONc's office should have a social worker who should be doing this for her. She can apply directly to the drug company and the social worker will do that. The income guidlines are ridiculous, however. And it is hard to imagine that a drug costing 1,800 a month would require an income of less than 34,000, which I think is the case, if I remember correctly.

    Paddy, does your onc have social workers on staff? If so call them.


  5. What did your lawyer boss have to say about it? I had a friend whose ex husband died. He never paid child support and his kids were left out of will. She contested and did get most of what she asked for. Like I said earlier, it just depends on the circumstance and of course, the judge.


  6. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but unfortunately it could be possible for a blood relative to be successful in contesting a will. I don't know what makes for a more successful case than one that is not successful; however, and don't know the details of your situation. But one thing I know is not contestable is life insurance beneficiaries--because my step mom tried to get the proceeds of what my dad left me and she had NO luck at all.


  7. There are ways to get a personal response that almost always work. I think I posted on this before. I have never gotten a canned response but so far with LC I haven't known yet exactly what I want to ask someone to do. So I have only written on the behalf of others. And since I was not a consiturent in those matters I got no response, yet.

    However, not getting a canned response does not mean you will get what you want but it does mean you might get their attention.

    I mostly think that unless there is someting specific to your own personal needs that a rep can actually address, writing a congressperson is not as useful as writing the media. It does help however is there is a specific bill coming up that he or she has to vote on. In the case of no bill, writing to ANY Senator, who you think may be incline to introduce legislation is good--no matter if you live in his or her state or not. But if there is no bill pending that will increase funding, then .....

    Congresspeople read and respond to what is in the the media, local media too and especially at election time.

    I feel like I am rambling, but please people, don't give up.


  8. Carolyn,

    I had no idea. I am so sorry. I hope you find comfort in fond memories. Your husband lives on in the lives of your grandchildren and children.

    love and fortitude


  9. Donna

    The way it sounds to me is that he didn't want a watered down bill. (Is there a pun there, lo?l). But who knows, maybe the tobacco lobby did get to him. I have his autobiography and I am going to look up what he has to say about it in it. I don't know if a watered down bill is better than no bill. I don't really know. But maybe we can get one now. But I honestly don't think that will happen with George W as the president.


    PS: I just looked in the rather extensive index and Clinton makes NO mention of this at all. Don't know what that means but Kessler nor tobacco appear.

  10. For those of you who missed it here is an article on the basic gist of the show.

    http://abcnews.go.com/sections/US/ABCNE ... 908-1.html

    Donna, you seem to say that Clinton killed the bill because he was in support of the tobacco industry. According to the article McCain's bill was not supported by the two Clinton Administration officials because the bill watered down the original agreement and allowed a guarantee that the tobacco companies would survive. The article (at the end) mentions new legislation that is pending that would buy out tobacco farmers and put an end to government support of helping to kill people. I hope many of you write your congresspeople in support of it.

    The Clinton administration did more to attack the tobacco industry than any other. As a matter of fact the Bush admin has tried and failed, by the way, to stop the latest lawsuit that the Fed Govt has against the tobacco industry. It is supposed to go to court in a few days, I think. This latest lawsuit also began in the Clinton administration. I know I sound partisan, (I am) but if Clinton was to blame I would admit it--and he is to blame as are all administrations that have continured to allow the sale of tobacco., and especially the support of tobacco production.


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