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eric byrne

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Posts posted by eric byrne

  1. Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Lovely mild day today,I missed the gym again,I had to wait on a repairman to visit,our washing machine has recently only been able to run on one prog,and was not spinning properly,Sally was indisposed,so I had to dispatch her upstairs before the guy arrived.Typically the guy arrives and is here for only a few minutes and tells me it needs a new control pack,which he will have to order ,blah,blah,well at least we can still operate on the one prog.

    Utilities-Electricity and Gas,I have noticed my direct debits for these have been increasing considerably over the last couple of years,my electricity is provided by Scottish Power and gas by British Gas,strangely since, these companies were once government owned and then sold off to the public sector,you can now get your gas from the electricity company and vice versa,now if you have both services from the same company you get a discount,the big problem is there are now so many competing suppliers with different tarrifs,you need a degree in economics to work out who is the best suppier.My gas costs £96/month($150) and electicity £52($78),so I am going to shop around for a better deal.How does my utility bills compare with the USA?

    Bowling tonight,my first game for a while,I missed last Tuesday's due to being in Manchester and also Thursday,I was attending a reunion evening at Anniesland College for all those staff that have retired over the years.

    Well that's all my gossip,just about dinner time,I may drop by later after the bowls.Bye for now.

    Oh,re-soft and runny eggs,think you call them-over easy?.

  2. Hi Gina,

    Welcome to LCSC,I am so sorry to read of your boyfriends situation.I am glad you have found this forum,it has helped me so much in being able to cope with my lung cancer .Everyone here is so supportive and encouraging,I am sure you will benefit so much by being here.

    I think it took me about six months to settle my nerves and come to terms with my cancer,then gradually I began to find some confidence to believe I actually had a future to look forward to.

    Your boyfriend really has gone through the mill over these last two months,both physically and mentally.I am so full of admiration for him,for the way he has coped with his journey so far and has kept up such a positive attitude.

    I can appreciate how hard this is for you also,I wish you both well as you face this challenge to-gether,it isnt easy,but it can be done,there are so many survivors here with a whole variety of lung cancers and different stages, doing well,not just surviving but thriving.

    Sharing with your new family of buddies here,you need never feel you are facing this alone.

  3. Hi Judy,

    I am so sorry to read of your results,I knew you had some previous suspicion of such a scenario,never the less,it has come as such a disapointment to me.

    I wish you well,that subsequent treatments will be effective against these small tumours.Please dont worry,we are all here to support you.Best wishes and all my love.

  4. Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Very mild but overcast today,I had a bit of a lie in this morning,missed the gyming and swimming,feeling a bit lazy today,spending my time online instead.

    At last, after two years,I finally got to the respitory clinic yesterday morning.I got introduced to a new Doctor,very pleasent young girl,looks just out primary school never mind med school.Anyway she does give me a thorough physical seems I am OK,then brings up my new X-ray on her monitor,absolutely clear is her verdict.Hooray,next appointment- 4th June.

    Next stop Cumbernauld,Irene has a days holiday from work and wants me to take her Christmas shopping.We had a really good afternoon to-gether,I had so much fun in the toy stores trying out all games available ie remote control helicopters and cars.Well, we did have a success shop,something for everyone as they say.All that walking about certainly stirs the appetite dos'nt it?so its off to the restaurant-an Italian/American one, Frankie's and Bennie's I think it was called?great food, I ordered steak and chips(fries sorry)served with a fried egg on top of the steak and garlic butter,sweet, cherry crumble and ice cream,there goes the diet again,OK I will restart after Christmas.

    Well just off now to pick up my Max Hastings book on the D-day landings,its a great read,I should really be clearing out the garage to create the space I need to put away the garden furniture for the winter,but what the heck,theres always tomorrow.Bye.

  5. Hi Gina,

    I am so sorry to read about your Mums passing,please accept my sympathy.This was so sudden,perhaps in view of her discomfort,God has intervened.

    I do hope you will continue to visit us here in the future,my very best wishes for you and your family.

  6. Hi JudyMI,

    Thanks for your post,I can appreciate the vast land masses in the USA allow for hunting wildlife much easier than in the UK.I think every square inch of countryside here is owned by the titled aristocracy,who have "owned" the land for centuries.Its rediculous,some estates you cannot even walk through never mind hunt.These estates expect you to pay hugh sums of money to hunt on them,this they would argue is to offset the cost of maintaining the land.

  7. Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Gosh it seems ages since I posted,I have been keeping myself busy.I arrived at Manchester mid afternoon last Tuesday,checked in,its a lovely hotel,in the heart of the City.I relaxed at the bar with a bottle of Peroni,when my buddy Robert arrives,(18 year survivor of both SCLC and NSCLC)I put that in for Alan,since he might not have heard of me mentioning Robert before.Robert and I decided to go for a walk through the shopping centre of Manchester.It is just beautiful,all the streets and shops all decked up for Christmas,loads of shoppers scurrying about with their pressies,gosh am I the only person who insists on doing my shopping on Christmas Eve?,whats all the rush?.

    Robert and I return to the hotel just in time for dinner,and meet up with other Roy Castle Advocates,I particularly liked a guy called Bill,(11year survivor)he is from Perth in Scotland,he worked at Stirling Uni as head of security until his retiral over 8 years ago,the Uni invited him back just after his retiral to join a research team as a layperson,he has been working with them two days a week.Bill was offered and accepted recently a Honourary Degree from Stirling Uni in recognition of his voluntary work for the Uni,Bill showed us pics of his graduation ceremony which was held in Inverness Cathedral,its such a lovely buiding.

    The conference on Wednesday went really well,lots of infro on whats been happening in the world of LC and Roy Castle,I got involved in a work group to discuss a new newsletter publication,which will start up next year,they were looking for advice on its format and contents,I can tell you the ideas generated which if adopted,would mean the newsletter will have more pages in it than War and Peace.I don’t envy the editors task in whittling down our wish lists for contents.

    I have since coming home wrote my speech for the service of remembrance “Light Up A Star” being held on the 11th of Dec,I have also been sent a reading to present to the audience,I hope I don’t end up blubbering as I read it,since it is quite an emotional piece,but really nice.Wonder if I post my speech,you could give me a crit of it,giving me your thoughts for additions or deletions?.

    Well tomorrow is my clinic appointment,I should have had 4 completed now,its been over two years since I had one(I am supposed to attend every six months) last Dec the appointment was cancelled due to the heavy fall of snow.The new appointment I was given was in March,by the time March came and I dug out the appointment letter,it was for the day before.I phoned the clinic and apologised,I was told OK,just wait for a new appointment.None came,I discovered I was struck off for missing two previous appointments,one of them March 2010,I apparently phoned then to cancel without giving any reason?and this March? they tell me they had no record of me phoning in my apologies?.It says it all,having waited now for a month for word that I had been re-instated,Sally phoned the clinic,they told her about my appointment tomorrow,they were most surprised to hear,I had’nt received any notice of this.That would have been me up to my neck in it again,if Sally had’nt phoned.

    Sorry about all this,I do go on when I get started.Anyway JudyKW,hope your chemo last Tuesday went well?.Your description of thanksgiving eats got my tummy rumbling,seems you enjoyed yourself.I had never heard of Black Friday before until both Randy and JudyMI mentioned it to me,then what do you know,it was all over our TV news at the weekend.Boy some people take their shopping seriously don’t they?what about that woman with the pepper spray in LA,methinks I would be giving Black Friday a wide berth.

    Hi Alan,I got to agree with you about weekend posts here,its a bit of a shame,I do miss a daily read,well I suppose we are all to blame,must do better.I find the hunting of animals in the USA a bit strange,so many people seem to get involved.This does happen in Scotland,grouse shooting included,but it seems to be exclusively an upper class activity here.My older brother used to work on Lord Lovats estate,on a hydro electric dam,the job came with a house,in winter the deer came down to his garden and feed on vegetables my brother would put out,these deer were virtually tame,it seemed such a shame they were hunted.

    Time to go, think I have bored you enough,Bye

  8. Hi Guys,

    I have just arrived home from my Manchester LC conference for advocates,I am tired after all the travelling by train,tell you more about it tomorrow.Wait a minute you may not be here tomorrow-Thanksgiving Day-Gosh I am feeling a wee bit left out,anybody going to invite me to their party?or have I left it too late.

    Have a wonderful day everyone,I am with you all in spirit,well I will be when I have a couple of wee amber nectars,tomorrow,just to feel I am joining in with the celebrations.Er,is it OK to have a wee drink on thanksgiving?,you know, when I consider who the guys were on the Mayflower?.

  9. Good Evening Everyone?,

    Anybody at home?goodness no Sunday post or Monday post to answer to?,I didn’t realise Thanksgiving had so much preparation.when is it anyway?.We celebrate our patron Saint Andrew on the 30th of Nov,tatties and neeps and a couple of amber nectars to celebrate,bit of Scottish music on TV and thats about it.

    Weekend, kids birthday party,it was great fun particularly for the kids of course. I got a lot of fun pics,mind you it seems there’s growing unease with adults taking pics of kids here now,some schools have banned parents from filming occasions like the school nativity play,political correctness gone mad I think.Sunday ABC,then up to my sister Dots for a pleasant afternoon,grandkids Jack,Emma with Mum Jaqueline.

    I spent the day preparing for Manchester tomorrow,as a delegate for the Roy Castle Advocate’s Conference on Wednesday,we had to indicate which focus activity we wished to attend.The one I have chosen is the proposal to start up a new magazine,they were looking for suggestions on its format and what it should contain.I have typed up several suggestions,and printed lots of copies to distribute to the group,hopefully it will provide a basis to start the discussion.I really enjoyed last years conference,its so nice to meet up with over 100 lung cancer survivors,everyone you meet is so friendly.We arrive at the hotel late afternoon to a wine reception,then down later for dinner afterwards an evening spent in the bar getting to know each other.I will get back to you all on Thursday to let you know how it all went.bye for now.

  10. Hi Gina,

    Welcome to LCSC,what a sad story you share,well at least after further posts you have a happy outcome to share.

    I know the devastation a LC dx came bring to a family,and I have found time itself is a great healer.There are a lot of survivors at Stage 4,so dont lose heart,one day at a time as the saying goes.

    Please pass onto your Mum my very best wishes for a successful outcome as her treatments progress.Do keep in touch and let us know how she is doing.

  11. Hi Dave3,

    Welcome home,sorry to have missed your previous posts,I am relatively new around here.Congratulations on your survivorship,you have had it a bit rough,have'nt you?,hopefully things will improve for you from now on,mentally and physically.Please keep in touch,Best Wishes.

  12. Hi Beth,

    Its a pleasure to meet you,I am a comparative newbie so I missed your posts first time round.Sorry to read about the loss of your husband,but wonderful to read how you have managed so well in picking up the pieces.Congratulations on getting married,hope you have long, happy and loving lives together.

  13. Good Afternoon Everyone,

    A real dreich day here,just back from my gyming and swimming,thought I would check in.Well I arrived at the Scottish Parliament Building on Tuesday 4.00pm,I was first of the Roy Castle delegation,our meeting was due to start at 6.00pm,but since this is the first time I have been inside this building I wanted to wander round taking pics.My camera refused to work?some kind of message came up on its screen-Blocked?,oh its so frustrating,no matter what what I tried-nothing,grrr.Architecturally its not my favourite building outside,mind you they say the Sydney Opera building was,nt well received initially,now its so iconic so maybe it will grow on me with the passing years.Edinburgh is the laughing stock of the UK with projects such as this building,initially its construction budget was set at approx £40 million- slight underestimate-final bill ? somewhere about £400 million.They are currently laying a tram line system through Princes St, its cost has grown from £70 million,its now three overdue ,they have cut some miles from the project since the construction costs now stand at would you believe £750 million.($1.025 billion)thats equal to over £37 million/mile.

    Well I did wander round the inside,its just beautiful,sorry no pics to share,you will just have to come and see it for yourselves.Well after a while the RC team arrive,Prof Ray Donnelly the founder and six others,one of the group compiled the report,she is a Doctor her name is Jesme Fox,wife of the UKs Minister of Defence,Liam Fox,she presented the report to Dr Nanette Milne MSP and gave a brief outline of the reports contents and then introduced me to the Assembly members.

    My speech started with me introducing myself,family status, events leading up to my diagnosis,treatments,chemo and surgery I then went on to describe my work with the Roy Castle as an advocate,a member of the Stobhill LC support group,being a member of Team Inspire,CBN and LUNGevity,describing its aims and its support for research projects in LC,as well as its social forums.When I was introduced to Nanette,she said I know you,you have spoken before at this Parliament,no, she was right, we had met before,but at Stirling Uni,when I had asked her why if Lung Cancer was killing 42,000 Brits each year,which was greater than the combined totals of breast,prostate and bowel cancer why was LC only receiving 4% of the total research budget?.I really had the drop on her,because I even remember her reply “Its not a sexy cancer”.I did include these replys to that question in my speech,but to take the heat off them,I suggested their replies were not personal opinions,but a educated guess what the general public thought would have been the reasons.

    I mentioned being a member of SIGN,working on the redraft of the document called the Management of Patients with Lung Cancer.Also my trip around the USA and the web site set up for me by LUNGevity, Help Eric-Hes coming to America,my blogs and pics,as entertainment in facebook but also to raise awareness of LC.I also mentioned LUNGevity’s Breathe Deep charity walk in Lincoln Park,and sharing a “platform”with Dr Jack West and Senator Andy Hill,which can now be see in You Tube Eric Byrne-Lung Cancer Survivor.I mentioned this was my third film made the others,Eric Byrne-Stop Smoking,which is being shown in Schools in Liverpool in a campaign called fag ends,to dissuade teenagers from taking up the smoking habit.

    My closing comments was the stigma that is attached to lung cancer and smoking,that discriminates against funding donations ,research monies and support for lung cancer survivors,where other cancers may also be attributed to poor life style habits,eg alcohol and diets,yet they do not suffer the same stigma.60% of those dxd with Lung Cancer now are never smokers or given up many years prior.my final remark was-Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer.

    Catch up with you later,thing to do,Byee.

  14. Hi Kathy,

    I just want to welcome you here,I am sorry to hear about your Dad.I am a three years survivor,much to the annoyance of my Doc and lung nurse since they only gave me two years LOL.I can give you an even better example,my buddy Robert Lowe,was given two months to live in 1993 after being dxd with SCLC then in 2007 Robert was dxd with NSCLC,had his treatments-still here today enjoying life to the full.

    It is remarkable how many people I have come to know with lung cancer in all its many types and stages that are making wonderful progress with a determination to enjoy life.As the old saying goes I may have cancer,but cancer does'nt have me.

    Please pass on my very best wishes to your Dad,maybe you can get him to join up with us here?.

  15. Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Well late afternoon,what time does evening start anyway?.Quiet weekend,Saturday mens breakfast went well,I could'nt be bothered going into Glasgow to see the Morgan Lee band at night,just relaxed watching TV.Sunday at ABC Remembrance service,its really a lovely occassion although sad thinking about those who have given and are still giving their lives not forgetting those who return maimed for the rest of their lives.

    Well I have put in some time writing my speech for the Scottish Assembly tomorrow in Edinburgh.Roy Castle sent me today the copy of the document thats also being presented-Variations in Lung Cancer in Scotland.It really is a depessing read,the good news is the document is not set out to criticize or point fingers,its more about making positive recommendations for improvements by Goverment.These recommendations are so well thought out I am so pleased to be included in its tranfer into the hands of the MSPs hands.I just hope they can put the recommendations into practice,thats the hard bit.

    Gosh lots of you out hunting deer,as a townie through and though,the only meat I know is prepacked on a supermarket shelf,think I would have to starve rather than shoot something,as for butchering the animal oh boy where's the sick bucket,oh I am so squemish.JudyMI,I think Randy would think of me as such a wimp.

  16. Hi Cathy,

    Welcome to here,well done you finding this site so quickly,took me over a year,well suppose thats to do with being at the other side of the pond.(Scotland).

    I was dxd three years ago,my treatments included 4 cycles of neo adjuvant chemo to shrink the tumour in my upper right lung,which worked allowing me to have a upper right lobectomy in Jan 2009.I had a PET scan soon after my dx,which showed up a hot spot in my bowel,long story cut short,this turned out to be a polyp which my doc was convinced would turn out to be cancerous,following surgery to remove this polyp,my doc arrived to tell me that I was the luckiest guy on the planet,the polyp was the size of a golf ball,tests showed it was not cancerous,further the doc said had this polyp not been discovered and removed,it would have killed me within a year.So it seems my lung cancer has actually saved my life.

    I am looking forward to getting to know you,can I recommend the forum Just for fun here,daily chat of a lighter nature and meeting up with lots of new friends.It has kept me sane for the last two years.

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