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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Hi!

    Ah...got to sleep in this morning. It felt soooooooooooo good! Now I'm sleepily getting going. Have an easy day today.

    Having Hubs partner and wife over for dinner and drinks tomorrow. Looking forward to meeting his wife and getting to know her! I love to entertain, so just plain looking forward to company.

    Our boat has had a ton of people stopping by. I think we left money on the table! We thought we had a nice price on it, but based on the amount of folks stopping by, we think maybe we are giving it away. Still people want to dicker on price. Not doing that with so many wanting it.

    It's still HOT, but not as bad as yesterday. The COLD front came through and humidity is only 80%. LOL!

    Judy in MI

  2. Welcome here Mary! Getting the diagnosis of lung cancer just stinks, no matter what. But hearing Stage 1 and Operable, are two very good things. I was stage 2 and Operable, and 3 yearas later I am doing great! So hang in there, this is absolutely something you can get behind you and go on to live a good, long life!

    We are here to support you no matter what.

    Judy in MI

  3. Hello all!

    Had a very busy HOT day today so didn't get on until now. Heat index here of 100 degrees, the hottest it's been here in years. Can hardly stand to be outdoors, so heavy on my lungs.

    Eric, I won't have time to watch the Open until this weekend. I can't wait!!!!!

    Judy, good for you driving that big rig and keeping your big girl pants on! LOL!

    Bud, it's just plain hot here. Got to go, I'm at Gilda's and the folks are coming in for Supper.


    Judy in MI

  4. Welcome here! You already got good advice. So I just wanted to welcome you here, and say that we are here for you! Sounds like your Mom is pretty healthy, so could tolerate some sort of treatment. Let it be her decision.

    Judy in MI

  5. Good morning Ron,

    Sometimes the grief can be so overwhelming, but we have to find a place for that grief in our lives. I pray for some relief from this, and for you to find peace in the memories of your beloved wife.

    Glad you are posting, and hoping our responses somehow help you.

    Judy in MI

  6. Wow! So much activity here today! Eric and Muriel, you both just crack me up with your banter!

    Sorry, didn't make it here yesterday. It's crazy busy around here and I'm just caught up in it. But did want to take a minute to stop in and say HI!!!!!

    It's back to being extremely hot and humid again. Yech! I can't wait for Autumn! I can't believe I am saying that!

    We are going to sell our boat. It's a 20 foot Bentley pontoon boat. We just don't use it that much, so we decided to have it stop being a yard ornament, and sell it.

    Judy, funny stuff about all the work you have to do while "on vacation" that you don't have to do when at home. Funny!

    Well hope everyone has a lovely day!

    Judy in MI

  7. Hi Everyone!

    Eric, you totally make me laugh. Pennsylvania is a VERY long ways from Michigan. For sure! But I smiled at the 5 inches comment, very funny.

    Judy, how fun to travel like this. Are you coming my way? Hmmmm???? Do you have a destination you are heading too?

    I wish we'd get some nights @ 57 degrees. Us Northerners don't like the hot weather. Funny, the storms yesterday said they were ushering in a cold front. Some cold front! It was 82 when I woke up.

    Wishing Bud and Rose a good day with all the medical stuff.

    Got up early today and headed into work. Spent some awesome time with some of my friends, and got a lot of work done too! Had an amazing conversation with a phone buddy that just got diagnosed with LC. Life is good!

    We're thinking we need to get away for 4 to 5 days. We have not taken a real vacation since 2007 when we went to Alaska for 2 1/2 weeks. I was going through my chemo regime, and asked the doctor if I could take a small break and go on this trip and he timed it so that it was in the middle of the treatments, and I was able to go and enjoy the spectacular scenery and animals.

    So, it's time! My sweetie works way too hard, and we need to just kick back and get some relaxing time in!

    Have a good rest of the Monday.

    Judy in MI

  8. Hey all.

    Was supposed to work the food booth today, but my spasms prevented me from that. I suffered through that during the night, and could not even imagine working the booth today. sigh

    But it is what it is.... not going to be sad over this. Had a wonderful dinner with Hubs tonight celebrating our 18 years of marriage. It was so awesome. I am so incredibly thankful for him and his love through all I've been through. I have no idea how I found this man who loved me through this lung cancer, when he lost his mom and brother to the same disease.

    I'm so blessed. I have a husband of 18 years who loves me in spite of what I brought on myself. I hate blaming myself for this, but I can't help it. I'm just very grateful that he loves me no matter what comes today or in the future.

    We had a great night. So grateful.....

    Judy in MI

  9. Hi Sue,

    I think you are handling this perfectly. It's the small stuff in life that make life so awesome. Monteray Bay is so beautiful. How lovely that your children were able to take over your business.

    I've been cancer free for 3 years, and have finally accepted that "after cancer" there is no getting back to normal. My life is totally different now, and I have finally accepted my new normal, whether I like it or not. It is what it is, and I have to find my joy now rather than keep waiting for things to go back to how they were before.

    Judy in MI

  10. Hi Everyone!

    What a newsy group we have today. Love it! We got storms, humidity broke! Yeah! It's awesome to not feel like someone is sitting on my chest when I go outside.

    Had the wedding shower this morning, and brought all this delicious food and could not eat it. I have the stomach flu. Hubs had it last week, and after a few days passed, I so hoped I wouldn't get it. Wrong. So I'm laying low for the next few hours and hoping the pain in the gut goes away.

    Started electric fence training the puppy today. Rather the trainer trained me! So we begin the process of teaching her the boundaries, and once she gets it that the flags mean NO, then I'll train her on the doggy door so she can let herself in and out of the house. It will be so nice when this is done!

    Well, got to go lay down. Have a good weekend everyone.

    Judy in MI

  11. Hi Judy,

    It must be so frustrating to get these vague readings. Kind of like my spasms...they have no clue what causes it. Frustrating for sure. Like you, I have to live with it, and hope one of the medications I'm taking will make it better.

    Stay positive and try not to worry. Nothing significant has changed. I think the radiologist is simply covering his butt, and shame on him for that. Leaving you in limbo is just not right. But that does not mean you can't wake each day and enjoy the beautiful summer and travels, and let it go until October. Enjoy your life Judy, you are alive and doing well!

    I will pray for you.

    Judy in MI

  12. Kim, they DID not cut my ribs. Unlike my Mom. And even though my ribs were not cut, the pain was horrid.

    Vicodin is codeine based. I'm taking it now because I fell and broke a bone in my back, but I can only take it at bed time for it makes me nauseated. If I can get some food in my stomach, I tolerate the medication much better.

    The morphine for my Mom was a blessing. She was embarrassed to be on it, but she accepted that in order for her to have some kind of quality of life, she needed it. She took it in liquid form. I guess all I can say is this....life in pain is no life. If the Darvocet is working, great! If not, not so great. My Mom was stage IV, SCLC, and they offered her no hope. So we went about making sure what life she had was good, and she did enjoy 9 months of life without pain. That was very important to me.

    As for your employment situation...do what you think your guts are telling you. You can not begin to anticipate your Mom's outcome. There is no way to do this. We just don't know. Like Katie said, her Mom went in for tests, tested fine, and died 3 weeks later from a stroke. Who knows?????

    I was very fortunate that my boss was totally understanding. I was in a Sales position, with a very high quota, but she had known me long enough to say "you only have one Mom, take care of her. I know you will do what needs to be done, once her situation settles down." I thank God for her attitude.

    I hope this helps!

    Judy in MI

  13. Hi Everyone!

    Woke this morning to dark skies and tons of rain. YEAH!!!!! Some of God's home made watering for the gardens and lawn. More storms tonight, and then the humidity is skaddaling out of here for the weekend!

    Had a nice lazy morning, and then went shopping for food for a little gathering me and some girlfriends are having tomorrow at lunch. One of the gals in my bible study just got married, and we're going to give her a pressie (as Eric would say) and have a lunch. Looking forward to it!

    Thanking about Judy in KW too. Scan day. Praying for only good news.

    Eric, loved the pics. I'm so excited about the upcoming British Open. It is my FAVORITE golf event. Love the stories, the history, all of it. I will be watching it for sure here.

    Well, better get going.....I have a meeting at church tonight, and need to make supper and eat before it.

    Judy in MI

  14. Oh, I wanted to add, that the good news is it was a lower lobe. They are the smaller lobes. Maybe her capacity would be okay. But like I said, try to not worry about that right now. There's enough going on to worry about!


    Judy in MI

  15. Hi Kim, well I'm happy about the CT scan being clean. That is good. But welcome to the up and down roller coaster ride that cancer is. You will feel this way for a while, until the treatment regime finds it's own routine.

    Try to not read into the future. You really can't, and you'll make yourself nuts with worry about further spread of the disease. Lung surgery can be extremely painful, especially when they cut the ribs. They did that with my Mom and she was on morphine for the rest of her life. So if the pain is not getting under control, make sure she is getting the right pain meds. My surgery hurt for about eight months. Took Vicodin every single day. Now it just feels strange, but does not hurt.

    As for the concern if they find it in the other lobe, I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I know my breathing capacity and can't imagine them taking another lobe out. I'm thinking they would do radiation to take any further ones out. But I'll be curious to see what other long time survivors say.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

  16. Hi Kim,

    My Mom's LC was found after she had a Grand Mal Seizure from brain mets. Seizures are symptom. Headaches, lack of appetite, trouble with vision, falling down, saying words incorrectly, forgetting things, all symptoms of brain mets, or primary brain cancer.

    My Dad and Sister both died from brain cancer. Dad was saying his words wrong, and lost his balance a lot. Sister had horrific headaches. My husband's Mom had brain mets from LC, and that is how we found out about her LC, because she kept falling a lot!

    So I wish you the best with this. It's never good to think of mets as good, but brain mets can be treated with radiation therapy and it can help a lot. It did with my Mom.

    Judy in MI

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