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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Aw shucks Eric! You make me blush about the avatar. That baby is my great niece, and is in fact six months old! But thanks for the compliment. I figure if the piccy is really small, no one can see those over 50 crags and lines. LOL

    So I must ask, is Hogmanay, New Years Eve for you??? Never heard that term before. But we do hold magnificent New Years Eve Parties here. We usually don't go out much, as the police presence on the roads are quite high, and drinking and driving don't work real well. We are much too rural to take public transportation or cabs here.

    And you are right about the glasses. We have 10 acres that we live on which is a lot of woods, and hills, those things are long gone!

    How understanding of your wife's company to be willing to work with her. That is nice to see.

    MI Judy

  2. Love it! Now, the bus thing has come and gone for a while now. Have not seen Becky (Snowflake) in a while, and she kind of commandeered that! Bud should definitely be president, and we need to have to by-laws in case he decides to drive. I could always lie and say I'm riding for him. LOL!

    Can't wait for Eric to join in on this!

    Love you guys!

    MI Judy

  3. Oh by the way, that pretty table next to the couch? We don't have that table anymore. He ate it. Seriously. I loved that table. When he was a puppy, we lost a lot of really nice furniture. Beast. Hubby's hunting beast. :-)

    MI Judy

  4. Gibbyisreadyforcompany600x450.jpg

    K, this is the beast that has now twice stolen my glasses! He's six years old, and I had proof the last time as I found them in the dog run. This time, I'm afraid they are out in a snow bank somewhere. LOL!

    It's gloomy and cold here, not too bad, but still. I have today "off" and am planning on reading books, and wearing PJ's all day. Ah! Never get to do that so I'm going to enjoy that!

    Annette, I've decided I need to get on the "Exercise vicariously through Bud Team". We can call it EVTBT Team! And every time he posts once again of his wonderful, impressive miles, we can all sit back and smile knowing how much good we did for ourselves, living through him. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Bud you know we are so proud of you and your amazing accomplishments.

    KW Judy, I believe this dog could eat your office. He's lean and tough and has eaten many a thing that should not have been eaten! And we have NO, ZERO squirrels in our yard. And not because we don't have lots of trees and food for them. He's a hunting machine.

    I'm with you on the counseling thing too Judy. Glad I found this place and you friends, it's a fun thing to do daily is reconnect with all of us from all over the world.

    Judy in MI

  5. Nope KW Judy. I like hearing what you are hearing only hearing it in my head! LOL!

    Stephanie, that is soooooo funny about the turkey. Whew!

    Annette, I love your sense of humor!

    As for Eric, I think he mentioned in the last AIR that he wrote in that he'd be away for a few days. Can't remember where, but did note that he said he'd be scarce around here!

    MI Judy

  6. Good morning all! Thanks Bud about the Avatar. Thought it was time to update it. When I lost my hair due to chemo, I had this lame idea that long and blondy, red was a new look. Not! This year I went back to short and my original brunette, and feel much more like me now! LOL

    Woke up to 5 degrees. It's 15 now that the sun is shining, but no snow. Still supposed to get to 50 by New Years, so looking forward to that!

    Don't know if I told you all about my missing glasses? I've searched high and low and they are not to be found. I do believe my dog Gibson absconded with them, and took them outside. They are sure to be found this Spring when the snow is gone. So I've gone through the holidays with everything far away being blurry, and everything really close up blurry. Had nothing to do with alcohol. LOL

    Speaking of that....Bruce, I'm sure it was the food that gave you a headache. Glad you had a nice time with the kiddo's, and love to think of your daughter out playing with the Llamas! We had a neighbor that built this grand Llama farm, and I loved to go and watch them. He had the animals for two years, and now they are gone. I've always wondered what happened. I hope it was not a health issue, and I miss seeing them out and about.

    Ann, that is really cold for your neck of the woods! Hope you have some winter gear to help you out now!

    Well, I am trying to work on pictures, not with much success. It's difficult when I can't see much up close. Think I'll put that project off until the new glasses come in. Supposed to be in by 1/1/11, so hoping that is true!

    Have a great rest of the day!

    MI Judy

  7. Good afternoon all. Well I have a resounding headache, after trying to figure out who to get the tons of pictures off my iPhone and onto my lap top. My brother told me to download a picture program called Picasa from Google. It's free. And I like the program.

    However after goofing with it for two hours, I can't figure out if I'm moving my pictures to Picasa or to my old Program of Windows Pictures. And my head hurts from it all, so I'm just going to let it go for now. Oy!

    Think I'll take a nap. Sounds like a winner to me. LOL

    Judy, definitely prayers for your sister. My goodness I hate this disease. Pray it's all ado about nothing!

    The weather is so unusual. Sunshine, no snow again. Supposed to get up to 50 by New Year day. How strange for us. While I have friends in S. Carolina that posted pictures of snow on Facebook today. How weird. No complaints, for it's sure to change soon.

    Going to stay in tonight. Hubby caught a bunch of fresh water perch today and we're going to cook them up along with a bunch left over sides. Can't wait to get back to "normal" eating.

    And I'm beginning an experiment with the meds for my seizures. Taking 10 pills a day and one is making me sleepy. Med #1 didn't get rid of the spasms, and Med #2 Dilantin did. But they told me to stay on Med #1 too. But it makes me sleepy. So I'm going to cut the afternoon dose from 2 pills to 1 for a week. If the spasms don't happen, I'm going to cut out the afternoon dose completely and see what happens. I'd like to totally get off Med #1 in time, and will take it a little bit at a time and see how it goes.

    Well, it's time for that nap. Enjoy the rest of the day!

    Judy in MI

  8. p.s. I doubt the radiation caused this pain. Bone mets can and are extremely painful. The radiation was probably given to try to relieve the terrible pain. I hope you go to the ER today. Don't wait til tomorrow.


    MI Judy

  9. Hi there,

    If she is in this much pain, please take her to the Emergency Room. No one should be in so much pain that they are sobbing. My mom's cancer spread to her bones, and she was in a lot of pain as well. But with liquid morphine, and the Duragesic patches, we were able to bring it under control. We had to get hospice involved because the traditional doctor's would not give her enough pain medication because they were worried she would become an "addict." I was like, give me a break!

    When they determine how many patches will control the pain, then use the morphine for "break through" pain. They will teach you how to put the date on the patches so you can rotate them if she needs multiple patches.

    I wish you the best on this. It was so difficult to watch my Mom go through this, but we did get her pain under control and I hope you will find the help you need too.

    Judy in MI

  10. Well, the stockings are hung, the food is cooking, the appetizers are ready, all is on schedule for a feast at 2:00 today.

    The weather is perfect, 30 with no snow, and just enough snow for it to look like Christmas.

    We live surrounded by very old apple trees. This time of year is so special because the Cardinals come hang out and eat at our many bird feeders. With the ground white, no leaves on the trees, just brown sticks, their brilliant red bodies really stand out in the most beatiful way. Today I counted at least 30 of them in the trees. So peaceful and nice.

    I don't expect to see any activity today here, but I'm at a lull in the action, so thought I'd take a rest, and just think about the wonderful friends I've made here that are priceless to me. Thank you all for your kind hearts, and words, and support. As I think about the reasons for this season, the birth of our Lord Jesus, and all that it represents, I'm very grateful for all the blessings in this life. And very grateful for you all.

    So I wish you a wonderful Christmas. May it bring all that you thought it would. For those of us, missing loved ones, I send a gentle ((HUG)) and hope that you find some lovely memories to hold on to today.


    MI Judy

  11. What a busy AIR today! And with the holiday tomorrow, I'm so impressed!

    Annette, I think Mrs. Smith's pies are the best. We have a local bakery here called Arnie's. Arnie cooked my triple chocolate cake special just for me! LOL! I really enjoy your sense of humor. And haven't we formed a wonderful world wide family? It's so awesome to see.

    Bud, I think this post was a record for you! But I really enjoyed reading it. My parents were alcoholics too, not so much when I was little, but definitely when I was a young teen. Life was not easy, but we got through it. Eric, thank you for sharing that. It must have been difficult, but now we understand why Sally isn't with you on all your excursions. I admire you for staying with her, and getting out and doing all that you do in spite of her addiction. Good for you.

    Lily, chicken and cheese empanadas? Cinnamon Pecan Danish? Bananna Nut Whip Cream Cake? What time is dinner. I think I can find a way to get your way, some way some how!!!

    KW Judy, sounds like you will have a nice small gathering. We have our "other family" over tomorrow. They kind of adopted us years ago. We could not have children and they had 3 so we became their God parents. They graciously share their Christmas day with us and have since the kids were babies. They found out we spent Christmas alone, and said "no way, you share with us". This is actually the Christmas gathering i look forward to more than any other.

    Randy's large family isn't so large anymore. His Mom and brother both passed years ago from lung cancer. His father died 9 years ago. His closest to his age brother died at 21 in a motorcycle accident. So he now has one brother in Texas, and one in a town that is about 70 miles from us. So we don't have "Christmas" with them. We'll pick a weekend night in January after all the holiday hooplah is done, and go out to dinner at a nice restaurant. We really enjoy that.

    So that being said, I wish all of you a very blessed and happy time this Christmas.

    MI Judy

  12. Annette, Iknow what you mean about the MRI. They have to sedate me heavily to go in there. Big time claustophobia! Glad it's done. Now can't wait until they tell you "there's nothin' up there! LOL!

    MI Judy

  13. Yes Libby, the same with Gibby. We are going to watch it and if it grows do the surgery too.

    Bruce, take care of you! Glad the therapist was able to convince your doctor that you are not ready to go back to work!


    Judy in MI

  14. Well, I guess I'll start it. I usually wait and see if KW Judy or Bud start it, but it's 11:20 here and no air!

    We are in a beautiful weather season! Temps about 30, and just a dusting of snow each day. Enough to keep everything pretty, clean and white, without slippery roads. It's the perfect Christmas weather!

    Not much to report here. Tables are laden with gifts to be wrapped for our other family. They will be here all day on Christmas. Little projects waiting for my attention too. And all of it can be done because I'm feeling so good now! I'm so grateful for that, and try not to take one day for granted.

    Had to take German Short Hair Gibby to the vet yesterday. He got into it when he was hunting in S. Dakota, and has a egg sized lump under his chin. Vet thinks he broke a salivary gland and says it might just heal on it's own. But anti-biotics were prescribed, and anti-inflamatory meds too. If it does not shrink on it's own, may have to have a needle aspiration of the mass. He's just not acting like himself.

    Well, not much to add, so just going to put this out there, and see who else is out there! :-)

    Have a lovely rest of the day!

    Judy in MI

  15. hey Nick, I just found this, and you are so right! Now that I've come to this site, and learned the statistics, I take EVERY opportunity to educate people about this disease that does not discriminate.

    It is still such an under funded research priority, and yet so many are being taken by it. I hate it too, and hope that the work we do here is making a difference in the world out there.

    MI Judy

  16. Hi Kristin,

    Ah, I can relate to this post so well. My Dad died from cancer young, and my Mom was only 52 when he died. Her grief obviously was very different from mine. I can only imagine what it would be like to have a spouse pass. He was her soul mate, her best friend, her partner, and now????? That's what she's feeling....the and now what???????

    She must be feeling right now like her whole life has ended, and she does not know how to go on. All we can do is listen, love, dole out lots of hugs, and be there for her.

    You may want to see if there is a Gilda's Club near you. I didn't notice where you live, but Gilda's Club has a grief program that might suit her. Or check with your local Hospice organizations. They have good grief support systems too. But do understand if she's not ready to share her grief. Everyone's grief is different.

    I hope this helps a little.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

  17. Stephanie, I'm so sorry. I'm certainly not equipped to give you advice on this. So I will pray for clarity in making these decisions, and for you to keep feeling as good as you do now. Also sending you a big old cyber ((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Judy in MI

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