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Posts posted by patut

  1. I enjoyed reading your post. Very picturesque. It made me curious to check your profile, and I see you are a bus driver. Are you still able to drive? My hubbie is a substitute school bus driver and is hoping to be able to work at it again soon. My best to you.

  2. Wonderful story Sean and thanks so much for sharing it. My hubbie is a high school assistant soccer coach who is now once again able to drive himself to some practices and games. This is what keeps him going. I am happy your Dad could walk so far that day. It's amazing what we can do if we really want to. You created a wonderful experience and memory for both you and your dad.

  3. Bill, my hubbie is on Iressa. He was put on two other chemos first, we only did what the onc suggested. After the first chemos failed she asked if he wanted to try Iressa. There was no issue with our insurance co, all went smoothly in that department.

    Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

  4. Hi Lisa. My husband is 66 years old, smoked for 43 years and quit one year before he was diagnosed. He tell me he thinks "he knows what he did to himself". I must add though that several in his family had various types of cancers.


  5. I realize now that the best words my hubbie's onc said to us when I tried to ask her what was going to happen were: "We wait and see…we wait and see". She made me realize that none of us really know what is going to happen with all the new meds coming out, etc.

    Thank you for coming aboard and learning along with us as well as sharing what you already know.

    Cyndy H.

  6. Just need to tell all who post how much I appreciate your responses to the many folks who post messages here. Your personalities start to show through as I keep reading and I am truly in awe. I want to thank all of you. What a wonderful 'family' has developed here.


  7. Charolette, my hubbie suffered with hiccups/spasms for a while and it even prevented him from eating sometimes. He was given pills for it which did help, but made him sleepy. If you do a search on this site under hiccups you will find more information on it too.

    Best wishes,


  8. Was just told they found mets in my husbands small intestine where he had his bowl obstruction, as well as two on the liver. Anyone else go through that, and if so, could you share your treatment with me? He has been doing so well and found to be stable in the lung while using Iressa, that this is a big shock to us both. He is still in the hospital recovering from his operation on the intestine. :cry:

  9. Deruo, I want to let you know we went through much the same thing. My husband had two bronchoscopies that both showed no cancer, but our radiologist knew better based on my husbands symptoms and then ordered a needle biopsy into the the tumor which was right outside his lung. I live on the very northern border of NYS, just below you, and we too wondered about our treatment at first. You can read his bio at the bottom and see how he is doing. So hang in there, enjoy the beautiful day we seem to be having today - looks like fall is coming, doesn't it?


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