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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Nice to hear from you Ann. Yes, I love the hunter orange bows. How funny! The groomers are hunters, so I appreciate their sense of humor.

    Yes, Fall is coming, sooner for me than you, but won't it be nice when it cools down for you?

    Good luck with the meat loaf transformation!

    Judy in MI

  2. Okay, I'll start. First pictures. They gave Olive "fall colors" with her bows yesterday. Hunter Orange. How Hilarious and very cute.


    Then she is so ferocious playing with her brother....


    Here's Tula being totally intimidated by her larger brother and sister. LOL



    It's a rainy day here. Got slammed with a storm that took out about 150,000 homes electricity. Mine went on and off and on and off. Trees were down everywhere. I swear it was a tornado, but this classified it as straight line winds. It was unbelievable. We were out in it when the lightning started and I could tell we had a doozy coming. So glad we got home before it hit hard.

    Today is Gilda's Club. Going to relax until then, get a little laundry done, and then head out!

    Have a good one!

    Judy in MI

  3. If there is anything we can do to help, let us know. Knowledge is power. But the pregnancy is a complication that no one with lung cancer needs. Prayer and a positive attitude definitely will help, but she also needs that time to be open and honest with someone.

    Having lung cancer is a lonely and isolating experience. Most people want to assume we smoked, therefore we "deserve" this disease, which is absolute bull....as you know with your friend.

    60% of all new lung cancer diagnosis are for people that never smoked, or quit smoking years before being diagnosed. It is a frighteningly growing number of people getting lung cancer.

    It is the #1 killer of all cancers, and yet it's so under funded, and the least researched cancer of all of them. It's a shame. And that is why we are here to advocate for this disease, and raise money to help with research.

    Judy in MI

  4. Okay Ronnie. Travel safe. Hope the pet is calm and at peace! Weird that she needs sedation when going home. Maybe she is missing Pat too. Anyway, wishing you a peaceful weekend, and lots of productive time getting chores done.

    Judy in MI

  5. Good morning! Ah, it's a rainy one here today. Going to get to the mid 70's and be wet all day. That's okay.

    Taking Olive Oyl to the groomer today. Her hair grows so fast! And with that poodle mixed with Lab, her hair is a burr magnet. Man, I spend hours grooming her. But she's a joy and she allows me to groom her so it's all a good thing. I love that dog.

    Thanks Eric and Judy about the volunteering comments. Yes, I love what I do and am so grateful that I can do it. I encourage anyone out there to find something to give your time to. Even if it's just once a month............whatever it can be, do it, for it is in giving that we receive back and that is just so rewarding.

    OK, got to get going...running late this morning.

    Have a good day!

    Judy in MI

  6. horrible. Do update us as to what is happening with her. Tell us about her diagnosis, so we can help with our experience. Can't imagine going through this pregnant!

    I hate LC!!!!!!!

    Judy in MI

  7. Hi there! It's evening now, but wanted to weigh in. LOL. As usual. I've noticed that there's lots of "views" of our daily air, but very few write. That's too bad. I love reading about our day to day lives, and it really helps me (as a newbie) get to know each wonderful person that is here. You all do know how wonderful you are. This is the best support site on the web. I tell people about it all the time.

    So busy today. Got to volunteer work and there was so much to get done, and I had my nose to the grindstone from 9:00 to 5:30!!!!! But it was a great day of accomplishments, and I felt great satisfaction when I closed my lap top, packed it in my back pack and headed home. God has truly blessed me with the work I am priviledged to do. I'm very grateful.

    Bud, thanks for the encouragement. I need that. Us survivors always "go there" when strange things happen to us physically. We don't intend to scare ourselves. But when you've been to hell and back due to this disease, it's easy to go to the scary place when things are abnormal.


    Anyway, I'm okay. Have not called the doctor yet. Meant to today but just was so busy I forgot. I'll try to remember tomorrow.

    Had an unprecedented warm day here today. Got to 85 which is very warm for the first day of Autumn. But storms coming tonight, and the temps are supposed to plummet. Back to sweatshirts tomorrow :-)

    Anyway, take care all.

    Judy in MI

  8. Six years is so encouraging for the rest of us. Thank you for still being here and sharing with us newbies!

    I sure wish I had found this place 3 years ago when I went through my stuff because it was a lot of stuff!

    Judy in MI

  9. Good morning all!

    Bud, I watched the video on the Dinosaur Valley Park, and how cool is that place! Actual real footprints from the dinosaurs. Wow. I've never seen anything like that before.

    Congrats on such an awesome accomplishment with that hilly and long bike ride. Good for you!

    I'm at volunteer work and having a blast. Do need to call the doctor again. *sigh* I've had a sore spot in my throat (does not feel like a typical sore throat) for weeks now. I kept hoping it'd go away, or that I was coming down with a cold. But it's there every day, it does not change, and it hurts. Of course you know I'm fearing: the C word again.

    I'm trying to not worry, but I must admit to this forum that I am worried. I have a friend that survived throat cancer, and I emailed him this morning to ask what his symptoms were. But no matter what I just have to back to the doctor. I'm so sick and tired of doctors I could just puke. Seriously!

    Just found out that my Uncle was diagnosed with mouth/throat cancer and it's in his lymph nodes. His wife died of lung cancer 3 years ago. He quit smoking decades ago, but was an avid cigar and pipe smoker. He's 70 years old, and what is ahead we don't know yet.

    Aren't I just a ray of sunshine today!

    Well the sun isn't shining here either. Was 57 as I drove to work, and is cloudy and gloomy. Fits my mood.

    Judy in MI

  10. Good afternoon everyone, Sunday church, visiting friends, and enjoying a spectacular day of 68 degrees and lots of sunshine.

    Eric, I understand about the bird feeders. We usually take them down in the Spring when the birds can find their own food, but this year we kept them up all year and I love seeing the woodpeckers, finches, doves, hummingbirds and other assorted birds out there. We will put out double the amount we have out now for the winter as they do struggle to find food when there's a foot of snow on the ground.

    As for the hunting.........

    We deer hunt avidly here (not me but others). We must do this to control the deer population. They are so abundant here that we have a lot of car/deer crashes which can be deadly. They run around in herds and are constantly running out on the country roads I live on. I've hit four deer in my life. Two of them ran into the side of my car, never saw them coming. So they start with bow season October 2, then gun season starts November 15, and then muzzle loader season starts December 1. This gives guys 3 chances to fill their freezers with meat, and controls the population. Now, most permits are for the male deer as that is the culprit for obviously impregnating multiple females. They limit the amount of doe permits they allow out.

    My husband does go deer hunting, both with a bow and a gun. But if he gets a deer, we donate the meat to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter so that what we get goes to a worthy cause.

    He also hunts turkeys. Turkeys used to be underpopulated, and for years they gave out very limited amounts of turkey licenses. However, in the years since, they have populated to the extreme, and it's nothing to see a dead turkey on the side of the road, and when you see that you know someone has a broken windshield, or worse to their vehicle.

    Same with Canadian Geese. We call them flying rats here because there's so many they are a complete nuisance! We keep a statue of a swan on our lawn because we do not want them doing their poo poo on our yard. They hate swans, so it keeps them at bay here, but I will tell you they are the bane of anyone that lives on a lake.

    Any kind of hunting must be done with a license, that way the DNR (Dept. of Natural Resources) can control the population of all species, the over populated and the under populated.

    So there's your hunting lesson for today on America! LOL!

    Judy in MI

  11. Hey there,

    Ewwwww had to get up at 6:30 today to get ready to go to a conference on Church Planting. It was an hour away and I had to pick up a colleague at church. So it's 4:45PM and I could use a nap!

    Eric, the banquet was Ducks Unlimited. They exist to raise funds to help keep the habitat for Ducks healthy, so that there are lots of ducks to be had for hunting. It's a bunch of guys (some gals hunt too, but not me) that buy raffle tickets and win hundreds of prizes, such as guns, knives, duck hunting boats, motors, etc.

    We also have Pheasants Forever here. That one I don't go to as the only beverage they serve is beer (yuck) and the food is over cooked steaks. The Ducks banquet is a wonderful catered affair with fabulous food and mixed drinks (which I prefer). But Pheasants Forever is the same thing only for Pheasants. They also raise funds to get pheasants here to breed, as their habitat has been ruined by urban sprawl and they have become rare here. So they try to create habitat and then get birds and have them breed here.

    All for guys to hunt and shoot them.

    Barbaric! LOL!

    Judy in MI

  12. Oh dear Donny, so sorry you have to go through this. Hope you get everything under control fast.

    Bud, I give my dog Rimadyl for pain. It's like ibuprofen for humans, and really is effective for pain from sprains etc. Yes, I too would take him in to the Vet, only to get a $125 vet bill for yet another sprain. As I said, I check the limb carefully for broken bones, and if the dog does not yelp as I check, I know it's a sprain, and give him the medication instead.

    Hope the A/C guys shows up soon! 94 still. Yikes!

    It was in the 40's today, and supposed to get to 68. Nice again.

    Went to a banquet last night for Duck's Unlimited, and it was a strolling gig, which usually sends my spasms attacking. They threatened, but didn't attack, so I was pleasantly surprised to be able to endure it and actually had a lot of fun! It was a very male oriented gig, and the testosterone was in the air big time. I liked it! LOL!

    Have a great day.

    Judy in MI

  13. Yes you do a stress test every day. I admire you for that. I just do not have the lung capacity to do what you do, and so wish I did. But I think I need to do something more than what I'm doing right now, as it was ridiculous how winded I got.

    My dog injures himself all the time. He won't put weight on his leg/foot for a couple of days and then he's fine. He's so athletic and it's usually a muscle pull due to a hole that one leg went in, or tripping over a log. It's happened so many times now, that I just feel his leg carefully to make sure the bones are not broken, and give him some pain meds and wait for the healing.

    It's a monsoon kind of day here, cold and non stop raining. I got up and took the double dose of spasm medication, and went back to sleep and slept until 11:00! This is not going to work. I think I'll call them and tell them I need some speed. Can they prescribe that these days??? LOL

    Have a good one.

    Judy in MI

  14. Susan,

    I am so sorry she has to go through this. Bone mets can be very painful. I'm sure you will advocate for her to make sure she has the proper pain medication.

    If you've never dealt with these before, they are amazing in helping with pain. Duragesic pain patches can help immensely and deliver a constant pain relief system rather than taking an oral pill or morphine drops. My Mom's bone mets were painful, and we found a combination of the patches along with some liquid morphine to be very effective. And she was not all groggy from it, we found the right combination, and it worked well for her.

    I hope and pray they can find a therapy to help her with this.

    Judy in MI

  15. Hi Lisa, welcome to our home here. I'm with the others. Once you get the stage, type of cancer, and treatment options, come back here and we can help you. You will want to know the type of chemo(s) they recommend. We can then help you with side effects and advice on that.

    The cancergrace.org site is a great tool as well. What you'll get here is hands on practical advice from those of us that have gone through this, and those of us that have had to be caregivers. I've been both.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

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