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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Ann, we both posted at the same time! Love the Ctrl A and Ctrl C, so I didn't lost my post! But I had to come back when I read the last part of your post! 80!!!!!!! Seriously?

    MI Judy

  2. Good morning! Well I am up unusually early. Had group this morning, and half of them cancelled, so I cancelled the whole thing. That's fine, it's -5F here, and it just looks brutally cold out there. Now I don't have to leave home until 2:00, and it will be 10 by then!

    With my husband up North snowmobiling, I am bad, and allow my dogs to cuddle in bed with me. The best cuddle dog in world is a Labradoodle! They are such an affectionate dog, and their hair is so soft and fluffy, and Olive and I got some major bonding done this morning. LOL! i love both my dogs.

    We have a 40 gallon drum filled with corn down on the lower yard. I love it this time of year because so many animals come there because the snow is so deep. Right now there are two pheasants down there, a daddy and a mommy. They are the most beautiful birds! They are rare here in Michigan, our habitat isn't the best for them. We have a large bog on part of the lake, and it has milkweed in it, and that is what attracts them to us.

    And our 40 gallon drum filled with corn! :-)

    Who's watching the Superbowl on Sunday? Go Green Bay!!!!!! I sure hope it warms up down there. Bud, what's the forecast?

    Judy, it's funny because Randy's the shopper. I detest shopping, and would much rather shop on line. He looks at every sale, every possible deal. If I go grocery shopping alone, I can be done in 1/2 hour. With him it's at least 1 1/2 hours! LOL

    Well have a good day. I will probably be back since I got "in" so early!

    Judy in MI

  3. Annette, that is hilarious about your cat's toys! My cats didn't have toys because my little Olive can shred a brick, let alone anything less sturdy.

    Weird, got a condolence card today from the Humane Society. The boy was the culprit for the "mistakes" and they had to help him to the Rainbow Bridge. Made me sad. But writing a check for $1500.00 to repair the damage makes the tears go away right quick.

    100 hours ago? Wow, you are a hard worker! You make me laugh with your posts.

    Judy in MI

  4. Ok back! Husband just called, he is in a ditch off the highway. He wanted me to come get him, when I hear the policeman say, "why don't you wait? Your car is drivable, so when they pull it out, you can drive home." He's fine. Just hit black ice and tapped his brakes and off the road he went.

    The doorbell was the carpet cleaning guy to give me a price to clean my carpets. Turns out those kitties I was mourning, wrecked my basement carpets, and I need to have them professionally cleaned. Waiting for the home owners insurance guy to call to see if it can be covered by insurance.

    Bud, tell me you DROVE to work, not rode on the bike. That is freezing! And the ice!

    KW Judy, you sound so good! I can just hear the improvement in each post. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

    I just called Gilda's Club and said I won't be there tonight. They said that's fine. They closed the club house all day yesterday, and for the day hours today, and have not decided if they will open for tonight. I just want to stay inside and be warm and cuddle with my puppies.

    Have a great rest of the day!

    MI Judy

  5. Good morning all! The sun is shining ever so brightly on the five feet of snow on my deck! LOL. Last night Randy decided to plow our road rather than wait for our snow plow driver. Our road is a mile long, and is private. i.e. county trucks do not plow it. So we have a friend that comes in and plows it for us. For a cheap price. But with that cheap price comes higher priorities for him.

    Be back, someone is at the door.


  6. Good morning! We survived the blizzard! Wow, what a storm. The snow was coming down 2 to 3 inches an hour, and at the same time there was lightning and thunder! We called it Snowmageddon!

    We lost power, and when I got up it was freezing, and I was kind of freaking out because we have an automatic generator that comes on when the power goes out. Turns out Randy went outside to start plowing, and left the garage door and inside door open! At first I was afraid that our furnace was on the blink.

    The worst of the storm is over. It averaged about 16 to 19 inches of snow. We live near a ski resort, and it closed today due to too much snow!!!!! I just heard the Mayor say that we got as much snow as the blizzard of 1978!!! Wow.

    All I can say is technology has improved greatly. Our highways are not shut down, and we're in pretty good shape considering.

    When we built our home, I budgeted in an automatic generator. In our last home, which was 5 miles from here, we lost power regularly, and sometimes would lose it for a week. Having well water, which means no water, no heat, etc., forced us to check into motels, and we would lose all the food in our refrig and freezer. It has paid for itself over the years.

    Okay as far as the muscle seizures, I take 400 mg of Dilantin, and 60 mg of Baclofen a day. That equals 10 pills a day. But it's well worth it! I was taking 80 mg of Baclofen, but the afternoon dose made me extremely sleepy at 6:00PM, so I backed off on it, and I think I"m okay. I will get spasms if I push myself hard, but for the most part am pretty good. I'm going to try that dose for a while and see how it goes. I go back to U of M in March for a check up with the specialist. I can stay on this medication as long as I don't suffer side effects. They told me what to watch for and I do that and so far so good.

    Today was supposed to be my CT scan, but they cancelled it, so I'm home and staying in my jammies!

    Ginny, I'd much rather have huge snows than ice. Here the worst that can happen is you slide into a giant snow bank!

    Bud, you guys are just having a bitter cold weather considering it's Texas! Wow.

    Well, Randy is downstairs trying to fix the snow blower. Thankfully his plow is good. I'll make some breakfast, and warm him up and if I know him, he'll go back out and plow our neighbors out too!

    Judy in MI

  7. Hi Felicia, welcome here.

    My Mom got breast cancer in 1989, and fought that, then was diagnosed with primary lung cancer in 1996. She lived about 10 months after that diagnosis. She was sick the 7 years. Like you, I struggled huge when she died. While I didn't want her to suffer anymore, I also didn't want to lose my Mom. I was about 40 when she died. She was my best friend.

    I think this place is an awesome on line support community. I wish I had discovered it when I got cancer, and certainly would have appreciated it back in the 90's. I think it's good to come and post your feelings, and get support, and eventually you'll be giving support because you can.

    One day at a time. That's all I can advise. My condolences on this too. (((HUG)))

    Judy in MI

  8. Wow, there banning street parking in the City! The plows are going to need to get around and cars mess that up. What if you don't have a garage? Don't know how their going to enforce that.

    The police will be out looking for homeless people, and escort them to shelters, which makes me happy. I always feel compelled to pray for them when we get such bitter weather. Grand Rapids population is around a million so it's not a small city, and we need to take care of those less fortunate.

    Right now they have 90 plows revv'd up and ready to go.

    And we lost our 4 mail boxes today. We live on a private road with four houses on it, and the snow plow went by and BAM! Mail boxes are laying on the ground. Randy will have to deal with that when he gets home.

    We are blessed, a warm home, cupboards stocked, and we can just buckle down and be safe. They are telling everyone to not drive tomorrow unless it's an emergency.

    Whooooooo Hooooooooo!!!!!!!!

    MI Judy

  9. Hi Everyone! Yesterday's Air had me laughing out loud!!!!! I didn't get here once yesterday. And now todays Air is HUGE!!!

    First things first, and maybe I'll see someone post about THE STORM once I go back and read. We are preparing for what might be the blizzard of the decade. Hubs is on his way home from the East side of the State, and I've been praying all day for him to get home before it hits. It's 15 out right now, but the wind is howling so it's about zero. 24 inches predicted! The last storm where we got that much snow overnight that I can remember was the Blizzard of 1978. You can google that one. It was amazing. All our highways were closed down, and businesses shut down, and it was an amazing thing to see. On the radar all I see is a giant blue blog coming towards us. How exciting!!!!!

    Stephanie, hope your feeling okay after infusion day!

    Judy, I'm cracking up at your first post and the heater on when it's 71. That is so funny considering what is coming our way soon! I can relate to what you wrote yesterday, about feeling better and doing more and being sore from it. Me too. No more spasms = doing lots more. But we're not complaining are we? It's amazing to be able to do stuff we thought we wouldn't be able to do again.

    Without reading the other responses, I think Bruce's exercise in the warm cab definintely fits with the EVTB Team. LOL

    Linda didn't know what the EVTB team is? As I read on I'm sure she was educated!

    LOL at Bruce. Yesterday was funny with the Llama and cow stories. Letting Bud borrow his ice auger. Bud have you ever used one of those?

    Ginny, we did get rid of our regular phone. We just use cell phones now. But we're very good at keeping them charged since we know it is our "life line" to the world. The only calls I was getting anymore were telemarketers, and politicians.

    Linda, you crack me up! Love your idea about Bruce for the EVBT team logo! Maybe we need a picture of his legs before we make the final decision. LOL!

    Annette, yes, I think we need a board for those cheaters that are exercising behind our backs. No cheaters in this club!

    So Randy is heading North this weekend. He and his buddies go snowmobiling once a year up North. They drive around like they are still 16 years old, and act like idiots. You know sit around, and eat and drink too much, fart, and burp, and hand bump at the end remembering the good times! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Okay the news is on, got to go see what the weather man has to say. They are saying 1/3 of the USA is being impacted by this! So for all of us, stay safe!

    MI Judy

  10. Lost my post. poo.......

    It's a lollygagging day here too Libby. We're warm compared to you! The sun is shining so no complaints here! Love that big yellow ball!

    Well I got up off the couch to check you all out and now I'm going back.

    Annette and Libby, I won't say it......MMMmmmmmmmmm...........

    Nope, not going to say it! :wink:

    Judy in MI

  11. Good morning,

    Well I slept in late again, but did this on purpose. Today is going to be a sad day. I adopted two kitties. One, Harley, is a grey tabby boy, and has been with us for ten years. The other, Tula, is a calico, tiger mix, and absolutely gorgeous, and has been with us about 1 1/2 years.

    About five years ago, I got tested for allergies, and was told I'm allergic to cats. At that time we didn't have Tula, and I didn't seem to have too much trouble with Harley. Then we got Tula, and I did begin to have a lot of problems. She has a different kind of dander than Harley, and it makes my nose run, and I cough.

    So I've been on the fence for the last six months, as to what to do. I set about trying to find homes for both of them. After we got puppy Olive, Harley decided he didn't like two dogs and found a spot in the basement to urinate. Not all the time, but enough to tell me that he's ticked off, and wants me to know it.

    *sigh* As I said, I called every sanctuary, pleaded with friends, facebooked their plight, and nothing happened. So I had to make an appointment to take them into the Humane Society today at 2:30. Quite frankly it sucks. I didn't get bonded with Tula because I knew right away that I was allergic to her and getting close to her was not an option. But Harley was my cuddle baby, and my heart breaks to think that he's going there, and they will euthanize him.

    I called them and when I told them the problems, they said they would place Tula in a new home. They said they could not place a cat that does not use the litter box. I obviously knew what she meant, and said "I know."

    So, sad day today. Fortunately Randy will take them in. I'll stay behind and collect all their toys, etc., and I have two single Mom girlfriends that I'll give the fun stuff too.


    MI Judy

  12. Since my CT scan time is next week, I got to talking about the anxiety that seems to come with getting scans, whether we are fearful or not of "it" returning.

    It's been 3 years and 7 months since I was dx. I do not live in fear of the disease returning. If it does, we'll deal with it, like any tough stuff that life throws at us. I don't want to waste days or hours or even minutes thinking about that possibility, and feeling fearful of it.

    And yet, I must be honest in saying that the day of the scan, I am anxious. It's not the procedure that makes me that way. I lay down on a table/whatever you call it, they put in the IV, take pictures, squirt in the contrast, take more pictures and your done. But when they tell me I can get up, I have to ask for help, because I am always dizzy when I get up.

    I'm not dizzy when I lay down and get up otherwise. It's not that I'm terrified, or anything dramatic. It feels like my sub-conscience self is thinking things that I don't even realize and my body tenses during the test which makes me dizzy.

    I'm fine afterwards to. But after the last one, no one called me, and after a week my mind was nuts, and I called them feeling a sense of dread. Why didn't they call? Is it so bad they don't want to tell me? Those kind of questions raced through my mind.

    The response I got was, "we never call unless we see something on the scan. You should just assume everything is fine if you don't hear from us." Bull! I asked her if she ever had cancer, to which, of course, she said no. I told her that if and when she ever does, she will call patients back with their results.

    I will politely but definitely insist that they call me back this time, no matter what!

    What do you think?

    Judy in MI

  13. Hi Cindy and Linda,

    My doctors are definitely on high alert for anything that is unusual in my health due to my dx. However, I've been screened very carefully for most of my life due to my family history. Brain, Breast, Bone and Lung cancer all have graced my immediate family. Sometimes I get so tired of them always checking up on me. I'd like to go a couple months in a row without seeing another doctor!

    Judy in MI

  14. Judy - you could always pass yourself off as Ukranian; however, I think Annette's idea is much simpler I have discovered the last few years that the things I used to think everyone else noticed - they were totally oblivious to.
    Good afternoon! I started my day early with my lady friends in our Bible study. We're studying the book Heaven, and it's really been so good. They are great friends and I love spending my Friday mornings with them.

    Well, Monday is the first Monday in 3 years that I won't be going into my "old" volunteer work. It actually is a relief for me. I didn't realize how much work I took on, until this forced me to write it all out so the director could figure out how to replace me. And I'm not replacable! At least not for free. LOL He had some other volunteers he hoped would take on my work, and I met with them, and they are not willing. So if they want the detailed work that I did, I think they will have to hire someone and that is just the right thing to do. By the way.....I won't be applying for it. There's so much out there I want to do, volunteer for, and enjoy, that there's no regrets with this whole thing.

    So some funny stuff this morning. Judy, I guess I lied when I said all my Christmas stuff was done.

    "Judy - you could always pass yourself off as Ukranian; however, I think Annette's idea is much simpler I have discovered the last few years that the things I used to think everyone else noticed - they were totally oblivious to. Ok, granted a tree might be a hard thing to miss, but really people just get used to what is there and after awhile don't even notice it. Hey...to save yourself some time and energy just leave it up until next year - wish I had thought of that earlier " crack me up LINDA!!!!! :lol:

    I have two 3 foot Christmas trees that are predecorated with lights on. So we usually put them out, one upstairs and one downstairs, and at the end of the season, we put them in their bags and put them in mechanical room for the rest of the year. Well hubby has to do this because they are awkward and difficult to get into the bags. So here we are on January 28, and I look by the Front door? Yep, that little tree is still there. I go downstairs and look by the pool table? Yep, that one too. So funny.

    So Linda's comments rang home to me. They are rather pretty, I'll bet if I kept them up, no one would notice.

    Well, I'm off for a cut and a color. I decided to try to go 8 weeks before getting a hair cut and color, and it's 8 weeks, and I went 2 weeks longer than I should have. I honestly do not know how I got so gray! Seriously! I was not gray before cancer. When my hair grew back, it was not gray. But I decided to start coloring it when it grew out because I wanted to try a different color other than my natural brunnette. And when I realized that I did not look good blonde, or red, I went back to brunnette, and now if I want to stay that way, coloring it has to happen. *sigh* I love getting old! :D

    Seriously I do. Many of us have faced the fear that it wouldn't happen, so getting old is beautiful!

    MI Judy

  15. Morning all! I sit here, at my kitchen table, lap top engaged, looking out at a beautiful winter wonderland. I should take a picture and send it along. I have about 7 bird feeders on my little deck. Some have suet in them for the woodpeckers. Some have thistle, and others have sunflower seeds. Right now there are two gorgeous woodpeckers doing their thing. One is very small, and black and white. The other is a big boy with a bright red head and black and white body. There are 3 large blue jays on the floor of the deck, cleaning up the seeds. And there are a countless number of bright red Daddy cardinals and brownish red Mommy cardinals perched in the trees, and in feeders. What a sight. So awesome.

    It's 30 here. Forecast is mid 20's to 30 for the next week, so that means snow, snow and more snow. It's so beautiful, that I can't complain. It makes getting around a challenge, but our state does a good job of keeping the roads plowed, so we just slow it down a bit and we get where we need to go.

    KW Judy, I had that happen to me a while ago, just could not get on the site? And then I could. Don't know what was up with that, but good to see you back!

    Eric, our bigger cities do have something like that MOT dealie. Pollution is a big deal in the bigger cities, so they do enforce vehicle compliance there.

    Annette, ouch! My advice for the sore spots, heat, then ice, each of them 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. I've dealt with a bad back for a long time, and learned that this therapy is quite effective. I found a velcro "belt" that has a pouch for a ice pack, and I put that on, and ice for 20 min., and then wait 20 min. and do the heat. Takes the pain away with no need for pain medications. Heal and get better woman!

    Well, I am running late. Was a sot this morning, and slept in again. Anyone have advice on how to get my lazy behind out of bed in the morning. I know, go to sleep earlier. I'm a night person, but I think I will start setting my alarm for early, and force myself to get up, as this is getting ridiculous!

    Have a great rest of the day.

    Judy in MI

  16. Even though I had been a caregiver to several family members with cancer, when I was diagnosed, it was a totally different experience, and I found myself ill-equipped to begin to digest what was going on.

    I was told I had lung cancer, fast forward to surgeon, pulmonary specialist, oncologist, and more -ist's that I knew what to do with. A friend suggested that I do some of these things.

    Get a 3 ring binder, with tabs, and with folders that I could put documents into.

    She said to start with the first tab being my Health Journal. In this I organized my health concerns and questions, highlighting the questions for the doctors. I made a list of my medications, and kept SEVERAL copies of those in my binder for the many health professionals that I'd be dealing with.

    In addition, I put several sheets of lined paper in there, and I began to journal, writing down changes in my physical and emotional health, so that if questioned by the doctors, I could look back easily to see how treatments were affecting me. It was very therapeutic for me as well.

    She said once I met my health care team (the various care givers), to put all of their names into a tab named appropriately Health Care Team. Put all of their names, their specialties, addresses, and phone numbers in that tab.

    I made a tab with folders behind it to store all the medical reports that the doctors gave me, that listed the very specifics of my cancer, the stage it was, the minute details of every diagnosis and recommendation. It was nice to have that at my finger tips as I was making decisions.

    I made another tab that was called Peace. In there I put lots of sheets of paper. As I'd read articles that were uplifting, I'd cut them out and paste them in there. I'd find a poem that touched me, and put it in there. I found beautiful pictures that made me happy, and put them in there. I looked for as much positive stuff as I could find and put it in my Peace tab. I treasure that to this day. It helped me not lose sight of the good things in life when I was overwhelmed with the health/sickness/treatments.

    Don't forget to update the medication sheet(s) as they prescribe chemo medications, pain meds, anti-nausea, and other meds to help your body heal. Keep this updated.

    Today I keep a list of my medications, and my doctors in a memo on my I Phone. But they didn't have those kind of phones back in 2007!

    I'm going to try to find the post that had the questions you should ask your doctors and post that in here too. But this should help you get started on this new journey in life.

    By the way, if you are the caregiver, this will help you help the person you love who is dealing with this.

    I'd would love to hear other suggestions from those that have gone through this, whether from a person with cancer, or the caregiver perspective!

    Judy in MI

  17. Hi Cindy,

    I feel extremely blessed that my cancer tumor was found early, in stage 2. I watched 5 of my immediate family die in stage 4 SCLC. How amazing that mine was NSCLC and stage 2! While the surgery recovery was grueling with a lot of complicaitons, the chemo regime was horrid, but I got through it all.

    I finished chemo just before November in 2007. I was in recovery from that for the next couple of months. As I finally started to feel like I could get back to life (a different life from the past), it was Spring time. As I would walk outside, smell the flowers, see the buds blooming, and the sunshine and intense blue skies, I remember tears coming to my ears, because it seemed like the colors, smells, and beauty were magnified 1000%, and I was overwhelmed with it all. As the season moved into Summer, it was the same. Fall, Winter, all seen through new eyes. Eyes that didn't appreciate the small things BEFORE C.

    I did go through a time of depression as I adjusted to my new life. I'm a take charge kind of woman, and my "take charge" was not as take chargey as it used to be :-). I read books on the New Normal, which frankly ticked me off. But at the same time, I was overwhelmed with such appreciation for things I did not appreciate before, that it didn't take long to adjust to my new life, with new limitations, but also with so many possibilities that I never dreamed of before.

    So, people ask me what was the worst thing that ever happened to me in my life. The answer? Lung Cancer. Then they ask what the best things that ever happened to me in my life. The answer? Lung Cancer.

    I'm a softer, gentler, more loving person now. Like Linda, I make sure those I love know it. I was not an affectionate person. Now you better like hugs, and most likely kisses, because I love to give them and get them.

    Thanks for this great thought-provoking topic!

    ((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) :D

    MI Judy

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