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cindi o'h

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Posts posted by cindi o'h

  1. Hi Kim..

    That is great news. So happy for you. Your mom's stage and mine are pretty much alike. Also, our treatments have been very similar. I am almost 2 years out from diagnosis. And I plan to be around for awhile longer....tell your mom that there is much hope.

    Cindi o'h

  2. Hi Terra,

    I think that Curtis has a very good explanation. Hopefully, she will already have been on the right combination. I can remember that I had CT's throughout the treatment, fortunately, we were right on track, and each time a new CT was taken, it was reinforcement that this method was working for me.

    Like Curtis said, if it is not working then they will switch to something else from their little black bag.

    Take care, and ask away, if you don't understand something, then there is probably someone here who will know.

    Cindi o'h

  3. Hi Paula,

    I am glad that your breathing has improved... I know that was a major concern. Of course your family will be in my prayers; as well as divine guidance for the hands of the surgeon.

    Your family is welcome here to vent or ask questions too.

    Cindi o'h

  4. Hi Gail.

    I am feeling for you.. I think the hardest stuff we surviors play is the waiting game. I am not very good at it. Others are better than me...

    The three months can't pass quickly enough.

    Well, I suspect I will see more of you around.

    Sorry your news was so ambiguous.

    Cindi o'h

  5. Amy, I am glad that you got there and get to be with him. It sounds as if the surgeon is sending tissue off to a pathologist. Prayers for your Dad's speedy recovery and that good news and good follow up care is prescribed.

    How is the baby holding up? I bet grandpa was happy to see him!

    Take care, and thanks for the update.

    Cindi o'h

  6. I was very ill with high liver enzymes once and appeared as a hepatitis, but it wasn't ABor C. I saw an internist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, but the one that calmed me down was the hepatologist... a member of the GI team who does only livers.

    Cindi o'h

  7. How about this one?

    Down by the river where nobody goes....

    There stood a woman without any clothes.

    Along came Johnny swingin' his chain,

    Zip! Zap! Zing! out it came.

    Three months later... all is well..

    Six months later, she began to swell...

    Nine months later, out it came...

    Another little Johnny....swingin' his chain.....

  8. Good questions... keep coming back. Try to keep her hydrated. With whatever she can tolerate. Sometimes room temperature juices are more appealing than cold. Herbal Tea. Water. Broths. Whatever she can keep down. If it appears she is becoming too dehydrated, you may have to take her in for IV fluids. Little sips here and little sips there all add up.

    Best wishes to you and your family.

    Cindi o'h

  9. All good answers above..

    Try to get the kids to help out with the household chores as they can.

    I modified my activities so that I could reserve energy and not get so pooped out. I sat to shower, moved slowly, dried off sitting down, rested in between pieces of clothing as I dressed. Didn't make the bed. Used the handrail to walk slowly up the stairs. Drank lots of water when I could remember. I bought those little dixie cups and evertime I was in the bathroom, it was a rule that I drink at least one of those. Same thing at the kitchen sink. Hydration and good nutrition are critical.

    Try to give it one more try. See how it goes.

    Good luck with everything...PS avoid alcohol mouthwashes...Biotene is a good one and a very soft toothbrush with a mild toothpaste.

  10. Boy, I tell you, it sure helps to be smart and proactive with your care...you are on the right track...keep at 'em. Sqeaky wheel gets the grease. I am sure glad that I am considered disabled... it is a full time job, on the phone setting app'ts, calling ahead for radiographs to be picked up, moved from one specialist to the next. One opinion, a slight opinion, an abivilent opinion.. pharmacy calls, waiting for refills, picking up pharmaceuticals,....

    Can you imagine if you were all alone and doing all of this while you were sick? And inexperienced.? I jump in there and Engage" when there is anyway to do it . I know that I have PITA written in my charts.... but I don't care. I am a living PITA. And that is what counts...PITA=pain in the neck.

    Don't let them get you down...you are doing a good job of learning how to move around the system and who will treat you right and who won't. It is a learn as you go. Hopefully, you can change things to your advantage..

    Thanks for posting. I am glad that I wasn't isolated in my experience..

    They say, Fight! This is part of the fight!

    Cindi o'h

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