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Posts posted by jamie

  1. Margaret,

    Like to mention that you share a name with my most favorite person who ever lived... My great grandma. When ever I hear the name Margaret I just smile thinking of her.

    Glad to hear about your shrinkage, hope everything keeps going so well!!!


  2. I want to thank everyone so much for their insight into all of this. Time and time again, i feel like i keep getting hit by a brick, and after recieving your posts, I feel better. I know that the doc, is probably being cautious, to not let us crash and burn if something dosent work out, but still. Im anxious to find out and scared too.

    CHLOESMOM....if you read this... PM me soon, im dying to know what you think of all this!!!!!

    Again, thank you and ill let you all know whats going on as soon as we figure it out.


  3. At least all you guys knew what you were looking at!! Me and My dad couldnt figure out what body part we were looking at after 3 ct's, and 3 PETs. We gave up after 1/2 hour. Said screw it, we'll wait.


  4. You would think the best thing to do would be to talk to your onc.,,, But I get it. My dads onc. is the same way. Dont think they realize how important it is to be clear, and informative. Press the doc. for answers!! You deserve to be informed. I think its good advive to requst all of your reports, slides, everything. Although when I saw my Dads stuff, I couldn't make heads from tails..

    Good Luck,


  5. Does anyone feel like they "know" everyone on this board???

    Whenever I get ANY kind of info from or about my Dad, I swear, I want to run home and tell you guys. I always have a million questions, and I dont go to my Dad's doc. apts., so you guys are my info line.

    My Dad always has me running back to you guys too for things (Although he thinks Im a weirdo for being on the internet talking to you guys in the first place). I keep trying to get him on to see for himself, but I guess he's just old fashioned, and likes to keep to himself.

    Just wondering if Im the message board addict or something....


  6. Bert...

    Waiting is the WORST!!! Im waiting myself right now, for some very importatnt tests for my Dad. As I am typing this I feel sick to my stomach. Very queesy. Try to keep busy, it will make it go by faster


  7. OK guys, here it goes....

    Last week, we were all on cloud nine...

    After being told from the beginning that my dad was operable...than not... then yes... ect...

    we thought we finally got a straight answer last week. Some of you guys probably read my post that my dad was going to go in for tumor removal by the end of the month. We were so glad. After chemo and radiation for 3 months, they did a PET scan, and found no cancer left in his lymphnodes! They reffered him to a surgeon, and told him to start preparing for surgery...

    He met with the surgeon yesterday and was knocked on his butt. The surgeon told him he highly doubts that he is operable, because it was "just a pet scan", and noone should have given him false info. or hope. He said my dad needs a biopsy on the lymph to say for sure. (Which we knew), but my dad's radiologist was so pleased with my dad's PET scan results, and said the biopsy was just to make sure. He was so convinced that surgery would be before June!!!

    The surgeon said that noone screwed up, its just a difference of opinion, and the biopsy is scheduled for next thurs., but here we are again at the bottom of the valley, when we were on cloud nine, just last week!!

    Why would this happen??? How could things get so screwed up???

    I wonder who is at fault here, the radiologist for getting us all excited, or the surgeon for being so negative. I guess we wont know for sure who's right or wrong until next week, but I feel so defeated. Just when I think we are so lucky, and so blessed, we get knocked back again...

    Does anyone know of a PET scan giving a false negative??? The surgeon seems to think it may have. (without doing any tests)

    What do you guys think about all this???

  8. Lois,

    My dad recieved radiation to his throat as a percaution, and he like you, couldnt swallow anything. He avoided any beverage with bubbles, or that was thick... (pretty much all he drank was water). As far as food, all he was able to eat was pound cake and rice. After finishing radiation, all his symptoms left, and he's back to normal. Just eat as much as you can, of what you can. You have to keep yourself healthy. Just take it slow, and try different things.

    Best of Luck


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