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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Wonderful news Bruce! You know, my lymph nodes were not involved either, but my Onc. encouraged me to have the chemo. He said it was not mandatory, but he felt my long term survival would be much better. I'm so glad I did that.

    Take care, and celebrate!

    Judy in MI

  2. Lily,

    I'm so sorry for this sadness in your life. Just when I finished reading your reunion post. Which gives me hope for you because that post shows your amazing attitude and sense of humor. Gentle hugs to you.

    Judy in MI

  3. This was AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for the great laughs. I rolled laughing. You have a fantastic sense of humor and an inate ability to tell a rolling great story! Thank you, I needed a laugh today.

    Now, trying to get the pictures you painted out of my mind. Wait! I don't have to. I just have to go look in the mirror neked! LOL!!!

    Judy in MI

  4. HI,

    Been gone for a couple of days. Went to a Christian Leadership Summit that went from 9AM to 6:30PM each day. It was awesome but exhausting. Now, back to normal stuff.

    I see my Onc. for my six month check up on Wednesday. No CT scan though so I feel like theses appointments are a waste of time. But, I am planning on having a serious discussion on the muscle spasms. Maybe he's got some ideas.

    Killer headache today. Too much stress in hubs life right now, and he's taking it out on me. I think I will go take a nap as I just don't feel well.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

  5. Ron,

    What a beautiful picture of Pat. So nice to see her in the sunshine, smiling, with the ocean lapping in the background. Wonderful.

    What a beautiful last loving thing you did for her, washing her, cream, powder. What a beautiful memory for you, and what a loving feeling you left her with.

    God bless you Ron.

    Judy in MI

  6. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Am thinking I may take you up on the Accupuncture. I've heard it does wonders. I do take magnesium and potassium in prescription form, but it's not doing the trick. I do eat bananas too. So it wouldn't hurt to try something else. There's got to be a solution for this!

    Thanks friends!!!!!

    Judy IN MI

  7. I know there are no answers. I've been to neurologists, pulmonary doctors, my regular doctor, rheumotolgists, and more.

    These muscle spasms are killing me. Today I woke to muscle spasms in my feet, so bad that my right foot was stuck straight out to the right of my ankle, in a horrifically bad spasm. I sprang out of bed trying to walk off the spasm. Finally I put a heat patch on it and took medical bandage and taped it to the ankle, and it finally subsided. It was horrid.

    At the same time my left ribs also spasmed in such a painful way that my ribs felt like someone just punched me in the ribs. What the heck is this?

    Then my puppy got into the mud at the lake, and in trying to shower her off of the mud, my admonimal muscles spasmed as I tried to get her cleaned off.

    My goodness! I just do not understand this. At times I think the spasms are caused by being cold, but today was a hot day and no reason for them.

    I went to the grace cancer site tonight and asked the questions, but I'm feeling hopeless that they will have the same answers as all the other doctors. That answer is 'we never heard of this before". Sigh.

    I'm depressed. I try so hard to be positive about life post cancer. But this is having a serious effect on my quality of life.

    I go to bed each night in fear. I may be able to sleep. But it's more likely that I'll be held hostage by rib spasms, or feet spasms, and I'll be up most of the night battling these things.

    If you have ever heard of such a thing, please respomd. Im desperate for someone to say "I heard of this."

    Judy in MI

  8. Ron, I debated being the first to respond here, as this is such a tough thing to address, since everyone grieves at different times and ways. But first thing I'd like to say is don't stop thinking about Pat. You loved her, and she loved you, and you keep her alive in your heart with your loving memories. The time will come when you will love those memories and they will comfort you.

    I will say this, I've always thought to myself that if my husband died, I'd likely sell our home. It was our home, and I don't know if I could ramble around that place that was so much a part of "us" that it just wouldn't feel right for it to be just "me". Not suggesting such a drastic thing to you, but know that I've had those thoughts.

    I'm feeling completely inept here giving you advice, but this helped me a lot when my parents and sister all died of cancer. They suffered so much. It broke my heart to see them suffer like that. As much as I missed them, I was thankful that their struggles were over. And I believe they are in a better place and I look forward to the day when I'm able to have a joyous reunion with them.

    I'll think on this some more and come back and see if I can offer something better than this feebe attempt.


    Judy in MI

  9. Yes Becky, the humidity is horrible. Just spent an hour outside with the cable dude trying to decide where to put the antenna. Sheesh! It's unbearable out there. I'm staying put in the AC.

    Eric you are a hoot. So fun to hear about that Amish show. I wish we had that here. We have large Amish farms around Michigan. They have stands where they sell their pies (YUMMY) and other baked goods. I always stop and buy and chat. They are a charming people.

    Judy in MI

  10. Try not to worry. It's highly likely that they just didn't get a good scan. If they got a good scan and found something suspicious, they would not call you back for a second, they'd be calling you to the Onc. So it's very likely they botched the scan.

    But I do understand. Life after cancer is so frightening at times, and the worry can drive you batty. Hang in there. If you need an Ativan, just take it!!!!! :-)

    Judy in MI

  11. Wow Bud, you are blessed that you didn't get hurt or your bike damaged in that whirlwind. I've never heard of those before. We get tornados, which everyone knows what they are, but I didn't realize there were these mini tornados, called whirlwind. That's why I love the daily air, I get to learn about other parts of the world, and other cultures. So cool. Glad you are okay.

    Becky, I understand your frustration. The first frustration for me is getting those stupid plastic packs open. I swear that the manufacturer's dream up new ways to make it impossible for us to get the product out. I usually just find the biggest most robust pair of industrial scizzors I own and hack away. LOL!

    Our church had a giant yard sale this weekend. As a result, my husband was thrilled to get a free brand new wood chipper! It didn't sell, and since we invested time in it, they told us to just take it. Now, I'm not even sure what one does with one of these, but my man thinks it's the cats meow so that's good enough for me.

    I'm at volunteer work, but have to get home by noon. The cable guy is coming to repair the cables husband chopped, and get our TV back on. Yeah! And while he is working, I will head out to cast my vote for a new governor, senator, and a couple of house of rep seats. We need a big change in Michigan. Our state is almost bankrupt, and unemployment is still the 2nd highest in the USA. It's okay, it was number 1 for a long time, but still.....we need strong change.

    Supposed to be very humid today. But I see it's quite windy, which means more storms. That is a good thing.

    Well, have a good day all. It was so nice to see everyone writing in yesterday's Air.

    Judy in MI

  12. Becky that video is hilarious! Is that a German Short Hair. I have one of those only he isn't in the tree like that. Sooo funny! i think ruining dinner with ice cream is a delightful thing to do! Enjoy!

    Judy in MI

  13. Morning everyone,

    Thanks KW Judy. Yeah, keeping the air down and wearing lots of jackets. I did decide to try the medication 1/2 dose 3 times a day rather than full dose once a day. Maybe increasing the dosage will help.

    Bud, I mis-spoke. I do have a DVD, but do you think I could figure out how to use it? There I sat with 3 remotes, and was just confused. LOL!

    I'm at volunteer work all day and have a meeting this evening, so busy day for me! Actually have a busy week! Get TV back tomorrow! Yeah!

    Judy in MI

  14. Everyone else said what I would have said. So I just pray today is gentle for you as you remember your Dad. God bless you.

    Judy in MI

  15. It's 10:42pm....no TV.............we can't figure out how to make the DVR work for a rented movie. LOL! Old farts we are. So he went to bed, and I'm killing time here until sleepy time kicks in. The air conditioning got fixed yesterday. Had a mouse family in there getting comfy. They are gone now. Yes! A/C is back.

    Donny, I pray for comfort for you tonight. I pray for the lungs to heal and give you comfort.

    Eric, vegan Haggai? That sounds bizarre, but I love veggies, so I'd be willing to try it.

    I'm tired. Muscle spasms still harassing me. The medication is not working. This I know....these spasms are caused by being cold. I have the A/C in the car on 80 and I"m comfy. Any cooler than that and I have spasms. I can't believe the doctors can't find a correlation there. *sigh*

    Whatever...I will be fine.

    Judy in MI

  16. Randy, my heart goes out to you. *sigh* My losses were not a spouse, I can't imagine that. But my Mom, Dad and Sister were devastating, so I can only imagine your pain. Sending you a great big cyber (((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))

    Wishing bright days, and hope for you in your life now...as different as it is without her. ((((HUG)))))


    Judy in MI

  17. Hi there, I'm a bit confused by Hugz, versus Huggy. One joined this year and one joined two years ago? I assume you are both one in the same since you said they've been watching you for a while now.

    I will be honest in that surgery was very painful for me. However, the pain control methods they used kept me very comfortable. I had an epidural for two weeks while they got me up and walking. In fact, I was out walking the day of the surgery. It was amazing to me that they removed a lung and I was up and walking the same day.

    I did have some complications that kept me in the hospital for two weeks, but it is rare to have that. Stay positive. That is the best advice. The fact that you are a candidate for surgery is very good news. You should be fine.

    Judy in MI

  18. Up early too. The A/C guy is here working on the problem. Found out I can stream some videos on my lap top though with the air card, I get that pesky lag time for the show to catch up, which is totally not the same as watching TV. LOL! We don't watch a lot of TV, but I do like it on at night as we wind down for the day. Oh well....could be a lot worse.

    And it's not hot which is a blessing. It's humid and the air is heavy, but at least it's not 90 degrees out. So happy there too.

    I think I'll get dressed and take myself out for breakfast. Hubs is golfing, so I might as well just splurge and eat out, get my nails done, and waste some time.

    Judy, glad you are okay after falling out of bed! We have one of those high up beds too. Would not be good to fall out of. For sure.

    Well, have a good day folks.

    Judy in MI

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