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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Heres tae us

    Wha's like us

    Gie few an' there aw deed.

    Hey Eric, I was going to try to Americanize this, but have no clue what it says.

    Heres to us

    Whose like us

    And then I am lost! LOL!

    Now as for the poem, why on earth didn't he take her from her husband who was moving away? It sounds like he truly loved her!

    And I just am pretty sure I am not going to find Haggis, Tattis, and Neeps. Though the guys might find Tattis at a topless bar! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!

    I did go to Youtube and listened to the Corries, lovely Scottish music. So nice. I'm not sure you can convert VHS to DVDs? Are there even VHS players out there anymore? When I think of all the tech advances over our lifetime, it's mind boggling. I remember 45 records, then albums, then 8 track tapes, from there to a smaller tape that I can't remember the name of, to CD's and MP3's and more! Crazy stuff.

    Have fun. Hope you enjoyed the Guitar Rant, whatever that is!


    Judy in MI

  2. Hi Everyone!

    Well Libby we had those high 40 temps this morning, but I'll bet by tomorrow you'll be posting a different story. The temps have dropped significantly now, during the day, and they predict snow tonight and tomorrow. The wind is cold and mean too. Ah, should have put the Christmas lights up outside while the weather was mild!

    So sorry to read about the upset student with a gun. So relieved he didn't shoot anyone, but feel sad that he shot himself. Something bad is going on in his life to do such a desperate thing. So sad.

    Interesting Bud that us Northerner's had milder temps than you! You do get those strange temperature changes down in Texas! But still overall, it's nice to have more warm days than not. Here, we usually go from November to April is cold weather. Still have a freeze or two in May. Can't plant flowers until after Memorial Day. Every year we tried to plant earlier, they froze.

    Eric, I'd love to join your party! Sounds like you are having a blast! I can not believe the horrid things your boss said to you regarding retiring, and visiting your colleagues and students. I'm thinking if you had told who he was, he'd be out of a job by now.

    Well, have a good evening everyone!

    Judy in MI

  3. Hi Corrina,

    Lots of questions like Donna stated. Could you share the diagnosis, recommended treatment/surgery plans, etc.? It's hard to give advice until we know what your loved one is dealing with. Once we know more details, we can point you to resources that apply to his/her diagnosis, or tell you what we experienced it if is similar to what this person is going through.

    Look forward to learning more details about this.

    Judy IN MI

  4. Ack, about 10 hours ago, I attempted to post to this Air, but I kept getting interrupted at work, and I think the post timed out and when I hit Submit, it disappeared! Hate it when that happens. I've got to remember to copy and paste so that does not happen!

    Anyway each day is a gift now that I'm not suffering anymore. How amazing this is. Bud, I'm totally feeling gratitude every single day. How pleasant it is to be able to move about freely and without pain.

    I'm debating going back to paid work. I so love my volunteering, but I am now capable of being reliable at work, and if I need to go back to that I will. When he gets home from this hunting trip, we are going to have a good talk about where we are at financially.

    I think he struggles in believing that I'm okay now. He had to protect me for 3 years, and advocate for me before that with my cancer. I think he is afraid I'm going to do too much and spend the night writhing in pain. I try to assure him that it won't happen anymore! I'm doing great. I want him to know that.

    I worked 30 years in the technology field, 25 of them in Sales. While I don't want the pressure of quotas and demands to make quota, I could easily be a great support person to a Sales Manager, and help make her/his life easier.

    Anyway, had a good day today and am ready to wind down for the evening. Hope you all did too!

    Judy in MI

  5. Good morning Sandi,

    Sounds like you are doing so good! Yes, stay on top of the constipation, it's very common. As for the Steroid "high", see if your doctor will give you Xanax or other like drug. I took that while still getting the infusion, and another when I got home, and it helped immensely when trying to go to sleep.

    As for the hair, my advice is when it starts to come out, just shave it and be done with it. I was on the computer one night, just playing with my hair, and a big clump of it came out. I went to the bathroom, and shaved my head clean. No more thinking about it. It was liberating for me because I was the one in control, not the chemo!

    Keep that positive attitude. That goes a long way in helping you heal from all of this.

    Judy in MI

  6. Ronnie and Susan,

    My heart breaks for both of you as we come into the holday seasons, and know the pain you both are feeling as you try to find the traditions that are okay for you.

    I remember after my Mom died, which was in October. My brothers (3) over ruled me on the traditions. I wanted to keep them the same, and their wives wanted to change everything. And everything changed, which was horribly painful for me.

    It's now been 14 years since she passed, and I still feel sad this time of year. Christmas has not felt the same since she passed. I have to accept that it will never be the same. Even this long after, I still can't write about it without tears.

    My prayers are with you as you begin to face this time. It will be difficult. I'm not going to say it won't. So I can only offer prayers that you find peace knowing that they are in a better place, and it is we who struggle without them. They are fine. And we will see them again, that I believe with all my heart.

    Judy in MI

  7. Hi Dawn,

    Oh my goodness, you have your hands full. My heart and prayers go out to you my friend. This is a lot to handle. All I can say is that I lost my Sis to brain cancer when I was 30, my Dad 3 years later of the same thing, and I was 40 when my Mom died of lung cancer with mets to the brain.

    So I know your life right now. It's not a good place to be. Make sure Hospice is firmly in place and running his care now. In Michigan, Hospice of Michigan pays for all medications once the patient is no longer in active therapy. That was a huge relief when my Mom was sick. She was paying $10,000 a month in meds before Hospice stepped in. They will help you in this journey. They can even provide respite care for you so you can get out and do something for you!

    Be sure to take care of you too. With all those children, and your business of caring for others. I know this is easy to say and very difficult to do.

    It sounds to me like the brain tumors have taken over and are dictating what he can or can not do anymore. Make sure he takes the steroids, they do help with the swelling. And yes, one day off can make a giant difference. Steroids are not a drug you can go off and on. It can make a huge difference in how he feels.

    And try to let him allow the liquid morphine. It will help immensely with his pain, but also his anxiety. Which will increase his pain if not held in control. Did they give him anything for anxiety? If not, see if he can get Xanax. It is a great drug that will help decrease that aspect of his illness.

    Lastly, respect his wishes. With Hospice, you should be able to give him some quality time at home. My dad was terrified of being in the hospital. Once he accepted that he was dying, he absolutely wanted to be at home. With Hospice we got the medications we needed to keep him as comfortable as possible.

    I pray for comfort you for and the rest of the family and for him.

    Judy in MI

  8. Hey Dawn,

    Nice to see you back, and to get an update on you. Yeah life has a way of giving and taking away doesn't it? I'm with you on the Faith front. Without that I'm not sure I'd still be here. But somehow He always gives me the things I need to endure the tough stuff in this world.

    I hope everything works out, and I'm sure it will with the faith that you have.

    Come on more often! We miss you.

    Judy in MI

  9. Hello! Ah, it's so nice to be back in the cold! Not kidding. It was so weird in Ned's land of Hawaii, to see Christmas decorations on palm trees. Now that I'm home it seems much more like Christmas. Loved the description of your excursions Eric!

    The film crew and all of that. Sounds like you are going to be a celebrity! Is it possible for you to put a link in here for us to view it when it's done? How awesome. What an advocate you are!

    Dawn nice to see you back. We do miss you when you are gone. Hope all is well with you.

    Hubby took off for S. Dakota for another hunting trip. But this time he took Gibson, our German Short Hair Pointer. I was not happy about that. Our new girl, Olive Oyle, is not electric fence trained, but I didn't worry about it when Gibson was around (who is fence trained). She pretty much just hung with him, did her stuff outside, and it was all good. Now that he's gone, she goes outside and starts looking around with curiosity that makes me worry she's going to run away.

    So I spent the greater part of the day trying to re-teach her leash training from when she was a pup. She definitely has forgotten what that was all about.

    Oh well! He'll be home by Thursday, so I guess I can just deal with it until then.

    Loving life without spasms. Just can't imagine now how I lived with that for so long. I'm so busy and happy and truly praising God for the miracle of not suffering like that anymore!

    Judy in MI

  10. Hi there!

    Yes, I suppose it's the lot of us survivors, to have those thoughts when things don't seem right. I try to keep a positive attitude, but have to be honest, that my thoughts go to LC when new things come up that I don't understand.

    When people ask me what's the worst thing that happened to you, I say "lung cancer". Then they ask what's the best thing that happened to you and I reply "lung cancer" again. It was hell going through it, but it opened my eyes to what is really important in life. I treasure that and try to hold onto the new reality the best I can.

    Writing here is very therapeutic, and educational as well. So glad your husband was a "rabid dog" in helping you fight. Mine too.

    Judy in MI

  11. Here I am chiming in on Friday! Yesterday was so busy. Our community churches banded together and held a Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner, free to all who wish to come. It was very nice. Nice turn out. Got to serve food, eat food, serve drinks, and be a greeter. Great way to spend the day!

    It's very blustery here and about 25 degrees. Expected an ice storm last night, but thankful it didn't happen. We went over to our friends house for pie with them and their five kids. What a riot! The two oldest daughters are in their young 20's, then there's two teenage sons, and an 11 year old girl. What a fun time we had laughing, teasing and watching the antics of this bunch. So enjoyed it.

    Today I s l e p t in! It felt so good. It's again, quite cold and very windy, so I'm thinking pajamas and books is the order of the day! Yes.

    Judy in MI

  12. Good afternoon! Ah, slowly getting through the Jet Lag part of vacationing. Slept like someone konked me over the head with a log last night. So nice!

    While I didn't enjoy Oahu because of how commercialized and touristy they are, I did love the weather. Every single day was high of 82, low of 72. Every single day! But it was weird to see Christmas decorations up. They had their palm trees decorated for Christmas. It looked so strange to us.

    Anyway, back here in Michigan, we have a wonderful high of 31, and low of 20. Nothing like what Bruce has to deal with in Canada, but quite a change from where we came from.

    We're supposed to have snow by Thanksgiving. :-)

    So what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving?????

    My family has been bickering over who hosts thanksgiving since my Mom died in 1996. Once she passed, the boys fought over who is in charge on this day, and finally, I told them all that we were not going to get into it on a day when we are supposed to be thankful for our blessings.

    So two years ago a local church contacted all the other local churches in our small town, and started a Community Thanksgiving event, in which we feed the community. It's not necessarily for the poor, although we get them, and we get lots of elderly folks that would otherwise be alone, but we want everyone that wants a nice meal to come.

    So last year, I tried to volunteer but the spasms were so bad I could only sit in a chair and greet people. So this year I am so excited to be able to actually serve food and enjoy the company of the folks rather than sitting on a chair away from all the fun!

    Bruce, do continue to tell us about your cows, llamas, and calves. I love those stories. Oh heck, I love any story!

    Have a good one.

    Judy in MI

  13. Thanks everyone! I'm back home in the cold and rain :-)

    I may try to post some pictures, but it'll have to be much later. Vacations are nice until you get back to the work left undone, and laundry piled up, and many demands on your time! With the holidays coming up, and the trip to San Francisco for the nephew's wedding, things are going to be nuts in the next few weeks. I will try to be here though, just may not add pics for a bit!

    Yesterday we landed at 11:00AM. Phew! Long trip. No sleep. Worked like a dog on laundry to try to keep myself awake, hoping to make it to 10:00PM so I could be back on Michigan time today. Well, I made it to 3:00 and had to nap. But got up at 5:00 and went back to work, and did make it to 10:00PM before sleep took over. I think today will be a tired day, but think I can make it through to 10:00 tonight, and then I'll be "over" the jet lag.

    The good news is I made the entire trip with only a couple of spasms! I consider that a miracle. How lovely. I'll post more details when I find some spare time. LOL!

    Judy back in MI

  14. Hello Jassen,

    I'm very late coming to the forum for this. I was out of town, so missed the posts. As you can tell, we understand what you are gong through, and it stinks, doesn't it? My Mom had the same DX as yours. We found it when she was having seizures, and they found the tumor in her brain. The hope would be that the radiation would give it a chance to shrink, so she can focus on the other things that need focus.

    But unfortunately, it may not happen if the radiation is causing increased swelling. I'm so sorry you have to face this. All I can say is none of us is ever "ready" to face the end of life for a loved one. It's a sad time, and there isn't really much we can say to help in this situation. I just pray that she can get through this crisis, to find some more enjoyable days ahead.

    Know that my heart goes out to you and I pray for peace for you and for your Mom.

    Judy in MI

  15. Hi Everyone! Well, I'm back. Think I'll do a post about my trip separate from this, but boy am I glad to "read" all of you! Judy, I hope that this rash does not worsen, but gets better for you! Goodness, you've been through a lot.

    Bud, love the new picture. You handsome man you! LOL! Love the look, and love your positivity and attitude.

    ERic, come back and write more! I love your stories. Loved your response on Katie's THANKFUL post. I agree wholeheartedly.

    Bruce, what a story about the Llama and the Cow. Had no idea that the two didn't get along well. I can't imagine your life, but love reading about it.

    I'm sorry about disappearing for a while. Life was overwhelming, and I had a zillion things to get done before the big trip. And my time here will also be limited as I prepare for the wedding trip to San Francisco. Leaving Dec. 9 and returning on the 16th. In the meantime, I'm going to try to be here a bit more than the last month!


    Judy back in MI

  16. Hey all,

    I went MIA for about a month. It was a rough go of it. I was struggling with my health issues and random spasms in the various parts of my body. I also was dealing with a very rebellious husband who was so angry over my lingering health issues.

    The good news: the spasms are almost gone. The Dilantin is working! Today was a true testimony to this. I'm on vacation in Hawaii. Just flying here was a giant test, and I got through 10 hours of flight with out any spasms.

    But today we went to the WWII war memorial. This required several hours of walking, going through cramped ships, even more cramped submarine spaces, and being in awe of our brave men and women that lived in these quarters so bravely and for so long. And I got through all of this, with only a slight spasm in my ribs. That was it!!!!

    I am completely amazed by this. For over the last 3 to 4 years, I have suffered in such a huge way, and to see a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (of relief) is absolutely a miracle for me.

    My husband and I still have to work through some issues, but they are workable I think. We've been through a lot in this ordeal of the unexplainable spasms, but I am so thankful that this medication is working.

    So, I'm on vacation in Hawaii, and will be home on Sunday. But he fell asleep early tonight, so I wanted to take this time to say HI, and get caught back up!

    Goodness so many posts on the New Posts page! Awesome!

    I missed you, and am glad to be back.

    Take care, and hope to post again soon.

    Judy in MI, now in HI

  17. Hi all,

    I'm so sorry, I've been so MIA for the last month. Went through a very rough time with hubs, and then the trip to Hawaii added new stresses to an already bad situation.

    I'll write a post about it, but just wanted to say HI all. It's 80 here in Oahu, and beautiful. Will be here for 3 more days heading home Saturday night.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Lookng forward to getting caught up.

    Take care all,

    MI judy in Hawaii

  18. Thank you everyone! Reading these really lifted my spirits! And I got good news today at the University. It's no news, but that is sometimes the good news. They said they found nothing in my blood to indicate cancer. Yeah! But they also found nothing else wrong. Not so yeah. But he was greatly encouraged by how well I'm responding to the Dilantin! He said to stay on the 4 pills a day for six months, see how I do, come back and see him them. He may wean me off them at some point to see if it was just something that came and went. He has seen that with other patients.

    What's good is that I trust him, and that is huge.

    Thanks for all the well wishes. I am going to Hawaii, and will take your wonderful advice.

    Judy in MI

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