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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. I think I agree with Annette and Katie too. 3 weeks seems like such a short amount of time, and yet it's not if you are worried about new growth. I was curious of the PET results that followed the CT.

    I think you'll get sound medical advice at cancergrace too.

    MI Judy

  2. Mornin' all! Nice to see you here Linda! We are so blessed aren't we? I have a child that I support in Haiti, and the last letter I got from here was full of questions about natural disasters, and do we get them here in America. I felt feeble in telling her yes, when the disasters over there are SO disasterous. Her village was destroyed by the earthquake, but she made it out ok. So thankful.

    Be safe on those icy roads.

    30 here, grey and dank again. These are the days of winter that drag by. When you get a lot of snow, there's challenges and beauty, and I don't mind it so much. These grey, and dreary days are the tough ones. This morning I peeked outside, and pulled the covers over my head and slept for another half an hour. I agree Annette, lets get a mantra going WE NEED SUNSHINE!

    Glad you are feeling better, but concerned about you driving on Nyquil to help nephew driving without a brain. LOL!

    KW Judy, I understand. I'm being hounded by doctors right now. PCP wants a physical and blood work. Explain that I'm getting blood work on 18th with Onc., but wants different blood work. CT scan on 2/3, and will be going back to neurologist soon. In addition, the bad foot is really hurting, and I need to go back to my podiatrist. ack!

    None of it is serious stuff, but it seems like it's just constant running around for tests and appointments. Yours has to be much worse since you are in treatment etc.

    Rest today :-)

    MI Judy

  3. Nick, this is so nice of you to do. I saw her note to you, and am so glad you brought it out for us to respond.

    Rebncor, my heart breaks for you and your husband. This disease is so cruel. It was my Mom that died, but the process was so painful. I know it's so much more when it's your life mate, your spouse. Just know that you all are in my prayers.

    Judy in MI

  4. Hi All,

    What a day today. Couldn't get internet at church/work, and got distracted all day. Doctors were calling me too! My PCP is calling relentlessly, and we keep missing each other. I have no idea why, have had no tests, blood work or anything to raise an alarm. Then the scheduling dept. called to enroll me for my CT. I tell them I want to reschedule, as they have me at 8:00AM, and I am not OUT of my house at 8:00AM rarely. I'm a night person, and not changing that now! So it's now 2/2 at 3:30PM. Much better.

    Then my Onc. called, and the new one I am scheduled with is moving to a hospital that does not take my insurance. They wanted to know if I'd be upset if they changed me to another Onc., and I'm like, sure, I didn't know him anyway. Just give me a good one! LOL!

    Headache is better today, so I think I'm not going to get anything bad Annette. Oh goodness, if you don't start to get better, please go to your doctor. Get better soon, I demand it Annette! *wink*

    Katie, well that is just plain affirmation for you. Good news.

    Lily so sorry for this. Praying for safe travels, and peace and healing for all.

    Eric, I always look back to the previous days posting to make sure I got caught up on all the news. I'm such a nosy girl. If you scrolled back you would have learned about the Sun Dogs that Bud never heard of. It's an amazing phenonema.

    Ginny how awesome that you will be volunteering for hospice. They are such an amazing organization! I hope it's very rewarding for you.

    Ann, bummer about the appliances. It does seem to go that way doesn't it? Our previous home was older, and it seemed like a lot of things like water heater, dryer, stove, all went at the same time! Bummer.

    Well, I'm completely grossed out by my hunting dog Gibson. And my husband is not home to deal with it! He took him hunting to S. Dakota, and (can't remember if I told you this), the dog got into a bad fight with a critter. He came howling back to Randy with a torn up ear, cuts on his face, and this large lump thing formed on his chin. Think I did tell you about that. Anyway it's an abscess. And Randy has had to open it twice a day, drain it, fill it with hydrogen peroxide two or three times to flush it out, and he's been on anti-biotics for 3 weeks now with a couple more ahead of him (which are expensive!!!). Anyway, I came home tonight and the abscess burst! It is disgusting. Revolting. And I just don't do good with dog ickiness stuff. Seriously. I just called Randy and he is having a beer with his partners, and I'm like "you need to come home and deal with this!". He told me to stay calm, and just take a paper towell and squeeze the abscess and the ick will come out. I'm serious. I reminded him that I don't do dog ick, and that his hunting dog was his deal, and when he got into fights with other animals it was his deal, and it's still his deal. :roll:

    He assured me that the dog is fine and that he'd be home shortly to deal with it. The dog has licked up the mess, so I'm just not going to look at him until Hubs gets home. Am I just awful or what?

    Anyway, got to go and get the pork chops going for dinner tonight.

    MI Judy

    Oh temps today????????????? Balmy 30! But very grey and dank. Prefer any temp, and sunshine over this. But every day is a treasure, so no worries.

  5. I'm glad Ned came along too, for he gave the perfect answer. That about sums it all up. Janet too. Hopefully the radiation will help immensely. Do also remember, that narcotic pain medications are there to kill the pain. If when taking them you are "out of it" the med is too strong. My Mom functioned at a high level, even while on a lot of pain medication because she needed it to function.

    She was very active, and on such doses of multiple medicines that her doctors thought she was overdosing. She was alert, sharp and active. So I hope all these posts give you hope. Share them with Dad too.

    MI Judy

  6. Busy place today! I love that!

    Katie, have you thought about Gilda's club in Dallas? Here in G.R. we do a monthly lung cancer support group which is facilitated by a licensed social worker. I don't know where the one in Dallas is compared to the hospital, but ours here is located five minutes from our largest hospital on purpose. Just a thought to add to the others.

    I don't know if Eric will see this. But Eric, we saw that you wrote DOT on Sunday's post, not MOT! LOL! Hence the funny Department of Transportation comments.

    Annette, glad you went back home. Rest, and I'm ordering a round of chicken soup for all of us. Lily, can you help us with that? :-)

    Ann, thank you for the pics of your little Jude. He's so adorable. What a fun party they had for him. I love Toy Story too! LOL!

    Bud, Randy was talking about crappies, and saying how remarkable it is that they are so abundant, no matter what lake he fishes in around here. I said, yeah! Even in Texas. LOL!

    Well, whatever crud I have didn't progress worse today. Still stuffed and a headache, but from what I'm hearing from others, this is very mild. We have an epidemic of streph (sp?) going around here. Trying to keep the hand sanitizer out always.

    It was snowy today, about 20 degrees. I was supposed to go to a lung cancer support meeting tonight, but just didn't feel like it. It was the thought of being inside for 2 hours, and then sitting in my freezing car that made the choice for me. Remote starter? How much are they? I'm wishing for one in this cold weather. Supposed to get in the single digits again tonight.

    Well, it's time to get dinner ready. Making a home made chicken and veggie pot pie. Yum!

    MI Judy

  7. Yes Libby, just saw the end of the Steelers game. It was so good. What a great match up.

    Annette, I woke this morning saying "I'm coming down with something", and ending the day saying "I got something". My head hurts, is stuffed, and have a cough. Very thankful this is the first cold/other that I've had in over a year, but not happy about it. I feel achy and cold too.

    Kind of a sore throat too.



    MI Judy

  8. Hi All,

    Libby, 30 seconds on the clock and our Packers are winning the game. Chicago had so much potential, but the Packers are better! I have always loved that team. We went to a game once in Green Bay, and I've never seen tail gaters like Packer tail gaters. It was so much fun! I loved my cheese head too! LOL.

    Ok, we got up early to go to church, and I started the car way ahead of time because you could see the ice crystals in the air. As we pulled out the temperature in my car was -13. Bruce, that is about as cold as we get here. The Big Lake protects us from the temps you get, but then we get the huge snows because of that. Lots of accidents yesterday and highways being closed due to the Lake effect.

    After church, we went out for breakfast at our favorite little local restaurant, you know the kind, "where everybody knows your name." The man who died, Bill, was a frequent diner there, so the mood was somber as today was his funeral. So we finished up, and headed out with our friends to say goodbye to our dear friend. Sad.

    Annette, so sorry you are still feeling so yucky. Hope tomorrow is a big turn for the better! The facebook comment was funny.

    Judy, it sounds like you have some fun stuff ahead of you. You are sounding so chipper these days. It's nice to see that. Have fun, enjoy every minute, you deserve it.

    Eric, funny story about picking up your co-worker! How funny. Steeplejack? I didn't know jobs like that still existed. I imagine that they are needed over there where buildings are hundreds of years old! We do have DOT's here. If that stands for Department of Transportation. Not sure they do what they do in your country, but Michigan has MDOT, Michigan Department of Transportation, and they are in charge of repairing our roads (which with our weather is a big job), and engineer new roads, repair bridges, etc.

    Ok, think I'm all caught up! Wishing you all a good rest of the evening!

    MI Judy

  9. Thanks for the update Stephanie. Sounds like you have the right attitude. It sucks, but it needs to be done. Taking it one day at a time is the way to do it.

    I'll still wish for gentle treatment side effects for you.

    MI Judy

  10. Oh gosh Libby, I forgot - most times I fly I get sick. Annette, next time take Airborne a few days before you fly. It totally worked for me when I went to Hawaii. Supposedly it does not work, but it's so strange, when I take it I don't get sick. When I don't I do!


    1 degree is just wrong Libby.

    Where's Eric been?

    MI Judy

  11. Hey you two and any lurkers out there! LOL! It IS a slow day on the Air. Well, we usually do a weather report, so I'm happy to report a high of 9 today. Not much wind, so it's not too bad. Getting some snow, but once again, it's those poor folks on the far West coast of our state that are getting HAMMERED again with the lake effect snow.

    Hubs had to go to Frankenmuth today. Had a business meeting today! Anyway, it's a really cool town. I'm putting a link here for you. It's our Christmas year round town. Kind of a neat place to visit. It's a little Bavarian town, and has an Inn called the Bavarian Inn (imagine that LOL) that has such gooooood home cooked food.

    http://www.frankenmuth.org/ Check it out, it's really neat.

    I went into town today to help a friend put a training class together. She has amazing talents, but Administration, and how to put an agenda together, and formalizing the content is not one of her skillsets. It was fun to help her put it all together.

    Annette, get to feeling better hun. It's so lousy to feel so bad.

    Am going to try something I've never done before. I've posted lots of pics, but am doing this one in a new way so we'll see if it works.

    fail-owned-laundry-fail.jpg If nothing shows up, I'll know it failed. LOL

    It has to do with laundry. I'm defintely the one that knows the difference. I think early in our marriage some 19 years ago, Randy purposely put dark clothes in with the white, and all my dainties came out grey. That was the last time he did laundry. LOL! I'm thinking it was on purpose, but not willing to let him make that mistake again. That was funny, Annette, the story about your Mom and Dad.

    But Judy, he does cook, so he's a keeper for me. LOL!

    We have a funeral to go to tomorrow. 58 year old friend of Randys. He had a massive heart attack, spent a week in ICU and died. So sad. I didn't know him well, but what I knew of him was that he was a super nice guy. Randy did a lot of hunting and fishing with him. *sigh*

    Anyway, I'm going to go do some laundry LOL! I really need to do that.

    Judy in MI

  12. Chrissy, good news on the PET!!!!! Try to find out what kinds of chemo she will be receiving, so we can help you help her with the side effects. Please remember that Stage 3 lung cancer is not a death sentence. There's lots of reasons for hope today.

    Keep in touch, and as you get details, please share them if you want to.

    MI Judy

  13. Good afternoon! Libby, I laughed this morning when the weather man said we should be thankful for Lake Michigan. Because the lake is "warm" it warmed our air to 9 degrees, versus your -15 degrees! LOL! Bruce, I just can not imagine the cold temps you have. Sorry, but that is just INSANE. LOL Perhaps Annette is right about all of us Northerners and mutant genes. I must say though that the sun is shining brilliantly, and the snow is so white, that it is gorgeous.

    Have any of you ever heard of sun dogs? Well, here in Michigan, we didn't. And today one of our local Christian radio shows was flooded with these reports of miraculous round rainow looking things surrounding the brilliant sun. We learned that they were called sun dogs, and they are a result of the crystal clear, intensely cold air that has ice crystals in it, that make these sun dogs.

    Here's a picture I found on Photobucket.


    Pretty cool huh?

    Bud, seriously? 18 degrees and bike riding. You are a stud.

    Ann, those storms sounded very bad. Seems so weird to be hearing thunder in January.

    Judy sounds like you are feeling better! Good!

    Lily, all I can say is J E A L O U S. High 60's and low 70's. Very nice.

    K, going to run off to the chiropractor, and get my nails "done"

    Take care,

    MI Judy

  14. Yes Libby, I am seeing the bitter cold coming our way. Yikes!

    Me too on American Idol. I LOVE that show! Steve Tyler kind of looks skeletal to me, but then he always has. I'm liking him on this season's show. J Lo too! She is so gorgeous!

    MI Judy

  15. Annette, don't tell me 4 feet of snow! Whatever happens there comes here in a day or two. Eek!

    OCD? Maybe just a little girl. I don't play those FB games for that very reason. I am OCD and I know I'd become obsessed, so I never started and never will. It would become an unhealthy compulsion! LOL!

    Good to see you back. Hope both you and Judy get to feeling better.

    MI Judy

  16. Ah I still slide in on the AM side. Whew! Been such a sleepy head lately. Woke at 10, but went in and out of dozing for another hour. It's hard to sleep in, these days as the ice has fishermen early, and the dogs go nuts. I shut the blinds and lock them in the bedroom with me to quiet them down. LOL

    This has been an unusual mild winter. Usually January is a bitter cold month, and in between we usually get our heaviest snows. But we have only had 3 to 4 inches at a time this year. Other than the lakeshore that always gets hammered with the lake effect. And it's 21 today. It's supposed to get in the teens tomorrow, but still that's mild. We're usually hanging in the negatives this time of year.

    Loving how late it stays light out now. On Dec. 21, the longest day of the year, it's dark until 8:30AM and dark again at 4:30. Now it's exactly one month later, and it's light by 7:15AM and light until 6:15PM. Now when I say light it's not full daylight, but it's not dark out if you know what I mean. I love it!

    I'm off to Gilda's Club today, and trying to get caught up on some projects that I promised others, so gots to go!

    MI Judy

  17. Well it's almost 11:30PM. But I"m scrolling up and just want to weigh in again. LOL.

    Happy Anny Judy and Stan. Hope you had a lovely night.

    Stephanie, good for you swimming like that! I find swimming a challenge since my diagnosis. I get dizzy I think from the challenge to my lungs. But I celebrate that you can do this.

    Ginny, congrats on the Hospice experience. It does not get any better than that. How awesome that you get to give that way.

    ERic, those long winter days are getting shorter! I noticed tonight as I drove to my meeting that at 5:45PM the light was still there. It was definitely heading towards dark, and yet still light. That is hopeful for me.

    Lily, keep dancing. I love the idea of that. Let us all find reasons to dance!

    Bud, hope you were careful with the fog. Appreciated the lesson on bass, versus crappie yesterday.

    K, I'm tired. Going to check email and go to bed. See ya'll tomorrow.

    MI Judy

  18. Hi All,

    Quick post here tonight. I'm due for a meeting in 45 minutes, and it's a 15 minute drive.

    The meeting for the volunteer job went well. It was not going to accomplish anything good by being angry or hurt. It turns out that the decision was not to have me leave, but to re-fashion the job so that it was not so big (too much work) for me. But that was not what was said to me last week. So, I printed out a list of everything that I do, and after much discussion, told him that I really think I needed this break, and so let's review my work and reassign it. That went really good for me. LOL! And we have some new volunteers that want to step, which is good for him. So I'm transitioning out over the next two weeks.

    I'm going to take a couple of weeks to just have Judy time. and then I think I'm going to go help the Tech team. They do all the tech stuff and the web site, and I'm experienced in the web site and do a lot of the day to day changes to it. Thinking I'll get involved there, and have fun back in the work that is volunteer.

    So I'm all good. Goodness read yesterdays posts and todays and wow is this a busy place. I'll try to get back here later to read everyone's stuff.

    Take care,

    MI Judy

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