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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Good morning all! 43 degrees today! Whooooo Hoooooooo!!!!! Sorry Bruce. Your temps are just UNREAL. Supposed to be 50 tomorrow. You southerners would not believe how we are up here. This time of year, our blood is so thick from the cold months, that 43 is warm, and we are outside in a sweatshirt and shorts! We get giddy with the sunshine, and act crazy. It's awesome. I love Spring fever.

    Well, I guess I'm feeling better huh? I am. Still have a lot of congestion in my chest, but doing much better today. Sunday I looked at my husband and said "how can a human being actually feel this bad and still be alive?".

    Annette, you must be slammed to not be the lead comedian in here. I'm sorry it's got you so busy. Be sure to take time for you!

    Take care all,

    Judy in MI

  2. Hi Helen,

    You found a great place to be as you journey through this next phase in your life. We call this the place no one wants to be at, but are glad they found it.

    Sounds like you've got this in perspective, based on your past cancer experiences. When you get more information, be sure to post the details so we can support you.

    Judy in MI

  3. Good morning!

    Judy, I wish it would be me to say something funny, but there's no funny in my day today. I still feel like crappola. I know I've improved since yesterday, but that is not saying much.

    Randy found Alaskan King Crab on sale for our Valentines dinner, and with how sick I am, I didn't enjoy it. Tummy is upset, and that rich seafood with butter didn't set well.

    Got up this morning to go to a meeting and after showering and getting ready (all the time groaning at how bad I feel), the meeting got cancelled. I'd go back to bed, but I need to meet with Randy's dietician to learn what foods a diabetic should or should not eat.

    Randy just called, and his first comment was "wow, you sound like S**t!" Yep.

    Judy, when I saw my Doctor yesterday, I asked if he could evaluate all the meds I'm on and see if there are any I could go off. First one we are trying is my BP med. I see him in March, and am hoping the BP is fine. I take 12 different perscriptions currently, and I want to evaluate which ones are really necessary.

    Anyway, have a good day everyone.

    Judy in MI

  4. Hi Missy,

    I know your walk. I lost my Mom to lung cancer when I was young. It just plain stinks. Make sure she is being kept comfortable. The radiation to her brain should help. That is when they found my Mom's LC was in her brain.

    Should she complain about pain, get right on it. We had Hospice intercede for us, because the doctor's wouldn't give her the proper meds for pain because they were concerned that she would become an addict. What a silly thing to think or even say.

    You've found a good place in this web site. The people here are amazing and so supportive.

    Keep us in the loop as to how you are doing, and how she is doing.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

  5. Hi,

    Well I was 2B, but just wanted to share this statement that I learned from Katie B. here. Cancer is a word, not a "sentence". Prognosis is just a guess. And they are rarely right because we are humans, and our bodies all react to things in our own unique way.

    Peace to you both.

    Judy in MI

  6. It's okay Lily. As we get older, we do start having more people that we love, but have passed. I believe we will see them again in Heaven, which gives me peace. But your feelings are yours, and it's good t get them out and write it out. I pray for peace and comfort for you.

    Judy in MI

  7. Good news Annette! I think him being "clean" and the public service is a fair thing. I hope this helped him see how serious this is.

    Back from the doctor. Sinusitis he says. So on Z Pac antibotics and codeine cough syrup. Running a fever too. So I'm glad I went in.

    I came back here because I bought a valentines card for my husband, and forgot my old tradition until now. With him so down in the dumps, I found a really sweet card to let him know how much I love him and forgot what I usually do.

    Here's the deal. Over the 23 years we've been together, we'd get cards for each other, write sweet nothings in them, and exchange cards. I'd always date mine, and put them where I save my cards. He'd read them, and then toss them in the wastebasket. He liked getting them, but in his mind, the sentiment was nice, and now let's move on!

    So 8 years ago, I fished my carefully thought cards out of the trash. I intentionally didn't date the cards. And I "recycled" them every year after that. So for the last 8 years, he's been reading the same card each valentines day!!!!! LOL!!!!

    He would toss them, and I'd go behind him, fish them out, save them and "recycle" them again!

    But this year, with the news about his company, I was trying to find the "perfect" card, and totally forgot about my recycled cards.

    What a hoot.

    He'll get the recycled card back next year.

    MI JUdy

  8. Hi Everyone!

    First off the doctor's nurse did call again. To tell me the Mammogram was good, nothing suspicious! Yeah!!!!! Like I said, she never calls without leaving a message, so that had me freaked out. I'm never upgrading the software on my phone again! :-)

    But, when I got her on the phone, I asked her to let me see the doctor today. This cold/flu nasty thing is having it's way with me. I didn't get a wink of sleep Saturday night, coughing my guts out. Sunday I was exhausted, but could not sleep. Woke up this morning sounding as baritone as James Earl Jones!!!!! Yikes! When I went to answer the phone, the voice that came out of my body was freaky! LOL

    I slept in until noon, and now going to get cleaned up and go see him. I'm thinking antibiotics and narcotics will do the trick. The good thing about cough syrup with codeine in it, is you are still sick, but you don't care as much! So Bud, I can relate to poor Rose.

    Bud the stud. That's a great nickname for him. Just 100K? LOL

    Annette, do let us know how it went with the nephew.

    Well, I don't have much to add. Just feeling poorly and going to get some meds to help it get better!

    MI Judy

  9. Good afternoon!

    Quiet place today. Must be the weather. It's so gorgeous here. 42 degrees and the snow is melting like CRAZY! February can still bring some mighty cold snaps and snow storms, but it also gives us Northerners a glimpse of Spring ahead. It was so sunny, we Michiganders were walking around squinting like moles coming out of their homes after months in darkness.

    I went to church this morning. Then came home, heated up my chili (and I make a awesome chili) and took it to a party for a friend that just turned 50. It was a surprise party, and she was completely surprsied! I love that.

    Annette, your explanation to Becky totally cracked me up. What a group of zanies we are in this AIR place. Isn't it great fun though? I hope Mom gets out today and can tend to her charge (your nephew). What a mess.

    Our best friends have two sons, who are bright boys that pull straight A's in school. They just seemed like young men that had it all together. This past week, one got caught with his buddies, grinding up Prozac and snorting it. The other one got caught smoking a doobie in his truck in the school parking lot! What a shocker it was for them and for us.

    Becky, I promise you I won't be showing up in your back yard in a tutu, and I live fairly close to you! LOL

    Well, got some laundry to do and then a part of my week that I love a lot, reading the newspaper. We only get the Sunday Press and it's a big newspaper, and I love to just get caught up on what's happening in that big old world out there. I skip the bad stuff. :)

    MI Judy

  10. Well, I now know the mystery. I upgraded my phone software, and in the upgrade, it made my voice mail reset. Darn it. And the reset made me make a new password, and I tried to do that and it didn't work. I finally called the carrier of my phone, and they explained that the latest update created this problem.

    She helped me reset everything, and I found I had 8 voice messages that people left for me!

    So....the doctor's office did leave me a message saying that I need to call them as soon as possible. * sigh*

    Knowing that all is scheduled as they want, tells me that it's likely they found something on the CT scan or the Mammogram. All I can say is darn it. But at the same time, I want to be grateful that I have insurance for two more months, and we can face whatever it is in that time frame.

    Huge sigh again. Am I ready to face another complication? I guess I will have to be. They would not have called me unless "something" showed up on the scans. All i can do at this point is pray that whatever it is I can handle.

    If you pray, please do so. Thinking about facing another bout of cancer when our health care is ending is a big deal. I hate the idea that the cancer is back, and what it means for me. My initial chemo experience was something so horrible, that I'm not sure I can handle more.

    Another *sigh*

    I don't know what else to say at this point. I will call the doctor on Monday and hope and pray that they don't tell me that the results of the scans were abnormal.

    Another * sigh*

    Judy in MI

  11. Hi all,

    Thanks for the kindness in my scan time update. I didn't hear from them and not going to worry about it because something much more important happened yesterday that took all the worry from me. Funny how when life slaps you in the face, you figure out priorities and get them straight.

    My husband's business closed yesterday. I won't go into the details, but it was circumstances beyond our control. So last night was one of going through the budget, figuring out what to cut, what's important, and planning the next few months finances, and what that is going to look like. Fortunately my health insurance is good for two more months.

    The exciting part is we get to explore our options. And now that I'm not doing that 3 day a week volunteer job, I'll be able to help him in any way that he needs. It's an exciting time for us! We've always paid our savings account like it was a regular monthly bill, for those "just in case" times when the unexpected happens. So we should be good for 3 or 4 months. I'm sure whatever opportunity we find will present itself in that time.

    So, our weather is going to turn dramatically soon. Predictions of 40's are in the near future. With all the snow we got, we'll have lots of flooding for sure. Not near us. But we have this awesome river called the Grand River (hence the name Grand Rapids for our big city). When we get a fast snow melt the Grand gets mighty and big.

    Eric you sound so busy as usual. Good for you. Sounds like things are going well with Sally. That is good too.

    Annette, I'm with you. Once I post this, I must get into that laundry room and get moving. Have about 5 loads to get through. I don't mind doing laundry and always get a nice sense of accomplishment with it's all done. I'm with you on the dryer timing. When I have shirts that I don't want to iron, I take them out of the normal load, and then put them in all together, and set my timer, to remind me to go in a check them, pull them out and hang them up! I ABHOR ironing. ABHOR is not a strong enough word for it. LOL

    Katie, do take time to smell the flowers. Life is so short. Leave the house messy and enjoy peace and quiet with your husband and kids. I cracked up at your locusts and flooding comment! Truly.

    Bud I hope Rose is feeling better. I agree with Annette. I am getting over my cold now, only a couple days where I wondered if it was going to do me in! :D

    Judy I hope that weather is gorgeous for you friends from the great wild North! Have fun!

    Well, off to the laundry I go! Have a good day folks!

    MI Judy

  12. Hi Tony,

    Stage II is a "good stage" if you can say that about lung cancer. I hate lung cancer. But as Diane said, it is very treatable. And as you get to know us here, you see many of us that have survived much more severe cases. That should give you and Sue a lot of hope.

    Waiting is the worst. I'm not a good waiter either KW Judy.

    Judy in MI

  13. Hi there,

    So as many of you know, I had my CT scan and Mammogram done on Wednesday. I try to not worry about these things. But you do anyways don't we?

    So I'm all set, have my blood work appointment, my Onc. appointment, my PCP sent over the paperwork for the blood work they want done when I go in for the Onc. ordered blood work. My appointment for my physical is all set for March.

    So why, two days after my scans does my doctor call me, and not leave a message???? I was up and in the shower when the phone rang, and I heard it but obviously couldn't answer it. When I looked at the caller ID, it was my doctor's office.

    I know....I know....if it was something, they would have asked me to call them back right? They've never called me before without leaving a message.

    Because you all understand, I just needed to type this out and face the silly fears. Of course my mind is thinking they found "something" and maybe didn't want to tell me on a Friday so it wouldn't wreck my weekend?????

    Oh how silly is that? But I do get nervous with the Mammogram test. I have breast cancer on both sides of the family, and my Mom had it. I've already had to have biopsies, that so far have been benign, but still................



    MI Judy

  14. Hi Everyone,

    Been laying low all day. Am feeling better, but better does not mean good. But good to know I'm on the other side of it in just 3 days. Nice.

    Just feel blah....I'm going to go write in a different post about it.

    Hope you all are good.

    MI Judy

  15. It's morning. That's all I'll commit to. :?

    Well, I'm up for the fifth time, still feeling really, REALLY crappy. Wow.

    It's 12 here but sunny. I won't be venturing out today at all. I cancelled my Gilda's Club stuff and am going to go back to bed soon. The Airbourne is helping, so can't imagine how sick I'd be without it.

    Lily, I'll bet your apartment looks lovely. I get such a sense of accomplishment when I complete projects! Hope you have a good weekend.


    The CEA cancer marker is a protein that appears in the blood when there are certain types of cancer tumors in the body. Doctors use the CEA cancer marker to measure the progress of cancer treatments and tumors. It is common for colon, breast, pancreas, and lung cancer.

    I'm not that smart. Went to google to find that.

    Well, back to bed. Hope you all have a good day. Thanks for all the good wishes.

    MI Judy

  16. Ok, it's 3:30AM, and I'm awake. This cold thingy is miserable. I'm beginning to wonder if it's allergies. I had the house totally cleaned in the carpets for cat pee. And I've been miserable since. Almost went to the ER last night for the cough, and sneezing. Got so bad I couldn't even talk.

    Now when I can't talk, it's serious!!!!!!! Wait until you meet me! LOL

    I just took Benadryl and my Albuteral inhaler, and hoping it eases my breathing.

    The carpet cleaner dude left fans running to dry the carpet and I turned them off last night because I think they were churning up the cat dander and making it difficult for me to breathe!

    So forgive me for whining. I'm up. It's the middle of the night. I feel like crap. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and feeling better! I hope.

    Judy in MI

  17. Good morning all. I slept like the dead last night, and am very thankful as I woke up with a very sore throat, stuffy head and cough. This darn cold is going to have its way with me, somewhat. I'm still fighting back!

    It's 15 here but the wind is howling and the wind chill is -15 right now. Thinking my only trip out today is to the pharmacy to get more Airborne and back to the couch.

    Wanted to pipe in on the Vitamin D thing. A nutritionist told me that no matter where you live, most of us are deficient in Vitamin D. She said it's not enough to be in the sun for a certain amount of time. You need to be in the sun, without sunscreen, and be sweating for 20 minutes to get Vitamin D naturally. She said the Vitamin D from the sun does not synthesis in our bodies unless we are sweating and in the sun!

    Surprisingly, my doctors told me I was deficient in Vitamin D and Magnesium. I take 500 mg of Mag a day and 2000 mg of Vitamin D. I'll be interested with the Onc does my blood work to see if my levels are good now.

    Very surprised there was no more reaction from the hormone creme comment from yesterday. Perhaps you didn't read it? Hmmmmm? :wink:

    Have a good one!

    Judy in bitterly cold MI

  18. Hey Ya'all!

    Yesterday was just a hoot wasn't it? Now did you see that I logged in at 2:00AM, dreaming it was 8:00AM and brushed my teeth. What I didn't know until this morning is that I brushed my teeth with a hormone creme!!!!!! I got up at 8:00 and got ready to shower and brush my teeth, and the tube of hormone creme was sitting on the counter looking very suspicious. I have not used that in years! And then I see in the sink, by the drain, a glob of it. OMGosh! So I changed tooth brushes, and brushed with Crest, and hoped the hormone creme would not make me feistier today than I normally am! LOL LOL LOL

    So today, I arrive for my CT, and I have gotten the same tech for 3 years in a row. She is so sweet and kind. She remembers me, remembers that i like a towel under the knees and always appreciates a nice warm blanket. What an angel. Then afterwards, as she is undoing the IV, I mention that I have a Mammogram scheduled for tomorrow at another lab. She said "Why?" "We can do that here for you." And calls upstairs to see if they can fit me in, which they did and I got all my stuff done at once! How nice is that.

    I'm coming down with some kind of gunk, so it was nice to cross that off the calendar for tomorrow, and know I can sleep if I need to. Have a sore throat, runny nose, cough and sneezy thing going on. I'll be hitting the Airbourne hard in the next few days.

    Today we got to 15 at one point. Tonight it's supposed to get to -15 or some obscenely freezing temperature. I'm in for the rest of the night, and going to settle for some left overs in the fridge.

    Ginny, good job on filling those last minutes at work with a post here and dusting. :)

    KW Judy, the new picture is absolutely adorable! I love, love your new avatar. Are we Judy's just the cutest little brunettes you've ever seen even if we have to say so ourselves????? :lol:

    ERic great story about the parking mix up and the Italian! How funny.

    Becky, laughed right out loud at the go go cage! I can just see that tough, burly cowbow Bruce in it!!!! With pants on of course! No tu-tu though.

    Annette, I loved your little exercise class! I did everything you told me to. And given that it's 6:00PM now, I got up for a stroll for a glass of the vino!

    KW Judy, hope you and Gail had a grand old time! How fun. Again, love the picture.

    Thanks all of you for your thoughts, keeping everything crossed, and more! I was dizzy when I got up. But it was okay. They have a gorgeous nature scene above the CT machine, and I love to look at it and imagine I'm there, and it does help. The Mammogram went fine, and did not stress me out either.

    So I see my Onc. on the 18th, and he'll have the results of both of them by then. I'm really not in a hurry to hear, and what I want to hear is NED!!!!!

    Have a good evening.

    Judy in MI

  19. It's 2AM and I just dreamed it was 8AM and brushed my teeth, and now going to go back to bed. Judy, LOVE the hat picture. You are adorable!

    Looking forward to today! I have lots going on, and CT scan, so I will pop in when I can.

    MI Judy

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