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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Dang, just found this. WBR kill those mets. Kill 'em, smash 'em. I wish you the best! WBR can be very effective. I'm going to go to Cancergrace to read more. I have a friend dealing with this right now.

    MI Judy

  2. Hello Dave. Welcome here from me too! So glad your friend pointed you here. I didn't know about this site when I went through my stuff, but am so glad I found it now! The people here are amazing. You sound very positive, which is huge in getting through whatever it may be. keep us updated!

    Judy in MI

  3. Hi y'all.

    Ah, the ups and downs, the bumps, and smooth parts, all such a part of life. Last night, after a rough weekend with Randy, I was just sad. So I mistakenly wrote that on facebook. I was sitting at the kitchen table, staring at my computer, tired, exhausted, and sad. So I just wrote that. And like a ton of people wrote back. I shouldn't have done that. Darn it. I need to just turn my lap top off when I feel that way.

    Enough said. All will work out. I have faith in that. He does not, but he will see. It's going to be fine.

    Tired today because of this. I got a lot done on a project I'm working on in spite of it.

    Glad to see you back Ann. So sorry about the house troubles. Isn't it maddening?

    Annette, loved the joke about rebooting. I have that a lot! MRSA is serious stuff. Glad you got her to go in quickly and get it taken care of.

    Libby and Annette, praying for good scan results for both of you!

    Bud, I cracked up thinking about the dog on your shoulder. Can't imagine that. But the smallest dog I ever had was 50 pounds, so I think that is why.

    Well, going to go and fix up supper. Early to bed tonight to try to recover!

    MI Judy

  4. Hi All,

    It's getting harder and harder to post in here with the man around all the time. He has to learn that I'm very busy, with very important stuff! I do consider you all important to my life. You've become like such close friends. I hate missing a day here.

    Eric, I'm so glad you checked out the Grillinguys! Yes, we did cajun food to honor Fat Tuesday, which I'm sure you know, is theTuesday before Lent starts. And all the food we posted comes from New Orleans for sure.

    So yesterday we went looking for everything Irish, considering St Patrick's day is coming up soon. We first drive about 40 miles West to Fenian's Irish Pub. It's in the middle of nowhere, but we found a gem. The Proprietor is Terrence L. Reagan, and his wife Maryanne. Lovely people. We sat and talked to Maryanne for 2 hours. Their pub has many famous Irish singers and musicians come there from all over the world! And it's this tiny little pub. Check it out, it is http://www.feniansirishpub.com

    I told her about my Scottish friend, Eric, and how much fun I was having learning his culture, and he learning ours. She said with a smile, "The Scottish are Celtic Irish, who just never learned how to swim." She said to tell you that as she said you'd smile!

    Our next stop was Quinn & Tuites in Grand Rapids. It was a much larger pub, but still very Irish. Maryanne at Fenian's told me the things to look for if it is truly an Irish pub, and this place had them. They had a children's band playing with the funny irish drum (can't remember the name of it, but it's very cool), and the recorder horn, and an accordian and fiddle. It was so much fun!

    So we got lots of recipes, and a couple of folks from both places are going to be on our radio show next Saturday!

    We decided that for our 20th Wedding Anny, which is in 2013, we are going to Ireland. Maryanne does these tours 2 times a year, in which she arranges for a truly brill time overseas. I am checking into it because I think it would be so awesome to get over there, and even more to meet you!

    So this post as all about you Eric. Thanks for the kind thoughts Ginny. It's good to see you back here. Annette, taking a deep breath, and a huge sigh for you. Am going to sit and look out my window at the brilliant sunshine, and watch the birds (and smell the proverbial flowers) just for you sweetheart.

    Judy in MI

  5. I agree with the others. Sometmes it's hard to not be scared. But a positive attitude goes a long way. I'm in the same place right now. They found "something" but it's too small to diagnose. That is good news meaning that if it is cancer, they caught it early. But they are watching me and I have another scan in April.

    praying for the best for you both.

    MI Judy

  6. Hey Bud, Moderator man of this page. Can you bring Annette's post in here? I'm not moderator on this page, so it won't let me!

    Saturday! It's 12:30 and I'm still in my jammies! I love that. Randy taped the radio show this week, so we got to sit and listen to it together, critique it, add recipes to the web site, and just enjoy the morning. The show today was on Cajun cooking, in light of Fat Tuesday coming up this week! You can check it out at http://www.thegrillinguys.com

    I put up all the recipes and pictures. It's really a lot of fun.

    Last night we laid low. It was nice too.

    Now today I was very disturbed to find that NBC is no longer on my DISH network cable. Turns out the LIN Media who owns a lot of local TV stations all over the USA is refusing to negotiate with DISH. I called DISH and they said LIN is demanding a 175% increase in price. I said I could always change to a competitor and they warned me that LIN will be doing this with other Satellite providers. They are withholding local programming, hoping the little people will blame the local TV station, and the Satellite provider, rather than the owner of them.

    Well, I did an internet check on LIN Media and I see they have been causing trouble all over the USA with their greedy tactics.

    The only way I can watch my beloved NBC is to watch it on my lap top. Bummer. We watch that channel all the time. Hate it when big companies lord it over the little guys.

    Dang it!

    Anyway, I'm okay. LOL. It's big business, and I'm a teeny tiny little fish in the sea.

    Speaking of fish, LOL we are going to a fish fry tonight. We have so many friends that fish on our lake. The benefit to it is when they cook up their fish, they invite us over! :D

    The Labra in my Labradoodle is becoming apparent as Spring approaches. I mentioned the other day she broke through two screens wanting to get to a pheasant and a squirrel in the yard. Today I found her outside with something furry in her mouth. I opened it up to get it out of there, but it was mostly gone, and unidentifiable as to the nature of the little beast.

    And I used to kiss that cute little face! Now I'll have to resign my kisses to her forehead!

    Bud glad to hear the shin is feeling better. Take it slow. Shin splints can be pesky to get rid of.

    Annette, come back! *wink*

    Judy in MI



    I'm as guilty, been really busy the last couple of days. The LaughFest is right around the corner and boy are Randy and I busy. I'm honored to be asked to be the hostess for the Betty White dinner! These folks paid $750.00 a seat to have dinner with Betty White and talk to her. And they asked me if I'd meet and greet all the guests. What an honor that they trust me with such distinguished guests. It will be fun.

    We are also in charge of logistics, which is huge when the event is ten days long, and being held at many different venues. It's a big job, but hopefully we'll have lots of volunteers to help us.

    Ah, exciting times.

    And the rib thing from yesterday? Well turns out there is a syndrome that people can get from trauma to the ribs, called Rib Tip Syndrome. And guess what? 1999 I got the flu from hell, sick for 4 months, got shingles, and coughed my guts out. That's when the rib cramps started, and I've strugged with it ever since then. I am so happy to know this is a separate problem from the other muscle spasm issue, and that there are things they can do to help with the pain! Yeah!!!!!! I'm seeing my doctor next week to take the next steps. I'm so happy!

    Annette, I am 100% sure the tiredness is stress. My goodness you've had a lot lately. It will pass and soon you'll be our little clown on line again!

    Bud, never stop smiling :D

    See ya'll later!

    MI Judy

  8. Hi All,

    You are right! Without Judy, this place is quite quiet. We miss you KW Judy on a boat in the warm sunshine, drinking fruity drinks, resting, relaxing, being entertained. Ack! LOL

    I'm at Gilda's Club today! It's so exciting. Our big event is coming up, it's a ten day event with comedians coming in from all over the world! It's a huge event. Check it out if you have a minute, I'm quite proud of it. http:///www.laughfestgr.org.

    Ginny, you sound so thrilled about the golf! Good for you. Dentist, not so much. I'm due for a cleaning in two weeks, but my darling niece does my teeth, so it's okay.

    Well, I found out something yesterday that is going to change my life!!!!!!!

    You know I've suffered with the spasm issues. I was so happy when the medications helped with it. The spasms in my back, arms, feet, hands all went away. But I was sad when the spasms in my ribs remained. Why? And when I overdo, or cough (like I have for the last 4 weeks), the spasms get really, really painful. I was going to wait until my appointment with my neurologist in May to explore things further.

    So my husband is gabbing with his buddy, and his buddy grabbed his rib area with a wince. Randy asked him what was up and he replied "I have rib tip syndrome." He said his rib cartiledge was damaged from his years in construction, and he gets these spasms that are quite painful at times. He told him that his orthopedic doctor gives him injections that help with the pain, and that it can be corrected surgically!

    Oh I'll have to finish later. It's really busy here at the club.

    See ya

    MI Judy

  9. LOL about the old typewriters! I so remember those days. My first typewriter was one given to me by my Grandmother. In order to get the keys to make an impression on the old ribbon, you had to pound the keys as hard as you could! Then I got to highschool, and they had them new fangled electric ones! LOL!

    I got kicked out of typing class after one year. I'd been playing piano for years, and took to the typewriter like a seal to water. I was typing 90 words a minute , and the Sister kicked me out because I was so bored, I was messing with the other kids, disturbing them! How funny. Have not thought about that in years.

    MI Judy

  10. Hi All,

    AH I LOVE you people. So many wrote and helped me yesterday and today. You are right Bud, it's so much better to write it out rather keep it inside. I did have a good cry yesterday and it felt good.

    Ah Becky, I love your stories! They are so good and I know they are true! I can just picture the whole thing. We have several smoke alarms in our home. Every year when the time changes, we change the batteries whether they need it or not. We learned this years ago when we did not do that and ALL of them went off at the same time! Randy was not home, and I'm climbing ladders trying to pull the batteries out in all the bedrooms, kitchen, greatroom, etc. Ack!

    Ginny, so good to see you back! There have been several posts of us worrywarts wondering if all was okay with you! Thanks for you kind words. You made me laugh with the alphabetizing of the spices. You see, he has already alphabetized them! He's very picky about that! LOL

    As for the pp and anal. So funny. Yeah, taking the B vitamin will do that. And it's okay. My Mom used to tell me to take Vitamins c and b and take them until my p turned yellow. She said that's when I knew I was taking enough!

    Still strugging with this awful cough/cold thing, but I think it turned the corner. I'm still coughing so hard my ribs hurt, but I'm coughing less today. :P

    As we begin the snow melt and spring coming, I'm learning something new about my Olive Oyle, Labradoodle. She goes nuts when a squirrel is in the yard. So much so that she jumped on the screen so hard she ripped it! NOT! I need to nip this in the bud now! Now...where is that dog training manual I had...............

    See ya laters!

    MI Judy

  11. Hi Ron,

    It's so nice to hear back from you. I think of you often. I agree, crying is very therapeutic. As you are beginning to see, the memories of Pat are beginning to be happy memories, instead of invoking the acute pain of her leaving.

    The pig poem is about the sweetest thing I've ever heard. You romantic you!

    MI Judy

  12. Hi Julie,

    I'm so sorry your Dad is suffering so badly. I have no experience with that type of tumor, but pain is pain right? My Mom had tremendous pain in with her lung cancer. The cancer had spread to her bones, causing her huge pain.

    With Hospice help we finally got her on a regime of Deragesic pain patches, combined with liquid morphine.

    Tell us more about what's going on so we can try to figure out how to help!

    MI Judy

  13. Hello all,

    Well it's another sunny, beautiful day here. But I woke up struggling a bit. So many huge changes in our lives, and I live in Faith, that all will be fine. But I'm human......and today I just laid in bed staring at the ceiling wondering. It's so weird to have my husband home during the day. I am praying for him to not get discouraged by all of this. It's tough.

    When my volunteer job ended, it was so strange to not get up each day with a place to go and things to do. As the weeks have gone by, I feel a void. My email box used to be full of new requests, needs to be met. And now? Very little is happening.

    It's all so very strange for me. So much change in such a short amount of time. And thinking about April, and wondering if IT'S back. While I do pretty good most days of not being fearful, those thoughts do come in and out. It can't be helped. I'm just a human, with human weaknesses and faults.

    I think a big part of this right now is that most of this change happened right when I was beginning the start of one of the worst cold/flu illnesses I've ever had. I've been sick now almost 4 weeks. I'm still coughing so hard that my ribs feel bruised. The doctor says it will run it's course. But it has prevented me from starting a new life, with new circumstances. It's exhausted me. I require at least 10 hours of sleep a night, and feel like I need a nap in the afternoon!

    And when I cough so hard, of course, April looms in the back of my mind.


    I need to go find a good book to read. They always cheer me up. I just downloaded the book "Heaven is Real", and I think I'm going to sit down and read that. My girlfriend said it is amazing.

    Annette, I'm so sorry about your nephew. I pray this will help him out. I pray they will get him the help he needs.

    Katie and Eric, what great stuff at Lungevity. And Eric, you look so handsome on the front page with that great smile, and wonderful letter. You are inspiring.

    Bud, trying to picture you with one foot in water and epsom salts, and the other leg elevated with ice, all the whilst balancing your lap top, is quite funny! Can Rose take a picture and share it with us? LOL

    Ok, I'm going to go. Sorry to be such a pity party today.

    Judy in MI

  14. Hello again Helen,

    Good news for sure. I'm an almost 4 year survivor, that is facing a possible reoccurance, and I pray and hope for good news like you! You sound so positive, and that is 9/10th of the battle.

    Keep us posted. We care. We want to help in any way we can!

    Judy in MI

  15. Hello All,

    Well the first thing I want to share is that the first sign of Spring happened today in Michigan! Yippee! We live, as you know, on a little lake. Surrounding the lake are large sandy hills, with brush and trees, but lots of empty areas. It's beautiful.

    Every year, I know when Spring is truly just around the corner when I hear the familiar prehistoric CAW of the Sand Hill Cranes. I love these giant birds! They are about four feet tall, and just hang out on sandy hills (hence the name LOL), and like to be near water (hence why they hang out with us).

    Today I heard their CAW and saw one, with his gigantic wing span soar over our lake. It's so amazing.

    I don't know why, but that CAW of theirs is haunting, and yet beautiful. I don't know if it brings out the prehistoric in me? But they do remind me of birds that would have existed thousands of years ago, and still exist. They enchant me.


    Anyway, back to Monday. Today was full of meetings with different folks for different reasons. Was so nice. Got home to one of my favorite pillows, shredded by little Olive. It's very difficult to be mad at her when she's looking up at me with her head tilted as I scold her and her little pom pom tail is wagging furiously! sigh

    Annette, it's so funny how the stupid tv has become so popular here! I'm an Idol nut, so that's the one I'm addicted to. Dancing with Stars too. Ticks me off when the two shows overlap though!

    Katie, thanks for the heads up on the news coming soon! Will visit there. You work so hard!

    Eric, you made me laugh with the story about your daughter! How funny. And how can you make a trip anywhere with out your camera and lap top. You might want to check out the technology on your cell phone. Our phones in America have to be equipped with GSM software to work overseas. The standards for cellular in Europe are different than the standards in the USA. I know this because I used to sell switches to cellular carriers.

    Congrats on the good news! Shows what an impact you make there if they can't let you go until June.

    Annette, I'm so sorry about your woes these days. Work, nephew, upcoming scans. I wish I could reach out and hug you!

    Well, with hubby home during the day it makes for weirdness for me. He keeps interrupting me as I'm doing this very important stuff here! Dang!

    MI Judy

  16. Good afternoon! 3:02PM here. It's about 30 and grey and cloudy. Randy is out plowing snow. I'm with you Eric, I start out every week with Sunday church, lots of singing and praising. I love that. Then we went out for some breakfast, and coupon clipping, and off to the grocery store. We'll all set for the week now!

    I have laundry to do, but not really looking forward to that. Was so sick for 2 weeks, but starting to feel better, so tonight Randy will vacuum the floors, so I can mop them tomorrow. We have both carpet and tile, but with the dogs, we vacuum both surfaces before i mop. This week I begin my new regime of cleaning the home. I had a schedule made out which I know I won't keep, but I'll try!

    Yeah, Judy got to Ft. Lauderdale and is on her way!

    Stephanie, that meal sounds so delicious! Glad you are pulling out of the chemo funk. I'm not a movie buff though. I'm like Annette, if I watch one, it's on DVD. WE get them from Netflix pretty cheaply. But I hate all that Hollywood Hoopla, so most likely will not watch the Oscars tonight.

    Eric, I hope you get the news you want tomorrow on the severance! I think you will. And then we get so much more of you! How nice.

    Well, off to load some laundry, read some paper, and hope that Randy decides to cook dinner tonight!

    MI Judy

  17. Hi,

    Had a crappy day today. Already wished Judy twice to have a great trip. But................

    My husband has a radio show. He co-hosts it with a buddy. The producers of the show want him to take over the show. He's "better radio" according to them. He does not know how to tell his buddy this. Ack.

    Well today they did the show, and without telling me, he went to a "beer fest" with said buddy. Just for a little while he said. Hours later he calls saying he can't find his buddy, and does not know what to do. Oy! 47 years old and in this stupid situation?

    Like I want or need this juvenile behavior in a man this mature.

    I made chicken noodle soup for him, and at 7:00 PM he is snoring, and totally ticking me off because I can't begin to focus or hear anything due to his snoring.

    Finally at 9:00 I told him that if he didn't go to bed, and stop bothering me with his horrible snoring, I was going to beat him!

    He finally went to bed, with murmurring of wanting romance. Yeah right! Jeez! I'm so ticked.

    He asked me to set up his facebook account today. Finally thinks it'd be a good idea for the radio show. So I set up an email account for him on Yahoo. But his FB account was deactivated due to no activity, and I had to run through hoops to figure out how to activate that with an email that works. It was very complicated, and took hours for me to make it happen. urgh!

    Can you tell I had a bad day?

    On to tomorrow. It's got to be better.

    MI Judy

  18. Wow, this place is quiet. But don't worry judy, one of us will keep the AIR going. Had a rough day today, so couldn't be here, but will be here in your absence. Hope your trip is unforgetable!

    MI Judy

  19. Here's Judy in MI, MIA! Had a very busy day. Running around like crazy but it's okay. Sun was shining, and about 30 degrees. Nice. Got my hairs cut. It's cool. The woman that has done my hair told me that she will do my hair for free. I tried to turn her down, but she insisted. So I got the price that the cheap place charges, and at least paid her that. What a darling.

    We're off to a 50th Birthday party for a friend. Should be fun.

    I've been taking Mucinex for this cold, and it has my tummy unsettled in a big way. I wish this congestion would just go away now.

    Cracked me up Becky! The picture of riding the Tu Tu, wearing the llama, and all of it! So funny.

    Annette, ((((HUGS))))))

    Judy, wishing you a fantastic time on the cruise! It's going to be wonderful. Happy birthday to Stan.

    Got to go!

    MI Judy

  20. Ah you guys! What a group we are!

    Today was my day at Gilda's Club. Seems I turned the corner on this cold, but after 1000 phone calls the voice disappeared again! As you know from my lengthy posts here, I'm a talker. Hate it when I can't talk!!!!

    Hubs is getting lots of job opps right now. That is a good thing. But he's owned his own business for the last 15 years, and he does not know if he is ready to be an employee again. I'm not pressuring him one way or another. I just asked him to pray and ask God to help him decide where he needs to be. But very thankful that he is getting all these offers. He's a bright man and very good at what he does, so I have no doubt he will land on his feet.

    So, I'm seeing thoughts of resurrecting the bus. Drinking in a suitcase on the way to Judy's cruise. Unwillingness to share with Eric. Fear that drinking in a suitcase is even a good idea.

    Crazy men trying to get into Becky's house to sell vacuum hoses, and maybe to really kill the family (brings to mind Criminal Minds which I am addicted to). Spammers trying to cause trouble on our site. BTW, you need to be a moderator of that forum to delete the spam.

    Mom's needing cat food. Or Mom needing the attention of her daughter. Annette advising Becky to let the crazy men in to vacuum her floors...back to Mom facebooking her needs.....guys at the bar not taking no at last call....weird dreams....fat cats....Eric playing with bots......and so much more!

    My goodness what a lot we are! I love each and every one of you.

    I slept like crap last night. Lots of business issues buzzing in my head. But we're okay. We just need to work through this stuff.

    Tomorrow I have 3 meetings, in which one that starts early so I may not make it in again until late. Can't wait to see what you all are up to!

    Annette, tomorrow is FRIDAY. Yeah!

    Mi Judy

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