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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Hi All, well it's late here. Had a meeting today a couple of hours away. My GPS would not cooperate and wanted me to drive about 30 miles out of my way. Even though I went the way I knew I needed to go, the witch recording kept instructing me to make legal U Turns and turn around. Arrrgh.

    Then I got home and hubs comes in and asks me to not be mad. He drove the mower over the cable TV cable, and we now have no cable until Tuesday. Urrrgh!

    Then I notice how hot it is in the house. The AC does not work. It's hot and humid out, and no AC. Urrrgh again!

    And then when I woke this morning I saw that puppy girl got into my purse and proceeded to chew open the bottle tops of all my meds and the meds were strewn all over the place. A secret place in my heart hoped she ate my spasm pills and that they would kill her!!!!! Errrrgh!!!

    She chewed my shoes, the gum in my purse, my wallet, my medications, and more. She is lucky she is so cute for if not, I'd have strangled her.

    So here I sit, hotter than hell, no TV, a naughty puppy, and a ornery husband who went to bed early because nothing was going his way.


    Judy in MI

  2. Hi Ronnie,

    Well, you sound like you are doing well. Of course there are going to be sad days, but you are starting to have good days. You are cherishing the good memories, and have pictures out of her. These are all signs of healing. So that is good.

    I'm glad the kids are coming tonight to celebrate the big 6 0!. A harbor cruise sounds like a delightful way to spend it. Enjoy that time with them.

    Happy birthday Ronnie.

    Judy in MI

  3. Judy,

    That is awesome to hear! It truly is the only way any of us should live. Life can't be taken for granted. It is precious, and how amazing that we get a to truly live in the moment, taking it one day at a time. I'm so glad you found this feeling over this summer trip.

    Judy in MI

  4. Hi Jana,

    I'm new here since you last posted, but came upon your post today. I understand your sorrow, as my Mom died of this wretched disease too. It's tough to pick up and move on, especially around the anniversaries.

    Congrats on the baby on the way! That is something wonderful to look forward to.

    Judy in MI

  5. Good morning! Hot clothes working in a hot machine shop, and biking there. Whew! Hope you drink lots of water Bud! Enjoy the fishing and time off!

    Today is Lazy Day for me. I took a day off from Gilda's Club because they are sanding and shellacking the large Community Room floor, and those chemical smells and dust throw my lungs for a loop. With the asthma that I've had since being a child, and the poorer lung function that happened with the surgery, I can't risk being around that strong smell.

    So some guys are coming in the replace the "puppy chewed" carpet this afternoon. I'm going to pay bills, and work on some laundry and maybe even get a chance to read my new Nook Book. Yeah!

    Have a good one!

    Judy in MI

  6. Hi All!

    Wow, I missed a lot today. Lots of good stories, news, music, and memories. You guys are just the best. Eric, I didn't know any of the stuff you said about the USA!!!!! Wow, I 'm going to get that book.

    Sorry to say I do know who Da Yoopers are Becky. LOL

    They actually are very funny. Our Upper Peninsula, quite the different world up there.

    Donny, glad you are feeling a bit better. I'm with you, the 90's and 100's are not fun. I'm looking forward to Autumn, with cool nights and nice mild days. It's been a hot summer for us, but last year we only had like 2 days in the 90's. It was a cold summer, so not going to complain. Have enjoyed the warm days and sunshine.

    Eric, I so look forward to reading about your antics every day. You make me laugh so much. I hope you know what a joy you are. Your wife will be fine with your "excuses". LOL!

    Well, I worked on a 500 piece mailing today. 500 stamps, 500 envelopes to stuff, 500 letters to fold, 500 labels to afix. Whew! It was a big job. Fortunately some folks that happened in said "can I help?" Of course I said! We got it done. Nice.

    Well it's 6:30PM here, and Hubs and I are heading out to meet some old friends for dinner. WE'll probably hit this lovely place in Rockford, that has a fabulous deck over looking the river. It's a gorgeous night, so it should be nice.

    Judy in MI

  7. K, looks like the road trip took a turn for Michigan. Shoot! I'm in LA!!!!! Turning the race car around now. Couldn't find Becky in the corn fields anyway. Shoot!

    Thinking the walk in Michigan would be nice too. But you won't see this booty in spandex, you DON'T want to see that in spandex, trust me. My cellulite's cellulite has cellulite! Muah!!!!

    Judy in MI

  8. Very late addition to Tuesday's Air! Hi everyone! Had a busy, busy day today so didn't get in here like I normally do. It was a good busy so no complaints!

    It's in the 80's today, humidity building again. Always does just before a "cold" front moves in. Doesn't get cold this time of year, but I can see the trend starting to move in the other direction as the temps slowly begin their downward trend in Michigan. I love the different seasons - I love moving through them and enjoying the best elements of them all!

    Well, don't have much to add today so see you all later!

    Judy in MI

  9. Well, glad they saw your blog, but I question if they "get it" because they never should have published such garbage. Do we see surveys asking what people know about skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, and so many other cancers that can be caused by life style choices? NO! We don't.

    And they could say that those other cancers can be caused by things other than life style choices. Well that's the same with lung cancer.

    This infuriates me.

    I'm going to write them.

    Judy in MI

  10. I'm never here on Monday mornings. I start my day early and work through most of it, but I hit a lull in the action, so thought I'd quick post before it gets nuts again. Our church is having a giant yard sale on Friday and the volunteers are everywhere, getting things set up. It's crazy! Hard for the Admin person to do her adminning.....LOL

    "Driving Miss Judy"....I love it Becky.

    Looks like it could rain here, but it's a nice day.

    I was given a gift certificate to Barnes & Noble, which is a chain of lovely book stores here. So I went in to see what they have going on, and I found this E-book reader called The Nook. It's awesome! With the discount I get as a member, and the gift card, I got it for a nice managable price! I just down loaded "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn for .99 cents! Can't wait to find some slow time and start reading for sure.

    Judy in MI

  11. Good morning everyone!

    It's a spectacular morning here today. The humidity is gone, and the sun is shining, and the best............it's about 75 degrees! Whooooo Hooooo!!!!!! Love it.

    Went to a wonderful church service today, and we are doing baptisms at the Lake this afternoon. 22 people are signed up to "take the dive". Yeahhhhhhhh baby.

    Can you tell I'm in a great mood? I'm here reading and typing and hubby is making breakfast for me. It does not get any better than that.

    Eric, never stop your stories. I love them so much. I did look up the conversion from Lira to US collar and it's about .66 cents = 1 US dollar. So the price is about in line with what we'd pay here for such a wonderful meal. Very nice.

    We went carpet shopping yesterday. Puppy chewed up a corner of my dining room. I wanted something different that what I had. While the sales man did his talking, I just walked around the store, not listening to him or my husband. I KNEW that when I saw IT, the carpet, I would know it. He didn't need to sell me. And I could hear the men saying "where is she?" and I popped around the corner, and said I found it! And it was perfect. They are coming out to install it on Thursday. It's gorgeous if I must say so myself. But then I have good taste! LOL

    Randy how nice it is to run into an old friend. I love that. I love facebook because it has given me the chance to reconnect with old friends from high school. It's awesome.

    Judy, you sure have been challenged with posts going *poof* on you! Happy travels to you, while we all get ready to head to Hawaii. Eric, I highly doubt the dignitaries of Hawaii are going to appreciate nails from you, but it's good that you thought so much of them to bring them with you. LOL!

    Have a great rest of the day folks.

    Judy in MI

  12. Libby, I know what you are saying about feeling better during treatment than after! I got very depressed after treatment. I thought my life would just return to the old normal. When it didn't, I was like....WHAT????

    But enough time has gone by now for me to just accept what my new normal is, and to embrace life for what it is, and not think about what it is not. Amen.

    Life is short. We need to make the best of what we have, and be thankful we are alive and doing relatively well.

    And we need to let go of the stigma. We didn't ask for or deserve lung cancer. No one deserves any kind of cancer. If we encounter someone who seems judgemental, we need to educate them. No one is immune from lung cancer. It does not discriminate.

    Judy in MI

  13. Good morning all!

    It's another stormy day with a record 100% humidity. What that translates into is a day of rain, period. Can't have periods of no rain when the humidity is that high.

    Eric, in the weather you had, you would not be under the dining room table. In that kind of weather, we hit the basement and stay there until the sirens quit wailing. It was very dangerous weather, with lots of trees down, and wind damage and power outages. But we're used to it, we know to hit the basement, and stay away from windows. I have a tornado shelter in my basement for that purpose!

    Hope you survive the wall paper shopping. LOL! That would drive me nuts! I'm a very decisive person, and debating on which one for hours would not be something I'd tolerate very well. LOL!

    Katie, I love it when I have happy dreams about my Mom, Dad and Sister. I feel like they visited me from heaven. Yeah!

    It's going to be a quiet day, getting laundry done, and staying in the A/C for sure.

    Judy in MI

  14. Hi there,

    I don't know the state of Wisconsin well, but there is a Gilda's club in Green Bay and other areas near to you. I highly recommend Gilda's club if it is close to you for cancer support.

    There is also a support group in Chicago. I wish you the best.

    Know this! Lung cancer is not your fault. There are a lot of people getting this that never smoked. We need to find a cure. Period. It does not matter how we got it, it does matter to get to a cure.

    Judy in MI

  15. Ah Becky, so good to have a fellow Michigander here! Whatever weather I get, you get to experience an hour or so later! LOL! Hot, hot, hot is all I can say. And now we have pop up showers happening again for this evening.

    Well, we need to remember this in December, when we snow begins!

    Judy in MI

  16. Hello, so glad you decided to post to get some answers. Do visit the cancergrace.org web site. Dr. West is amazing and will help you.

    ts gave you some good questions to ask. And I agree, that it is best to get a second opinion before going one course or another. Like it was said, some times you take one action and it closes off others down the road.

    When I was told that I had to have my left upper lobe removed, I was horrified. It seemed so extreme to me. So we flew out to Mayo Clinic for another opinion. I have to say I was so impressed with the Mayo Clinic.

    When I made my plane reservations, I told them where I was going and why, and they gave us a 50% discount off our airfare because I had cancer. My hotel was also 50% off. And the doctors only charged me a minimal free for their second opinion. It was well worth it. They confirmed what the doctors at home said, but it made me feel better to get their confirmation.

    It will calm down once you get all the answers you need. I agree with ts that if it has invaded the esophogus, surgery may not be an option. They won't operate unless they are convinced they can get all of it. Taking out a piece of the esophogus is probably not an option.

    Take care, we look forward to hearing back as you get more answers. We'll do all we can to help, support, and motivate positively!

    Judy in MI

  17. Wow! So many interesting stories today! The kickstand story had my heart thumping for sure! Great way to write it Bud.

    Grey poupon! How funny that must have sounded to Eric. But us Americans sure can't forget that commercial! Funny!

    Well, we've had a heck of a weather run. Last night was C R A Z Y!!!!!! Tornado warnings, lightning, power outages over and over and over....it was a wild ride. It ushered in murderous humidity percentages, and highs in the 90's with "feels like" in the 100's. It's cloudy, and there's a huge storm front out on the big lake right now. Within an hour, it's going to start again. This is highly unusual for us to have such an active tornado season so late in the year. Usually we get those in June and then they are gone.

    So I'm staying put. Hubs is gone for the weekend to a men's camp out, so I'm sure he's having a blast with this crazy weather. I'm safe and sound, and liking that.

    Judy in MI

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