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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Sounds like a good plan Bud. It's 85 here, and the humidity is building again. Storms for tomorrow. Lost my cell service in the last storm, must be a tower got taken out near my house.

    Had my first puppy disaster happen today. I left her out to run to the doctor thinking she'd be okay for an hour or so. Came home to carpeting in the dining room shredded! I'll have to replace it she did so much damage. My fault, should not have left her out.

    I'm tired today. Just been yawning all afternoon.

    Anyway that's it for me. Have a good weekend.

    Judy in MI

  2. Well, I guess you got your answer! I did not need radiation, but have known of many people that get both concurrently. Wishing you the best with your treatments. Looking forward to getting to know you better!

    Judy in MI

  3. Hi Ronnie,

    I understand grief. Not of a spouse, but of both my parents and my sister. Bottom line is you just have to go through it. It will be hard when your son goes back to his home. I pray that the quiet and solitude bring with them peace as you come to terms with her death. It's so difficult!


    Judy in MI

  4. Ron, I am so very sorry for your loss. She must have known, and didn't want you to see her pass. Praying for peace for you and your children.

    Judy in MI

  5. Hello!

    High of 80 here today! Gorgeous weather. The storms passed through, the humidity is gone, and it's fantastic! This is when I so love living here. Incredible weather.

    Was tired today, think the pain wears me out. So I got up, took puppy out to do her business, and then invited her to snuggle in bed with me. Hubs is out of town for 3 days, so I thought I'd allow a little snuggle in bed. It was not that relaxing, as she is a puppy and wants to P L A Y!!!! LOL! What a delightful way to slowly wake myself up!

    Bud, you just amaze me with your long bike rides and stamina! Way to go. Judy, congrats on the new computer. I'm suspecting dinner will be fabulous. My husband is a great cook too. He didn't do much of that before I got sick, but he learned, and he's so good at it now. I love that. I love that he loved me enough to learn how to cook, and now does more of it than I do!

    Today is Gilda's Club day from 2:30 to 6:00! Afterwards, I will take myself out to this little restaurant on the lake, and sit outside and enjoy a meal. Early to bed and lots of rest after that.

    Have a great day!

    Judy in MI

  6. So sorry for your loss. Hope you will stay with us, this site is for survivors of all types. I sure wish I had known about this site, or maybe it was not even around when my Mom died. It would have been a huge source of support for me. We want to do that for you Ron.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

  7. Hi all!

    84 here, high humidity. More big storms last night, and possibility of more today and tomorrow. It's extremely windy, so I think something is blowing in.

    Today was fun! I took Olive in for her first grooming. We've only had her a week, but she had this very long hair and she looked like a puff ball. What a surprise when I went to pick her up! I'll post pics once hubs gets home and teaches me how to put them on my laptop. I can't find the place where you insert the photocard!!! It is the one technology thing that challenges me. I'm pretty adept at a lot of computer stuff, but not pictures. I'll learn! Anyway, the surprise is she looks like a little girl now, and a poodle! Hubs will be very surprised, and most likely won't let me get her cut like this again. He likes the LAB in the LABradoodle! LOL!

    Anyway, all is good here.

    Judy in MI

    Don't know if I posted a picture of her here or not. This is her before the hair cut.


  8. Hi all! Last night was a crazy Michigan storm night. It's unusual to get tornadoes here. It's not that it's rare, but does not happen often. And I usually will sleep through a storm, but this one was a doozy. My Satellite TV wouldn't work with all the lightning, so I went to my lap top (which has Verizon cell card on it), and brought up the local TV station to see that there were tornado warnings everywhere, and our little town (which is very, very little) was in the warning area.

    So I woke Hubs up and told him we needed to get to the basement, grabbed the lap top and we saw that a tornado touched down very close to us. The storm calmed down and we went back to bed.

    I was so surprised this morning to not find tree branches, or leaves blown around because the wind was howling, but we were good! We didn't lose power, and no lightning damage so all is good!

    Tonight is supposed to be another rough night. We have very high humidity, and these fronts come across the big lake and build in humidity due to the huge lake being very cold, and the air very hot, so it picks up that humidity and dumps it on us, the air becomes very unstable, and this is what June tornado weather is for us here. It's 85 here, but it feels like it's over 100 with this sticky weather. Yuck. Going to ask if we can go out tonight, and NOT sit outside.

    Judy in MI

  9. Hi there, I agree with Randy, it does not get better, but it does get easier. The factor is time. I am not saying the old addage, "time heals all wounds". The loss of a loved one to cancer can not be healed. But it can get better.

    I'm so sorry for your loss, and your sorrow. Know that you found a great place here to write out thoughts, share feelings, and get positive feedback, and reinforcement. You obviously are not alone, though it must feel that way at times.

    My heart breaks for you. I've lost too many to this disease, and I know how sad it is. I pray you find peace as time marches on. And "the date" just is not important, unless you want to celebrate the date he went from this world to the eternal world of perfection, which is heaven.


    Judy in MI

  10. Hi Pat, I'm new here since you've come back. I just wanted to introduce myself, say HI and say a prayer that the doc figures out what is going on.

    I don't know much about insurance law, but it sounds like you are on the right track. Stay on top of them, my hubs worked for Blue Cross, and that's a big company, and little fish can get lost in the sea.

    Judy in MI

  11. Hi Everyone, muggy and 80 here. Looks like we're going to get some storms. Good. Not a high humidity lover.

    Nothing much going on here, new pup is awesome. Doc renewed pain meds without much hassle. Only worked 4 hours today as I was not sure if the bod could take anymore than that.

    Eric, you certainly can post to us on the 4th. Not many may respond because if the weather is nice, we'll all be out and about. I found out the 5th is the holiday, for work, so I am getting a Monday off. Yeah! We are not holding grudges, as I'm sure there are as many Scots on this side of the war as the other.

    Speaking of.....how about that golf game yesterday. ERic do you like golf? US Open, and an Irishman won it for the first time ever. It was awesome to see this young man, incredulous that he was beating the best golfers in the world. It was great!

    K, talk atcha later

    Judy in MI

  12. Wow Bud, I so envy you. I can't imagine doing that, and yet when others post in my journal about their inabilities, it keeps things in perspective. I can do a lot of things, and I need to cherish them and not fuss about the things I can not do.

    Thank you.

    Judy in MI

  13. *sigh*

    Seeing the neurologist this friday for my mystery spasms. Thought it was this week, but it's not. Frustration eats at me, s I deal with the on-going saga. The last specialist prescribed Xanax to help with the spasms, and the good news was it was really helping! It did make me groggy, and at times felt confusion, but I was keeping the dose low and trying to cope with the side effects.

    Then Wednesday night, I fell backwards, tripping over my new puppy. Thursday, I felt horrid, and went to the Med Center. They said I just bruised myself badly, and prescribed Vicodin. They told me to go off the Xanax, and the two really would make me tired and confused.

    It well until today. I've been off the Xanax since Thursday, and today I had an attack that brought me to my knees. And then the hospital called, and said they mis-diagnosed the damage from the fall, and that I fractured my sacrum, which are the bones above the tailbone in the spine. They wanted to know if I had enough pain medication to get through the weekend, and suggested I follow up with my regular doctor on Monday, as I am probably going to be in severe pain for a few weeks. Said there's nothing they can do other than have me ice it, and stay off it.

    Stay off it???? What am I supposed to sit on? They suggested I get a donut seat if the pain gets worse.

    As I started my post.....*sigh*

    So I hope and pray the neurologist will be able to figure out what these attacks are, and help with a solution that is something other than mind numbing drugs.

    Working on that attitude, the glass is half full....the glass is half full.....the glass is half full.....the glass is half full.......the glass is half full.........


    Judy in MI

  14. Ronnie, my deepest condolences just seems to sound so trite. What a journey you have been on, and I'm just so sorry for the pain you are in. What a terrible loss. Do continue to come here and write and let us support you. Write when you can, and know how very much we care! Deeply.

    Judy in MI

  15. I'm am so sorry. It's good to read your comfort in knowing she is not suffering, and is at peace. My deepest condolences.

    Do post here as you deal with this. There are a lot of us here that have had a loved one die from this disease, and it helps to write out your feelings.

    Judy in MI

  16. Deborah, my personal opinion is that this extreme pain is unusual and not typical of most lung cancers. I'm a survivor, but also have several members of my family that had lung cancer (5). The other 5 had no symptoms until the cancer metastasized to other areas in their body.

    We found my Mom's lung cancer when she had a Grand Mal Seizure, and found it had spread to her brain. She had no pain at that time.

    We found my husband's Mom's lung cancer when she kept falling down, and we finally took her to the ER to find a met to the brain. She had no pain.

    His brother's lung cancer was also found after it had spread to the bones, and he did have bone pain.

    My aunt's lung cancer was found when she had a terribly upset stomach and could not eat for several days, and it was a met to the liver causing the discomfort, but was primary lung.

    I could go on and on...the point being that every one is different. It is interesting about me. I had this strange tingle/pain in my left shoulder for a few years. I can remember distractedly massaging it as it was just this little nagging pain. Turns out that is exactly where my tumor was in my left upper lobe. Since they removed my lobe, the pain/tingle is gone.

    All I can say to you is if I were in the kind of pain you've been in, I'd go to the Emergency room. This sounds serious and could be something other than the cancer diagnosis.

    I'm not a physician, so I have nothing to share but my own experiences. I hope you get relief soon!

    Judy in MI

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