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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Hi Ariel,

    I'm with KW Judy. Any kind of chemo has potentially harsh side effects. If she starts now and the testing shows she needs a different kind of treatment, she may have to delay that treatment due to the side effects of the one she would take now.

    Two weeks is a short amount of time. I'd wait. I agree that most of us are so anxious that we want to start something immediately. But I think they are wise in doing the testing and waiting for the next course of action.

    Cancergrace.org is an excellent place to get more information!

    Judy in MI

  2. Good morning all! Yesterday was the shortest day of the year, but the day I finished my Christmas shopping! Yippee!

    From now until Christmas, the only thing I must do is finish the laundry, and shop for the Christmas day meal. We have our God-children and parents over on Christmas day and make a big deal out of it. So fun.

    Annette, thank God for the good results. I understand the fun of last night. Been there, done it and glad don't have to do it again for a while! Whew! So sorry about your nephew. Hope someone can get through to him and soon.

    Bud, I've lost enough posts here, so I automatically highlight my post, hit Control C and then if it's lost, hit Control V and it's back! It totally works.

    KW Judy, I thought you were getting all "dolled up" for group yesterday? Well, it's okay. Sorry about the hot water heater. Appliances always fail at the worst times.

    It's 29 today with bright sun shining! WE got a light dusting of snow, so everything is brilliant and white. Beautiful. The forecast through Christmas is perfect, with moderate temps, light snows, so all should be just as it should for this beautiful Christmas.

    Our lake has frozen over now, for about a week, so soon it will be ice fishing time Bud! I love this time of year, as Randy and his buddies go out all the time to fish on the ice. Then the wives come over and we have hot chocolate and gab. Fun.

    Judy in MI

  3. Hi Everyone! Another big AIR day! Awesome! I love all of you too, and so enjoy reading the posts.

    Judy, I totally relate to the hair thing. My last cut was so short that I felt like I looked like a boy. Couldnt wait for it to grow out a bit!

    Paulette, how funny about your husband! And Bud's response to it! All I can say is "mine too".

    Annette, I like the way your Executive Board works! :-) So funny and cute!

    Bruce, I love how you think -4F is warm. LOL! KW Judy is probably just shaking her head at that. This Michigander thinks -4 is cccccccccccccccoooooolllllllldddddd! But glad you are enjoying it! I'll bet it is so beautiful. We live in the boonies, and at night, we get to enjoy the beauty of the moon and stars without city lights, and it's awesome.

    Lily, travel safe. I treasure that feeling when I'm finally at "home" from traveling.

    ts, we knew about the eclipse, but 4:00AM EST is not in my vocabulary, so we missed it. Today is supposed to be the "shortest" shortest day of the year. Guess it happens every 400 years!

    We have had beautiful weather here, and are so thankful as we see the devastation in California, England, and elsewhere. It's been about 30 here with very little snow. We had a very mild December, weather wise, and that is awesome. I'll try not to complain when that changes in January! :wink:

    Judy in MI

  4. Yep, I'm with Libby. Let them know you will call or expect a call no matter what. The last scan I had they didn't call, and when I called them, they said "we don't call when it's negative results." I'm like, "seriously????"

    Prayers too that it's nothing.

    Judy in MI

  5. Hi all,

    can't even begin to respond to all of the posts, but loving reading all of them for sure!!!!!

    Our family Christmas was not good. Won't even get into why. Families are so dysfunctional, I know, we all have them. Just wondering why we even bother sometimes.

    I'm tired, and ready for bed. Just wanted to say HI, and check in. Wishing all of you the best and hope for a great day tomorrow.


    MI Judy

  6. Hey Bud, how awesome is this? Since you were here before me, I assume people are farther along in their journey than I am. I'll be 4 years in June. I'm so happy to celebrate with you!

    Congrats. And thank you for being such an inspiration to the rest of us!

    MI Judy

  7. Hi all,

    well taking a brief break before the gang comes. Whew! Worked up a sweat cleaning, making the bed, doing dishes, etc. This is a welcome break!

    I'm with you Judy in KW. I gave a bunch of my Christmas decorations to my niece last year. It was getting to be so difficult to do "it all". And I finally gave myself permission to not have to do all of that. The house still looks nice, but not like in years past. And I'm okay with that.

    We didn't even get the lights hung outside. We usually do that up big, but we just didn't want the hassle this year, and we're okay with that.

    And lastly, Eric, we didn't do Christmas cards. This is a biggie for me. I was kind of a fanatic about Christmas cards, sending them to everyone I've known in the last 25 years. It was stupid. So 3 years ago when I got sick, I pared the list down to just family and immediate friends. Last year it was just family. This year I didn't even do a single card. I think I'll send cards out to family in like February when everyone here has the winter blues. I'll find some Spring like sunshine cards and send them out just to be different!

    And I love gift bags! They were the best invention in the world!!!!!

    Judy in MI

    Thankful snow is not falling. I have a brother that lives on Lake Michigan, and usually is white knuckling it on the drive home in big snow storms. No storm here today - which is so nice for him!

  8. Well Eric, I think no one is here because the internet is bogged down with billions of people buying prezzies (as you say it) on line. I made the mistake of going into the City today to get a couple of things, and oh my! The roads were completely clogged with shoppers and it was a very slow go! Got home and what I needed, is not what I got, so hubby went out to get the right thing!

    I don't know if I mentioned that my dog took my glasses outside, and I can't find them. So I don't see far well, and I don't see near well, and it's very frustrating. I picked up the wrong item because I couldn't read the package well! Erg.

    My family comes tomorrow. I'm all set for them. I need to wrap presents tonight, and we should be ready for them!

    I still have 3 gifts to get for our "other" family. But no big deal, it's for 3 young adults who are very happy with gift cards. Nice!

    I loved your story about the breath test! I'll bet you were sweating bullets! And the story of the party was great! Isn't it awesome that we can still get out and party with the best of them. I agree with you, there is an active 18 year old inside of me, it's just the the 56 year old sometimes has to suffer for that!

    Judy in MI

  9. Hi Yia,

    Welcome to the place no body wants to be at, but is glad it's here! As you can tell, we all understand all of the feelings you are going through right now. Keep us posted as to proposed treatments/surgeries. If the offer chemo, let us know the chemical cocktail they devise for you as we can offer helpful advice on avoiding the side effects.

    My Mom had breast cancer, and was diagnosed 4 years later with lung cancer. I was diagnosed with stage 2B NSCLC adenocarcinoma, too, and had my lobe removed, and subsequent chemo, and I'm now at 3 1/2 years out of treatment. There's lots of hope to be offered to you here, and we're glad you found us!

    Judy in MI

  10. Hi all, it's late here. Had such a busy day finishing decorating for the family. Got my hair done and cut, and got some last minute shopping done. Whew...ready for this busy season to be done. I'm pooped.

    Tomorrow we set the menu for family on Sunday. And I need to finish decorating, and some laundry. So tired. Serriously.

    Have moe to write, but too tired. Will try to catch up later.

    MI Judy

  11. Oh my gosh Annette! I just read your signature thoroughly, and I absolutely understand how you were feeling. I can remember feling so anxious and near tears the first two years after diagnosis. It's somewhat better for me now, but still get anxious as heck at test time.


    Tomorrow is going to be such good news for you, I can feel it.

    MI Judy

  12. Congrats Mike! The good news is that they check us out thoroughly, the bad news is that they check us out so thoroughly that they find teensy tiny things that are nothing.



    Judy in MI

  13. Hi All!

    Judy, I'm hoping you get to feeling better SOON!

    Well, I tacked cleaning my office yesterday. What I didn't realize, until I dove into the piles of papers, is that the last time I did this was before I got lung cancer!!!!! Unreal. It took me 3 hours to shred documents dating back to 2007 when I was diagnosed. It was bizarre to realize it had been that long. I was so sick from chemo, and then foot surgeries, to the spasms, that I basically abandoned my office.

    So I killed myself yesterday to get most of it done. Today I finished off the last of the piles to be filed, and wiped everything down, and unbelievably I have an office back! Strange how you don't even realize what you missed. I basically moved my "office' to the kitchen table as the office got filled up with more and more stuff.

    What an accomplishment for me! And a true testament to how much better I'm feeling that I even wanted to tackle it. When company comes over, I used to just lock that door so no one would peek in.

    It kind of makes me ashamed that it got that bad, but not, because I just couldn't handle it. Now I can. I'm so pleased to be sitting back at my desk!!!!!

    Bud, those are crazy high and low temps for you. And the wind! It amazes me that you ride in that. Good for you!

    It's about 26 here, quite balmy for this time of year. As we head into January, that is when it gets bitter cold here. It wavers between negative temps to 25 degrees. When it gets warm (25) we get hammered with snow. When it's bitter cold we don't get so much.

    Well, off to Gilda's. Have a good rest of the day!

    MI Judy

  14. I too can so relate. My Mom passed in late October, and that first Christmas without here there was absolutely horrible. I like you didn't want to participate, and tried not to. I felt like the whole world was laughing and having fun and I couldn't find anything to laugh about. It's such a tough thing to go through.

    Same with my little sister. She died December 1, and it was one of the saddest Christmas our family had to go through. It was horrible to think of a young life, gone so young, and us left with so much grief.

    May the holidays pass gently for all of us that mourn ones that are gone.

    Judy in MI

  15. Hi there,

    I didn't know your Mom. Too new to the site. But I agree with Eric, you can search for her posts by doing what he said. You should be able to get all her posts this way.

    Wishing you the best with this. Never heard of this Vitamin C solution, so I'm going to research it too! Thank you.

    MI Judy

  16. Hey! Got here in the AM!!!! Forced myself to get up this AM and get over the time change from Hawaii and San Fran.

    KW Judy, I so feel for you. I am miserable when my stomach is upset. In fact, I felt so full from all the big meals that were planned around this wedding that when we flew home, I didn't eat dinner, and skipped breakfast yesterday. The only thing I had for lunch was a yogurt and a granola bar. It felt so good to give the tummy a rest from big meals. Now I'm back to normal. LOL

    Ann, I agree with you. Maybe it's the cold that is making my ribs hurt. Gosh they are still so sore! But getting better. The heat pad helped last night.

    Bud, I agree about easing up, but it's not possible right now. My house is still not completely decorated. Have bins of stuff just sitting in the hallways. Family comes this Sunday, other Family comes on Christmas. We have a giant gathering at our home on January 7. But that one is easy for me. All I have to do is provide the home, and they bring all the food, dishes, etc. I just smile and try my best to look pretty. LOL

    Eric, can't wait to see the video! I'll have to go somewhere else to view it. My air card does not handle videos well, but where I work, it does. And they can't prevent me from viewing videos since they don't pay me a red cent.

    I'm heading out soon to meet with a girlfriend for lunch. We're just going to kick back and gab and laugh. That will be a delight. Then will head out to finish up what little Christmas shopping I have left.

    So wishing everyone a great day! Remember, today is the youngest you will ever be again, so celebrate your youth!!!!!!

    MI Judy

  17. Hi all,

    I seem to be coming in at the tail end of each day. So busy preparing for the holiday with my family, and unpackin and laundry, and all of that.

    Hubs goes to bed early so this is the time I can come in. I'm very sleepy but not ready for bed, so here I am.

    Had a rough day today. The trip to San Fran was challenging, and the "normal" people wanted to walk for hours. As you know, I can't do that. But i tried to keep up and now am suffering great rib pain as a result of hours of walking. I have a heating pad on it now and hoping the pain subsides. sigh.

    I HATE telling people that I can't keep up. Part of the stigma. Part of the shame. I want to do what everyone can do. But I can not. I need to accept that and be at peace with that, and tell people when I've had enough and can't go any futher.

    Tough thing for me to do. Really tough.

    I need to get over this.

    Judy in MI

  18. Hey Ben,

    Dont' want you to be hyper paranoid. But when I insisted on a CT scan because of my family history my doctor said NO. But I printed a Google list of lung cancer symptoms and told him to pick one. He did and as a result of that my lung cancer was found very early.

    Last result? The CT scan is about $250. It's worth the money to have it to make sure its not something more serious.

    I hope it all is nothing serious. But persue it It could save your life!

    Judy in MI

  19. Hi Everyone! Well it's now Tuesday. Maybe I should have opened that Air. I arrived home at 12:44AM. It was a grueling day of travel, with cancelled flights. The situation at home was not that bad, but it was the cascade effect of cancelled flights around the USA that all accumulated with people trying to hitch rides any way they can, that just boggled the system up big.

    WE arrived home to 14 degrees, which is actually nice since the snow does not come down when its that cold. I had a great multi layer coat with scarves, and hats and was ready for the onslaught of cold! Every single picture of me in SanFran is the same because I wore my coat every single day. LOL. It was mid 50's, windy, and damp. So a coat and scarf was necessary every day, and you don't pack a lot of coats when flying.

    My puppies were frantic to see us, so it took a couple of hours to get them to settle down after we got home. Randy has many appointments tomorrow, so I stayed up with the hyper pups. I pushed all my appointments to the afternoon, so I can sleep the morning away.

    I'm so glad to be home. I don't enjoy a lot of travel. Usually good for about 5 days a year, and this was a bit much. The last time we traveled was when I was in the midst of my chemo. We went on an extended trip to Alaska, working with the Oncologist to schedule chemo appointments around the travel.

    Back then we did this because we weren't sure I'd survive the treatments, and Randy wanted me to enjoy one LAST travel trip. Well, thank God, I survived, and we can enjoy many other trips.

    So I'm exhausted, and ready for sleep. Thankful to be home. Kitty cats are mad at me for leaving them, but they had clean litter, lots of food and water and seem no worse for the wear, so they just need to forgive us for the abandonment, and get on with life.

    OK, too tired to write much more. I'll check in later.

    Love U

    Judy happy to be back in MI

  20. Hi everyone,

    it's 9:30 here and 12:30AM at home. Hubby could not adjust to California time so for the last two nights he was out by 9:00. Here I sit wide awake at 9:30 and will not enjoy tomorrow's hopeful return to EST. What I will enjoy is getting home to my own bed, home, pets, and everything else.

    So Donna and Libby, from what I've heard, we not getting hammered as bad as you two did. I have the weather channel on right now listening to the forecast. We are under a Winter Storm Warning still, and they expect that to last until 7:00AM. That is good news. If that is true, by the time we land at night, they should have gotten runways cleared, and roads fairly plowed.

    Bruce I know what you mean about temps. We love January when it dips into the single digits and teens, as it can't snow when it's that cold.

    At the hotel tonight a guy walked by telling us the Detroit Dome collapsed, and I simply corrected him as to where it really was. I can't believe that Donna!

    We drove into downtown San Fran today to do the touristy Pier 39. The streets were filled with entertainers playing music, painting, dancing, and more! What a delight it was. We walked among the many stores, and went out on the pier to see the Sea Lions, and Pelicans. Saw boats cruising in the ocean. Was so much fun! It was quite cold, but a lot of fun!

    A sad thing happened today. The Father of the Groom, my brother-in-law, was told by his wife (not the groom's Mom) that she wanted a divorce. What a cruel thing to do. They traveled all the way from Texas for the wedding, and she faked it like everything was okay, and then the morning after the wedding, asked for a divorce.

    I don't know what is behind all of that, but think no matter what, she could have found a better time to bring this up.

    Anyway, tomorrow is the big travel day. Keep us in your prayers if you do that kind of thing. Just want safe travels, no delays, and hopefully no plane rocking back and forth and up and down in the big winds they predicted!

    See you around the corner!

    Judy In San Fran, soon to be MI

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