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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Randy thanks for this article. It is very good, and a must read for anyone on this site. Armed with facts, maybe we can push the need for funding on this disease up towards to top in priority.

    MI Judy

  2. Hi Everyone!

    Welcome back Becky! Our daily airs have become quite the chatty place. If you go back a week, you'll have enough reading material to keep you very busy! LOL! As for where you live? Same with me. I do have a paved road, but only because we paved it! I have satellite TV and a Verizon air card for data. Cable said they'd run the cable down my road for $5000. Yikes!

    Thanks for all the well wishes and concerns. The spasm was truly baffling. The medication has worked so well, but this was incredibly painful, and my ribs hurt so bad. I'd like to blame it on stress too, so I will. But honestly, I am not that stressed. I hate the tests just for what they stand for, but I don't feel fear about it. Or maybe I do subconsciously and don't realize it??? Who knows.

    Bud, it's about time you rode to work! The EVTBT team was starting to gain weight due to your inactivity! No more ice for Texas. We need Bud's exercise! Annette, I noticed you said Bruce would be our logo on a llama, with a Jimmy Buffet shirt and flip flops, but you missed something extremely important. PANTS!!!!! I believe we had him wearing shorts because that would be so bizarre with the climate he lives in. LOL

    KW Judy, sorry you had a funky Saturday night and Sunday. Here's the best way I found to get photos here without a problem. Upload the photo to http://photobucket.com. There it assigns a url to the photo. Go to DIRECT LINK and highlight the link and copy it. Come here and go to the and copy and paste the link in between the img thingys. That works every time. I was trying to get photos from My Pictures on here and it didn't work. I'm going to try it here just to see if it works.


    If it worked, this is my husband and I in Alaska 3 years ago. The hair is a wig as I was in the middle of chemo. But I love this picture. Randy has such a sweet look on his face, it warms my heart to look at this.

    Well, today is a slow day! No longer doing the volunteer thing on Mondays, so am going to look for something new to do. My husband has a radio show he puts on with a friend. Think I'm going to take over doing their web site. That would be fun!

    Well, got to go. I'll probably visit back to see who else pops in here!

    Judy in MI

  3. Hi all, this is so late I doubt it will be read. Not much of a day today other than the Super Bowl and the Packers winning!!!!! Yeah. Good game.

    Restaurants around us were offering 50 percent off on food to entice folks there, knowing most of us were having parties. We went to a local restaurant and had a delightful meal at a delightful price and came home for the game!

    Driving to the restaurant the ice began to fall. Coming home I was very careful as the roads were slippery. But we did fine.

    I have a busy week ahead with both a CT scan and a Mammogram. Yikes, hate both of them. My Mom was dx with breast cancer first, then primary lung cancer. Tonight I thought how ironic it would be if I was dx with primary lung first, then breast cancer.

    Hate going there and try to shut out such thoughts. Yesterday I had a spasm or seizure in my left ribs that was horrid. Today I feel like someone took a baseball bat to my ribs. *sigh* Have no idea why that happened. I hoped the meds I was on solved that issue.

    Whatever. I am ok. I think.

    Judy in MI

  4. We took about two weeks, there and back. We stayed one night in Niagra Falls. One night in Eastern New York, , and then stayed the rest of the time in Maine. I believe we spent 3 days in Maine.

    MI Judy

  5. Judy, the BEST vacation of our lives was Alaska. The tundra in the Fall is amazing. The animals. Denali National Park. It was all so wonderful. Here's some pics. I think I sized these so they won't be giant. I hope so.

    I'm going to try one and see if it works. If it did this is Mt. McKinley in Denali National Park. We were driven right up to it.


    Mi Judy

  6. Hi Steph,

    What a time you are going through! I second KW Judy, take the nausea meds. I took mine 5 days ahead of the treatment and 5 days after. But the carboplatin just plain made me sick. No matter what I ate, it tasted like metal. My poor husband had to get very creative to encourage me to eat. I did eat, because I had to, but it was not good. I lost 35 pounds.

    And if you are in pain, take the pain meds. Be sure you stay on top of the constipation too. But don't be shy. Give yourself permission to stay on the couch. Your body is going through an onslaught of medications that are designed to kill the bad guys but also the good guys.

    I'm sorry, I feel like I'm lecturing you. I don't mean to. I just care.

    Hugs and prayers for you!

    Judy in MI

  7. Good morning! Well unlike the rest of you, I stayed up until Midnight last night, and slept in until 10:00. And I enjoyed every peaceful moment of it. Ah! When Randy goes out of town, I spoil myself rotten, sleeping in. After posting, I'll shower, and take myself out for some brunch, and then go shopping. A girlfriend turns 50 tomorrow and we're having a surprise birthday party for her at church. It's a potluck, so I need to make something in the crock pot, and get a card, and a little gift.

    So what kind of TV do you guys like to watch? I am a Criminal Minds addict. We have a station called Ion television that plays that show back to back. Randy hates that show, so I wait til he's out of town, and watch it in the evening. If you know the show it's about solving serial killer crimes. I have no idea why I"m fascinated with it, but I am. You can't get me to watch any shows like Survivor, The Amazing Race, any of them. But I love crime TV and solving the crimes!

    Lily, I love books too. Yesterday was a catch up on books day. I can read hundreds of pages a day.

    Annette, you deserve that nap. Working on a Saturday! Outrageous.

    KW Judy, I too, would like to meet everyone on here. I belonged to a quit smoking site years ago, and we did get together once a year and it was a blast to see each other. We knew each other better than a lot of our 3D friends knew us! It's fun.

    So when you coming my way, hmmmmm?

    Have a great Saturday! I need to WAKE UP!

    Mi Judy

  8. Busy place today! Linda, I wanted to tell you that I got my little Labradoodle for $800.00. What I did was an internet search for "older labradoodles". There aren't many of them out there, but in my State, there was a couple across the State, that had two six month old girls that were not bought yet.

    We went and I sat down on the floor, and let them play all over me. I made sure to wear white so that I could see if they truly did not shed. (I have allergies too). They did not. So I determined the most playful and outgoing one, and she was mine.

    You are right, a puppy is $2500.00. But we lucked out and got a great dog, who is still young enough to be a puppy but old enough to be over the puppy naughties!

    Mi Judy

  9. Hi Barbara,

    Welcome to the place that no one wants to be, but are so glad they found it. There are lots of us that know your story, whether it's a sibling, parent, spouse or friend. I'm glad you found us.

    My little sister died when she was 25. She didn't have lung cancer, she had primary brain cancer. And after surgeries and chemo, and radiation, the tumors changed her personality. It was extremely difficult for me, as I was her best friend, and my best friend changed on me. So in her final months, our relationship changed.

    I believe she knew how much she meant to me, and I believe Diana did as you describe the care your family gave her. I hope that gives you peace. I didn't get to say goodbye to her either. She slipped into a coma, and didn't come back to us.

    Just know that we understand, and want to support you.

    Thanks for sharing your story, and I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Judy in MI

  10. Hi Cathy,

    Like KW Judy, I didn't see your posts until today or I would have definitely commented. I can relate to your situation. When my Dad was very ill with cancer, and going through treatments, it was a huge problem for my family. Both of them quit drinking when he was diagnosed, but as the treatments began to wear on him, she went back to it.

    I finally had to move into their home because Dad would fall asleep with a cigarette in his hands, almost burned up his favorite chair. That along with Mom's favorite medication, turned it into a full time job for me.

    I can see how much you love your Daddy in these posts. That's truly very special. I guess, just try to treasure those precious moments. How neat to hear how talkative he was in chemo, and how much he was enjoying the conversations with his daughters. That is just an incredible thing to read.

    Mi Judy

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