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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Yes, please keep us updated. I like your attitude of being thankful for how well she has done. Keepthat up. It's important that we count the good days and treasure them for what they are, and not worry about what's to come. We have no control over that, and we need to just count the blessings we have today.

    Praying for the best.

    Judy In MI

  2. Hey all. It's 10:48 here in California, which is 1:48am at home. But I'm on CA time, and full of wedding food, and can't sleep. Need to let that food digest a bit.

    Now all this talk of snow.....it's kind of freaking me out. I don't mind it when I'm home, but hate the thought of being stranded in an airport, which is highly likely if the storm goes as they say on Monday. We fly out of San Fran at noon Monday, and we have a stop over in Cincinnatti, and then back home. But possibility of being stranded in an airport is not one I desire. So tomorrow and Monday we'll be tracking this storm carefully. Would much rather spend the night in San Francisco, rather than in an airport in Cinci!

    Now....KW Judy, I do have my snow cleared. But only because we live on a private road. The guy we (all of us on the road) pay to clear the road, does do our long driveway for free because we were the ones that hired him initially 7 years ago. It's a nice perk. But we have a private road that is a mile long, and he has cleared that every year for us for a great price and throws in our driveway for free!

    That does not mean we do not have to do our side walks to the house, or the path to the lower garage, or lower yard. That he and I do. We keep those clear for deliveries, or for our friends that come over to ice fish.

    Libby, I am hoping that snow hit you today so it's on it's way over the big lake and goes away by the time we fly home. I always look for your posts to give me an idea of what I'm getting a day later. Thank you my friend.

    With that, I'm going to try to sleep. Tomorrow we leave the mountains North of San Fran, and head back to the big city and stay at a hotel by the airport. Hoping big time we can get back home on Monday. I left clean kitty litters, and a giant bowl of food and water for my kitties, but I'm worried about them. And I miss my baby doggies. I want to be home.

    Judy in San Fran, and hoping to be in MI on Monday

    P.S. where are the guys?

  3. Hi All, checking in very late. It's 11:30 here, which is 2:30 AM at home. Had a big day today with wine tasting. Dang that is horrible here. LOL. Had some fabulous food, and wonderful sights North of San Francisco. Went to the rehearsal dinner tonight. Tomorrow is the wedding somewhere in the hills North of San Fran. It sure is beautiful here.

    As I think about Christmas, and my family coming to my home, I realize I have so much to do when I get home. Yikes! But it's okay. Just will have to put it in gear once we land home.

    I'm tired, and ready for bed, so won't respond to each post, but know you all are in my heart and mind, and I love you and miss you.

    Take care.

    I'll most likely post when I get back Tuesday. LATE. I miss my kids (dogs and cats). I hope my kitties forgive me for leaving them alone at the house with a giant bowl of kittie food and a giant bowl of water and clean kittie litters.

    Oh gosh...I know they will pout for a few days before they decide they still love me. LOL

    Judy In Santa Rosa, CA

  4. As I wrote in today's air, I am heading out ridiculously early tomorrow for a town North of San Francisco. It's called Kenwood in the heart of wine country.

    We have the rehearsal dinner friday, after a day of wine tasting. Warned the guys that we can not taste so much that we are muddled headed for the rehearsal. Don't think our nephews new wifes family would enjoy seeing us like that :-)

    Saturday is the wedding.

    Sunday we recover. LOL! And hopefully do a little sight seeing. Weather is not great there this time of year. This is their rainy season, and typically is high of 50 low in the 30's, and lots of rain. Packed lots of layers of clothing to attempt to stay warm.

    Sunday night we head back to San Francisco to stay at a hotel near the airport. Breakfast Monday am with the family and we all head out to home.

    Our flight is scheduled to arrive back home around midnight Tuesday AM. Hate those time changes. Hoping the snow doesn't delay any layovers. Layovers late at night kind of are just yucky. Off to pick up the puppies at the kennel, and home to get a little sleep before a busy Tuesday kicks in!

    Don't know if there will be any time to be on the "net", so I will just say you are all in my heart and I will be missing you.

    Have a great next few days, and see you when I return.

    MI Judy heading for California.

  5. Oh my goodness! How's a girl to keep up with all of these awesome posts. I had so much fun reading all of them.

    Bruce, we have the same issue here with the bitter cold, and the sand/gravel. But our main city, 20 miles from me is fairly large, with about a million people in the city and surrounding suburbs. So the roads have to be scrapped and cleaned. However, like you, when it gets below say 15 degrees, it no longer snows. But with our big great lake, we get hammered with snow when we are in the 22 to 28 degree range. And we are in this range alot. January tends to be the bitter coldest here.

    I'd love to participate in the spelling game, but am just racing to get ready to head to California, so can't. But great fun reading the posts about it.

    I agree Ann, I love it when the Air is so busy like this. It's so enjoyable to read everyone's different lives. I totally love that.

    Ginny, hope you and the "girls" have a blast tonight!

    Yeah, KW Judy I was a bit surprised when I saw the Ya'll from ERic. Eric we love your Scotland words and I can just hear your accent. I'm sure you can imagine ours as well. We love you Eric. Your posts are NEVER boring. Your life is fascinating, and I love reading about it. Your positive attitude is inspiring, and I for one get great motivation from you.

    Sorry, but it can't be helped ERic, you are a very special person.

    It was about 22 here today. But tomorrow when we head to the airport it will be about 10. Bitter cold is expected, so no snow, but right behind it is another front to cross the lake and dump on us again. I just hope that things are done before we fly home on Monday. WE're flying late, and layovers in the middle of the night just plain stink!

    Libby I know what you mean about speed reading! LOL! I came on after a busy day of running errands, and getting ready for the trip, thought I'd log in real quick and holy crap! This air is HUGE. I love it.

    Lastly, Eric. what the heck is "crivvens jings and michty me." LOL! I love your sayings. I have a large home. I put a small tree upstairs, and a large tree in the great room downstairs. I have another small tree that I put in a back room downstairs. We have several different Christmas gatherings at our home, so I like to make it very festive!

    Okay, so I am heading out at 5:00AM tomorrow, and won't be back home until 12:00 midnight on Tuesday morning. I don't know if I'll have time to check the Air at all, so I'm going to post a Hall Pass. Know that you guys will be in my thoughts and heart as I travel for this wedding.

    I talked to my new friend that I'm mentoring for Gilda's Club. I encouraged her to join here, and think she would like it a lot. I'll write more when I get back about this lovely woman.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI heading to CA.

  6. Good evening everyone! Well, it's a very chilly 20 degrees F today. The wind is howling, and the poor lakeshore got another hammering today. So glad I'm in land, we've gotten snow but not like Eric or our lakeshore. Windchill is bone chillng for sure! Very thankful I have warm coats, scarves, gloves and hats.

    Today was grueling at church work. The phone wouldn't stop ringing, and most of the calls were from people that have nothing, and need help. Heard the saddest of stories, and tried to hook them up with agencies or church's (including ours) to help them find relief.

    We have several things going on for giving. There's the gift tree, with ornaments on it that ask you to buy gift cards for those that are needy. Then a box for collecting hats and mittens for children, another box for collecting unwrapped toys for the children, and another box for collecting non-perishable foods for the hungry, and lastly a coat drive box where the local dry cleaners will clean and repair old coats and donate them. Oh my goodness, so much need.

    Judy, hope you are feeling well for the concert tomorrow!

    Ann, hoping the cold heals fast, and you don't have to go to the doctor's and be exposed to more nasty germs.

    Bud, I think you are right. The milder spasms are a nice warning system for me. Thank you.

    Annette, you naughty girl. You need that test. All of us of a "certain age" must endure this. It's fine. The pre-test stuff is awful, but the actual test is not bad at all. All I can say is "baby wipes" help alot!

    ERic, sounds like your weather has been horrid! I can't imagine spending the night in my car. We had a blizzard in 1978 that was unbelievable! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Blizzard_of_1978

    Here's a link to it. You can look at pictures too. We got over 25 inches of snow over night, and all highways were closed. In fact police banned us from driving period. The highway by my house had no cars on it, but the cross country skiers loved it! It was truly amazing. It was during this blizzard that people did get stranded in their cars, and were in danger because the snow plow drivers couldn't see if cars were there, and were hitting them while trying to clear the roads. It was a doozy! I loved it because I got 3 days off work.

    Anyway, tough day today with all the calls, but I'm home, warm, and ready to turn on the "tube" for some mindless TV before bed.

    Good night.

    Judy in MI (soon to be in San Francisco)

  7. Good afternoon! Mondays are always busy first thing, but I got a break and thought I'd pop in! Judy, I have challenges with my meds too, and have to time it between meds, food, and vitamins. Can get downright challenging!

    Bud that is !

    We had a winter storm here, not lake effect, but the folks by the Lake got hammered overnight. 2 feet of snow! And 40 miles in land where I live, just a pretty little smattering, just enough to be pretty and sparkly. Amazing how that happens. Yesterday we were shopping and coming home, we were in an ice storm about 4 miles, then it turned to this huge snow event, and 3 miles later the sun was shining, and no show! That's Michigan. Blink, and the weather will change again.

    Well, I did too much....waaaayyyy to much Saturday. I was feeling good so I started unpacking Christmas decorations, and then began decorating, putting up trees (we have 3) and when I finally collapsed at 9:00PM, it felt so good to have most of the decorating done.

    And then yesterday, the spasms started. They were not real bad like I've had in the past, but bad enough to tell me that I do have some limitations, and I can't push it so hard. Today I'm very sore like I worked out at the gym, so I know I pushed it too hard.

    No spasms today, so hoping it was just because I overdid and that I'll be fine.

    Have a good rest of the day!

    MI Judy

  8. Good morning all! Looks to be a good day today on the Air! Libby, you are right, you see we get that Lake Effect snow. The cold air came over from your neck of the woods, and as it blew over Lake Michigan, which is warmer, it created all that condensation, and we have about 5 inches right now. But 5 inches is not a big deal on the West side of Michigan. We start to be concerned when it gets to be 24 inches. We have an amazing road cleaning crew, with a huge budget, so that they get things cleared pretty good. The nice thing when you get so much snow is that if you do go off the road, all you hit is a big old snow bank!

    It's still snowing today, and my husband is driving home from S. Dakota. So I always say a little extra prayer for safe driving and clear roads for him. He's with a buddy, so that helps.

    I asked him how many pheasants is he bringing home for me to freeze, and throw away 2 years from now. Six he said. LOL. I wish I knew how to prepare this kind of bird, but even if I drown it in cream of mushroom soup, it just tastes dry to me.

    Bud, I know what you are talking about. When I was with Lucent Technologies, we relocated an office from New York to Atlanta. The Northern folk complained and wailed about the Southern folk when they'd get a sprinkling of snow or ice. It was so funny to hear their stories. Of course, if you are not used to it, it's going to be a challenge to get around in it. It is here, and we are used to it!

    KW Judy, I vote for the nap too. Today is my easy day. I only work at Gilda's Club tonight, so I slept in until 10. It was glorious!

    Speaking of Gilda's, I mentioned on cancergrace that I was a lung cancer mentor, and one of the doctor's mentioned that he never heard of that before. If any of you live near a Gilda's Club, I highly encourage you to find out if they could use a lung cancer mentor. The people I'm working with are so frightened, and it's so rewarding to share hope with them and hear the relief in their voices. If I had to get lung cancer, I'm so glad I get the opportunity to help others with it. Very rewarding.

    I need to get back to Cancergrace and thank everyone. The messages they sent me were so positive and encouraging. I hope they help the woman I'm working with right now.

    Have a great rest of the day.

    Judy in MI

  9. So sad, she's been scared by "friends" that told her symptoms they had that are actually symptoms of having brain tumors. She's scared to death to try the radiation. So sad. The tumors (2) tripled in size in one month, and if she does not get them radiated, I fear she may not be here by Christmas.

    But cancergrace sent me tons of positive stories, so I forwarded them to her, and am hoping this will encourage her.

    It's ultimately her choice, and we had a long talk today about that. I told her it's her life, and she has to do what she feels is right with it.

    Judy in MI

  10. Oh the weather outside is frightful,

    But the fire is so delightful,

    And since we've no place to go,

    Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

    It doesn't show signs of stopping,

    And I've bought some corn for popping,

    The lights are turned way down low,

    Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

    When we finally kiss goodnight,

    How I'll hate going out in the storm!

    But if you'll really hold me tight,

    All the way home I'll be warm.

    The fire is slowly dying,

    And, my dear, we're still good-bying,

    But as long as you love me so,

    Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

    Yessssss, it's here! About 3 inches, which is nothing, but it's still coming down good. Yeeeehah!!!!!! Had to drive Olive into town today to get a trim, and sheesh, the people are driving like we are having a blizzard. The roads are not bad, just some accumulation between the tires and on the sides, so stopping is not an issue! But they are riding their brakes, afraid to get into the left turn lane because it has some snow on it. Oh boy! I hope they get their snow fears over soon for we have months of it left.

    I love the song above. One of my favorites.

    Judy, how nice that you are helping Wendy out. That is very cool.

    Bud, I have no doubt you'll reach your goal of 7500 miles. Bad weather or not. When a Texan says 31 is a bit chilly, that's one tough Texan! LOL!

    None of you came to Eric's party. It was great fun! Please join us the next time, as we really missed you all.

    I hope someone here has experience with brain mets and radiation. I posted at cancergrace.org, and here, and haven't heard back from anyone. I really want to offer this woman some good advice. So help if you can in the post titled "brain mets".

    Thanks and have a good day!

    Judy in MI

  11. Hi Corrina,

    Welcome here again, but this site is for people with/surviving, or caregiving folks with lung cancer. You won't find much information here because most of us don't have experience with that cancer.

    However, http://www.cancergrace.org is a great support site for all kinds of cancers. Check it out. It may give you better answers to your questions.

    I wish you and her the best as she moves through treatment.

    Judy in MI

  12. Hmmmm....now I feel fine today Eric, and we ate the same foods! Lets see if we can rouse these folks to come to our parties in the next round.

    Find that ibuprofen, feel better, get the Tyson going and mop that floor! LOL!

    Have a good day.

    Judy in MI

  13. Hi all, I just posted at Grace about this, but thought I'd put it out here too. Some of you know that I'm a lung cancer mentor at Gilda's Club in my town. Well, two weeks ago I was give the name of a woman my age (56) who was dx with SCLC with mets to the brain and lymph nodes. She went through chemo and radiation for the lymph nodes and lung. They said they were going to "watch" the brain mets for a while. She was dx in April this year.

    She had a CT scan of the brain, and the mets have tripled in size. They told her, that her only hope is "whole brain radiation". Now I don't know that term. My Mom had brain mets, and they did radiate her with very few side effects, but I don't know if that was whole brain or targeted radiation. I just can't remember. I do know they didn't tattoo her head like they did with my Dad with his brain cancer. So does that mean she had whole brain radiation?

    My friend says she wants quality of life over quantity. She says she's been told horror stories about whole brain radiation, and is not willing to get that. I'm honestly at a loss as to help her with this. I just can't remember. My Dad's was targeted, I know that from the tatoos on his head. I just don't know the other.

    If you have experience in this, I'd so appreciate hearing from you!

    It turns out this woman is married to a man that I went to grade and high school with! WE have lots of friends in common. We are getting together next week for tea. We've forged a deep friendship already in just a couple of weeks.

    Help if you can.

    Judy in MI

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