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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Hi All,

    Well I'm in a sour mood. A decision was made at volunteer work that I feel is totally wrong for our church, and if I make a fuss, I'm going to be seen as a trouble maker. Still may make a fuss. What they want to do is wrong, and they need to get another perspective on this. Rules! The reason I stopped going to church for years was the legalism that is rampant in so many churches. I didn't think our church was that way until today and I'm not very happy about it.

    To add to the sour mood is that last week they said maybe I'd have a CT scan, and then yesterday they called and said to fast over night as I'd be having my scan first thing this morning. That did not make for a very good sleep last night. Usually it takes a week or two to get a scan scheduled, and they scheduled me overnight. Yikes.

    So I've been doing my best to not think about it. Overthinking this will not accomplish anything that is positive. Worrying accomplishes nothing. So I'm just doing my day and avoiding the "whatif" syndrome.

    Then I asked my husband to attend an important meeting today that we are on the same committee for, since they scheduled this scan, I couldn't make the meeting. He promised he'd go and then he shot me an email AFTER the meeting telling me he decided to not go. :|

    Hope everyone is having a better day.

    Judy in MI

  2. Ginny, what a blessing that you are living a full and happy life. I was not around back then, but I'm sure he's glad to see you enjoying life. May the memories be sweet and bring you joy.

    Judy in MI

  3. Thanks! I get the CT scan tomorrow, so time will tell. It could be a bunch of things going on. I did find out my calcium levels are very high, and they asked me to go off my supplements, but I'm not on a single calcium supplement, so don't know what that means.

    Also my magnesium is very low. So I'm now taking 800 mg of that a day.


  4. Good morning.....ah.....slept in today! It was awesome. I was so tired from our shopping for Art trip yesterday. Had bad rib spasms, and was pooped from a ton of walking. We did find some cool stuff for Hubs office, and returned there and hung them.

    Today we are going to the office supply store, and Bed Bath and Beyond to get a few more accessories and his office should be complete.

    He's going fishing with a buddy tonight, so I'm going to just hang out and read I think. Looking forward to a low key day.

    Judy in MI

  5. Hi Stef,

    You found a great place to get support and give support. This disease does not discriminate based on age or gender. I was diagnosed at age 52. Fortunately they found it early, like you, and here I am 3 years later, and hopefully cancer free!

    No matter what they tell you, remember that no one can tell you an accurate prognosis of how long you have to live. That is just not accurate, as proven by tons of people here.

    I also have found that having a positive attitude is amazing in how you recuperate from treatment. I look forward to getting to know you better, and hearing about what the doctors think is the best course of treatment.

    Like you, I had an immediate family member die from lung cancer. But they did not find my Mom's until it was way advanced, in her organs and bones. So for her, palliative care was the only option. For you, there is a lot they can do!

    Wishing you the best.

    Judy in MI

  6. Eric, you are NOT an idiot. You are a delightful man that I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. Sounds like your first experience with E-Bay was not good. That's too bad. We've bought a truck, and a boat on E-Bay and both were very good experiences. The only bad thing was the boat was in S. Carolina, and we had to drive through the Appalachian mountains to get it. Try pulling 10 tons on the back of a truck through steep and curving mountains. Not fun!

    It's a hot one today. Not over 100 but 90 and humid. We are heading South and West to a little Artsy town called Saugatuck. We want to find some pictures for Hubs office walls. He ordered a custom table made for his office and now wants to finish the room off with a little art. I love art, so will enjoy this trip.

    Hope you all have a lovely day.

    Judy in MI

  7. Flake,

    We had the same issue here. The DEQ said two months plus a bribe.....errr I mean "fee". We wanted to do exactly what you are trying to do and we got stopped finally when the DEQ said this rare mosquito bug thing lived in the environment, and if we disturbed it, it'd be a problem for the bug. Phew! I'm a nature lover, but honestly don't see what mosquito's purpose in the big scheme of things. LOL

    Anyway, rest.

    Bruce, take care, we'll be thinking of you. Me post in your Air again. Never! :D

    Judy in MI

  8. Well, I'm glad you took the initiative Donny. I wondered this morning, and was going to post but thought, no, by the time I posted it someone else will have. I had a weird post disappearing act yesterday too. I posted to Judy's Air, and when I hit enter, it was in Bruce's Air, but Judy's Air was still there. Then it disappeared, and it was just too weird for me so I just didn't post again. LOL!

    Called my Onc. today as instructed, and he took the day off and left no notes for the nurse. She did tell me my cholesterol is good, which is amazing news. When I first finished chemo my LDL was off the charts. They put me on a statin, but I had muscle problems with that. So I went off the statin months ago, so it is good to see it is normal! Yeah! I think the treatments did something to my LDL as it has always been normal my whole life.

    She did say I need to follow up with my PC doc about my high blood pressure. It has been running higher than normal in the last few months. Also my magnesium is too low, and my calcium is too high. Weird. I don't take a calcium supplement. I do have magnesium at home, so I'll just go back on that.

    I asked if there were notes about my nausea and headaches and she said no, but that she'd follow up with him on Monday.

    Oy! Don't know about the rest of you but all this doctoring gets to be old. I told my PC doc today that he is getting my blood work, and to cancel my check up on 9/1. All he was going to do was check my BP and bloods. Well the Onc. did it so one less appointment to go to.

    Phew! I'm going to go somewhere and just enjoy the rest of the day without worry or fretting. I want to treasure every single moment and NOT talk about health issues for months to come! LOL! Yeah right.

    Have a wonderful rest of the day.

    Judy in MI

  9. Here in Michigan, they legalized Marijuana, but when I had cancer the only way we could get it was in the weed form. Obviously witih lung cancer, that was not an option for me. But I have heard good results from Marinol. For most people, pot makes them hungry, so it goes to say it's likely going to ease nausea. I'd go for it Kim.

    Judy in MI

  10. Amen Katie and Geri,

    The stigma of cancers being "our fault" is one that will only go away with education. It's a natural human reaction to find a way to make oneself feel better that they are not a candidate, and that is by asking questions that are inappropriate, but somehow reasurring to the person asking the question.

    Bottom line is statistically, at least here in Michigan, 1 iin 3 men will get cancer, and 2 iin 4 women. 50% of us will get some kind of cancer. Michigan is higher statistically for cancer, but it's high everywhere.

    No one is safe from cancer. That is the message we need to get out. When I get "the question" now, I just look at them and say in the kindest way I can, "you are not immune from this. I pray you don't get it."

    Judy in MI

  11. Hi Mary,

    Thanks for the update. Mine was stage 2 as well. They performed a lobectomy and removed my left upper lobe. The recovery went very well because they put an epidural in my back to eliminate the pain. That along with Vicodin, and I did well. Remember the pain medications will cause constipation, so be sure to get lots of fiber and use a stool softener.

    I was in the hospital for two weeks, but only because my drain was cloudy, and they needed that to clear before they would let me go home. Then they mistakenly served me food that was off my diet for the complication, resulting in an extra week in the hospital.

    You'll be taking it easy for a while. But you'll be okay. Keep writing, and asking the questions and we'll do our best to help you.

    Judy in MI

  12. Well, I'm back from my Onc. appointment. We chatted a bit and he told me he is retiring and referring me to a new Oncologist. I've been told this new one is an amazing man, and very compassionate, so I hope so.

    He asked how I'd been feeling. I absently mentioned that I've been nauseated lately. It was just a passing comment, I don't even think I've mentioned it here because I didn't think much of it. I have struggled with nausea, and not wanting to eat for about six weeks now. Just thought it would pass, but have lost about 15 pounds because of it.

    Well it got his attention real fast. He asked me to get on the exam table and checked my abdomen and liver area very throughly. He didn't think anything felt wrong there, and said my liver felt normal too.

    However, he didn't have the blood work results yet, so he asked me to call him back on Friday. He asked lots of questions about headaches, blurred vision, etc. I am prone to headaches so I told him I didn't think the headaches are any different. However, of course, when you drive away you get to thinking, and you don't know if it's the power of suggestion, or if in fact, the headaches have been more severe. Who knows?

    It's likely he said that he is going to order a CT scan of my brain. And if the blood work shows changes in my liver enzymes, it may be more extenstive that just checking my noodle.

    Ack! I'm not going to worry about this. It's likely they will just come back and say that the brain CT shows that there is nothing up there! And that would explain a lot! LOL!

    My life experiences have shown me that nothing can surprise me when it comes to this disease. So I refuse to speculate. It does not help anything, and it certainly won't change a thing. So that is that.

    Judy in MI

  13. Good morning all! Ah, we are in the middle of a rip roaring thunderstorm. Lap top is unplugged. TV Satelite went out. But I have the weather on my lap top so I'm not worried. My puppy Olive is experiencing her first storm and is at the window growling at it. Soooo cute.

    And speaking of Olive, I finally uploaded some pics of her post grooming. She sure does not look like a duck hunting dog to me. Hubs is still going to see if she will hunt. Being a Labradoodle, she does have a hunting nose, so we'll see, but looking at these pictures, I can't see it.




    I loved this one. I just picked her up from the groomers. So cute!


    She is such a joy. Very affectionate and cuddly. I'm so happy to have her.

    And since I'm sharing my kids here, this is our 80 pound German Short Hair. Now he hunts like a machine. Unfortunately he's a pheasant hunter, and there are none around these parts anymore. Habitat just isn't here for them. So he's just an overgrown lap dog now.


    Anyway, today is Onc day. No stress on my part. No CT, so it's really a waste of time, but I have to check in and get bloods done.

    Have a great day.

    Judy in MI

  14. Phew, I'm glad Muriel brought this up. I was just snoozing and scared, having no clue where we were. I knew it was not Lake Michigan. It's big but not THAT big. Can get across it in about four hours!

    Can't wait to get to Eric and try those Haggi's. Only four sandwiches Eric? Going to have to try that bass that Flake is talking about. I will try that Irn Bru though. Don't do well with a lot of wine, which explains why I've been sleeping so much!


    See you soon!

    Judy in MI

  15. Aw Judy, hope the sun comes out so Dom can fish! It is so humid here that my windows are covered in moisture and it's completely foggy here. Supposed to be murderously humid all week. I'm ready for Fall now. This has been a great summer, but ready for crisp nights, and Fall colors.

    Ah, slept in until 9:00. It was nice. Hubs treated me so nice for my birthday last nigt. He prepared steamed Alaskan King Crab, with a loaf of Italian bread with spiced oils, and some fresh garden vegetables. It was all so good we forgot about the rice we prepared. That got thrown out. We had a delicious white wine with the meal. It was amazing.

    Then he brought this beautifully wrapped gift, which was some pretty blouses and a pair of slacks. Very nice. We usually don't give gifts on birthdays, so this was a nice surprise. I think I haven't bought new clothes in so long that he felt he had to do something to put something new in the closet! LOL!

    I'm heading out to do a couple hours of volunteer work. It's slow this week as two of the pastors are on vacation, and when they are away, it gets real slow which is kind of nice. It will give me an opportunity to catch up on my reading.

    I'm reading Heaven by Randy Alcorn. It is so good! I can't wait to read more. Then I downloaded a book called Drive by David Pink on motivation for people. I manage a large group of volunteers, so I thought getting some tips on positive motivation would be a good thing. Got to keep those volunteers happy so they keep coming back!

    I hope you all have a blessed day.

    Judy in MI

    P.S. Does anyone know where Eric has been? I had a couple busy days and maybe missed a Hall Pass? Just missing his usual interesting musings.

  16. Funny how we are meeting like this KW Judy! LOL! Mentally I'm doing great! Things are fantastic. Still fiddling with medication to help with the stinky spasms, but trying to stay positive and optimistic.

    See my Onc. this week for the six month thing. No CT scan though. Had one in January because of a horrid cough I had, so he does not want me to have another one until next January, which is fine with me!

    Judy in MI

  17. Hey Debbie,

    Just wondering how you are. For some reason, your post showed up in my email box today even through there have been no updates since May. However, I never take a post for granted and assume it showed up for a reason.

    So how are you? The last time you posted, they had found this tumor, and were contemplating surgery. It's been a few months. How are you? How did you do with surgery? Was there chemo or radiation afterwards? How are you emotionally.

    Please update us! We care.

    Judy in MI

  18. Yeah...that I am. Blessed. Today as I read the paper, I read of a young 42 year old woman that died of lung cancer.

    Man!!!!!!!!!! Freaks me out. I see over and over young folks dieing of this disease. And I wonder....why not me? How did I get a pass on death from this? And yet I did. I called my doctor and demanded a CT scan for no reason other than the fact that my Mom, Aunt and Uncle died of lung cancer. I thought it a good idea to get a scan "just to be sure". Imagine my shock when 3 hours later my phone rang with the doctor telling me that I had the disease...lung freaking cancer.

    This is just what I just said....INSANE.

    So, today is 3 years from diagnosis. I see my Onc. this week. I'm not sure why I see the Onc. when no scans are done, but up to this appointment, I had scans each time, so maybe I just get to celebrate no scans. I don't know. I think that a scan gives me confidence in knowing the beast is not killing me, and yet??? Maybe I need to trust my Onc experience in knowing when to scan and when to not.

    To say life has been good since diagnosis is not something I can shout out. I had foot surgery that has almost crippled me. In addition, I had to have my eyes operated on due to damage from the steroids given during chemo. And on top of that is the worst of it. unexplainable, excruciating muscle spasms that no one can explain. I've had times when I've pleaded to God to take me, the pain was so horrid. Other times I'm like, okay this is liveable, not great, but I can handle it. All I can say is that it is what it is....God won't give me more than I can handle....

    Hang in there.,,,,,it's all okay....trust me

    judy in mi

  19. Jim,

    Tell Dad to relax. Take it in stride. I'm three years out from chemo, and I am now just finally finding my stride! It's been a long road for me. I'm not saying it will be that long for Dad, but he needs to just be thankful for what he has.

    After lung cancer, we need to find our new normal. For me, I expected it to be found much earlier than now. But I must say I am so grateful for where I am at today and no regrets on the time it took to get here.

    I am so thankful for the life I have now....and I am thankful for the journey it took to get me here.

    I treasure every aspect of life now. It's precious, and I treaasure each and every momeht. It took time, but it was worth it.

    Judy in MI

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