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Posts posted by Joppette

  1. Ah Judy, sorry about your transportation troubles. Hope you get going soon.

    It's 92 here and miserable again. The humidity prohibits you from getting outside. It's just plain nasty. We are working in a food booth Friday and Saturday at a local festival, and I pray this front breaks up by then! I don't think I can spend 4 hours hawking hot dogs in this!

    Busy weekend coming up. We set up for the festival on Thursday, help set up again on Friday. We have a four shift on Saturday, then a graduation party for a nephew, and then a lake party with friends. Busy, busy, busy! And fun I hope!

    Judy in MI

  2. Hello Heather,

    Like the others, I welcome you to our world. Everyone has given you great advice already, so I won't repeat that, except to reiterate the thoughts about time lines.

    They just don't know. More and more of us are surviving and moving on to full productive lives. Don't focus on the time line, just focus on Dad, and make sure he knows how much you love him. We should all do that, cancer or not, but we don't always do that.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

  3. Ginny, I am also sorry about your friends. But statistics run more in favor of us getting cancer than not. In Michigan, 1 in 3 men will be diagnosed with cancer, and 2 in 4 women. Keeping that in mind, I am no longer in shock when someone tells me they have cancer. 3 of 7 in my immediate family died from cancer.

    As for the question, I hate it too. It's wrong. And I've learned through the others here how to educate them and not feel defensive.

    Judy in MI

  4. Good morning all!

    Bruce, I had to google where you are when you referenced the midnight sun. Wow, you are up there! Our favorite vacation place in the whole world is Alaska. We love Northern climates, and mother nature, and all it has to offer. How awesome and beautiful it must be where you are.

    Fireworks in the day light would be strange for sure!

    Well, here it is a normal Great Lakes humid, hot session. These usually last around 4 days and then the storms come and it's all lovely again. It's cloudy and hot, and not nice out, so we'll likely do something indoors today. Maybe a movie. It's nice to have hubby home on a Monday!

    Judy, sorry you missed the fireworks, but laughing with you on how you spent the night. Nice!

    Everyone take care today.

    Judy in MI

  5. Yes, these memories are what keeps Dad alive in your heart. Memories can be painful, but also comforting. The picture is an awesome picture with his silhouette back dropped by the fire. How appropriate for this man who loved pyrotechnics! Very nice sharing. Thank you.

    Judy in MI

  6. 1341.gif

    Judy, images are easy. Go to photobucket.com and find an image by searching for it. Then to the left is html code that you copy and paste between the . When you submit your entry a picture will be there!

    We had a lovely day yesterday. The fireworks were amazing, the company was great, and the temps were warm, but nice and breezy. Today however, it's beastly hot and humid. The hot is not so bad, but humid is nasty. I'm indoors, just finished watching a part of Wimbledon, and now watching golf. Staying cool. It will storm tonight and tomorrow. We'll cook up some steaks for dinner, and I made a cold pasta salad to go with it.

    Eric, enjoy that cocktail! Too early here for that. LOL! Randy, rest up! Judy enjoy the travels. Hope you get to see the fireworks! Everyone have a great day!

    Judy in MI

  7. Hi All,

    Gorgeous day with a beautiful breeze, going to be a good day on the boat. Our friends are bringing their two kids (pre-teen and teen), and those kids are so much fun. Looking forward to boating, munching, and a BBQ afterward. They are excited to watch fireworks from our backyard! Me too.

    Taking the puppy with us, for her first boat ride. Hope she's okay with it. It's always interesting to see how dogs adapt to this. Our other dog can't go on the boat, he gets all anxious and acts like he feels trapped, and whines the whole time. Not fun.

    Eric, sounds like quite the sports day for you! Don't know the conversion equation from your money to ours, so can't compare gas prices. Our gas is at $3.00 a gallon. I agree that we need bike friendly roads. Bud is right, the bike paths around here are on country roads and would not get someone to work through the metro area.

    K, got to go pack towels, and coolers, etc. See you later!

    Judy in MI

  8. Welcome here! You will find many supportive folks here that have gone through the journey you are going through, or that your husband is going through. I've been on both sides, I'm a survivor of 3 years, and my Mom died from lung cancer.

    This cancer thing is just a roller coaster for a while. Hang on, get inspiration and help here, share with us what's happening, ask questions, and all of that.

    Take care,

    Judy in MI

  9. th4thofjuly.gif

    Hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend in the US of A!!!!! For the others, same thing! Enjoy this beautiful summer.

    We are expecting warm temps, but nice weather overall which is nice. Hubs went to work today so I assume the flu incident is over now, so we'll go out tonight and eat somewhere with an outdoor patio. Tomorrow the lake next door to us has their fireworks, and they shoot them off a hill that overlooks our little lake. So we're going to friends home for BBQ and games, and then over to our home for the fireworks! Fun.

    On the 4th, we will probably put the boat in somewhere and tool around on that all day. It's supposed to storm on the 5th, so we're likely to hang out at home or go shopping to kill some time.

    Going to be nice.....hope you all enjoy too!

    Judy in MI

  10. Hey, I had to sound in on the bike thing. It is such a dangerous thing. In my area of the world, the government found money (no idea where, because Michigan is in rough shape financially), but it's county money. And they are installing bike paths everywhere in the County. They are beautiful, paved, and off the main drags. They have an engineering firm where a friend works, who his whole job is to contact the home owners, and get their permission for the bike path, and engineer it so it's pretty and not offensive to the home owner.

    It's really a cool initiative and it's great to see the bikers off to the side enjoying Mother Nature. It's nice.

    Judy in MI

  11. Wishing you the best on the upcoming 200K! You amaze me every day. Thank you for sharing what you are accomplishing, it makes me try harder to do more and encourages me.

    Another dreadful (LOL) gorgeous day here. Just loving this cool spate of weather.

    Hubs is home with the flu, so hoping he gets better quick. It's so unlike him to be sick. I made a lovely home made spaghetti dinner last night and he could not eat. He's lounging and watching tennis, trying to feel better. I'm also selfishly hoping I don't get it! Nasty stuff.

    Today is Gilda's Club day so I'll be heading out soon. Am mentoring an elderly woman with lung cancer, and it's been quite difficult as she is very confused by all of it. Makes me want to go with her to her Onc appointment to find out what is really going on. I'm doing the best I can with what I've got to work with.


    Have a wonderful rest of the day.

    Judy in MI

  12. Welcome here! I have not heard of this drug, but I'm not in the medical profession. Just wanted to welcome you here and wish you the best. Do check out the web link Katie left you. We have amazing doctors there that will know what you are talking about.

    Keep us posted on how you are doing!

    Judy in MI

  13. Good morning all!

    Ah, a nice chilly morning here! Got into the 50's last night. Love it. Windows open, hearing the birds chirp. Lovely. Supposed to get to 75 today. Love these cool days that insert themselves intermittently through out the hot summers.

    Well, I got my new Nissan Murano today. It's beautiful. Did discover some features that were on my Infinity that are not on the Nissan . No complaints though. Still a beautiful vehicle. Need to call Infinity and find out what the "turn back in" process is for my car that the lease is ending on.

    I have a nice, (needed) slow day today. No real things I need to get done. That is nice. New medication is making me sleepy, and am hoping after a few days that side effect will go away.

    Eric, had to go to Google to look up crockery and biccies, had no clue what you were talking about. LOL! Dishes and biscuits! Who would have known. Your minister is in for a treat!

    Judy, I can totally relate to the chemo brain. It still is not back to what it was, doubt it will ever return.

    Judy in MI

  14. Hello all! Beautiful day here! 68 degrees, and mild. No humidity! Yeah!

    Eric, God bless you for advocating for lung cancer. Yeah, it's not sexy, does not involve children, and yet....it's the #1 cancer killer of women now. So it does involve children in an in-direct way. Don't know the stats about men, but do know it surpassed breast cancer in women. If that's not cause for concern I don't know what is. Thank you for what you are doing.

    Can't wait to see your pictures! I still have to put the pics of my new dog on line, just have not made the time to do it.

    Well, I'm heading out for "work". Lots to do as we have two festivals we are participating in yet this month! Yikes. Lots to do to prepare for this.

    Have a good day everyone!

    Judy in MI

  15. Hey Judy in KW, looking forward to your update. Have fun. Enjoy. Life is short, and we need to appreciate what we have now! Seriously.

    The weather here is so spectacular I can not believe it. I love the cool nights. Had to put a robe on tonight, to warm me from the delightful chill. Love that to pieces. Low 70's tomorrow, and will love that even more.

    Enjoy the Grandkids....aren't they precious?

    Judy in MI

  16. Hello all,

    It's 80 here and the storms blew the humidity out! Yeah! Supposed to get down to 55 tonight after dark, can you say turn off the air and open the windows???? Hi of 70 tomorrow. Beautiful! Supposed to be nice moderate 70's, with cool nights until the weekend. Then rain coming back. Am going to love this week.

    Bud, congrats on finishing the race. Way to go! You should be very proud of yourself. Heidi it sounds like you had an awesome weekend. How fun! Katie, double BOO on the ticket. Man, he must have been having a bad day to give you a five over ticket. Mud on his face!!! LOL! Hope your meeting is fun tonight.

    I need to get home and let puppy out and then to the chiropractor to see if he can provide some relief for this back!

    Judy IN MI

  17. LOL Randy...was not a good day here. Pain was high, so forced to take Vicodin, which resulted in nausea. *sigh* Totally bums me out. Spent most of the day on the couch, with Hubs trying to make food to entice me to eat. Didn't eat much. Had to force myself to eat, and felt totally miserable. Took a Vicodin at 8:00 and again at 1:30 and then resorted to Ibuprofen. Enough of the narcotics!

    Puppy is fantastic. Weather was nasty today, with lots of pop up storms, but all is quiet now. We have a cold front coming in with highs in mid 70's and lows in the 50's!!!! Yeah. A/C off for a couple of days.

    Hoping to post better news soon.

    P.S. Don't fall and break your Sacrum bone. It hurts....A LOT!

    Judy in MI

  18. Hi All,

    Happy Saturday. It's hot and humid today. Woke up early, took puppy out to play, and then fed them, and flopped on the bed to play again, and woke up 4 hours later! Wow! Must have needed the sleep. Have to admit that the pain in my back with the fracture is quite severe. The vicodin knocks me out, so I hesitate to take it during the day, hate that tired feeling it gives me. But I'm okay.

    Hubby gets home from a fishing trip in 2 hours and the house is a mess, I have not showered yet, and he's just going to have to accept that. Donny, I know what you mean about the activities of so many here. I get tired just reading about it! But it does motivate me to keep trying and never give up.

    I love that.

    Judy in MI

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