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Everything posted by DaveGr

  1. Sure wouldn't want to play "windshield washer" with that "person?????". I'd be afraid og getting a split lip.
  2. I would like to reference everyone to the following page at Urban Legends. http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/nogas.aspThis email has appeared every year since its origin in 1999. The only thing that has changed, is the date of the boycott, and that includes the effect on gas prices Please take time to read this page at Urban Legends and then bookmark http://www.snopes.com/ By checking Urban legends, when receiving email, such as this, will prevent all this "junk" from flooding the system.
  3. I will be making my 3rd survivor lap the first weekend in June in Baraboo, WI, as a lung cancer survivor.
  4. When a sunny day comes along and you are not sure what to do, here is something to keep you busy (a throw back to mid winter boredome) http://www.meph.eu.org/
  5. Just knew I had a reason for living in Wisconsin. Them Michigan women are tuff, too bad they don't allow them to play footbal then maybe Michigan could have a professional football team.
  6. Now I understand why David walks bowlegged.
  7. I never mentioned cheese in my reply. Read my lips: I mentioned SHEEP
  8. David A: Michigan is the wrong state for you. You should be living in Wyoming.
  9. After posting to this thread last night, I called Estelle, since I hadn't talked to her for a week. Tomorrow she gets the mold for radiation therapy fitted. She will start radiation on Monday. She sounds good and her spirits are up. I pray that the radiation will work. A brain stem tumor is tough, as we all know. She needs us in her corner, on our knees for her.
  10. Billie: I have to assume you are seeing Joan Schiller. She is my oncologist and is one of the best. Is this your first visit? UW has an excellent program for lung cancer. Let me know who your clinical research assistant is. I know all of them very well. You are in great hands.
  11. Estelle is not doing good. She has a brian stem tumor, along with some bone mets, and both lungs are now involved. She is still on Iressa, but is starting radiation for the brainstem tumor on Thursday. She really needs our prayers. I wish it could be better news. She used to work with my wife, so this is hitting close to home.
  12. Check with your onc about pain medication, or get a referral to the pain clinic. Most hospitals have pain clinics now. There is no reason for you to be living in and with pain when they can do something about it. My ribs still bother me from my surgery in Oct 2001 and Sept 2002. My onc has me on oxcontin and oxcodone, which help a lot. The only problem I have had with taking those meds, is that I didn't realize I had an ingrown toe nailuntil I noticed it was all red and puffy. I couldn't feel the pain. The foot doctor asked me if he could cut on it without giving me a local pain killer. I asked him what he has been sniffing. Sorry about the "rotten"humor. I hope laughing doesn't cause you anymore pain.
  13. Until now I didn't realize that I'm married to David A, as he annoys the shi_ out of me.
  14. Thanks guys. I thought you enjoy the pleasure of setting a "smartmeister" in place. He is pissed at me becuase I turned some more "lung cancer zealots" loose on him. I really (yeah, sure) feel sorry for the guy. A ggod friend of mine, who is a smoker, owns the local Dairy Queen. He went no smoking 6 months ago and he has increased his business by 30% since doing that. He said that any restuarant, or bar, that decides to keep allowing smoking will only lose business in the long term. For him it was just good business, even though he has to go outside to smoke. Of course, I told hime, it would now be a good time for him to quit smoking as well. Thanks for the response. I'm going to leave this guy alone now and let him think his website is helping the world.
  15. Who says I'm old. My dog will nibble your ankles off in a heartbeat.
  16. When I was stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, in San Antonio, I found that Texans actually invented hip boots. There is definitely a need for hip boots in Texas, because the BS is so deep.
  17. Aw Becky and Ry: You're just a few people who missed the train when it left Michigan headed to Wisconsin. David never was on the train to begin with. I consider you two and members of your family very loyal friends and also honorary cheeseheads.
  18. Connie: You were and still are, my lung cancer mentor. You taught more than anyone else about this disease and how to survive. Now it is almost 3 years, and when we first talked, I wasn't going to give a "plug nickel" that I would still be alive today. When I went to Stage IV, last year, I remembered that there was someone who has been through much more than I have been through, and is still alive to talk about it. You gave me the inspiration as I went through the chemo last summer. You taught me that one never walks alone with lung cancer. You continue to inspire and you haven't gone off on your own over the years. You have stayed around to help others and I know from personal experience, that you have gone that extra step for many people. Hey, what's another 9 years. 3288 days, that's what it is. That means you will help another 3288 people and make another 3288 friends along the way. Think you can remember all the names
  19. Dave Hitt has his facts all wrong about smoking and secondary smoke. It would be interesting to see what he thinks once 1000+ people load his mail box with the truth. Please vist the above site read over what he says are facts, then set him straight. I have sent 3 emails referencing my sources such as ALCASE, the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, the National Cancer Institute, University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center, and other websites and organizations. His email to me tells me that all the scientists and the above organizations are all wrong and he has the truth about smoking, and has yet to offer references. I personally believe we have over 1000 references right here at this site, who would love to set this guy straight. Lets load his email box and then see what he thinks.
  20. Wisconsin sends all its manure to the upper Pennisula, dumps off there and lets it flow into the lower pennisula. I have always found it interesting that Michigan is the only state in that most of its population has gone to Hell, out of curiosity.
  21. Oh, did I get the news wrong. Then it must be that you ordered cheeseheads for everyone who is a member of LCSC.
  22. I would be receptive to a table for LCSC. Whoever would take charge of that please contact me at dgrant@merr.com
  23. Yesterday I received a commitment from Jan Healy of ALCASE that they will be present at the Golf Outing July 16. A table will be aside for them. It is hoped that all you golfers will put together teams of survivors and/or family members and come out to support the cause of lung cancer research. Information and entriy forms can be obtained by emailing me at dgrant@merr.com I can also send information on hotels/motels in the Baraboo/Wisconsin Dells area. Every hole will have an event so every one has the opportunity to win something. There will also be a silent auction follwoing the Pig Roast Dinner. The dinner is included in the $100 entry fee to golf, however, for you non-golfers, the dinner is $25. I also am in need of volunteers to work on the golf course monitoring hole events and acting as trail guides for the golfers. I will also accept donations to the cause. Proceeds will benefit Lung Cancer Research under the direction of Dr. Joan Schiller, University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center. email me at dgrant@merr.com
  24. You can also call ALCASE at 800-298-2436. They will send you an information packet about lung cancer. Included with the packet is a plastic lung cancer ribbon. I wear mine all the time and get many questions about the ribbon and am asked what it stands for. Also should you go to http://www.alcase.org you find Stories of Hope, references to all kinds of lung cancer supportive literature, list of lung cancer activities and events, information about women and lung cancer. Also there is another group, which is devoted enitrely to women and lung cancer, called WOMEN AGAINST LUNG CANCER and they have a website www.4walc.org . Also, if you wish, send me, by email at: dgrant@merr.com your address and I will gladly send you a ribbon, as I have a supply for the upcoming lung cancer golf outing on July 16, in Baraboo, WI. Baraboo is located approximately 45 miles north of Madison, WI, and 15 miles south of Wisconsin Dells. Funds raised from the golf outing will benefit lung cancer research under the direction of Dr. Joan Schiller, at the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center, Madison, WI. If anyone wishes for an entry form please email me at the above email address and I will send one snail mail. Entries are due by July 2 and are limited to the first 160 people. A pig roast will follow the event. There will also be a silent action. The goal is to raise $15,000 for lung cancer research. Hope this information helps and also shows that many of us are out here working for the cause.
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