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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Hi Chrissy,

    Looks like lots of wonderful advice already. I agree with all of it. It's scariest now, and once you are armed with a plan, then you will feel more in control. Once you hear, do let us know, and we'll support you all along the way.

    This on-line support board is full of amazing and kind folks, and it's a good place to be. Take care, and I'm praying for none or almost none of those lights on that PET tomorrow.

    MI Judy

  2. Hi All!

    Judy you sound so productive! Good for you. Investment club meeting? I'm intrigued.

    It was 9 here this morning. We have a big snow/ice storm coming they say. Not real happy about that. Supposed to go to Gilda's tonight, which is 45 minute drive in good weather. Tonight's topic for lung cancer is "Ask the Mentor", and I'm the mentor. But they know that if the roads get bad, I don't come. The drive there in the light of day is fine, but that trip down windy country roads at 9:00PM is not fun.

    I was asked to come in for a meeting today with the group that fired me as a volunteer. I'm here now, and expecting them at any moment. I won't be angry or upset, but I hope they understand that when they told me to take a 3 month break, that I'm going to take a 3 month break. It's likely I'll volunteer in a different capacity. A couple of folks who found out what happened, are begging me to help them in their work. We'll see. What is to be, is what will be.

    Well, got to go! Have a good rest of the day. I'll fill you in later on the drama that I don't want to be a part of.

    MI Judy

  3. Hi Cara,

    Oh my goodness, this is complicated. I don't know where to start. First off, when someone is told they have stage IV cancer, it's very difficult to find hope. I have two experiences with this.

    The first was my Mom. She was diagnosed stage IV, with a 3 week prognosis. She refused to believe them. She had brain mets with seizures. She refused chemo for the lung cancer, but accepted radiation treatment for the brain mets. She lived 8 months longer that what they predicted. If she had taken chemo for the lung cancer, it's likely she would not have lived as long as she did.

    Then there's my husbands Mom. She also had brain mets. She refused all treatment, and she was very bitter about her disease. She did not suffer much, but died six months after diagnosis.

    Then there's me. I was diagnosed at stage 2B. I had a lobe removed, and chemo regime like your Mom. I was in terrible pain from it, but got through it. I did not have mets so I was doing good, other than the side effects from the chemo.

    I just want to share that my Mom had a lot of pain. They sent her to pain clinics, and basically said there was no reason for her pain. And yet she suffered. We thought the pain stemmed from the surgery and the cutting of her ribs. We finally got Hospice involved, and they took over her pain control with pain patches and morphine in a liquid form. It gave her enough comfort to help her get through her final months here.

    We can't know all the side effects of this disease. Some of us suffer great pain, some of us do not. If she is in pain, I suggest Hospice to help her with that. But Hospice will not help if she is being treated with life saving treatments.

    My heart goes out to you. I pray for some answers for you.

    MI Judy

  4. Hello All,

    It's 10:30 PM now, but was so busy today, no time to check in. Today was the official "taking down the Christmas stuff" day, and I did it! It's always with a sense of melancholy that I do this. And yet, thankfully it will feel like yesterday when it happens again. So not complaining one bit.

    Annette, stay warm sweetie. That weather up North can be brutal!

    Hope you enjoyed your dinner out.

    Scheduled my CT scan for FEb. 1. Seeing the Onc. on Feb. 8. In spite of the cough, I think I"m okay, and expecting a clean bill of health. I think I need a total rehaul of my allergies and the meds I'm on. I will pursue that after the scan and Onc. visit.

    Life is good, and I plan on it continuing that way....

    MI Judy

  5. Good morning all,

    Eric, as you plan you USA visit, do tell us what you love to see. I'm not a big city person, so I tend to enjoy nature filled places. One of our best vacations was to drive from Michigan, across Canada, with a stop at Niagra Falls, then across New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and ending in Maine. Tons of beautiful nature, mountains, animals, and quaint small towns.

    From what I know about you, you might be a big city person. You enjoy lots of stuff going on, and revel in it. In that case, you must go to New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco.

    One of the most beautiful places in the world that I've been is Sedona, Arizona. Spectacular views of enormous vistas of gorgeous red rock and mountains. The Grand Canyon is amazing as well. There are sights there that are amazing.

    Now Michigan does not have much that stands out on the map, other than our gorgeous Great Lakes, mountains, and incredible nature filled backgrounds. I've lived all over the world, but had to return to my hometown in Michigan. The Mid West has it's own special charm.

    As I sit here a type, I noticed two majestic, gorgeous silver hawks soaring over the valley outside my window. I've never seen two of them hunt together, but it's beautiful to see two of these very large birds just floating on the air, looking down to find something yummy for lunch. To me that is beauty.


    Anyway, I wax poetic about nature. LOL.

    Judy you dinner sounded fabulous. My mouth watered at the description of the potatoe souffle! Yum!

    Have a good day!

    MI Judy

  6. Oh phoey - is that a word? I did a post that included many of you, and hit control A and control C, and posted it, and assumed it was there, and it was not! And now several hours later I discover it's not here. Well, not going to repeat all of that.

    Just came in to see what's up again, and say HI!

    MI Judy

  7. What a busy joint today! Well, all this talk about exercise, and dieting (I prefer food plan), has got to my husband. LOL! Not really. His doctor got to him. And one of his best friends had a heart attack, and is in ICU and it's not looking good. 56 years young. Woke my husband up. He tested 5.7 on the sugar blood test. I don't know much about it, but it launched him into the Diabetic category.

    He's been trying to find a gym where he could have a locker to keep his clothes, where he could get a yogurt and a coffee, work out, shower, and go to work. I'm looking at him....and finally say.....um.....that sounds like HOME. So we're going to go out this weekend and see what we can find for aerobic exercise. I'd like it to be low impact so I could use it too, maybe eliptical? I have a weight bench, and light weights for me, but being a former weight lifter and body builder, I could fashion a work out for him that would help him. And if he's going to do it....sigh....I might as well too.

    When I was in my 20's, I got quite heavy. Hence me becoming a weight lifter and did tons of aerobics too. But a tip I was given is to put your fork down between bites, but also chew the food very thoroughly, before picking the fork back up. It worked! Between working out and that tip, I lost 60 pounds. To this day I can't eat fast. Hubs gets frustrated, but it became such a habit, that I can't eat fast anymore.

    I slept in late today. Gosh it felt so good! Weather is mid 20's with snow falling down in a slow and lazy fashion. It's nice. No sun today, but have had so much that I'm just thankful for what we got.

    Bud, so I am assuming you biked into work by the comment that it was 21 and it definitely woke you up. Wow! 21 is ccccccccold!

    I agree with Annette about all the running around. It has to count! All except that Burger thingy. LOL!

    Ann, laughing about the sweaters and covering up. We love winter here. And the average person puts on 10 to 20 pounds in the winter. We eat heartier meals because it's freezing, and we can hide under the sweatshirts and sweaters. But when spring comes it's like "oh s**t, can't hide anymore".

    Hi KW Judy.

    Libby, beach, yeah right! LOL! We had such a late start to winter, I have not made it out to Lake Michigan to see the ice piling up. Will do that in the next couple of weeks because it's so beautiful.

    Daughter? Driving? My brothers taught me to drive. I was petrified. But I'm so thankful they did, and helped me get over my fears. I can't imagine not driving now.

    Have a good one all!

    MI Judy

  8. Excellent job Judy on the Scottish words. For me, I think this cold weather is tiring, and I'd like to eighty six it. Seriously lets get down to brass tacks and come up with a solution. I hate being cold. But I'm lucky because I live high on the hog so it's not so bad, but elsewhere it really is.

    Then again, we can just hold our horses, as it will improve.

    MI Judy

  9. Hi y'all!

    LOL Bud! You and Mike made me laugh out loud. Judy I did scroll back to see Mike's post. How funny!

    The snow stopped and the main roads are clear, so that's great! The sunshine is visiting again, and that's even greater! About 24 here. Hubs made it home just fine from the MSU game. Roads were bad, but they took it slow and were good.

    I've never done the Facebook games either Bud. I can be a bit OCD, so I avoid stuff like that! LOL

    Stephanie, thinking about you. Remembering my days in the chemo ward. I started mine at 8:00AM and didn't get done until 5:00PM. I'm with Bud that it was not fun to see people coming in and going while I sat there for so long. I wish you the bet and pray the nausea and other side effects are minimal.

    So I took the puppy in to be cut and groomed. She is such a joy! To see her romp in the snow just tickles me. She's bounching around and her tail is going a hundred miles an hour, and it's just awesome to see. Almost makes me feel like running out and making a snow angel. But then again.....nah.....

    So now that the one volunteer job is done, I have two full days to find new things to do. Kw Judy, I don't think they are crazy. They think I've been overdoing it, and "for my health" felt I should take a break. It's fine. I've had 3 days to get used to the idea, and I'm okay. There's lots of places that need help, and I get to find a new one!

    Hope you all have a great day. I'll check back later.

    MI Judy

  10. Hi all,

    in on the back end again. Yesterday ended horribly. How many love politics? Well I got caught up in some at one of my volunteer jobs and was asked to go away for 3 months. Not even going to get into the who and why. It's stupid, and I'm sad and ticked at the same time. Whatever. I'll deal with it.

    Today again was 3 in the early morning, but then it got up to the bad 25's and that is when lake effect hits. I had a meeting at 3:30 and when I left, what should have been a 20 minute drive took me 40 minutes. Have been in worse, but that was not fun.

    Hubs is at a college basketball game in Lansing. I always worry when they go to a night game when the roads are slick. Hoping he gets home soon and safely.

    After demanding the CT scan, it's scheduled for Feb. 1. Need to call them and reschedule! I have a 8:30 AM meetng that day, and the CT is scheduled for 8:45. Will do that tomorrow. Will see the Onc on Feb. 8.

    Ann, Spaghetti-O's!!!! Bad memories. But when I was a kid I loved them. Can't imagine eating that now.

    Lily, weclcome home. Worried about our friends and the people of Austrailia too. What a tragedy.

    K, I'm very tired tonight. So going to sign off. Sorry ERic, I didn't take you up on your challenge from last night. Just too tired to do that tonight. Maybe tomorrow?

    MI Judy

  11. Good morning all!

    It was 1 as in one degree this morning. Brrrrr! No snow though and the sun is shining again! I will tell you that sunshine in Michigan in the winter is not normal, so we celebrate every time we get sun!

    Bud, thanks for clearing that up about Steelers Wheel. Never heard of them before. But did know the song for some reason. LOL! Thanks for posting the pics. I could not figure it out, and I'm usually pretty good with stuff like that.

    Annette, keep up the good exercise with the scanner! Where I work the printer is downstairs, so I climb stairs at least 100 times a day. That is the extend of my exercise, but it's good exercise!

    KW Judy, you sound so organized today! Exercising, up earlier than the tea, and reading an unshredded newspaper! Good for you!

    Judy I was up and at 'em early this morning too, and could use a nap right about now.

    Going to Gilda's tonight for the lung cancer mentor program going on every Monday night this month. I love doing that but will be glad when this program on Mondays is over!

    With that....hope you all have a good day. I'll be back in later.

    Let's come up with another American phrase that throws Eric for a loop! K?

    MI Judy

  12. A tattie-bogle (whiles cried a tattie-boodie or craw-bogle) is a device, tradeetionally a human figure dressed in auld claes, or mannequin, that is uised tae discourage birds sic as craws frae disturbin craps.[1] No anerly dae craws eat the recently cast seed, but they gaither nichtly an aw, stairtin wi groups o a hauf dizzen that then jyn thegither tae form a group o 20 tae 30 an so on till the flock is raither lairge an noisy. It is thair prattick tae return tae the ae place ilka nicht.


  13. Hi there!

    Was one degree this morning with bright sunshine. So beautiful to see the ice crystalize on the tree limbs, and everything was all sparkly. Just beautiful. Eventually it warmed up to a toasty 25 so that was nice. Libby, I look forward to what you send next. By the time Donna gets it, I am usually in the same condition as her.

    Well, didn't get the Christmas undecorating done. Woke up, went to church, and found out I had a lunch meeting to go to. Went there, and just got home. Hubs left for business in the Detroit area. He's having dinner with his partner tonight to strategize for tomorrow's early meeting. And he had to get the tubs out for me.

    What I do is put all the things from the year into the tubs while all the Christmas stuff is up. The tubs are heavy when he puts them away for the Christmas season. So he was gone by the time I got home, so no undecorating. When he gets home tomorrow, I'll have him get them out so I can pick at it all week long. By Valentines day, it should all be done! LOL! Thank the heavens I don't decorate for Valentines day!!!!!

    So it's 4:20PM, and I"m going to check out the posts here, and read the newspaper that my puppy shredded in a thousand pieces. Do you realize how long it takes to read it when it's that way. But it does eventually get all picked up. LOL

    Eric I hope you never grow up. I think it's delightful that you got the long johns on and sledded with your wee one. That is awesome!

    As for "Stuck in the Middle with You", I think that was Steely Dan, not Steelers Wheel, but I think I like your name better. *wink* I must agree with you about Bud's pouring jigs. Sounds like a strange drink to me! And yeah the dinner party is long over Eric. I"m sure you would have been a welcome addition!

    Annette, if you scroll up, I believe Donna said it was -13 as in negative 13 degrees where you are going. Button up girl! I would not walk 7 blocks in the frigid weather either and I'm used to it. That is way too far to walk. Cab it. And you won't offend me about the steak, medium rare is the only way to eat a good steak. Add some horseradish sauce, and mushrooms and I'm in heaven.

    KW Judy, I'm with you, Sunday is a day of rest, and that is what I'm doing the rest of the way. Well, that and trying to read 1000 pieces of shredded newspaper. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

    Eric,, the dust bunnies are those pesky little dusty critters that seem to just appear under areas that don't get dusted much, such as under the bed! And you try to sweep them and they just run around laughing at you.

    Libby, I agree about the cold. Usually my two dogs chase each other around all day long, but in this weather, they go out to do their business and back in they want. Then they are so naughty and bored, hence the 1000 piece newspaper.

    Did I tell you my newspaper was shredded into a 1000 pieces????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Bud, I truly don't know what pouring jigs are, but if it's alcohol, does it make you want to do the jig????

    Love you all!

    MI Judy

  14. LOL Bud, I thought about that nooner comment after I posted it. I know what you refer to. Nope, not here! LOL!

    Just went out for a quick dinner, and it was 5 degrees. And dropping. Brrrrrr! I have warm jammies on and a blanket over that with thick socks, and am still freezing!

    Hubs is watching football, and I've had enuf! He had it on all day while I did loads of laundry, cleaning, etc. I"m in my office enshrouded in blankets and about to turn my teeny tv on for something even more idiotic than football. LOL!

    Bummed that tomorrow is really busy. Church in AM, have a meeting at noon, and wanted to go to a go-away party for a young man headed to Kenya for mission work, but also hoped to have time to undecorate the house. Not sure which will win out. We'll see how bitterly cold it is and make the call then. Hubs is heading to the Detroit area for a dinner meeting with his partners, and an early morning meeting on Monday with a client.

    See ya'll tomorrow!

    MI Judy

  15. Good job Judy KW. It looks like a beautiful farm Bruce. Very cold looking, lots of white, and beautiful! If you click on one picture, it takes you to photobucket, and you can click on next and next again to see all 3 pics.


    MI Judy

  16. Hey all! It's shortly after noon here, and I just got up. Oy! All those people, and all that standing, leaves me with a very sore and tight lower back. Think after this, I'm going to fire up the hot tub and do some soaking.

    It's a crystal clear very cold but brilliantly sunny morning. Hubby is off doing his radio show on barbecue stuff. Hey guys if you ever want to hear it live, go to http://thegrillinguys.com on Saturday morning between 9:00AM and 11:00AM. There's a place to click on to hear it live. He also has some past episodes there on MP3. I guess they are pretty funny, though I'm usually sleeping when they are on.

    So, after a soalk and hopefully feeling better, I"m going to lunch on some home made soups that my friend made for the party, and begin the process of de-decorating from Christmas. Not really looking forward to it, but am looking forward to my home returning to it's normal state. It was pretty to have it all decorated for the holidays to share with all the folks that came.

    Eric, your story was great! Amazing how much filming they have to do to get what they want. I know I did a short film about Hospice care in Michigan, and it seemed like they filmed forever, and it was a 2 minute commercial that ran on PBS for a while. It's okay, it was good.

    Well that's it for now. I'll pop back in to see who else came in to AIR today.

    MI Judy

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