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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Wow, I could not get on the site today! It kept asking me to log in and when I did, said I tried too many times, and made me type in a code, and still would not let me in! I did not have a lot of time to try so I gave up until now, at 12:25AM.

    I'm so pooped. Had the 80 people over. Thankfully the ministry team did the cooking and cleaning, but still was a lot of work to clean, and prepare, and make sure there was bowls of ice, pop, coffee, etc. My stupid dog ate half a large platter of brownies. That was not popular. But overall it was a grand party. Last person left a half hour ago, and I poured myself a glass of wine and am unwinding after a whirlwind kind of day. Because it was a church ministry gathering, no alcohol was served. And that was fine. It was a lot of fun.

    Annette, your news about traveling to Minnesota just plain stinks! I hate flying. The distance between gates, the weighing of the luggage, and scans, and all of the other crap just makes it an exhausting ordeal. I have been snowed in hundreds of times in my career, and it never gets better. Hope you get easy travels. We have a lot of snow right now. And a lot more to come. Guess where it comes from? Minnesota, and over the big Lake to hammer us! We are under a Winder Snow Warning right now.

    Ok, so I'm really tired. So I just wanted to say HI to everyone. Tomorrow is one of those days with nothing on the calendar, and I plan on sleeping in very late. A nooner would be awesome!

    MI Judy

  2. Try what Bud said. Otherwise, yes I do have Windows 7, and I use the Direct Link, and them the Img key and it's worked so far for me.

    If all else fails, send me the pics and I'll put them up for you! LOL!

    MI Judy

  3. Katy, my deepest condolences. I understand the grief. My husband's Mom died a short time after my Mom died, both of them from lung cancer. It felt like the tiny bandaid I had on my grief had been ripped off and it was raw again. I'm so sorry.

    MI Judy

  4. Nicole, I'm praying for peace and comfort for Mom in Hospice care. I pray for the family too. As my Mom moved into her last days, I felt very grateful for the time we got together too. It was very special to be able to tell her how much we loved her and spend as much time with her as we could.

    MI Judy

  5. Hey I'm not Bud, but I can help you. You go to your photobucket account and copy the "direct link" url. Depending on the age of the computer, you can highlight the link and it copies itself, or hit Ctrl C button to copy it.

    Then come here and go to the Img thing at the top right. . Your cursor will be in the middle of

    Hit Ctrl V and it will paste that link in there. When you hit submit, your picture will be there.

    Judy in MI

  6. This is what I get for not getting in here earlier! I find it much easier to respond to each new response than getting in later, and havng to scroll down and re-read everything. Such is life. It's so tough. LOL

    I'm with Bruce Annette, anyone who reads your posts and can't laugh does not have a pulse. I so look forward to what you write each day. I think I said this before? I love your sense of humor. The comment about the weigh watching was hilarious! I had to read the laughter swallow joke twice (I'm sometimes slow) but I got it and it's funny. Yeah, let's invent laughter pills, we'd make millions!

    I don't make new years resolutions. They are just items begging for failure. I resolve to change nothing but what needs to be changed and when it needs to be changed, I'll attempt to change it. Right? Right.

    Bud, you are meeting yourself coming and going today? Hmmm? Split personalities, or just all alone at work? Hmmmmm............

    Judy, glad you enjoyed the theatre, and survived the experience that Eric made look sooooo scary!

    Ann, I like your resolutions, nice and vague. Those are perfect for me! LOL! Oh, and for your hope of finding one thing to make my heart smile today? I found it! I took myself out to lunch, which was not the source of the smile, but was good. I was getting ready to leave, and an elderly gentleman came in by himself to be seated for lunch. He was all hunched over with arthritis, and was very small. As the waitress seated him, two other men yelled out "Hey Bob, how ya doin'?" He looked over and then went to their table to say hello. One man introduced himself, and reminded Bob that they met a couple of weeks ago at a local grocery store. The other seemed to be an old friend. The other said, "Hey Bob, doing good for a 70 year old." And then Bob replied, "70? Young man, I'm going to be 96 in a couple of weeks!"

    It made my heart smile so much! 96 years young, and taking himself out for lunch, by himself, spry as can be inspite of the arthritis. He drove himself into town to "get a bite". I don't know why but this just made me smile and grateful for all that I have.

    Libby, I'd love to meet you in Chicago. Let's wait for gentler weather though, okay? And Stephanie and Judy, I adore Seattle. It's a very cool city. Let's all go there!

    KW Judy thank you for doing the exercise for the rest of us!

    MI Judy

  7. Well Eric, I have to say that is a very unique way to make a steak! Here, we usually sear them on the grill, then cook them a few minutes on each side, just enough for Medium Rare, and it's steak time. I can only imagine the smoke from the oven! Crack me up!

    As for the humidity, I have a humidifier built into my furnace. With the dust allergies, and other allergies, we spent good money on our furnace, with the humidifier. But in my old house with an old furnace, we did use that glass of water trick. It helped!

    I saw Phantom in Toronto one year and it was an amazing show! If you all ever get a chance to see it, do it. Great show.

    Was funny, when my Mom was around, I arranged for a weekend in Chicago, and we went to the show Cats. She lasted for the 1st part, and got up to leave. I'm like "Mom, why are you leaving?" She said "I hate Cats. I had no idea the play was about cats!!!!!" How funny. It was a great show in spite of her protests.

    MI Judy

  8. That is funny Annette! YOu always just crack me up! Thanks for the thoughts, yeah this cough has been around too long, and it's time to check it out.

    Now...as for me taking over for the EVTBT Team, um...........oh yeah! In Michigan, exercising is strictly forbidden during the week of January 10 through 16. It's been a law here for years! We are all to turn on the TV and watch football as they prepare for the Super Bowl. Yeah....that's it! Sorry. It will have to be someone else!


    MI Judy

  9. I felt the same way as Annette. Every once in a while I'll have a bizarre dream about my Mom, or Sister. I try to remember that our loved ones do visit us in our dreams, and depending on what we ate the night before, it can get to be crazy dreams! LOL!

    Not making light of this, because I can understand why this one freaked you out. (((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    MI Judy

  10. Whew! Getting in early today. What busy, and fun AIRs have been lately.

    It's not bad here, about 25. But that Libby, she's going to be sending me her frigid air in the next day or so. It's okay, it means no snow and that's okay!

    Took my german short hair in today for surgery. He has a lump under his throat/tongue and it appeared suddenly, but it's affecting his ability to eat. So we fork over $500 to find out what it is. sigh

    And I realize I have not seen my Oncologist in a year, so I call to find out when I'm scheduled, and my Oncologist retired! I'm scheduled with a new one for Feb. 8. I asked why a CT scan was not ordered, and she said "I don't know". I asked her to talk to the nurses because I want one before I see this new doctor. "Why?" she said. Well, I have not written about or said anything to anyone, but I've had a dry hard cough for about 3 months. At first thought it was allergies. But it's still there, and wakes me up at night. And I have something going on in my throat that makes me gag. That I think might be allergies. But I want a CT scan to make sure everything is okay in there. Plus, he is a new Oncologist for me, thinking we should start the slate out clean with a clean report of NED right? I went from CT scans every 3 months, to six months, and now I have not had one in a year? This girl wants some reassurance that all is well.

    I hesitate to say anything, don't want to be a hypocondriac, but reality is that I had lung cancer. I'd like to nip it in the bud if it decides to visit me again!

    Judy, enjoy the theatre. I love that too! Caffeine is a friend at 8:00. Maybe not at midnight, but have fun anyway.

    Ann, I'll check out your post too. Funny thinking of you warming up your car. Where Libby and I live, we definitely have to do that. But we understand you Southerners!

    MI Judy

  11. Back................................

    Weather: really cold. Not like Bruce, but the wind is howling, and the snow is flying. Nothing bad, just a couple of inches a day for the last 3 days. Supposed to be this way for another few days too. It's pretty.

    The comments about ice fishing crack me up. If you have the proper equipment, you don't need to freeze on the ice. Hubs has a pop up tent, and he gets a lantern going inside and it warms up quite nicely. But the ice is so thick, the lamp can't have a chance at melting it. Bruce - 1 to 2 feet thick is thick! We will get there, but it takes a while. And yes, I'm betting your fish are a lot bigger than ours on our little lake. We have pulled a 30 pound pike out of there, but that's about the biggest.

    Ann I agree with you about a lot of the volunteer organizations having in-house bickering. I tried several non-profits before I settled on Gilda's Club. So many of them had such high expectations, and very little appreciation for the work. Not that I want constant affirmations, but it's nice to get a thank you once in a while!

    Bud, that tyre story just sounds like a royal pain! You must be very quick in dealing with that and not being late to work!

    Eric, wheelie bin, and boot (trunk) - is this the trash guys? We put our trash out every Monday and they come and haul it away for us. We call that our trash bin, but not sure what you meant!

    Bruce, I'd love to see a picture of Patches. Email it to me if you want, and I'll get it put up here!

    Lily, travel safe! See you in a week or so!

    Annette, LOL about your nephew Patrick, he's not a Llama, but he does spit! Funny!

    Eric, I'm so sorry about your foiled attempts to help Sally. But I'm with the others, in that she has to want to do this. By hiding everything, she just gets highly motivated to find a way to get what she wants. She is an addict, and needs to have and needs to want to have treatment and help.

    KW Judy and Eric, I enjoyed the reading of and not understanding of Eric's understanding of our American tax system. Funny. I don't understand it either. LOL

    K, got to go! Have another meeting tonight, with about 100 other women that is going to be one big coffee klatsch!!!!

    MI Judy

  12. Holy cow! Take a day off and look at all I've missed! LOL! I didn't even realize I missed yesterday, we were so busy getting errands and running around done.

    Eric, I worked from age 14 to 52. 30 of those years were in Sales, with a 18 state territory, and one giant sales quota, $30 milion. But I was good at it and successful. When my husband wanted to start his own business (hence no money for a while) I said go for it! I knew I wanted to retire young, and we made a deal that I would retire at age 50. So many in my family died young from cancer, and it became a goal of mine to retire young enough to enjoy it rather than work and then die young.

    When 50 rolled around, I was not ready to retire. I quit a couple of sales jobs, but kept getting drawn back in. Finally at 52, I said no more! I wanted to retire and spend my time substantially, not earning another dollar. And then at age 53, I got lung cancer, so that changed everything anyway.

    My goal when I retired was to give my time. I'd worked a long time, made a good living, and wanted to give my time now. I'd been a financial supporter of Gilda's Club, and because they are all about people living with cancer, decided that is where I'd start giving my time. And it was great. I'd go in once or twice a week, and do office work or answer the phones. That progressed to them asking me if I'd be willing to be a spokesperson for them. With my years in Sales, I was not afraid to speak in public, and I had a good story to tell with my family history and my history with the club.

    Then when I got sick, I continued to volunteer there. And when I got better, they asked if I'd be willing to be a lung cancer mentor, and I jumped on the opportunity. It's been so rewarding. Heart breaking at times too, as a few of those I've mentored have since died. But the work is very worth it.

    In the meantime, about 3 years ago one of the pastors of my church called and asked me to a meeting. I went and learned that administratively they were hurting in a bad way with no budget to hire a person. Administration happens to be a skill I'm good at, so I started doing that as well. In addition, I belong to a women's bible study group, and lead a bible study group too.

    So as you can see, there is no time to sit around and look at the 4 walls. I'm on the go, and busy all the time, but love my life and love the fact that I'm so blessed to be able to do this. Trust me, I appreciate it more than you could ever know. Not many are allowed the priviledge to spend their time in this manner. Now we are not wealthy folks, but we get by with what we have, and do not have any debt. Over the years we socked away the money and investments, so that hopefully, we will be able to both retire with financial security.

    So that's my retirement story!

    I'll come back and post notes to everyone's great days today and yesterday!

    MI Judy

  13. Hi Everyone!

    5:30 here, after a busy day of running errands, getting groceries, and stocking the shelves with lots of stuff to make home made soups, stews and other good winter meals. Tummy did settle down today, and I think I'm done with all the holiday snacking, thank goodness!

    Yeah, Judy, this is a big party. The good news is that the ministry at church that is throwing it does all the cooking and cleaning, I only provide the home. They like it here because it's large, and quite festive for Christmas. I do have a 4000 sq foot home, so it does pretty good, albiet it's still quite packed at 80 folks! But lots of fun as we kick off the new year with this ministry.

    Was hoping hubby would go out and get more blue gill for dinner, but we lots track of time, mostly because we stopped at four sporting good stores to try to find new blades for his ice auger, and none of them had the right size. His blades get used a lot and when they are dull, it's really difficult to auger through six to 12 inches of ice. He wants to get one of those auto augers, but at $500, that is a close out of the season kind of buy. We will wait until spring when they go on clearance and try to find a good deal.

    Lily hearing all the wonderful seafood you are enjoying makes me miss New Orleans. We were there once, and the food was fabulous!

    Bud, good job on the miles, accomplishments for 2010. I have no doubt you'll reach your goals in 2011. No doubt.

    Eric, I'm so sad about Rose. And with her taking Librium on top of it is even worst. I hope and pray she gets serious about this and soon for everyone's sake. You have such a good attitude, she's very lucky to have you.

    Well I'm off to oven fry some chicken, with some scalloped potatoes, and some kind of veggie. Good night all!

    MI Judy

  14. Well it's 10:00PM here. What a rotten day of football. Loved the TCU won over Wisconsin. Love to root for the underdog. But both Michigan teams lost horribly. I followed MSU all year (my alma mater) and just couldn't believe how badly they played. U of M is always a big hit, and they were as horrible as MSU. Ack! I love college football, but today was a bust!

    As far as your Dyson, Eric, I have what is called a Rainbow here. It was very expensive when I bought it, but I've had it for about 15 years and it still is doing a fabulous job for me, so I think I got my money's worth. Dyson is also considered a very expensive vacuum here.

    Think I suffered today from too much rich and cajun food yesterday. Tummy was on the fritz all day. Finally chewed a couple of Tums and hoping it is going to settle down for the night.

    Thankful for another slow day tomorrow. Have about 80 people coming over this coming Friday and want to rest up before that crazy time!

    Good night. Sleep well.

    MI Judy

  15. Thank you Ronnie. Appreciate the well wishes. And hoping that 2011 is a year in which memories are sweet, and bring comfort to you. Please stay with us as we've become like family, haven't we?

    Take care,

    MI Judy

  16. 11:00 here, and just up! We did go to a party near by, but I was a good girl. Hubby said he'd be good so I could party, but I just don't like feeling so hung over in the morning, so only had a couple drinks.

    The food was fabulous! It was a cajun theme food party and oh my was it delicious! Played some fun games, and watched the ball drop at midnight on TV. New York City obviously does it up the best here in the USA. I'm with you Judy, I don't know who these young entertainers are either. I picked up a people magazine when we were on vacation, and I might as well have been reading a novel, for I didn't know any of the stars they write about!

    I'm sore today. The party was mostly standing, and I don't do well with that with my bad feet. So today will be a couch day, books, newspapers, etc. Oh yeah, Capital One bowl game at 1:00, in Florida. We've got to watch our Michigan State Spartans kick some butt. I love College football, so will be getting my fill of that today!

    So I wish you all a good 1/1/11!!!!!

    MI Judy

  17. Well Eric, it seems I'm not alone in this Hogmanay Air knowledge department. So I sent to the dictionary: Hogmanay: Scottish : the eve of New Year's Day

    Okay, so that's not complicated! LOL! I was hoping it was a word steeped in Scottish Lore and story, but nope! It's just Scottish for New Years Eve. LOL again.

    I loved the story about looking for the man with as many noses as the days left in the year. Very funny. Your Mom must have been very funny too Eric.

    Judy loved the picture you painted in your mind of all of us today. Very cute! Lib I've got the hot chocolate, but thinking skating won't work with this crazy thunderstorm that is going on here. All our pretty white is melting and it's supposed to get to 50 today! Crazy.

    Bruce, I'm hearing you man. The turn of the New Year means another one that we triumphed over this disease. Amen to that!

    Lily, I loved your recap of the past, and the joyful look to the future.

    Last night I took a person to a Cancer Support Meeting at Gilda's Club. The room was full of people in various stages of the disease. Five in the room were lung cancer. Including my person that I brought. My heart almost burst (eyes too) as he told his story. It's a story he's kept to himself for two years, and he finally got the courage to come and share it, and to know I was a teeny tiny part of that just was amazing. I'm so grateful that God is using me in this way, using my experiences to help others through their journey. Yes!

    So here's to a healthy, happy 2011 my friends. May we never take it for granted and find joy in what we have today!

    Judy in MI

  18. Hi friends!

    Our warm front is here. It's so weird, the lake had six inches of ice on it two days ago, and now it looks transparent, like it's not safe. There's no way six inches melted, but still? Think I'm going to try to keep hubby off the ice this weekend. We've had two days of fog due to the melt. Supposed to get to 50 by New Years.

    Libby, you are my weather forecaster. Whatever you get, comes my way in a day or two. Yeah, they are saying on January 2, it's going to get really icy around here, the temps will drop dramatically, the snow has melted and we both will be ice skating our way around town. We may have different crash stories after this freeze comes through. Stay safe. I will too.

    Today Gilda's Club starts back up. I'm meeting a man that I've been working with in email. He didn't want to "talk" about his lung cancer experience, so we corresponded several times in email. Turns out I'm good friends with his brother! What a small world we live in. Anyway, we're meeting tonight and I'm going to take him to his first cancer support meeting at the club.

    Someone here posted an article about a woman that had 28 brain mets due to LC, and they did the gamma knife and saved her life. The other person I'm mentoring has 3 mets to jer brain, so I sent her the article, and she is exploring this option. In fact she posted at cancergrace.org yesterday. I have to go see what answers she got.

    Anyway, hope you have a great rest of this great day.

    MI Judy

  19. Good news Annette! Ah shucks, I can't believe you forgot to ask them if they found ANYTHING up there! HA HA HA HA HA!

    I'm with you on the MRI. They give me the MAX of Xanax as I am terribly claustrophobic. And when they take me in, I have those eye shades on so I can try to trick my mind into not believing I'm in that tiny little machine with the big scary noises!

    I'm so happy for the good news!

    MI Judy

  20. Annette, count me in on the cheerleading team for the EVTBT Team! And for heavens sake don't fit Eric with a tu tu and tights! LOL!

    Had to come back and post that my glasses came in today! Yeah! I can see again. It's amazing how you get used to not seeing well, and then you put the specs on and are just amazed at how awesome everything looks, all sharp and clear....

    Loved all the driving stories today including Eric's. We are such funny creatures.

    Well, now that I have glasses, I suppose I'll be the designated driver on New Year Eve. That's okay. I'll be the one feeling better in the morning and that is well worth it!

    Have a good night. We are going to grab a bite at a local restaurant, and then visit with my nephews for a little more Christmas. One of them lives in S. Carolina, and rarely gets back here so I'm so excited to see him and his wife!

    MI Judy

  21. Libby, you are busted! Don't you know us Judy's look back to make sure we don't miss a single thing???? The good news for you is that you were backing up, and that could be excused much better than my story when I ran straight into it, front first. And alcohol was not involved! LOL!

    Hope your head is feeling better today!


    MI Judy

  22. Good late morning all,

    Well Eric, I guess you know the shoe was going to fall eventually on Sally. Maybe this is exactly what she needs. I hope she takes this seriously, and gets the help she needs.

    I'll have to go back and read Libby's pole/wall story. Reminds me....one Christmas Eve, I was scrambling to buy all the Christmas presents in one day. Randy's Mom was in the hospital and I had no time to shop. So it's 8:00PM and I have all the shopping done except for one Toy store. I see a huge line to get out on the street, and I cut through a parking lot, to find another way to get out, and BAM! I hit a light pole that had a 4 foot cement base on it HARD. So hard it broke both axles of my husband's brand new Tahoe. It rocked the frame, and the truck was totalled.

    My husband was at a hockey game, so I had it towed to the dealer and rented a car to get home. When I explained what happened to him, he asked why didn't I see the pole, and I explained that it was dark out. He smiled at me and asked, "what kind of pole was it?" I said a "light pole". And then we both cracked up! We were just thankful I didn't get hurt. I was going about 50 MPH when I hit the thing. Whew!

    Anyway, got another "day off" today. I'm loving the extra rest. Today I am tackling the office closet. It's a nightmare that has not been organized in years. I have plenty of time, so I'm going to get in there and get it put together.

    Eric, I know you are already gone, but I, for one, love, LOVE, LOVE new scarves. There's something about a scarf to pretty up an outfit. Hope it comes to you whilst shopping.

    Judy in MI

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