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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Barbara,

    Worrying won't do any good, so just follow up with your Doctor, and do what he says. That is a very tiny nodule, and I agree with the others, it's not likely to Light up in a PET scan. It could be scar tissue or something very benign. And if it's not? Well, let's not worry about that right now because the chances of it being nothing to worry about are really good.

    Judy in MI

  2. FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!! On all fronts! It was 3 years from DX for me last week and dang it feels good! Congrats on your sons fantastic news too.

    Judy in MI

  3. Good afternoon all! It's 80, heading to a gorgeous 84 today! Sun is shining, and low humidity. Perfectly lovely.

    New puppy is adorable. Just love, love, love her.Socute600x400.jpg

    Not sure if I uploaded this correctly, but hopefully it works.

    Spent yesterday at a Med center. Tripped over the new puppy, Olive, didn't see her and fell backwards. Thought my hip was really hurt. Good news: No broken bones, just a hell of a bruise. I can handle that.

    Bud, good luck with the race. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

    Judy in MI

  4. Yes, I noticed my text looks huge when I type, but not when I post. I am a hurting girl. Tripped over my puppy and fell full impact on the floor, tile, on my back side. My left hip is a mess as is my lower back. X Rays say I'm good. So no complaints there. Got some Vicodin, and am going to rest and ice and hope things get back to normal soon.

  5. This is wonderful to read. Awesome hope. When my family members got the lung cancer dx in the 90's it was gloom and doom. It's so good to see these stories of hope. thank you.

  6. Thanks for posting this Judy. Kim, my deepest condolences go out to you. I'm so sorry for the way he had to suffer, and that you and your family had to watch it. My heart goes out to you all.

    Judy in MI

  7. The southern heat sounds horrible. I will try to never complain about the cold. It's 73 here, high predicted of 77. Partly cloudy, and maybe a little rain. Perfect!

    Judy, sounds like you had a fab time with family. That is awesome. I'm sure they totally enjoyed it too.

    Puppy is delightful but exhausting! I have not had this much exercise in years. So it's good for me. I'm in the yard playing fetch, and running, and just having a lot of fun. I sure can't wait until she learns some of the safety commands though. I worry about her not understanding that when Momma says "come" it's not a game, it could be because she is in danger.

    Anyway, having fun with her. Have to take her to the vet today, she came from the kennel with worms, which I guess is common, but grosses me out totally!

    Judy in MI

  8. Good morning all! Just a sunny beautiful 75 degree day here! Shopped for cars all afternoon after my lunch in Ada. Went to Mazda, Audi, Mercedes, Volvo, Acura, Nissan, GM, and Oy! What work it was. I got to test drive all the vehicles, trying to find a cross-over vehicle that won't be a house payment. Now that I have all the data, I can present it to hubby and make a decision.

    Fell in love with this cute new cross over Mercedes, but that one, of course, is close to a housepayment. I actually liked the Nissan too, so maybe that will be the one. Much cheaper, but still a good ride. We'll have to see.

    Got the summer crud (poison ivy) that I get every single day. My dog runs in the woods and brings it in on his coat, and then I hug on him and inevitably get it all over me. A sure sign of summer here!

    Have a lovely day,

    Judy in MI

  9. Missy, I looked on line to see if there was a Gilda's Club near you and unfortunately, there just are not many in the Mid Central part of the USA. It breaks my heart, because they are such an amazing cancer and grief support system. It sounds like you so need to let it out, gushing like a river, or dripping like a stream.

    I'm wondering what scares you about "fully grieving"? It makes me feel like you think this would be a horrible event, one that deserves to be feared.

    As my Mom's health degraded, I did grieve a lot, crying long heaving sessions, angry that I was grieving a woman I loved who had not died yet. And then I switched to manic overdrive to help her with a particular challenge, back to grief, back to a myriad of other emotions. It was a gigantic roller coaster ride of emotions.

    When she first passed, I felt some joy because her suffering was finally over. But then I felt lost. The person that I cared for so intensely for several years was gone and I felt lost. I found I had to feel the loss, the hurt, the anger, the loss, emptiness and lonliness in order to get back to feeling some good feelings again. This process can take a long time, but it's a process we all must go through.

    I pray for peace for you. I pray that maybe you have sufficiently grieved, and I pray that whatever fear you are feeling about "fully grieving" goes away for there is nothing to fear.


    Judy in MI

  10. Lovely day here. Need to get the windows open and smell the flowers! The rose bushes are blasting with blossoms right now, and so beautiful! Can't wait to get out and about.

    Having lunch with a woman that knew my parents. I want to talk to her about Gilda's Club and the important positive role they play with anyone dealing with cancer. Am hoping to get her on board either as a volunteer or as a donor. Gilda's Club in Grand Rapids is the largest club in the USA and we need as much help as we can get. West Michigan also has one of the highest % of people with cancer in the USA too, so the need is urgent.

    Plus I get lunch at a really cute little place in Ada, MI. It will be fun to hear stories about my parents, and reminiscence.

    Enjoy this day! It's special because it's today and we are here to enjoy it.

    Judy in MI

  11. Hi Don,

    Well, I am fairly new here and so glad I found your post. Fantastic is all I can say. I love the beginning when you have a good talk with the Lord. Me too. I know I will be here as long as he has plans for me here, and that has always given me huge peace. Nice.

    Great story, and I'm pleased to meet you.

    Judy in MI

  12. Well, as I wrote before, I now have an appointment with the neurologist in two weeks. The Xanax has helped somewhat, but I think it's more about lessening the anxiety of the spasms, than any relief of them. I suppose if I listened to some of you, I would take the full dose and just rest and allow the medication to sedate me. But I just am not that way. I'd rather be busy, and try to work through it than sit and be a zombie which is what I'd be if I took the dose he recommended.

    The past couple of days have really challenged me. I refuse to lay in bed or on the couch and give up. I will get up, get going, and do things in my day, and if the spasms attack, so be it. Today was a rough day. Lots and lots of spasms, and it is just so puzzling. They travel all over the body, hands and feet, for no apparent reason. *sigh* Yesterday I was at a board meeting for Gilda's club, and all of a sudden I got an attack that took my breath away. I couldn't get up and try to get out of the room, all bent over and cramped. Fortunately hubby knows when they attack now, and he just gently rubbed my back and ribs as unobtrusively as possible. The Gilda's folks know what I'm going through, and they were creeping up and asking if they could help, which of course they can't! But I appreciated their care and concern.

    So let's focus on good stuff. We found a fantastic paddle boat on E-Bay, got it for a third of the price of ones we priced at boat stores. We took her out the other night for her maiden voyage, and it was amazing. So beautiful to paddle around our little lake, watch the birds, the wild life and the water life. Love it so much.

    And we are getting a puppy on friday. She is six months old. She is a labradoodle, and her new name is Olive. I will work with her for 3 weeks and get her used to the other pets and the home and yard. Then I will have a professional come in and train her on electric fence and boundaries. We live on 10 acres, and I want her to be able to enjoy them without worrying about her running away. So that is happy news, and I am very excited to have my new baby come home!

    Thanks for all your support, and comments. It does help. I can feel your caring hearts and man it's nice to see.


    Judy in MI

  13. Thanks for the updates! Overall it sounds like, in spite of some minor set backs, she is overall doing much better! So nice to hear this. I had slight neuropathy with my chemo. Felt pins and needles in my feet and hands. I was blessed, that it was minor and went away on it's own.

    Wishing you both well. You sound like a wonderful husband, and she is blessed to have you.

    Judy in MI

  14. Hello again!

    Once again, I can relate. My brothers did not want to discuss any of the situation. My step-dad didn't want to talk about anything other than my Mom. Both were difficult for me.

    My step-dad talked about her like she was still here. That was tough to handle. He could not grieve her, and tried to pull me into that. I had to resist, as it was imperative that I get on with the process and learn how to live without her.

    It just plain is so difficult.

    Glad you are here and writing. Somehow it is helping me.

    Judy in MI

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