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Posts posted by Tiny

  1. Katie, Rick, and Family-

    The going is rough right now. Isn't life a mixed bag of wonderful blessings and challenges!!!! Wishing you all more of the former and congratulating you on your anniversaries. You know I love and care for you all.

  2. I haven't been keeping up well lately, but we definitely have had at least one such incident previously on this site, and I was naively suckered in, along with lots of other nice folks 8), for quite some time :oops: . What a pity to waste time and energy in this manner.

  3. CT of 6/21 notes no evidence of recurrent malignancy. :D:):o:lol::P:D

    Another bright note is that we should be able to move into our new one-story house within the next couple of weeks. The carpet man is laying rug as I type. :P

    On a different tack, it was disconcerting to walk into the onc's office this morning and find a sedate gentleman awaiting me instead of my usual feisty-little-terrier lady oncologist. Apparently her parents are ailing, and the family has decided to move closer to Illinois. She has been my rock and my shield, and I will miss her greatly. The new onc seems very thorough and capable, and I feel we will develop a good rapport with time. Quite a surprise, though.

    You're all ever in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Minnie-

    The passing of a loved one is very emotional and private. There are no right or wrong responses. Your mother will always be in your heart and occasionally in your dreams. Please accept my condolences to you and all the family.

  5. Brandy-

    Hang in there with us...we are all coping the best that we can, also. Sometimes specific questions are easier to answer, but one of the beauties of this site is that all points of view and ranges of emotions are honored as long as they don't offend someone else. Often, just setting down our fears, or "venting", will help us clarify and survive. Keep posting and we'll try to listen and respond.

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