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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Hi guys, I'm sorry I disappeared. My life has fallen into shambles and I don't know how to deal with it. My husband is very angry about my health issues, and it seems like he thinks everything I do is stupid and I feel like he hates me. It's complicated.

    I am going to the U of M hospital tomorrow to find out the results of blood tests. The dilantin is totally helping me, but it's not a medication that I can stay on for very long, which terrifies me. I finally feel good after 3 years of suffering, and they tell me I can't stay on it. He is not going with me, because I feel that I'm such a burden to him that I don't want to inconvience him anymore than I have.

    We were supposed to go to Hawaii in 9 days, and I told him tonight that I didn't want to go. I don't want to go on a trip that has us fighting and arguing.

    I'm feeling defeated and broken right now. I've been with this man for 22 years. He is now sick and tired of me being sick. What do I do with that?

    So.....sorry....I don't have much to contribute here in a positive way....I feel desperate and sad....Hugely sad.....

    MI Judy

  2. Oh goodness, don't even know how to respond to the many posts today. Judy, my heart breaks for you. I can only imagine the fear and other scared thoughts you have right now. If it were me, I'd be terrified.

    All I can add is that the Dilantin I"m on is helping. It's a good thing for me temporarily. But I can't be on this long term. Its a dangerous drug. But short term it is helping me. Thank you God. I see the U of M doctor in a week and he will determine my next course of test/treatments. Next is the EMG and a muscle biopsy. Not looking forward to either, but looking forward to results that get me off this drug.

    I ordered my first Senior meal this week. I checked out the menu at I Hop and the senior 2x2x2 meal suited me just fine. 2 eggs, 2 saugases, 2 pancakes, at a greatly reduced price. Nice. It still kind of bothered me, but reality is I'm entitled to this and I'm grateful to be considered a Senior!!!!!

    Judy, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you tolerate this new regine well, and pray it does what we hope it does.

    Judy in MI

  3. Sue, well I commend you for your sense of humor kept through this all! The comment about haggis was hilarious!!!!!!

    I just want to encourage you that if the doctor's give you an explanation for something and you don't understand it, make them explain it until you do. You have the right to know. When the Onc postpones the CT scan, make him tell you why so you aren't wondering and coming up with what you think it might be rather than what it actually is.

    This cancer journey is an up and down roller coaster ride, very confusing when there are complications (are there ever not complications?). Take care, hang in there, and keep us posted.

    Still smiling at the crack to Eric!

    Judy in MI

  4. Hi Liz, welcome to this place. It's a place none of wanted, but so glad it's here. I so wish I had found this when I was going through my treatments, it would have helped me so much! But I found it now, and have made such nice friends. It's great.

    You have the right attitude. It is tough. I did the carbo/taxol gig and it was not fun. However, I always worried about my husband/caregiver for he worried so much. It was a tough thing to go through, but I knew I had the strength and fortitude to get through it, and he just didn't because how can the caregiver possibly know that it's not as bad as it looks!

    Take care, and stay in touch.

    Judy in MI

  5. Ronnie, well, whether you believe it or not, I can see you moving more and more into new routines, and finding new things to do. The lonliness and sadness will never go away, but with time, they will get easier. Keep up the good work, and keep posting here. WE like to hear from you.

    Judy in MI

  6. Hello!!!!!

    Went to get my lap top today from Best Buy. They were supposed to do a system restore and fix the software glitches that make the PC lock up. Get it back, no restore, computer still locking up. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! So frustrating. So back I go. I'm forced to use them because I was dumb enough to pay them before the work was done, and now I have no choice.


    Gorgeous day here. Had a night with mighty storms that took the power down a few times. But that's why we got a generator. Sunny today and in the 70's, but big cold front coming through and they are predicting snow by Halloween. I think this is truly our last 70 degree day for about 6 months.

    Nice to see you Bruce! So where is South that you have snow already. Obviously S. of Yellow Knife, but not south enough!

    Bud, I hope you get to feeling better soon. I seem to have taken a turn for the better overnight so all is okay here.

    Ann, I used to decorate big time for Halloween, but since recovering from the cancer and chemo, I just have not done it. I cut back on how much I decorate for Christmas, cut way back on how many Christmas cards I send out, and stopped decorating for holidays. Maybe if these doctors can figure out my spasm issues, I will go back to that. I used to enjoy it so much.

    Lily, I love days like that too. Somehow I can justify staying in my PJ's when it's a cold, overcast day. It's so cozy and fun. Sitting in a chair and getting lost in a book on days like that is awesome!

    Judy in MI

  7. Good morning. I'm with you Bud. Today is a veg day for me. My cold is getting better, but still kind of dragging me down.

    It's supposed to get to 72 today! That is extremely warm for this close to November. May even break a record! Tomorrow it's supposed to get to 76! This is just crazy for Michigan. No complaints though, soon enough it will be f-f-f-f-freezing.

    I'm off to find a blankie and book! Nice.

    Judy in MI

  8. There you are! I saw your note on Facebook. I'm sorry the radiation is getting rough, it is a grueling regime to get through, but I have a couple of friends that had to go through that, and they are doing great now.

    As for your note, there are many Board Index options for discussing your progress.

    Go to the Board Index which you see on the Upper left side of the box above the title of your post called Radiation and throat. You will see many Board Index types and then sub-types under that.

    You could post appropriately anything going on with you in the Discussion Forum: Lunch Cancer Survivors which is for anyone in or out of treatment that had lung cancer.

    The other forum where you could post treatment updates is General Forum: General Lunch Cancer Discussion Forum

    As you progress to the stage where you are getting a new CT scan or new test, you could go to the Test Time Forum: Updates.

    The last one I want you to be aware of is a daily post forum in the Board Index called Off Topics: Just for Fun.. This is a good one for every day catching up with regulars here about day to day life. Check it out. It's been fun and interesting to be a part of that one.

    Bottom line is this: When I come to this site, the first place I go is to the View New Posts at the top of the page. I also have my posts "Notify me when a reply is posted", so if I note you, and someone else replys to you, I get a short email just letting me know someone posted to my post or any other post that I wrote, and I can go check it out easily if I want.

    Whew! That was long winded, but you just got a crash course on this website!

    Judy in MI

  9. Hi Michelle,

    Good for you giving back. I had to go back and read your journey, and what a journey it was. I'm so sad you had to go through what you did. And it does my heart good to read how you came through this ordeal, and still want to "give back". God bless you.

    Judy in MI

  10. Oh gosh, got so caught up in my story I forgot to make comments. Eric, what a delightful story of that evening. How amazing you are with your joy. It's infectious, and I for one am benefiting from your amazing attitude.

    No help on the SD card. Just wondering if perhaps it's not compatible with your operating system, and maybe would work on a different version of a computer? I'd take it into a store that prints pictures off the cards for people, and ask them to look at it.

    Libby, I am an avid Green Bay Packers fan! And against the Vikings! What a great game to go see. We went to a Green Bay game in Green Bay and it was an amazing experience. The fans were exhuberant. It was so fun to see all the cheese head hats on! LOL! Have fun. Thanks for the thoughts on the cold. I didn't get to sleep in today, but planning on hitting the bed early tonight and sleeping in until 9:30 tomorrow.

    MI Judy

  11. Hi all,

    I haven't been around all day. Started with a meeting at a local church for the Thanksgiving Day meal that we all join together to give to the community. Hubs and I work this every year now. Its our new Thanksgiving Day tradition. It is so rewarding to see Seniors, those less fortunate, the lonely, those without family, having a lovely meal given to them on the actual holiday. It's fantastic.

    I was then going to go to a volleyball tournament that my niece plays in. But I got a text from her Dad saying I'm needed at a different event. My other niece (VB sister), was being surprised by her boyfriend with a marriage proposal.

    What this 21 year old man/boy did was so romantic! He had us decorate their place for a surprise 21 year birthday party for her. Then he had us take the petals off a dozen roses, gather up a sheet, and bring this 6 foot sign with us, to a park. We were to be standing on the steps, and he was bringing my niece over there blindfolded with the guise that he had a surprise for her for her birthday. We laid the sheet on the ground, threw the rose petals all around, and got into formation on the steps above where the sheet was and waited for them to arrive.

    When they got there, down she came, blindfolded. He got her to the sheet with the rose petals, and we were silent as a stone. He got down on his knee, and told her to take the blindfold off. The first thing she saw was the big giant sign with the WILL YOU MARRY ME LIZ. She turned to find her young man on his knee, holding a diamond right up and he asked her to be his wife!!!!!!! There was not a dry eye in the crowd. It was so touching.

    After lots of pictures and hugs, we all said goodbye to her, and as far as she knew we were all going home. Nope! We all hurried back to the house and surprised her again with the party! What a fun day!

    Hubs is now in Kansas on a hunting trip. He took off at 5:00 this morning, and is already there. Amazing.

    Have a good one.

    MI Judy

  12. Judy, I'm glad you can voice your concerns. They are valid and yours to proclaim!!! I'd be terrified too. Sounds like you got some good advice from some folks with Tarceva experience.

    Hang in there, you are going to rock this!

    MI Judy

  13. Hello! It's evening here now, 8:18PM. Hubs has some dumb hunting show on and it's okay because there's nothing on TV tonight. CSI is on at 9 and I like that show so I'll go watch than then.

    Woke up coughing hard. Caught a cold. Seems like everyone I run into has one. So not surprised. With the spasms in my ribs, I called the doctor immediately and asked for DM cough syrup with codeine. Just don't want the cough to get chronic and cause more trouble with the spasms. So far so good.

    Was supposed to work at Gilda's Club today, but they discourage any of us coming in when we are sick, so I called and cancelled. I don't want to be responsible for someone with a suppressed immune system catching a bug from me.

    Well, I'm tired tonight. Only had one tsp of cough syrup this afternoon, so it's probably just being tired from having a cold. May just call it a night and go to sleep now!

    Judy in MI

  14. Susan, I wrote this long, well thought out sharing, and bam! Got a DNS server error, and it was gone. Dang!

    Anyway, I was my Mom's caregiver from 1989 (breast cancer) to 1991 (bypass surgerys for PAD), to 1992 (liver failure) to 1996 (lung cancer). She almost died so many times that I called her the Energizer Bunny, who keeps going and going and going....when it just seems she should not keep surviving these traumatic health events.

    It took a terrific toll on my physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. I emerged from it a better, more compassionate person, but wow. What an ordeal.

    When she died, while I was devastated, and still miss her, a part of me was glad that her long time suffering was finally over.

    Judy in MI

  15. Hi and welcome here. First let me offer my deepest condolences on your husband, Mark's passing. So young. I kind of gulped when you said his age because that was the age I was when I was diagnosed. So sad, This disease is a horrid one that takes so many.

    You found a good place to see some hard work being done for advocacy for this disease. That is good and helpful to see progress when you are so sad and mad.

    I didn't lose my husband, but my Mom, Dad and Sister all died from cancer, with Mom's being lung. While my grief is different, for a spouse is an entirely different relationship, than parents or a sister, it's still gut wrenching grief. So my heart goes out to you. I pray for his memories to become a balm to soothe you when you are lonely for him.

    There are many women here that have gone through what you have, and they will be along shortly to give you more answer you need than I'm equipped to give.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

  16. Hi there,

    Had a rare day at home today. It was nice! I'm usually running around like a chicken with my head cut off. LOL! Had two contractors come over to work on the generator (getting it ready for winter, when we lose power a lot due to big snow storms). Another came in to work on the TV downstairs. We had the satellite guy come out and he did not know what he was doing and when he left, the color was bad. Green was black, faces were green, etc. Turns out a cable was unplugged! I wouldn't have known how to even look for that there's so many cables coming out of the box. Duh!

    It's a cold, rainy, very blustery day today. I live high on a bluff over my little lake, and when the wind blows it really howls around the house. Nice day to be inside. I appreciate days like this, when I'm safe and warm in my home. Makes me very grateful for the blessings in my life!

    Started on 2 doses of Dilantin today for the spasms. I take 2 for 7 days, then 3 for 7, and plateau at 4 a day. I am hoping the issue takes care of itself before I get to four a day, but whatever it takes it takes!

    Have a good rest of the day!

    Judy in MI

  17. Hi Sandi,

    It sounds like you have a positive attitude and that plays a huge part in recovery. Hang on tight to that, it really will help you.

    I was not in clinical trial, so can't give you advice there. But I did have Taxol and Carboplatin as my lovely cocktail.

    Just wanted to say hi, and welcome you to this place. None of us want to be here, but all of us are really glad there is a place like this to get and give support.

    Wishing you the best and looking forward to hearing more from you!

    Judy in MI

  18. Mandy,

    This was so good to read. Thank you so much for sharing Dad's story which is also your story.

    You said this " Now when I look at Dad, I look past his illness, where as before I was looking for 'signs' that his health was deteriorating, ( even though it wasn't) I pray that this has been caught in time, and hope to be able to bring you some good news in December"

    I pray for good news in December too, but if it's not, do still try to look at Dad and look past his illness. He will be your Daddy always, ill or not. I made the mistake of obsessing over my Mom's lung cancer, and it was making me nuts. Her story was not a good one in that she died at age 64 of the disease.

    I made her miserable for the first 3 months after diagnosis, and then with good advice from one of my brothers, I learned I had to let her still be Mom, and that I was daughter, not the other way around. I could not control her cancer, and I could not control her life either. I had to learn that the hard way, and am thankful I did before it was too late.

    We can be your on line family, and you can come here and write whatever thoughts you are having, and we will be here for you. You can bank on that.

    Judy in MI

  19. Hi Nova,

    I don't think we've met before. I'm fairly "new" here. I didn't lose a spouse. But my little sis was 25 years old when she died at age 25 (I was 29) and she was my absolute best friend. She had brain cancer. 3 years later my Dad died of brain cancer too. Then Mom died six years later of lung cancer. It was beyond devastating.

    So grief is not foreign to me. With my little sister, I actively grieved for five years. I was inconsolable. With my Mom, I didn't leave my home and go anywhere socially for about a year. I couldn't bear to see people laughing and having fun when I was so miserable.

    Now my sissy has been gone 27 years (unbelivable), Dad 24 years, and Mom 14 years. Can't even believe that they've been gone this long. But I'm doing well. Somehow, over time, I was able to come to peace with their passing. I don't have a magic answer. It just happened. Maybe it's my faith that I will see them again? I sure hope that is true, as I think it will be one giant joyous reunion in heaven!!!!!

    Take care,

    I want to go read your story. Your husband looks like he was young when he died. I'm so sorry.

    Judy in MI

  20. ((((((((((((RONNIE))))))))))))))

    All I can say is cherish the good memories and get rid of the bad ones if you can. I remember when my Mom died, I could not get the bad memories to get out of my head. It took time, and now they feel distant and I'm comforted by the good stuff. This will happen for you too.

    Keep writing, it helps.

    MI Judy

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