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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Don, as we learned yesterday, John has, well, let's say some issues--lol.

    Let's call it transpoultry, if you get my drift!? We have to check his jokes closely because sometimes, he is confused. Like this case. It IS points for the women, but let's not make too big an issue of it, lol!!!!


  2. Kim

    I am with your finace on this. If she was never told about the "mass", how was she to know to keep having the cat scans? That's awful. Did she have a primary Dr then? Is it the same one as she has now? Before doing anything else or mentioning it to anyone else, get ahold of her primary doctor's records.

    The one good thing you have learned is that the tumor is VERY slow growing since it had not even doubled in over two years! Your profile says the tumor is in the trachea--do you mean that it invades the trachea? or was it contained in the trachea? If it began in the trachea, there would have been a point when it could have been surgically removed and if it began outside the trachea and grew toward the trachea, there would have been a time it still would have been a candidate for surgery if there was enough margin. If it started very near the outside of the trachea, it may never have been a candidate for surgery from what I think I know, but the thing is you need someone with real knowledge to look at the scan. COPD does not necessarily mean your mom could not have surgery.

    I am sure as others will attest, there are things found in medical records that are never mentioned to patients. To me, that is wrong.

    I am so sorry you are going through this extra burden right now. You have every right to be angry. There is a thread somewhere on here about suing and further information is given.

    Here is the link

    http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.p ... ight=suing

    love and fortitude


  3. After reading your post and doing a search on "sentinel nodes", I guess I better understand this article! I still wish that with the paucity of funds going to LC research that more dollars were spent on early detection and CURE--and less on cost effectiveness--which, when it comes down to it, this does impact. I don't mean to put down your friend, since I see that there is a way in many cases, that this might be helpful.


  4. Carleen

    I am so saddened by your news. Two people come to mind about brain mets, but I am sure there are others. GinnyD's hausband had brain mets and StandforHope's husband had nurmerous brain mets over a year ago-- he had WBR alone, I think, and just this past week end he took a 400 mile motorcylce trip, alone--400 miles each way! And he did it all in three days! He also works full time. There is hope Carleen.

    Did Keith have symptoms? I looked at his profile and didn't see when the last brain imaging had been done.

    You and Keith remain in my thoughts and the thoughts of many.

    love and fortitude


  5. Bonnie

    I am so glad to hear from you. I am sending prayers that the treatment works well for you. I am glad your daughter is with you and hope your husband fully recovers. You are so dear to me and I keep your kindness with me always.

    love and fortitude


  6. Norme

    I am so glad to hear from you. I understand what you mean, though I guess from a different angle. Too often lately, I want to post and I just don't have any words. None of them seem even adaquete to express what I feel.

    I jsut want you to know that I wish that you felt no pain of loss. BUt that would not be the way of this world. I hope you find comfort in your memories and in your family.

    I wish for you nothing but the best, my friend. I will carry your kindness and generosity with me.

    love and fortitude


  7. James

    Welcome to the place no one really wants to be. But I know that since you have the need you can find lots of suppot and answers to questions. MJ already told you that no Drs are 100 per cent correct--so don't lose hope.

    Do you have other information about your mom's DX and circumstances? Did she get a second opinion? If not, pls try to have her do that--especially at one of this country's Cancer Centers. Where are you located. Someone on here is sure to know the best place to go in your area.

    If you can provide more detail--about mets, or no mets etc. I think we can offer more help to you. Also the type of lc would be helpful to know.

    How old are you? I know this is tough, so pls hang on !

    love and fortitude


  8. I am sorry to hear about the brain met, but glad it was found relatively early. Did your husband have an MRI or some other imaging test of the brain at DX? If so that might help you decided whether or not to do WBR, since that is a fairly short time for a tumor that large to appear ( I think).

    I also notice that your bio reads squamous cell--is that correct or is it adeno? It is rare for non-smokers to get squamous, so I was wondering.-also because adeno frequently mets to the brain whereas squamous does, but not so often and with fewer mets, from what I have read here on the board and elsewhere. That, too might help you decide. There is a member, Karen from CA who had gamma knife and then some other radiation afterwards--not WBR, so you might want to check with her about that.

    I know there are so many decisions to make and so much stress to make them under.

    You did the right thing by telling the Dr even if the symptoms he had in the car were not caused by the met.

    love and fortitude


  9. Signs Your HMO might not be in your best interest:

    Pedal-powered dialysis machines.

    Use of antibiotics deemed an "unauthorized experimental procedure."

    Head-wound victim in the waiting room is on the last chapter of "War and Peace."

    You ask for Viagra. You get a Popsicle stick and duct tape.

    Annual breast exam conducted at Hooters.

    Exam room has a tip jar.

    You swear you saw salad tongs and a crab fork on the instrument tray just before the anesthesia kicked in.

    "Will you be paying in eggs or pelts?"

    Tight budget prevents acquisition of separate rectal thermometers.

    "Take two leeches and call me in the morning."

    The company logo features a hand squeezing a bleeding turnip.

    Tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicle.

    Covered post-natal care consists of leaving your baby on Mia Farrow's doorstep.

    Radiation treatment for cancer patients requires them to walk around with a postcard from Chernobyl in their pocket.

    "Pre-natal vitamin" prescription is a box of Tic-Tacs.

    Chief Surgeon graduated from University of Benihana.

    Directions to your doctor's office include, "take a left when you enter the trailer park."

    Doctor listens to your heart through a paper towel tube.

    Only item listed under Preventive Care feature of coverage is "an apple a day."

    Only participating Physicians are Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine.

    Only proctologist in the plan is "Gus" from Roto-Rooter.

    Plan covers only "group" gynecological exams.

    Preprinted prescription pads that say "Walk it off, candy *ss."

    To avoid a time consuming and expensive throat culture, the doctor just French kisses you.

    Recycled bandages

    You can get your flu shot as soon as the hypodermic needle is dry.

    Your "primary care physician" is wearing the pants you gave to goodwill last month.

    24-hour claims line is 1-800-TUF-LUCK

    Costly MRI equipment efficiently replaced by an oversized 2-sided copier.

    Enema? The lavatory faucet swivels to face upward.

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