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eric byrne

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Posts posted by eric byrne

  1. Oh Becky,

    I forgot to mention in the HLI barracks (Highland Light Infantry) in Glasgow ,now sadly gone to domestic housing,at the Guardhouse at the entrance to the barracks the kilted soldiers had to stand over a ground placed mirror so that the guard manning his post,could check that no soldier leaving the barracks was wearing shorts.Absolutely true,as told to me my mother when I was an adult.

  2. Hi Everybody,

    Gosh I am late,but I have a excuse me note from my mother,actually its 12.40am on Wednesday here,just a few hours I hope to be contributing to the Wed Air,weather today as boring as yesterday overcast no sun, but warm and dry.

    Bruce,sorry,but I think you are way off target with Judy's white cow-like apparition,first of all the US of A dos'nt have buffalos they have bisons,anyway they happen to be dark brown in colour,I am an expert in this subject you know,since we have a bison in Palacerigg Country Park in Cumbernauld.I have a sneaking suspicion that this is a HUGE white breed of cow from France called a Chari...........,oh I hate it when I forget the name of something,although, come on, it is a French word I dont get to use very often, when I am in the bar with my buddies.Alternatively it could be the abducting alien that Becky is on about,gosh I will be really worried if Judy dosnt post to-morrow?.

    Donnie,sorry to hear,about your breathing difficulties,hopefully this will pass,I dont know if I am way off now myself,bearing in mind high temperatures for me is mid-seventies for me,but when it does happen I find breathing more difficult?.Iam tired, time for bed ,sleep tight everyone see you in the morning,god willing.

  3. Hi Becky,

    I must clarify my remarks I made regarding your dress code,it was entirely in reference to protecting you from the dreaded highland midge,however inside the keg bus if you have a perfectly reasonable desire to wear a pirate hat,that seems very reasonable to me ,I dont suppose any of the fellahs on board will object.As you probably know, there are strict rules of wearing the kilt of course,shorts must be worn underneath whenever Scottish Country Dancing is undertaken, or where one anticipates climbing to the upper deck in a double decked keg bus,otherwise the kilt wearer must forgo the shorts(this is absolutely true-check the rule book if you dont believe me)Becky I think we should always accept and allow each countries dress codes to prevail.I look forward to seeing more of you when the keg bus arrives in Bonnie Scotland.

  4. Hi Bruce,

    The Book of General Ignorance,is written by John Lloyd

    and John Mitchinson publishers, faber and faber.


    Yeah Bruce,know what you mean by lost TOIL,time off in lieu,I lost a few days holiday when I was off work at my dx,didnt have the bottle to ask for them back,also lost some floating days this year I was due,just couldnt find a gap to take them,I will try harder this year to get my full entitlement. See you.

  5. Hi Stephanie,

    Re-vacations,my now retired buddy Frank,visited his daughter who lives in the states,remarked on how hard the Americans work,have little in the way in of holidays,I remember him saying his son-in-law had a dental appointment one day,had to leave work just before the appointment,and was expected to return to immeadiately afterwords,regardless of what he was having done?.Average holiday entitlement in the UK is probably,much the same as the States,although many firms here operate a loyalty bonus scheme and give workers additional holidays for their length of service,probably up to five weeks for older staff.

  6. Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Weather here boringly overcast,havnt seen the sun all day,although dry and warm.Ive had a real lazy day for a change,my daiughter having moved out her previous flat brought all her stuff home,although she moved in with Chris in his flat,but left the brunt of her stuff here,decided to transfer a box of ,her books into the bookcase,to create a bit more floor space in the back bedroom,discovered one and havnt put it down since,you may know it "The Book of General Ignorance"it just about destroys every common held belief,we all have gathered in our lifetimes experience,and then describes the truth eg,What human constructions on earth can you see from the moon? the Great Wall of China -right?-wrong,actually you can bearly even see the continents from the moon.How about Napoleons most humiliating defeat?Waterloo? nope-Rabbits-Napoleon had arranged a rabbit shoot for a small party of friends,his aides rounded up hundreds of bunnies from all around and released them all in front of Nappy and his buddies,the rabbits they had rounded up were tame ones and extremely hungry,instead of running away they charged the shooting party hoping to get fed,Nappy fled,beating them off with his bare hands,and finally escaped in his coach.One for me,which of the following is Scottish? Kilts,bagpipes,haggis,porridge,whisky and tartan? none of them.One for you,where do most tigers live in the world? the USA-correct.Who invented the rickshaw? an American? -correct.Good fun isnt it?.

    Judy,thanks for the exchange rate infro,Scots do produce their own banknotes,but they are tied to the English pound,got to be careful though, of not relying on using them in some shops in England though, as they are quite often refused (they dont refuse our North Sea Oil though)(just winding Geri up a wee bit)Judy that would have meant if you paid my £60 meal bill you would have to pass over $90.Never tried or even heard of buttermilk bread before but with butter and jam topping its just up my street.

    Funny you mentioning the Amish,a new TV series just started on BBC last night,its about 5 Amish late teens coming to stay in the UK with particularly chosen family type groups, to let them experience British culture.First family chosen was a urban working class black family,living in a district in London,the programme interfaced with the families they left behind in USA,so the viewer could understand fully the divergence of both cultures,it was very interesting and entertaining how they knitted to-gether both groups very much enjoyed each others company,the Amish were exposed the sex shops in Soho,heard about prematial sex,drug use and attended a remembrance service of a young black boy who belonged to the community,but was stabbed to death .Best bit for me was the black kids took the Amish to a dance club,boy if you could have seen the look on the Amish kids faces when the black boys and girls started to dance,and could they dance? they did everything in prefect sinc,and they were so good.Next Sunday we get to see the next family they are going to stay with.

    Donny,I just love to read,lost the ability to do so just after my dx for some strange reason,no kidding?thank god I am now restored and back in the saddle again.Love Jack London,read a biography on him some years ago also read of course "Call of the Wild" so thanks for the title" Cruise of the Snark"Really hoping you are feeling a bit better now,look after yourself.

    Judy Kw,just thinking forgot to ask earlier,what does two-fifth wheels mean,and your fur babies are your dogs right?.

    Judy MI,enjoy the new carpet,I have got to get one too,for the bedroom I am redecorating,if you want to drop by to help me choose you would be most welcome.Oh Sally's been to the docs and her employer,she is going to return to work on Wednesday,since she has been off for nearly six months,shes feeling a wee bit nervous that she can cope,shell be fine after ten minutes I am sure.Decided to stop the decor to-day and tomorrow,start again on Wednesday.(promise)

    Jennifer started her teaching job last week,apparently the class consists of ten students who all just happen to be Spanish,she didnt get off to a good start ,the private company she is working for seem to be seriously dis-organised Jennier didnt even have a whiteboard to work on never mind a smartboard,they told her just to write on some paper sheets of A3.She is now settling in and she is really enjoying the work, I always told her teaching is as close to acting as you can get.

    Think I have taken up enough of your time,thanks for listening,see you soon.

  7. Good Afternoon Anybody?,

    I keep knocking on doors,its all so quiet today,everyone just enjoying the weekend and relaxing getting your feet up,well good for you.Bit cloudy today-again-but at least its dry,not long home from ABC,good service about focussing on today and forgetting the past,the good and the bad.Going into Glasgow shortly to visit Dot,well yesterday was a super day,got into Glasgow to visit "The Untouchables"biggest wallpaper shop in Scotland their blurb goes,and instantly saw the wallpaper I wanted in the window display,although it took about another hour and a half,with Irene and Sally to coming round to agree with me,why is it you go shopping with women for something they always have to buy more than you bargained for?seems I had forgotten about window pole and fittings, curtains,Sally also found arty farty metal circular wall hanging made out of metal wires and coloured dics welded to it for the living room.Anyway just over a coupla hours and we were done,back home to deposit the shopping,now down to the best Italian certainly in Airdrie if not further afield called Guidies,super bruiscetta with prawns for starters,then chicken with pasta followed by strawberry and lemom ice-cream,ordered three peronis a lovely Italian lager,usally we get the smaller bottles,but the waitress brought three pints,my fault,total cost £60,you might wonder why I bore you with such details,well apart for good therapy and my love of telling a story,I just would like to compare with you the price of a meal in the USA?

    Sisters Dot is just back from her hols,so looking forward to hearing of her adventures.Enjoy the rest of your weekend everybody,see you soon.

  8. Afternoon Everyone,

    Me again,its is bit quiet round these parts recently,just compiling my list of things to pack for Hawaii.Just by co-incidence,I had recently finished reading a cracking biography on James (nearly typed Thomas tee hee)Cook and his three voyages of discovery of the new world,gosh he certainly did run into a spot of bother with the natives of Hawaii,didnt he?,hopefully things have changed a bit since,but relax I am going to pack my Sgian Dubh just in case.

    Seems Mr Cook,shared in a Hawaiian custom of exchanging gifts with the islands King and Queen and the natives on the island,metal artefacts from the Europeans were particularly appreciated by the islanders,hey fellahs youll never believe what a sailor could get in exchange for just a coupla nails,I am gonna pack a few boxes,just in case the custom prevails,I will pack my kilt so I formally present myself if we get an invite to the royal household.See you soon guys.

  9. Hi Libby,

    I was dxd with nsclc in Oct 2008,and have we similarities in our stories,yes I do have some hang ups about reoccurance too,in fact I would be very surprised if there was anyone here who dosnt,so dont think you are alone.For example at this moment in time my fears of reoccurrance are gone,just sitting here typing this for you is actually therapy to me,activities I do are actually distractions,that interupt my brain to stop gloomy thoughts rearing their ugly heads.

    By practice this distaction method I use becomes so natural and mind consuming that reoccurance dosnt get a chance to enter my mind for 99.9% of my day.To tell you another little trick,I post here every day on various forums,I am thinking what to write or what I should say in respose to some topic someone else has mentioned in the forums.

    I am sure there will be a lung cancer support group near you.My buddy Robert Lowe diagnosed in 1993,with sclc,then in 2007 developed nsclc,went along to his local hospital met up with a lung nurse called Penny Downer,and talked her into starting their own lung cancer support group,well I got to hear about it,and joined them about 4 months ago and it has been great for me,each month we invite a guess speaker along,who are very supportive of our little group,so far we have a a phsyciatrist? along talking about dealing with feeling low up to clinical depression,a nutritionist talking about healthy eating.two lung cancer research nurses along from the Beatson in Glasgow

    (a world famous cancer hospital)they explained everything about their work,clincal trials,latest developements in lung cancer research,last month we had a conducted tour of the newly built Marie Curie Hospice,which also included a practical participation class doing Tai Chi,which was very relaxing.

    Libby I have prattled on,I hope I havent bored you do death,and I wish you well and that the burden you are carrying will get lighter till eventually it disappears,none of us know when our time is up,why waste the good times available to you now,worrying about something that may never happen?.Jesus said "Who for worry can add one day to his life?".Finally Robert Lowe was so ill at his Dx he was only given two months to live,in fact he was hospitilised for his treatment,and his family were called in twice,as his doctors believed his death was imminent that was 17 years ago,you can read his full story and mine in Cancer Advocates in www Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.org. Bye for now God Bless.

  10. Good Morning Everyone,

    Its 5.05am woke up just after 3.00am couldnt sleep,well dawns just breaking and its beatiful outside blue skies with scattered clouds all firery red in colour,looks like its going to be a lovely day.

    Bud,loved your gangster story,your guy wouldnt get very far in Scotland,before being booked by the police,they dont allow blackened out windows here here,too dangerous particularly at night.

    Katie,I can well believe this product is yuck,I think the ad guys really fouled up with the products name,sounds more like to my ears,its an exterior paint for your garage,rather than something edible,but thanks Snowflake for the link,their ads are really funny.

    Judy I am really enjoying following your travels,however I just dont understand a word about facebook farming,you an Becky are a pair.

    Judy MI,good grief I thought Scotlands weather can be rough,but your weather description would have me under the kitchen table.

    Hi Donny,never been to a rodeo before,only had a glimspe of them in films or TV,what did you mean about not participating,surely you didnt mean you actually sat on the back of one of the bucking broncos or bulls,good grief I couldnt do that for a pension.

    Hi Ned,good to see you,until I can collar,young Chris to help me post in my pics,you can see the story in the newspaper by going to www evening times.co.uk and type community awards in the box,scroll down to North East Stars sparkle also Cheers for the champs,Robert and I get brief mention in the second page.Look after yourself,see you when the keg bus pulls in,are you sure your garage is big enough for all of us?.

    Off to the wallpaper shops to-day with Sally and Irene,I may be gone for some time folks,could you prepare a basin of warm water for my aching feet when I get back home,it will be no surprise to me if this continues into to-morrow also.See you,bye.

  11. Hi Dawn,

    Great to see you again,well I am still on holiday and available 24/7,our times are out of sync but I am flexible,I did register on facebook,but that was as far as I got,still dont know how it works,Judy has a farm I think there,which she tends?why have I let the world pass me by so much?.Anyway what do I do for your chat in wednesday next?

  12. Hi Katie,

    Thanks for your comments,much appreciated,still trying to get up to speed with America speak, then you hit me with another,what on earth does "Do you have any grey poupon" mean?.

  13. Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Weather here sunny, scattered clouds,very pleasant.Missed posting here yesterday,oh forgot to mention before,my buddy,Robert Lowe (you know UKs longest surviving sclc and nsclc-17years so far)invited me as a guest to an award ceremoney Sponsored by Glasgow District Council and the Evening Times,to recognise groups and individual citizens who have made a special contribution towards making Glasgow a better place to live.Well Robert was being recognised for his volunteer work in his community and for setting up with Penny Downer the Stobhill Lung Cancer Support Group.Strangely,this event was being held in a Fire Station in Springburn (Where I was born and brought up)the backdrop to the speakers platform was a gleaming big fire engine.I did get dressed up for the event and brought the camera,it was a nice sunny night and there were tables set up outside,groaning with food and drinks,

    media people,TV and photographers,I never thought it would be such a big occassion,Robert arrived with his other guests,Penny of course and his newly wed son and his wife,and not forgetting Susan Christie of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation Org.

    Robert was taken aside,to be photogaphed and interviewed by a reporter while we looked on,next minute I was called over and interviewed ,which was also recorded,exciting stuff,eh.I took loads of pics,oh and the Lord Provost (Mayor)of Glasgow,wearing his chain of office graciously agreed to pose for me.Robert was presented with a lovely framed certificate,so round off a super night.Susan Christie asked if Robert and I,would like to go to Manchester on the 23rd of September to attend a conference and represent the Roy Castle as Lung Cancer advocates,and tell our stories and our ambitions for future support for Lung Cancer survivors.I of course immeadiately agreed,Robert took a wee bit more persuading,so another wee adventure to look forward to and Ive got the Millport Dinner/presentation in October,here I am really having a lot of fun despite that silly dx.

  14. Hi Everyone,

    Bagged myself a fine brace of Haggii(thats the plural of the haggis) I have had them hung up in my wine celler,game birds as you know should be hung for a few days before cooking in a cool place to allow the rich flavours to develope.Snowflake,seems your knowledge of the haggis is sadly lacking,whoever heard of a pickled gamebird?

    Geri,your relative is right the haggis is delicious,as my mum always said "Taste and try before you deny".Despite you being English and all,I have decided to forgive you for slighting our great national dish,and give you another chance,and have wiped your slate clean.

  15. Hi Stephanie,

    See you are having benefits from the vacation from tarceva,if you and hubby are feeling a bit of the summertime blues why dont you get on the bus leaving shortly for Bonnie Scotland,bit cooler as well 60/70s,dont forget overcoats and wellies,(avoid talking to Geri,shes in my black books)Becky's driving the bus apparently,which I dont think at the moment is a great idea considering shes been on the vino collapseos.See you soon,Ill put the kettle on.

  16. Now just a wee minute Geri,I think you are being a wee bit disrespectful to our great national dish The Haggis,so fair its honest sonsie face great chieftain o the puddin race,why oor Rabbie wull be birlin in his grave to hear ye speak thus.Noo jist fur yer cheek,am gonna shoot the biggest haggis in Scotland,and bring it along,not forgetting great pots of tatties an neeps.And as a final punishment theyll be nae Whyte and Mackays nor Drambuie fur ye.

  17. Hi Everyone,

    Wonder if you wouldnt mind taking a short detour to Scotland and pick me up before heading for Hawaii,Id love to meet Ned also.Better to fill the tank before coming, as the price of petrol here is more than twice the price as in the US of A.

    Becky, if you are coming, for your own comfort please cover up properly all those sunburny bits of yours,we have have a famous tiny insect here called the highland midge,who would just love to make your aquaintance.

    If you can make the time,just for fun,I could arrange on your arrival for you to participate in some traditional Scottish activies,such as a haggis shoot,tossing your caber and throwing the hammer.For the more energetic we could have a ceilidh,some Scottish country dancing eg the dashing white sergeant,strip the willow,gay gordons and the Canadian barn dance.Refreshments provided,best of Scottish beverages,widely sold in Russia and other foreign countries such as England,Barrs Irn Bru,absolutely delicious,particularly useful if one is suffering from a bout of overindulgence.Hope to see you all soon,by the way would there be any room for Messrs Whyte and Mackay?

  18. Hi Judy,

    Thanks for clearing up the Slugger for me,so lets get the rest right,Becky (snowflake) is currently driving a bus around the USA,Muriel is taking a bus to Hawaii to meet Ned,with Andrea and the twins with a few other folk,and they are all going to stay in Neds garage?.Well call me dim,but I dont think a bus is an appropriate means of transport to Hawaii,yeah, and just how big is Neds garage?.Muriel you are so lucky in going to Hawaii and meeting Ned,you are right, I would just love to tag along,have a lovely time.

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