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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. Never fails, when I am alone I get some new thing going on. About a month ago, my right hand "mouse hand" began to twitch--lasted about 30 seconds. Not sure if it was whole hand or fingers, then it happened again this morinig. Again only 30 seconds and as soon as I lifted my hand it stopped. I didn't think anything much about it until happened twice.

    Looked on Internet--wrong move--and found something called "simple partial seizure"--is this what I had? Does anyone know!

    The only other "brain" symptom I have is that on right side above the temple area I have had weird senstations since before DX--the sensations have not progressed--and was told it was "nothing" though it has to be SOMETHING! But from my limited understanding, right hand twitching would be caused by something going on on the left side! This is all driving me crazy since I imagine a head full of tumors, now!

    My HPOA gives me a lot of tingling--which of couse the DRs say it IS NOT causing--but since two other people I know of who have HPOA also report tingling, I think the HPOA does cause this--.

    My husband is in Puerto Rico--in the aftermath of tropical storm Jeannie and I guess I am just worried that this could be the precursor to something larger looming...

    I know I have no right to ask since I am not going to go to the Dr unless someone points out to me that this is something life threatening. But I do just wonder if anyone has had this happen. Truly if not for my DX, I would probably not have thought a thing about either the funny sensation in my head or the finger/hand twitching.

    Why is this disease so sneaky! Especially since non-life threatening disorders/illnesses are often so acute!


  2. Funny Store Names

    In San Jose, California there is a store called: Linoleum Dicks


    There's a chain of drugstores in Delaware called 'Happy Harry's Discount



    A chicken take-out chain (started by Rutgers University Students, NJ)


    In Gobles, Michigan, there is a resturaunt named "The Shagnasti"

    There's a place in Calgary called "Mother Tuckers" except it's a

    steak house


    In Troy NY : Bizzarro Funeral Home


    In Bellevue Iowa, there existed the "Dye Funeral Home".


    In Philadelphia, there's the "Deady Funeral Home". [Area residents are

    aware that "Deady" rhymes with "lady", not "ready", but I can imagine

    visitors doing a double take when they see the sign.]


    A Chinese Take-out called:

    Fu-King Kitchen .......they caught on some months later - changed

    it to Foo-King Kitchen.


    There's one in Texas called "Wok N Roll".


    In Logan, Utah, there is a Chinese Delivery place called,

    Wok on Wheels


    In Toronto, a chain of Chinese fast food joints called Ho-Lee Chow.


    In England there is a store called Knobs and Knockers!


    Iin a suburb of Dallas, in a predominantly Asian community a salon

    called Chin Hair Designs. Maybe a place to go in and get a goatee trimmed?

    OK, it's not a pun, but there's a store in Columbia Missouri called

    Liquor Guns and Ammo.


    I saw a picture of a small-town drugstore, owned by a guy named Mr Strange. The big neon sign advertised "Strange Drugs".


    There is an automotive part store in Colorado with a sign that says,

    "We are happy to show you your parts."


    There is a sign at a garage that says "Johnsons Please Enter

    Through Rear".


    There was once a marque in Seattle that read "NOW APPEARING - JIMMY

    SMITH & HIS SWINGING ORGAN" (they probably had to show ID at the door).

    There's an outhouse company in Edmonton whose slogan is:

    "We handle the big jobs"



    An electrical fix-it shop (displaced when I-10 went through town):

    XXX Electrical Shop - Let us check your shorts!

    Radiator repair shop (51 Ave & Glendale)

    "Best place in town to take a leak!"


    In Dallas there's a Chinese restaurant called Wok Around the Clock.

  3. Foriegn Conversions

    These are from the New York magazine competition where they asked

    competitors to change one letter in a familiar non-English phrase and

    redefine it.

    Harlez-vous francais?

    (Can you drive a French motorcycle?)

    Ex post fucto

    (Lost in the mail)

    Idios amigos

    (We're wild and crazy guys!)

    Veni, VIPi, Vici

    (I came; I'm a very important person; I conquered)

    Cogito Eggo sum

    (I think; therefore, I am a waffle)

    Rigor Morris

    (The cat is dead)

    Respondez s'il vous plaid

    (Honk if you're Scots)

    Que sera, serf

    (Life is feudal)

    Le roi est mort. Jive le roi

    (The King is dead. No kidding.)

    Posh mortem

    (Death styles of the rich and famous)

    Pro Bozo publico

    (Support your local clown)

    Monage a trois

    (I am three years old)

    Felix navidad

    (Our cat has a boat)

    Haste cuisine

    (Fast French food)

    Veni, vidi, vice

    (I came, I saw, I partied)

    Quip pro quo

    (A fast retort)

    Iic liebe rich

    (I'm really crazy about having dough)

    Fui generis

    (What's mine is mine)

    VISA la France

    (Don't leave chateau without it)

    Merci rien

    (Thanks for nothin')

  4. Very few things in this life have a simple cause and effect relationship--most things are complex. Thus, it seems with cancer. Not all smokers get it--thus there must be something(s) else at play. Lately, the answer is looking like genetics coupled with whatever outside stimuli--smoking-radon etc. etc.

    Someone asked me last night if I thought I would have gotten lc if I had not smoked. I doubt it--I am positive smoking had something big to do with it. But who is to know? I lived in houses with radon, I lived with smoking parents. I lived! I don't think the answer is simple.

    I understand your search and your anger. I have some too--this wasn't supposed to happen at such a young age--or so I thought. Then I found people on here younger than me.

    At this point I doubt it matters much as to the why, for me, anyway. I don't think it's going to be a known-- I only want it to stop happening to others--so in that regards finding the causes IS crucial--.

    Thus, I think the Doctor's answer of "bad luck", is just about the one I would agree with most.

  5. Advertising slogans translated

    From "American Demographics" magazine:

    Here's a look at how shrewd American business people translate their

    slogans into foreign languages:

    When Braniff translated a slogan touting its upholstery, "Fly in

    leather," it came out in Spanish as "Fly naked."

    Coors put its slogan, "Turn it loose," into Spanish, where it was read as

    "Suffer from diarrhea."

    Chicken magnate Frank Perdue's line, "It takes a tough man to make a

    tender chicken," sounds much more interesting in Spanish: "It takes a sexually stimulated man to make a chicken affectionate."

    When Vicks first introduce its cough drops on the german market, they

    were chagrined to learn that the german pronunciation of "v" is f - which in German is the gutteral equivalent of "sexual penetration."

    Not to be outdone, Puffs tissues tried later to introduce its product,

    only to learn that "Puff" in German is a colloquial term for a whorehouse. The English weren't too fond of the name either, as it's a highly derogatory term for a non-heterosexual.

    The Chevy Nova never sold well in Spanish speaking countries. "No va"

    means "it doesn't go" in Spanish.

    When Pepsi started marketing its products in China a few years back, they translated their slogan, "Pepsi Brings You Back to Life" pretty

    literally. The slogan in Chinese really meant, "Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Back from the Grave."

    When Coca-Cola first shipped to China, they named the product something that when pronounced sounded like "Coca-Cola." The only problem was that the characters used meant "Bite the wax tadpole." They later changed to a set of characters that mean "Happiness in the mouth."

    A hair products company, Clairol, introduced the "Mist Stick", a curling

    iron, into Germany only to find out that mist is slang for manure.

    Not too many people had use for the manure stick.

    When Gerber first started selling baby food in africa, they used the same

    packaging as here in the USA - with the cute baby on the label. Later

    they found out that in Africa companies routinely put pictures on the label of what's inside since most people can't read

  6. The GOOD news is that J. can change after this round. That's not so bad.

    By the way, what did he say, if anything, about possible surgery? And did he confirm the staging?

    I am glad that you have a DR in your future that will be someone you and J, will be more comfortable with.

    Try not to look back and place blame. It's hard not to, I know. But the future is what is most important.

    love and fortitude


  7. James,

    The University of Iowa, Iowa City has the best cancer center in the state. You aren't far from there (well by the Iowa definition of far, lol). Can you get your mom an appointment there? I think they might have satellite offices, but I am not sure, so call them.

    love and fortitude


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