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Posts posted by NellW

  1. Beth, Oh Yes, they should as Becky said , wait on you!

    I keep telling my grands that and they just haven't gotten it through their heads that I am old yet.. :D . At 57 they say I don't qualify.

    Oh well I do love em and their antics!

    Your life sounds like its getting very "real" again. Good for you!



  2. Dear Cheryl, I so hope you are already getting some peace of mind.

    I love Peggy's story bout her hubby, it is so encouraging to me.

    Hope it is to you also.

    I agree too with Bruce, Keep on fighting dear friend.

    And as Becky and Ry said, get some meds if you can.

    We all are right here and would all charter a bus to come to you if we

    could, like Gail said. Wouldn't that be a sight, but for now, here's our

    heartfelt thoughts and prayers.



  3. I pray this year brings us lots of advances in treatment and prevention!

    Bob is not well. He is in his recliner or sleeping 24/7.

    His wife Jo and I were talking this morning about the fact that

    he is not going out at all. I think the last time we got him to go out

    of the house is in the end of October.

    He is on Ox. but has a portable. His pain index is better in his L4-5

    since the 3 weeks of radiation which completed right before Christmas,

    but still is up and down some. He is still on duragesic 100mg. patche

    and motrin 600mg.

    He is wanting to stop the Lupron shots for the prostate cancer because

    of the side effects but the doc won't agree.

    There was a met to a bone in the pelvic area on his PET scan as well

    as the L4-5 ones.

    That has not been radiated as of yet, because there was no pain there.

    He sees the onc and the rad. onc on Tuesday and he is having lots

    of pain in the pelvic area now, and down his legs. He is convinced it

    is due to a pinched nerve, but his wife and I are very concerned.

    I know that most of you do not stay in your recliners for months on end, and we don't know whether to push him to go out or be more active.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Jo will be speaking with the oncs. on Tues. about the inactivity also.

    Sometimes it is so hard to know what to do.

    Love and prayers for all


  4. Joe,

    I agree that we are so blessed to have you. Hope you take a very short break! If I ever got this disease I would come to Minn. and find you, because you possess that wonderful quality of caring about the whole person, a hard thing to find. Please come back soon.



  5. Cheryl, I have been sitting here wishing I had magic words to say, but all I can come up with is you and Jack are very strong and champions in this fight, and I know you will fight on!

    I know what Ginny said about Earl must be a comfort, since his brain cont. to function pretty well, and also what all the rest have said about WBR and such.

    For me, I will be holding your hand and praying for strenght for you both in the battle.



  6. He was done with radiation about 3 weeks ago, and has been better pain wise but all of a sudden he is having horrible pain in his hip and down one leg. Jo is right now calling the onc. She didn''t know if that was what she should do but I did convince her they would want to know about new severe pain. He is on duragesic 100 patch and motrin 800.

    She says he looks awful today and seems to her to be detiorating all of a sudden almost overnight. Don't know what to think.



    I fell on the ice last night. Spent 6 hours in ER, got 2 CT scans and lots of xrays, 2 stitches in the back of my head, a big lump there, very very sore arm but not broken. Lots of blood, YUK.

    Also have a little concussion so I feel pretty crappy, but I am actually fine, wanted to ask for prayers for Bob.



  7. Hi Cindi, Nippy here too, but not quite that cold I don't believe! Hope you get good parking spaces and fast service at all the places you have to go, and that the pulm. can do something to help you stay off those nasty steroids!! I have CHF and I hate em a lot!

    Not taking any right now and hope like you to not take them again!



  8. Hip hip hurrraaaaayyyyyyy! Thank you Lord!!!!!

    What a good bit of news this is. Now maybe someone will get to the

    bottom of this whole thing for you.



  9. Hi Elaine, So glad to see your post!

    First of all, I want to join everyone else and say let us support you!

    We are happy to be here for you .

    Next, HURRAY, Gary has a new job!! Here's a prayer coming your way that it will be his best ever and that the insurance situation will be your best! As has already been said, it's your turn!

    So far so good on the results, and praying for more good news for you.

    And Peggy, I am right there with you on the s*it thing, Elaine has had more than her share!!!

    No more for her please!

    Love you K.


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