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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. For Annette:

    I recently started to learn how to cook, the one thing I've for certain learned is, that my smoke alarm works much better as a 'Hey don't forget you were cooking!' alarm...

    It was so cold this morning, I saw little Wayne walking with his pants pulled up!

    At the dog park, this elderly lady had two rather large dogs. On being asked the dogs' names by another park visitor she replied "One is called Timex and the other Rolex." Wow, those are some strange names for dogs the visitor replied. Oh no, the elderly lady dog owner replied "They're watch dogs"

    What two things should you never do in bed?

    Point and laugh. (I especially loved this one! HAHAHAHAHA)

    OK, I stole these! We have an event in Grand Rapids coming for Gilda's Club. It's called LaughFest. We have a ton of comedians coming from all over the world. It's a 10 day event and is quite the big deal here. So the LaughFest FB asked yesterday for people to share some jokes and that is what is here. Funny!

    Eric the phony letter jokes were FANTASTIC! I love that.

    Annette, did this get a teeny grin out of you? I'm so sorry for all this about the nephew. I pray he gets the help he needs now once and for all.

    MI Judy

  2. Good morning all! Well this is the first day in 10 days that I got up before noon! Healing is a good thing. Gosh I feel better! Thank you God.

    Judy, your trip sounds divine! Enjoy every moment of it. You deserve it.

    Becky, so sad you got the flu. But have to laugh at your picture of the outhouse, deep snow, muddy snow angels and cussing. You are a stitch. I hope we get to meet one day. But only if you put your gun with the salt pellets away! LOL

    Yeah, there was a gas war here yesterday. I swear, they FB each other to raise the price! The radio station was broadcasting which stations were still at 3.01 and bam, the next minute they changed to 3.40. What a bunch of ----.

    Shaving legs is a good thing? I remember when I had chemo, if there was an upside to it, it was no shaving ANYTHING. While I don't want to go through anything like that again, it was nice to not have to bother with that!

    Eric, if it's all very innocent, why would you be going to the bad fire? Hmmmm? And do remember that no matter where you end up, it is for eternity. That is a realllllllllllly long time.

    I hope you all get to enjoy Sally's birthday. Sounds like a lovely time, and I hope she is able to enjoy it!

    Well, I'm off to a gathering with girlfriends, and lunch! It's bitter cold here, but no snowing so it's all good. You all have a great day.

    Judy in MI

  3. Hi Pete,

    I echo what the others said. Especially on whether or not the Vitamin C regime is really effective. If you could share what his treatments have been so far. Is it NSCLC or SCLC? What type of cancer is it? Where has it spread?

    Any details you can share can help us help you to help him. God bless you for finding this place. I hope we can be of help!

    Judy in MI

  4. Hi Everyone! What a busy place! Was supposed to go to my Women's Life group this morning, but they cancelled school. A bunch of the women in this group are Moms, so when school is closed so is life group. Then I was supposed to have a meeting with my now fired housekeeper to get hints and tips on how to keep a house this big clean, but with the bad roads, that got cancelled.

    So I took this as an opportunity, and transformed "Judy's Office" into Randy's Office. It's really now ours. I had so much crap in there, it really was a mess. I cleaned it all up. Pulled all my stuff that I'm working on and put it in a plastic tub and just his stuff is out on the desk now. I can work from my tub when I need to. It looks really nice and I'm sure he will be thrilled when he gets home.

    We did well in the storm. I got out and about today with no problem, until I got into the little tiny town just East of us. I needed to pick up some Mucinex at my doctor's suggestion, and their roads were an absolute mess. But my Nissan plowed through it just fine.

    Annette, I loved your face exercises. Even felt like smiling after that!

    As for funny stuff Judy, I'm betting as I keep scrolling down here, I'm going to find something. But thinking about Becky dressing a deer, does a tu tu come to mind? LOL

    Bruce, LOL on the sneezing. But here's the critical question? Did you wipe it up! Hmmm?

    Bruce, I believe Annette left the pants off and it was NOT on the llama! It was you! LOL

    Annette, that is so funny about the allergy medicine for your nephew! What a riot.

    i missed the facebook comment by Becky. RAM. Funny woman!

    And I'm all for the Blue Bus thingy. Levity and fun keeps ones mind from going to dark places. Thanks for all the laughts today.

    MI Judy

  5. Well, I'm forcing myself to take a break. I'm still on the EVTBT but I must admit something that I find painful to admit.

    House cleaning is DEFINITELY exercise. Prior to retiring, I was a Sales Executive with AT&T. I had a 18 state territory, and was on the go constantly. We hired a housekeeper back then to come clean every other week. It happened because I'd fly home from a week's work, and spend Saturday and Sunday cleaning and doing laundry. My husband said it was ridiculous to work so hard and then have to work all weekend.

    So I was still working when we built our dream home. I would not have built this large home if I was the one cleaning that. I can guarantee you that. But I was still working, making really good dough, and I knew that we'd always have a housekeeper.

    Fast forward, we've been here 7 years. And now due to life circumstances I have to clean it. So today I began with the master suite bathroom..........

    I spray Dow Bathroom cleaner on the mirrors! I know it won't clean mirrors, but accidently did it. That almost made me cry, as I realize how rusty I am in this area.

    We now have new rules for the bedroom suite. NO FREAKING DOGS!!!!!

    Another new rule.....I never really studied the physics of how a man relieves himself. Never thought I needed to. Now that I've been on my hands and knees scrubbing the toilet, and the floor AROUND the toilet. I need to understand the physics of how a man relieves himself. Seriously. Does it need to drip dry? Because I now know where the drips go, and all I can say is SERIOUSLY??????


    Expect more cleaning stories as I humble myself and re-learn how to do all of this.

    All I can say is wow.

    MI Judy

  6. I heard that helloooooo???? :-)

    Well, it's unbelievable, but we got another record snow storm. Two major blizzards in the same month is just freaky. The last time it stormed like this once was 1978, and now two! My deck has snow as high as my hip, and I'm not short like KW Judy and our Becky! Sorry girls. I'm 5'7".

    This time the storm came with ice, so theres almost 100,000 folks without power. Thankfully we are not one of them! I can only imagine what this will do to our Grand River! Just very glad I'm not one of those folks that live on the River and have to evacuate every year.

    We missed you this weekend Judy! Sounds like you had a lot of fun though! I had lots of time on my hands because Randy went up north with some friends for an ice fishing competition, and with this cold, I didn't think I could hang with them. Glad I didn't go. They were out until 12:30AM, up at 8:00 and on the ice for 5 hours. That so would not have worked with me.

    So we went grocery shopping. Bought huge amounts of fresh vegetables. Bud, we don't eat beef that much anymore. If we do, we like a fresh cut of good meat. But as I get older, my carnivore side seems to be subsiding, and I'm happy with fish, and veggies. I am just not a big eater anyway. But it is expensive for sure.

    Well thanks to everyone that watched stupid TV with me this weekend. That was nice!

    I'm feeling like I might survive this cold thingy. Sheesh! It's been 10 days. But today I felt like I turned the corner. My ribs are killing me from all the coughing, but they will heal. And I'm coughing a lot less, though I don't have my voice back!

    I'm going to go try to do something, ANYTHING, today. LOL

    MI Judy

  7. It's quiet around this joint today! :D

    Had to come back, since there's nowhere to go now. We got out and got groceries, but the snow started. We were in the store 1/2 hour only to come out to a car totally covered in snow! It was a dicey ride home.

    Right now I can see off my deck, but no further. We are getting hammered!

    These wild twists in the weather here always amaze me.

    MI Judy

  8. Hi everyone,

    31 here. Donna, we are supposed to get the same here. We already had the storm of the decade two weeks ago with up to 21 inches. Then we had this crazy warm up which caused lots of flooding, and now? They say an inch an hour.

    I was up all night hacking again. Sheesh! The worst part is the headache I get from. I feel like the top of my head wants to pop off!

    So I didn't go to chuch. Randy did, and he can bring home the service on DVD so I can watch it this week.

    I think our agenda will be read the paper, clip coupons, grocery shop before the storm hits, and get back home. Maybe a rousting game of Scrabble tonight?

    Bud, I'm assuming Rose is feeling better? We're looking for cheaper solutions for vegetables now. With Randy's diabetes, the only way he can eat enough to be full, is to chow down on veggies. And that does not bother me a bit. I love veggies. But they are expensive!

    Ok, see you laters.

    MI Judy

  9. Hi Shelby,

    I know your pain. I lost both parents to cancer. My Mom had lung cancer. They both were young when they passed. The pain is still tender.

    It's good that you took advantage of grief counseling. We have a Gilda's Club here, and they were amazing in their support for me.

    This is a great place to come for support and help. Keep posting here and know that we care and will be there for you.

    Judy in MI

  10. Oh I hope she does not come in gigantic!


    This is Bella. I chose her because she's adorable, and so cute you just want to hug her always. And yet you can see she's going to grow up to be a strong woman, able to handle anything that life throws at her.


    MI Judy

  11. Ok Ginny and Annette, we'll girlfriend it up today :-)

    I'm so glad I didn't go up North with Hubby and friends. I still have this wretched cold, and I knew it was going to turn into a wonderful time for them, but more than I could have endured.

    They went up last night, and drove way out of their way to go to one of our favorite restaurants. They didn't get up there until late, and then went to hear a band play. They got up early to do their radio show. And now they are heading out on the ice to grill brats, jerky, and other goodies. The ice fishing competition is all day today. They will grill, and fish, and laugh and have a great time. If I was there, I would not have been able to do all of this.

    I am happy thinking about how much fun they are having! And I'm still in my jammies. But the sun is shining so beautifully. It's only 28 out but gorgeous.

    So Ginny I'll take you up on that short walk! Is it warmer where you are? I'll come your way.

    Annette, Lifetime for Women has a good one on tonight. Let's watch it!

    Judy in MI

  12. Hi Rebncor, I'm so sorry about this latest set back. I so agree with you. "This disease teases and tempts - makes us believe it is better and drops us in a huge hole of despair with each crisis".

    It's a stressful cycle of highs for good news, and then big lows for bad news. Up and down. So tough.

    Be sure to take time for you. Even a little bit to read a book that is comforting, or take a hot bubble bath. Whatever gives you peace for some moments.

    Writing your thoughts out is so therapeutic. So many times, those we love, family and friends, don't want to talk about this. Coming here can help when you need to "talk".

    WE'll be here for you.

    Judy in MI

  13. Well, optimism is always the best way to go. So I went to the Onc. fully expecting NED again. This is my new Onc., which I like, by the way. He asked lots of questions about how I was feeling, any new pains? Any other strange things going on? How did I tolerate Chemo the last time?????????

    He examines me, and then says "well, we found something new on the CT scan. It's very tiny, only 3 mm, but it wasn't there before."

    He said they must watch this as it looks suspicious. No wonder the big time questions!

    They want to scan again and have me see him again in May. My insurance runs out in April. So the technician scheduled for both the CT scan and Doctor appointment for the last week in April so we can get both covered by insurance.

    It's in my right upper lobe this time.

    So I'm not going up North with Hubby and his friends. I really didn't want to because of this cold, cough thing going on. I truly just don't feel good yet. And now.....................

    I just want to curl up on the couch in my blankie, and watch stupid TV and be quiet. And that's what I'm going to do.

    I'm so glad I found this place, when I did. You guys are amazing in the support you give, and I really appreciate you, more than you'll ever know.

    Judy in MI

  14. Hi Everyone!

    Well today is my annual meeting with my Onc. i'm not worried about it. If they found something on the scan, they would have called 2 weeks ago. I'll just be glad when it's over and can say NED again!

    Gorgeous day here. 42 right now. Very windy, but that's okay. 42 degrees is awesome in Feb.

    After my Onc. appt. we leave for a night up North. There's a Ice (we hope) fishing tournament on the ice tomorrow. We hope there is ice. So we're going up tonight. Found a quaint little place for cheap, and will stay overnight and go to the tournament tomorrow. So I may not be back here depending.

    Judy, I hope you enjoy your visit today. Hoping and wishing for the gastro stuff to settle down for you!

    Eric, I hope that bug is leaving you today. Me too. This cough bug has totally gotten me down. Have not had a voice for the last 4 days! Randy is loving that. :wink: Manflu. Ain't that the truth?

    I don't know if anyone shared anything with you about Montana. But google it. Montana is one of our huge Western states, with tons to see and explore.

    Becky, those pesky deer. I've hit one in my life. He jumped out of a cornfield, and right in front of me with no warning. $5000 damage to the front of the car. Three deer have hit me as well. Just literally run into the side of the vehicle. Bummer. In my case, all 3 died. My husband wondered why I didn't have it in the trunk of the car. I'm like, yeah? I'm supposed to pick up a 200 pound animal and put it in my trunk? That is a nice benefit to venison or other game. The man cooks it.

    Scary about the suspicious vehicle. We live in the boonies like you. Be careful!

    Annette, enjoy the long weekend! Try to enjoy the nephew! Did anything happen to him legally since he overdosed on a controlled substance not prescribed to him?

    Bud, good on resting this weekend. Shin splints can become chronic. Back in the day, I was a runner and aerobics instrructor and the shin splints were such a drag when all I wanted to do is get exercise. Now? Not so much. EVTBT works much better for me! LOL

    Snow Lily? Wow. I grin when you said "managed to stick to the ground for a long time." Here a long time is 5 months. That's funny.

    So, I'll try to pop back in tomorrow or Sunday, but maybe not! Enjoy the weekend.

    MI Judy

  15. Becky! ROFLMBO!!!!!

    And pulling a Jeff Foxworthy on me, with the redneck thang! Too funny!!!!

    Your Aunt and Uncle stories are killing me. I can just see him shooting at the bat, and the possum! Oh my goodness, I'm belly laughing now.

    Randy shot our house once. Our home was Cedar at the time, and the big giant wood peckers loved to poke holes in it. One day he got ticked, grabbed his shotgun and just started shooting. It was hilarious!

    MI Judy

  16. Hi everyone!

    Well this is what you get when you get two people from the country in Michigan. Lots of creature stories. LOL! And both our husbands hunt, so even more stories.

    K, Becky, you opened a can or worms when you did the raccoon story. I have a great one. Our last home was in the country too, but kind of a tiny neighborhood. Fenced in back yard. German Short Hair with a dog door to let herself in and out. Dog's name: Hazel. We wake up to the sound of a horrific coon fight, but the fight was with Hazel and a 50 pound coon.

    Randy runs below the deck and pulls Hazel off the coon, and drags her up the steps to the upper deck. I was crying and carrying on because I thought the coon was going to kill her. He brings the dog to me and yells "Hang on tight to her, don't let go!" He runs down to shoot the animal. In the meantime Hazel wrenches out of my grip and goes after it again. Again, remove, yell, shoot coon. Took about 4 shots to do it. Throw coon in swamp, go to bed.

    Half hour later, phone rings. Kent County Sheriff. I answer. They ask if I'm ok. Yes. Come out on your front porch now. NOW? NOW! Randy thought I was pulling his leg, and I'm like, no, they are out in our yard, and we have to go out.

    It was dark in the yard, but as soon as we opened the front door, BAM, our house was lit up like a Christmas tree, and the flashers came on about 8 cruisers. There were cops everywhere with guns drawn.

    Someone called 9-1-1 and reported a woman crying, and gun shots. They thought Randy shot me! Told them the story, and they wanted to see the dead raccoon. "It's in the swamp".

    Anyway, we were the talk of the neighborhood for a while! LOL

    K, now I'll go back and read. :-)

    Judy in MI

  17. That is so funny Becky. Possum/Rat story: Get home from church one Sunday morning. My dog was in the corner acting "weird" so I go over to see what is up and out squirts what I think is a rat! It races across the house to the kitchen.

    I'm up on a chair, freaking out. Randy was out of town. I'm debating running for the garage and finding a male neighbor to come help me. My German Short Hair hunting machine comes bolting into the house through the dog door.

    I point to the kitchen desperately, yelling, "Gibson, go get it!!!" I use that all the time when we play fetch. He ran into the kitchen, grabbed that thing, and brought it to me. I'm like NOOOOOO! So I point to the dog door and say "OUTSIDE" and the dog took this thing out the dog door!

    Turns out it was a baby possum, not a rat. But have you ever seen a possum?


    My other dog, Huey, who is not with us anymore, brought it in the house.

    Just had to share another animal story! LOL

    MI Judy

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