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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Kelly

    I wish there were words enough to comfort you and your sister, now. I am so sorry. I hope that you can hold onto your good memories and know that your mom is with you always. She loved you two with her whole heart and soul. I know she wanted you to be with her and that she is proud of you both.

    love and fortitude


  2. I just finished listening to an interview with the author of this book. I know at least one member on the board who is employed by a drug company--and realize that this member is not responsible for drug companies and their policies. Anyway it was an interesting interview--the author was the long time editor of the New England Journal of Medicine. One of the things that I had wondered about was why are there so many copycat drugs--I don't mean generics, but drugs that basically do the same thing as other drugs--with some slight variations--why is this so when, especially in the case of cancer drugs, we need something that is curative and not just something that might prolong life another couple of weeks longer than what is available? Anyway, this book addresses that, plus more!

    http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... vi=reviews

  3. I have to laugh when you call me a voice of reason, lol. I am sitting here thinking maybe we should try to buy a house like we had intended to do after we finally sold our house where we used to live. Or maybe we should move to a townhouse where there wouldn't be yardwork etc. The house we live in now is depressing me and it's a rental and I am not sure that we should be spending our money to fix up someone else's house. I do know that when we took money from the 401k, we did have to pay taxes plus a 10 per cent penalty and there was no way around the penalty that I could find.

    Anyway since I don't have prescription coverage, I worry that we shouldn't do anything...

    I know where you are coming from.

    love and fortitude


  4. Jen

    Do a search of the site. There have been many, many posts on the pros and cons of PCI. Or look through the SCLC forum--I think some of them are there. Maybe it's been a slow week or maybe people have already written their experiences. I am sure no one meant it as a slight on you. Love to you.


  5. Karen,

    I have noticed at times you post with a list of all your stressors--two year old, commute, job, etc. etc.

    If buying the TT will take more away from the list of stressors than it adds, then go for it. No one knows enough about your financial situation. However. taking money out of retirement funds at your young age is not usually a good idea. I know, I've done it. Sell your old one and use that money, and take as little as you have to out of the fund.


  6. Cat, I had another idea--maybe the question "Have you had any trouble with her?" meant trouble as in legal trouble--if you get my drift. Maybe that is what he is avoiding you about. I mean, really,--people change Doctors all the time. Does your primary know about the letters you sent to Wexler et al? If so, they could see that as potential trouble.


  7. Up north they don't use tar and feathers, lol. Not even sure what the equivalent of them are. Probably here in Kansas, they just take their rifles off the gun racks in the back of their pick-ups--

    Angie, glad you got something done. You know, your dad probably knows he needs the scan, but he probably would like to avoid it, so when they said what they said about the 21st, he porbably just thought--hey, that will work--even though he knows he might need it sooner. Does that make sense?

    Love you both


  8. I thought the whole point of the bronch was to tell if what is in there is cancerous or not--give me the guy's name, and I will call him myself and tell him off for speaking that way to you, treating you that way and for going on about a mass in such a way as to scare you when it may not even be cancerous still. I know there are others who will do the same, if you just give us the word.

    Cat, do you have someone who can go with you to these appointments? I think they treat people, especially women, this way, especially if they are alone and appear vulnerable. It's the God complex and plain old misogyny.


  9. Joni

    My heart goes out to you and Alex. As you may have read on other posts, I lost my mom a few days after turning 9. I think you are very wise to grieve with him and to find counseling for him. It is just too hurtful for a child to keep things inside. You are a wonderful mom and I am so sorry you have to have had such sadness in your life.

    love and fortitude


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