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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Ann, I will pray for God to show you what you should be doing. I am very blessed to not have to earn a living, and completely enjoy the volunteer work that I do. It's so rewarding, and I am very grateful to be in the position I am in to be able to do this.

    I love your description of your little Sycamore tree. Cute. Our leaves are really beginning to change. It's so rich and awesome to see. I so enjoy this time of year. Spring and Fall are my two favorite seasons, though I obviously love all four here since I still live here! LOL!

    Well I had the stress test. All I can say is Oh My Goodness!!!!!!!! It was so hard. They had me going so fast and furious that I was literally panting, and saying I can't do anymore and this technician is behind me pushing my butt (literally) yelling "you can do this, keep going!!!!!" She was literally holding me onto the treadmill. My leg muscles were burning, I'm panting and sweating, and it was just awful. But I got through it, and they got what they needed.

    My heart is throwing PAC's out. Premature Atrial Contractions which makes it flutter and skip beats. They said that the doctor would be calling me but to not worry about it. They did say if I have any kind of chest pains to get to the ER immediately. Hmmmm.....

    Like I said before, not worried about it. Hearts can be fixed. Cancer puts that crap into perspective.

    I'm here at volunteer work and enjoying this beautiful day now that I'm not on a treadmill!!!!!! Meeting someone working on their masters degree at Gilda's Club tonight. She needs to interview a cancer survivor for a paper she is doing. I'm happy to oblige.

    Hugs to you all!

    Judy in MI

  2. GOOD MORNING! Eric, we get a ton of birds on our deck because we have five feeders out there. It's crazy when they begiin to feed. In the winter we'll have eight feeders out. It's so hard for them when the snow is so deep to find food, so we provide for them. It's awesome.

    It's cold here today. High of 60!!!! Yikes.

    Have the heart stress test today. Stressed about it! It scares me because I do not enjoy getting short of breath. It feels like I'm breathing through a straw and I hate that. I'm really freaked about getting SOB. Hoping they will take it easy on me in that regard.

    Got to get going, the test is in an hour.

    Have a good day.

    Judy in MI

  3. OK, got the disappearing posts here. I swear I just posted for today and poof it's gone. Did I dream that? LOL

    Gorgeous day here, crisp cool morning, sunny and going to warm up to mid 70's. Perfect day!

    Slept like a baby last night. Ooooooooh so good to sleep well and wake up feeling well. I so appreciate nights and mornings like this.

    Trees are beginning to turn. I love when the rich colors of summer begin to burnish and start to turn. In another 2 to 3 weeks we will head to Northern Michigan to see the colors. They are so beautiful and breath taking.

    Going to jump in the shower and head out to my volunteer job for the day. Can't wait to get going.

    Judy in MI

  4. That is so interesting to read about the Jackal. I'm afraid she would have lost the fight with dominating me. My German Short Hair Pointer was very dominate as a puppy. I had to get very tough with him to show him that I was boss.

    It was a definite battle of the wills, but I was determined that a dog that weighs 80 pounds was not going to be the Alpha. I won that battle, but trust me, it was a huge battle.

    Judy in MI

  5. Yes Eric, those amazing little birds migrate south for the winter, as do a lot of species we have up here. This is the time of year when we'll see them start to "flock". What that means is they begin to form huge bands of birds that become like family and they flock south together as there is safety in numbers. Amazing to see.

    Judy in MI

  6. How frustrating for you Eric. It's hard to believe it's taking this long to analyze this. And why another CT? Didn't they do the CT and the PET already?

    Glad to hear the pot oil is helping with the pain. Your doctor should be prescribing good pain medications for you as well. If you do go on Vicodin or Morphine, make sure you take a laxative. Those pain meds can cause constipation in a huge way.

    Waiting to hear more, just like you.

    Judy in MI

  7. One more! Oh geez, my OCD is kicking in! Did I tell you I love poetry?


    To love someone more dearly every


    To help a wandering child to find his


    To ponder o'er a noble thought and


    And smile when evening falls~

    This is my task.

    To follow truth as blind men seek for


    To do my best from dawn of day till


    To keep my heart fit for His holy sight,

    And answer when He calls~

    This is my task.

    And then my Savior by and by to meet,

    When faith hath made her task on

    earth complete,

    And lay my homage at the Master's


    Within the jasper walls~

    This crowns my task.

    Maude Louise Ray

  8. I liked this one too!


    It is better to forget the things that hurt us.

    And to live each day and take whatever


    With the hope that by tomorrow

    There will come a blam for sorrow

    And help to master life's important sums!

    There's a strength comes to us every time

    we suffer.

    And our will grows stronger every time

    we fight.

    Let us then be doubly grateful

    For the things that disappoint us;

    They only come to lead us to the light!

    Helen Mocksett Stork

  9. I'm a poetry freak, so I may post more than one. But I think it's appropriate to have poems that glorify life. Here's a couple.

    The only way to live is to accept

    each minute as an unrepeatable miracle,

    which is exactly what it is:

    a miracle and unrepeatable.

    Storm Jameson

    One of the most tragic things I know about human

    nature is that all of us tend to put off living.

    We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden

    over the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses

    blooming outside our windows today.

    Dale Carnegie

  10. Ron, glad you went though aren't you? Slowly but surely you are settling into life as it is today. Glad you had so much fun in spite of the bittersweet memories. Sounds like an amazing event!

    Funny comment about the cats and the jackal! I'm surprise they got along so well, my dogs terrorize my cats. They are crazy animals! But it's fun to watch them.

    Have a lovely day Ron.

    Judy in MI

  11. Well congrats on your little girl starting her first day of school. I hope she loved it! Your right that Mama is seeing it, and like Randy said, talk to her about it! She can hear you. I talk to my Mom all the time, and somehow it comforts me to know she can hear me. I still miss her so much and it's been unbelievably 14 years since she left. *sigh*

    Judy in MI

  12. ts, would love to see the video. See if you can find a link on the TV stations web site and share it here.

    Eric looks like you are going to have a grand time at the conference. You rock!

    Nice Bud that your wife has a partner now. That is very cool.

    Gorgeous day here today. Sunny, nice breeze, 73 degrees. Love not having the A/C on. Love hearing the birds outside. The hummingbirds are just crazy this year. We have tons of them around the house, and they are my favorite bird. Love those little guys.

    Called the neurologist, explained about how the spasms are worse when I get cold. The first answer I got was "then don't get cold." Smart alecs. They want me to double the dose of meds I'm on again. Not sure I want to do that as the medication makes me a little dizzy, and I'm dizzy enough without it! LOL! But I did insist on being referred to the neuromuscular specialist. There just has to be a reason for this, and I am hoping this next doctor can figure it out.

    Hubby is gone for four days to Ohio on business. Just landed a sweet deal today which is going to grow his business in a huge way. Nice for us!

    Judy in MI

  13. Libby, we didn't stay long at the picnic. Fortunately it was in a Pavilion, as it was pouring rain the entire time. So cold you could see your breath when you breathed. We basically ate, and left. Yech.

    i hope the group therapy helps you find a new attitude and perspective that is happier. For sure the exchange student should bring some sunshine in :-)

    Judy in MI

  14. Hi Kim,

    I had a similar situation like you, only it was my Mom with stage 4 with lots of mets, and she had re-married after my Dad died of cancer too. Her husband was clueless as well. But I didn't expect him to do anymore than he did, he was 70 and only married to my Mom a year when she was diagnosed.

    My Mom opted to not have chemo, and instead chose to have palliative care. Her cancer had spread so far that she didn't see any point in going through the pain of chemo. She lived a full year after diagnosis, when they gave her 2 weeks. It was a good year....a year for us to really spend quality time together and to share our feelings and love for each other.

    My Mom was 62.

    I hope this is not a source of pain for you to read this, for I don't mean it to be. I just wanted to share that we had a wonderful last year together, and I wouldn't have had it any other way because I am also a lung cancer survivor, and my experience with chemo was horrible, and if I was not early stage, I'm not sure I'd have gone through with it.

    I hope and pray that your Father sees a good outcome from his therapy. There are many stage IV people here doing well, so don't take my experience as the only one to think about. Everyone is different in how they approach this, and whatever he decides to do is the right thing for him to do. I just wanted to share my perspective, as it's the only experience I have with it.

    Judy in MI

  15. Hi all, 57 degrees here, with a high of 65. Brrrrr........

    Went to the local football game last night. Our team won by a rousing 47 to 0!!!! Actually got boring in the 2nd half because of the rout. But the boys were all psyched, and they raised another ton of money for cancer support for Gilda's Club. It was all good.

    Today is the company picnic. It's gloomy and cold, so not looking forward to it. it's at our local Zoo and was hoping to get in a walk about the zoo, but with it so cold, maybe not.

    Have a party tonight for a friend that just turned 60. It's a surprise, so that should be a fun time surprising her.

    Well, need to jump in the shower and get going.

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

    Judy in MI

  16. Hi Stephanie,

    I agree, that it's so small that it only needs to be "watched" at this point. There's no use in putting her through a surgery, when it could very well be just scar tissue or other benign material. I understand your concern though. I lost both of my parents to cancer, and can understand your anxiety.

    Feel free to come here to express your feelings about your Dad's death, as well as worries over Mom. This is a good place to come and talk out what you are feeling.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

  17. Wow Eric. So rich in history, but so mysterious to me. So much I do not know about your culture. First off, who is the gorgeous brunette girl that shows up in many pictures. Am guessing that is your daughter? She is so pretty!

    I notice lots of folks carrying or wearing extra coats/sweaters, must be layering is a normal thing there? This time of year we start to do that too.

    But so many questions. Would love a commentary on some of the more strange pictures. Like the "live" statues. At least I assume those were live people acting like statues. Why for?

    Anyway, I could spend all day looking at these. Guess we'll just have to get over there and see for ourselves.

    Judy in MI

  18. I also had Neuropathy in both toes and fingers. I took the Taxol/Carbo path too. Mine was not severe enough to curb the chemo cocktail. I was told there were medications they could give me to help with that but it didn't get bad enough to worry about it. I would trust your Onc. They know what they are doing, and will do what is best for your Mom.

    Judy in MI

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